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M t. Vernon Local News
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Mr. F. M. Mcßae has returned
from a visit to Atlanta.
Mrs. N. D. Cobb spent Sunday
and Monday with relatives in Dublin.
—Cabbage Plants, Onion Sets, Flow
er Bulbs, and all sorts of seeds at
Oconee Pharmacy, Mt. Vernon.
Mrs. J. E. Mcßae has returned
from a visit to relatives in Macon.
Mr. D. A. Lanier left a few days
ago for a week’s visit to Albany and
other points in Southwest Georgia.
Mrs. James A. Stacey returned
Sunday evening from a visit to rela
tives at Sandersville.
—Coming, one day only, Dr. O. J.
Baggarly, Optometrist of Atlanta, and
will be at Mt. Vernon Drug Co. all
day. If your glasses need changing
don’t fail to see him Friday, Octo
ber 27th.
—Choice Fulghum Seed Oats, 75c
per bushel. See T. B. Conner, Mt.
Vernon, Ga.
Mrs. W. H. Adamson, who has
spent the summer at Abbeville, S. C.,
has returned home.
Mr. Frank Williams, teaching at
Springhill, spent last Sabbath with
relatives in-Mt. Vernon.
Mr. Chas. A. Abt left Tuesday
evening for a trip to Nashville, Tenn.,
and other points.
Savannah, Ga., will make liberal ad
vances on consignments of cotton. 9-28
Mr. William Myers is visiting the
family of Mr. F. M. Mcßae south
of Mt. Vernon. He is a brother of
Mrs. Mcßae.
The Woman’s Auxiliary meets at the
home of Mrs. C. C. McAllister on
Tuesday, October 24th. Do not miss
this meeting.
—COTTON— Ample storage capaci
ty at reasonable rates and liberal ad
vances on consignments in any quan
tity, for prompt sale or to be held, of
fered by Battey & Co., the substan
tial cotton factors of Savannah, Ga.
1 Saves Time and Money; also your Battery,
i Ten Minutes Against Two Days. A saving on the |
I Charge of Rental Cost. Preserves the Plates. |
Drive up and Get Battery Service.
j MASON’S STORE, Ailey, Oa. f
| Agents for Montgomery County (Except Town of Uvalda) |
<■ ** 1' ■!■ ■!■» 4- <l\ <V <V '!■ *** **** ** * ********** »» * * ♦******|
1 School Supplies j
| A full Line of All Texl Books for Ihe |
I Grammar Grades I
1 Tablets, Composition Books, Examination, Theme +
* and in fact everything necessary to equip a student |
| for the school room, and at pre-war prices. J
# T
! Flowering Bulbs Direct from the East |
| “They Grow Better” i
J >
% Leave us your Kodak Films to be ::
I developed and finished. Our work ..
I guaranteed.
j Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
♦ “The Old Reliable” ;;
X '
Z+< * i'll m i ****** t ♦ >»>■>»»■*■♦♦
ttft •{•‘i'Tfl'Tt
Mr. G. V. Mason has recently in
stalled a sawmill in connection with
his shingle mill, located near the old
ferry on the Oconee river west of
Mt. Vernon.
—For best results ship your cotton
to the old reliable Cotton Factors,
vannah, Ga. 9-28
Judge J. C. McAllister and little
grand-son, Master Charles Hicks, are
this week attending the Southeastern
Fair in Atlanta.
—ls you are in doubt about your
eyes, call and see Dr. O. J. Bag
garly of Atlanta at Mt. Vernon Drug
Co., Mt. Vernon. He will make a
careful examination of your eyes and
fit you with proper glasses, Friday,
October 27th, one day only.
Col. Richard D. Meader, a promi
nent attorney of Brunswick, spent last
Wednesday in Mt. Vernon on busi
ness. A man of scholarly bearing
and progressive spirit, Mr. Meader
is a gentleman of pleasing personali
ty and Mt. Vernon friends will look
forward to his return to our city.
f■ i ■
—BATTEY & CO., the large and re
liable cotton factors of Savannah, Ga..
offer a service that combines long and
successful experience, expert sales
manship and financial soundness.
Miss Annie Johnson of Longpond,
Montgomery county, and Mr. C. S.
Burns of Barnesville were married
at the latter point one day last week.
During th present week they have
; been visiting relatives at Longpond,
but will make their home in Atlanta,
where Mr. Burns holds a responsible
position with the Central of Georgia
1 Railway.
The bride is a daughter of Mrs.
Alexander Johnson, and a very popu
lar young lady. For several years
: she has been teaching. She is admir
-1 ed by a large circle of friends, by
’ reason of her charm and grace.
Fulghum oats and Blue Stem seed
• wheat for sale. Price right.
Ailey, Ga.
B.=P. /. Notesl
Grammar School Department.
The grammar school department of
the B. P. I. has an enrollment of 136,
with a very good average attendance.
As a usual thing the children are
very p'rompt, considering the distance
they must come, but w«f shall not be j
satisfied until our record is as nearly
perfect as we can make it.
We expect ('written excuses from
tardy and absent pupils upon their
return to school. This us to
know just what the children are do
ing and where there were only a few
cases of attempted truancy last year,
and I believe with vigilance on our
part we can avoid truancy altogether.
In grading the children this year
we are using the grades as printed
on the report cards, with in-between
gjrades designated by an x or plus
sign. The children understand and
can explain. These cards are distrib
uted on Thursday following the end
of the school month.
Come to see us; we are always giad
to have friends call.
First Grade.
The first grade began school with a
large enrollment. The first month we
made, a very good record. A few of
us were absent, but we didn t have
a single tardy mark. We want to do
this well every month.
Second and Third Grades.
The enrollment for the second and !
third grades is 38 at present. During
the month of September only one was
tardy. The regular attendance is all
very good.
Generally speaking, the work is sat
isfactory indeed. The pupils are stu
dious and seem eager to do their
work well.
Fourth Grade.
The fourth grade began school with
a verv good record. In the first month
we had only four absentees and a
very / few tardy marks. We are in
terested in our work and especially
in planning a Robinson Crusoe Sand
Fifth Grade.
The fifth grade has an enrollment
of 17, ten girls and seven boys. The
class has been divided into two sec
tions, each given a name, and contest
ing. In this way we have been do
i ing some interesting work. The side
that loses enteraints the winners in
some way.
Five of our number are taking spe
cials. We expect to hear from these
girls in the future. ,
The patrons of our class are invited
to visit us at any time and inspect
. our work.
Sixth Grade.
The sixth grade has an enrollment
of 24. Most every one is interested
and we are planning to do a good
year’s work.
Seventh Grade Boya. ,
The seventh grade boys are building
i window boxes for the school rooms.
| If you have any short pieces of lum
[ ber, one inch by eight inches, about
! thirty or more inches long, and have
! no use for it, we will appreciate your
j letting us have it. Just notify us and
! we will call for it.
I The girls begin sewing next week,
i We do not have time for this as we
[ need, but some sewing and wood work
[ must be done in the school room to
[ make our school a number one school.
•;< **********
* ******* *** ♦ **** *
Miss Camilla Brown of Sandersville
spent Sunday night with her sister,
Miss Marie Brown, at Mrs. H. D.
Lee’s. Miss Brown is to teach at Al
ston the coming year.
Miss Elizabeth Lee spent a few
days of this week in West Point,
the guest of her brother, whose mar
riage occurred Tuesday.
Mrs. E. O. Dickson spent' the last
week-end in Forsyth, the guest of her
sister, Miss Lillian Conner, a student
at Bessie Tift.
Miss Alice Cummings, a member of
the B. P. I. faculty, spent the week
end in Savannah, the guest of rela
tives. She also attended services held
by the noted evangelist, Gypsy Smith,
while there.
Miss Mary Mac Mann and sister,
Miss Ruth, spent last wee’'-end at
their home near Uvalda.
The Ailey W. M. U. of the Bap
tist church met at the home ot Mrs.
M. L. Stephens to pack a box for the
orphans home at Hapevjle. Eigh
teen members were present and thir
ty-one garments were packed in the
box, valued at $21.80, After the sew
ing hour, hot chocolate and crackers
[ were served and a pleasant social
| half-hour was spent.
For Infants and Children
; In Use For Over 30 Years
; "”**■"*
I- Signature of 44
Thursday, October 19, 1922.
Miss Emma Mcßride and Mr.
Hobson Wells, popular young people
of the Hack Branch community
in Montgomery county, were happily
married Sunday afternoon at the home
of the bride, Rev. F. Rauschenberg
of the Presbyterian church officia
ting. The ceremony was witnessed
by only the members of the immedi
ate families, and the happy young
couple left immediately for a trip to
Brunswick, Darien and other points
on the coast.
The bride is the eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Mcßride, and
is admired by a large circle of friends.
The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Wells, and is a young man of
After their return they will be at
home to their friends in Mt. Vernon.
On Monday, October 9th, the Four
Square Club of Ailey was entertain
ed at the lovely home of the Misses
Peterson, in their usual charming man
ner. After being served punch, the
guests were ushered to the porch,
which was attractivel with its pot
flowers and hanging baskets.
Rook was played during the even
ing, after which a delightful salad
course was served.
The guests included Mesdames E. O.
Dickson, A. M. Gates, N. D. Cobb,
J. If. Peterson, H. S. Riddle, F. M.
Harris, and Weathers, Misses Douglas,
Burkhalter, Rrown, Lee, McAllister,
Ranew, Combiss, Currie, Mann, and
The club will tjieet on next Mon
day at four o’clock at the home of
Miss Elizabeth Lee on the Hill.
A , A ,t. A A .f. .♦.
'*• V vVW ™i T » ♦ TYtVW*r“V“
Monday morning the Taryrtown
High School began its second week,
with a full corps of teachers.
Prof. McMillan of Monroe, is the
principal, and Misses Gladys ana Mar
tha Sheppard of Dexter, Msis Lee of
Metter and Miss tMahel Burns of
Tarrytown are assistant.
There are 175 on the roll and more
. are expect to come. We are antici
pating the best term, in the history
of our school.
Mrs. Nannie Peddy and son, Bu
, ford, of Kite spent Monday night in
our town, the guests of M. E. Burns
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Branch of
Roqjcledge were the week-end guests
of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. O. Calhoun.
Mr. W. B. Cadle was a business
visitor to Swainsboro Monday.
Col. A. C. SafTold of Vidalia was
here Monday.
Miss Mabel Sumner of Wrightsville
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. H.
McOahee, this week.
Rev. T. J. Rarnett of Dublin de
. livered an interesting sermon at the
. Baptist church Sunday, both morning
and evening.
The family of Mr. Bartow Calhoun
left Tuesday for Augusta, where they
, will join him. he having preceded them
to that point several weeks ago.
, Mrsess. Jordan and John Waters of
Towns were the week-end guests of
Mr. J. M. Phillips.
Messrs. M. E. Burns and W. R.
Cadle and Misses Zelrfia Rurns and
Tone Waller attended the Daniell As
sociation in Lyons Wednesday.
Mrs. Allie Smith spent Saturday
night and Sunday with her sister,
Mrs. Ella Graham.
We are sorry to hear of the illness
of Mr. Idus Jones, but hope he will
be out in a few days.
Mr. Lee Howell of near Wrights
vflle is spending some time with his
son, Mr. L. C. Howell.
The school teachers at Charlotte are
Mjss Millie Elliott and Mrs. Man
ning of near Mt. Vernon.
Miss Onola Smith spent Sunday af
ternoon with Miss Emma Poole.
Mr. Ed L. Smith spent Sunday
with Mr. Chester Poole at Towns
Bluff. Ferry.
Mr. A. C. Poole and Mr. G. W.
Dykes went possum hunting Tuesday
nighty and caught two fine ones.
Miss Lois Cason spent Saturday af
ternoon with Mrs. W. T. Harrison.
Fulghum se'.d oats, bright and clean
and free frotti smut, 75c per bushel
f- o. b. Alston, Ga.
Uvalda, Ga.
11 ~
Piles Cared In 6 to 14 Days
,'pfond money I* PAZO OINTME.Hf talk
• f U'e llet)In?,. Blind. BVHin:; or Protnidin* Pli*
nr r icli- os )i vik.(t HHc-v. lio.l you can fi.r
o us.-i th» *k,.t acnUaation.
Sheriff’* Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon, on the first Tues
day in November, 1922, between the
legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
der for cash, certain property of
which the following is a complete des
cription :
About two hundred bushels of corn
in the shuck, located in the barn on
place known as the Dave Foutain
farm, in said county; also about three
hundred hales of peavine and grass
hay in bales, and being in said barn.
Said property levied on and will be
sold as the property* of D. A. Foun
tain and Eliza Fountain to satisfy a
fi fa issued from the superior court of
said county in favor of St. Louis
Lightning Rod Co. vs E. A. Fountain
and D. A. Fountain. Written notice
of levy given in terms of the law.
This the 10th day of October, 1922.
E. F.. BURCH, Sheriff.
L. C. Underwood, Atty., for Plaint.
Sheriff’* Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon, on the first Tues
day in November, 1922, between the
legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
der for cash, certain property of
which the following is a complete des
cription :
Lot No. 3 in block No. 13 in the'
town of Alston, Ga., said county and
state, levied on and will he sold as
the property of T.ittie F,. Clifton to
satisfy a fi fa in favor of the State
of Georgia and county of Montgomery
againsnt said T.ittie F,. Clifton for
state and county taxes for the year
1920. Written notice of levy given
in terms of the law. This October
2nd, 1922.
E. E. BURCH, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon, on the first Tues
day in November, 1922, between the
legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
der for cash, certain property /of
which the following is a complete des
cription :
One hale of short staple cotton in
warehouse at Tarrytown, Ga., said
county, and numbered 3022. Also
about 1000 pounds of seed cotton at
■ place of H. IT. Adams. Levied on
and will be sold as the property of
• 11. IT. Adams to satisfy a fi fa issued
i from the city court of Treutlen coun
i ty, February term, 1921, in favor of
W. L. D. Raekley vs U. T. Allen
and H. H. Adams. Levy made and
! returned to me by O. E. Burch, Dep
uty Sheriff. Written notice of levy
given in terms of the law. This the
i 2nd day of October, 1922.
V E. E. BURCH, Sheriff.
Sheriff’* Sale.
• Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court bouse
door in Mt. Vernon, on the first Tues
• day in November, 1922, between tne
• legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
; der for cash, certain property of
which the following is a complete des
i cription:
r 1 bale of short staple cotton weighing
l about 500 pounds. Also the seed out
of said bale of cotton. Also all cot
s ton in the field owned by James
f Hicks. Levied on and will be sold as
the property of James Hicks to satisfy
, a fi fa issued from the February term,
I 1922, of Montgomery Superior Court
. in favor of International Agricultural
Corp., vs James Hicks. Levy made,
and returned to me by O. E. Burch,
Deputy Sheriff. Written notice of
’ levy given in terms of the law. This
• October 2nd, 1922.
F. E. BURCH, Sheriff.
1 Sheriff’* Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in said county on the first Tues
day in November, 1922, between the
legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
der for rash, all tha, 'certain tract or
parcel of land situate, lying and be
ing in the 1343rd G. M. District of
said county and in the Town of Mt.
Vernon, said tract fronting 100 feet on
lots No. 1 and No. 2 and running hack
east an even width to a line between
said tract an I land of J. C. McAllis
ter, bounded north by lands of Mrs.
G. V. Mason, east by lands of C.
McAllister, south by L. C. Underwood
and west by lots Nos. 1 and 2, former
ly owned by 11. W. Connell, said land
levied on as the property of H. W.
Connell to satisfy an execution issued
on the 9th day of August, 1922, from
the Superior Court of said county in
favor of International Harvester Co.
against H. W Connell. Written no
i tice given defendant this 2nd day of
I October, 1922.
E. E. BURCH. Sheriff
Genuine Fulghum Seed Oats for
sale. J. M. D. McGREGOR,
12-14-3 m. Ailey, Georgia.
Sheriff’* Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in November, 1922, between the
legal hours of sale, to the highest
bidder for cash, certain property of
which the following is a complete
All that tract or parcel of land sit
uate, lying and being in the 275th G.
M District of Montgomery county,
Georgia, containing sixty-two and
three-fourths acres, more or less, and
bounded as follows: North by lands
of Charles Sharpe, east by Joe Bird,
south and southwest by E. Wilkes and
M. L. Currie, and west and north
west by H. H. Johnson and Walker
lands, as will appear by reference to
plat of the same made by S. B. Mor
ris, County Surveyor of Montgomery
County, Georgia, and appearing of re
cord in the office of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Montgomery county,
Georgia, in Deed hook No. 25, folio
89. Said property levied on as the
property of Andrew Jackson to satisfy
a fi fa issued from the August term,
1921, of Montgomery Superior Court
in favor of the Southern States Phos
phate and Eertiliezr Co., vs Andrew
Jackson. Pointed out for levy by the
plaintiff in fi fa and found in pos
session of defendant. Written notice
of levy given in terms of the law.
This 2nd day of October, 1922.
E. E. BURCTT, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in November, 1922, between the
legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
der for cash, certain property of which
the following is a complete description:
All of lots No. 2 and No. 1 in
block No. 8 each of said lots fronting
100 feet on Station street an dextend
ing hark two hundred feet, in the
Town of Charlotte, Ga. Also lots No.
5 and 6 in block 8, said lots fronting
on Brooks avenue 100 feet and run
ning hack from said avenue 200 feet.
Also Irtt No. 1 in block No. 6, said lot
fronting on the right-of-way of the
Ga. & Fla. Ry. 50 feet and extending
hack from said right-of-way 100 feet
along Station avenue. All of said
property being in the town of Char
lotte, and in the 275th G. M. District
of Montgomery county, Georgia, and
being the same property conveyed to
W. F,. Adams by D. S. Mosley on
September 22, 1913, as shown by deed
recorded in Deed hook No. 19, page ,
459, of the tecords of the Clerk’s of
fice of Superior Court of Montgomery
county, Georgia. Levied on and will
he sold as the property of W. E. Ad
ams to satisfy an execution issued
from the Superior Court of said coun
ty in favor of South Georgia Fertili
zer Co. vs W. E. Adams, L. S. Ad
ams and J. R. Adams. In possession
of W. E. Adams and written notice
of levy given in terms of the law.
This 2nd day of October, 1922.
E. E. BURCII, Sheriff.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
.]. F. Darby, administrator of the
estate of Mary V. McQueen, repre
sents to the court in his petition, duly
filed and entered on record, that he
has fblly administered Mary V. Mc-
Queen’s estate. This, therefore, is to
rite all persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause, if any they
ran, why said administrator should not
he discharged from his administration
and receive letters of dismission on
the first Monday in November, 1922,
J. C. McALLISTER, Ordinary.
— 7 • w*!
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To Mrs. Eliza Stephens, W. T.
Stephens, C. R. Stephens, Mrs. E
J. Dixon, Mrs. 11. C. Mathews, Mr*.
V. L. Belcher, Mrs. A. S. Watkin*,
Mrs. E. N. Wicker, Mrs. Carlo*
Fortner, Mr. James Fortner, Miss
Mamie Fortner, Miss Sallie Fortner,
and Miss Lavera Fortner, heirs at law
of W. 11. H. Stephens, late of said
county, deceased: You are hereby re
quired to appear at the next term of
the Court of Ordinary for said county,
to be held on the first Monday in No
vember, 1922, to show cause, If any
you have, why a settlement of the es
tate of Ri<- said W. H. IT. Stephens,,
on the petition for such by the Admin
istrator thereof, should not he granted..
This the 4th day of October, 1922.
J. C. McALLISTER, Ordinary:
I w* be at the following places on
the (fates named for the purpose of
roUsctinir state and county taxes:
Mt Vernon, Oct. 7, 9 to 3
Uvalda, Oct. 9,1 to 3.
Oct. 10, 9 to IF.
McGregor, Oct. 10, 11:30 to 12:30.
Ailey, Oct. 10, 1 to 3.
Kibbee, Oct. 11, 9 to 12.
Tarry ton, Oct. 11, 1 to 3.
H. C. DAVIS, T. C.