The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, November 02, 1922, Image 2
P\or\tgorr\ory lAor\itor. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. OFFICIAL uWOA.s MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Knt- i- <1 at th> Pimtofflce in Mt. Vernon. Oa. as Second-Class Mail Matter, H. B. IOLSOW, Owner ami Associate SV^r 1 " Lessees am) Publishers. s'*s° * Year, Advance. CHARLES ABT / i lvorti •‘•in••nt• omxt in . u j*My In p i tin s lvarice, at the legal rate, and as the law n hand not late) than W morning of the Brat week of inaertioo Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, Nov. 2, 1922. Bold Example of New County Craze. The new county craze still hangs as a nightmare over Geor gia, and unless the people of an enlightened state wake up and assert their rights, the common wealth will be literally riddled, | so great is the demand for speci-J al benefits at the expense and. ruination of established munici- ( palities. No Georgia county is J too large to be cumbersome, or ' where any great number of peo- | pie are greatly inconvenienced by removal from county seats; improved roads solved this prob lem several years ago, but the problem of satisfying ambitious towns seeking county seat privi leges and special benefits lo its land owners remains to be solved by the voice of the people at th< bollot box, and the sooner this is done the better for the material welfare of Georgia. In passing a new’ county bill, the Legislature simply refers th< matter of amending the state constitution to the people, and in former years the people, either in respect to the proposed law or in deference to those yelling j and pleading, buying and barter-j ing or by other means seeking! special benefits, agree by their i ballots to any scheme that a few dollars and a lot of gall may hatch up, and another county is j set up. Possibly half of the new j counties created in Georgia with-! in the past few years are not self-sustaining. The records in > the office of the comptroller-gen eral will show this, whether the | new county citizens admit this;, many of them are free to express I their regrets that they ever spent time and money on anew county. Generally speaking, the crea tion of a new county is a com mercial enterprise, in which the pockets of the promoters are drained before the object of their craze is obtained; and likewise a a well-fed gang of professional lobbyists systematically and ruth lessly incre.i-ee their ill-gotten gains. New counties are bought, and even if the General Assem bly of Georgia from year to year keeps up the practice of parceling territory from one section to an other. is no reason why the peo ple of thestate should agree to it. Let the people say no, by ar ranging their ballots at the No vember election so that they will I* THE HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 1 ARE CONSTANT | Hut no Need ’of tlio home is more & important than something to supply till' table. To this call we make reatl\ response by referring you to our superb line of Fresh and Cured Meats ® Fresh Fish and Oysters & I*' and Table Delicacies Bread deceived Daily. See us for the (5: things that satisfy the taste | SANITARY HARKET | | I s. s Bush MT. VERNON, GA. «| read, “against” amendinh the state constitution for the benefit of this town or that town. As already stated, the people do not have to agree to every fool thing the Assembly may do, just to please Tom, Dick or Har ry. Every time a new county | bill is advertised, the State of j Georgia is called upon to pay the expense, amounting to several thousand dollars. Stop this graft on the state treasury, by putting an end to the reckless new coun ty rot. The people should con sult their own rights before vot ing for any scheme to rob the state and at the same time rob one section for another. The blood of any reasonable minded man should boil with in dignation at the thought of the process by which new county schemes are put through. Surely the people have never dreamed of the diabolical plan by which the average new county is passed by the General Assembly—both literally and figuratively sold to the highest bidder, in one form or another—and with no relief in sight, it remains for the peo ple, the tax payers of the state, to exercise their opposition to such criminality and inconsisten cy. The citizens and property own ers of Forty Valley, a thrifty town in the northwest part of Houston county, years ago con ceived the idea of surrounding themselves with a new county, county seat privileges, etc., re gardless of the fact that their whim, if ratified by the people of Georgia, would practically ruin the old county. Authentic figures show that Peach county, if made, would take the majority of the population, registered vo ters and a million dollars over half of the tax values of Houston county, leaving the majority of the people in Houston county ne groes. The actual figures show that this movement would leave Houston county a white popula tion of 32119, and a negro popula tion of Thus -more than twice as many negroes. Think of it! Clip o!f the cream of Houston county and give it to Fort Valley, simply because they want it, or because they, having the most desirable part of the county and are able to raise peaches in that section? THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR. MT. VERNON, GEORGIA. I Georgia peaches are already fa mous, and certainly it would be a foolish thing to ruin Houston county in order to pay a tribute to the peach, and incidentally add a few dollars to the pockets of the the peach growers around Fort Valley, simply because they are clamoring for it, and in direct injury to Houston county. Houston county, like scores of other Georgia counties, was well and fittingly named, and any movement to disrupt this famous old county, as in the case of oth ers which have met such a fate, is a sacrilege. Sentiment does not demand it. John Houston’s memory will be desecrated and an injustice done the people of that county if the new county scheme is agreed to by the people by the people on November 7th. Singular, that this bill was de feated by the committee on amendments /to the oonstitution in the House of 1921 eighteen to ten, and then this summer placed on the calendar for passage, having been reconsidered after a lapse of twelve months. The bill passed by a margin of one vote, and that after some of the mercenary transactions relative to its development had been ex posed and plainly set before the House of Representatives. Montgomery is today heavily in debt as a result of losing over two-thirds of its territory to the formation of new counties, and surely her people will take enough interest in thd fate of a sister county to go to its rescue while the’knife is raised over it. But, after all, not so much for Hous ton county as for Georgia, whose legislatures have long since de veloped an unsavory reputation for new county bartering. Only last year the promoters of one of the recently created new counties openly offered to yield the county seat to another town in that county if the citizens would re pay them a certain sum of money which they had spent in the cre ation of that certain county. The full story cannot be told, without revelations of a most un savory nature, figured in by men whose honor should not allow them to participate in methods as Questionable as have charac terized the new county projects of Georgia since 1905. The peo ple of the state can save Houston county, and in saving it in a measure redeem the name of Georgia, as well as put an end to a very grave leak in the state treasury, if they vote against the creation of Peach county at the polls November 7th. Bethel News Mesdames Sallie Dees and C. Graham were shopping in Vi dalia Saturday. Bro. Ralph Griffin is to fill his regular appointment here next Saturday and Sunday. All are cordially invited to come and be with us. Miss Beatrice Moore visited Mrs. Make Morris Tuesday. Mrs. John Newsome, who lives near Center church, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Morris. Mrs. S. L Morris and little daughter. Mildred, visited Mrs. Make Morris Thursday. Farmers of this section are very busy now making syrup. The cane crop is an unusually short one this year. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bacon and little daughter. Lucille, have moved to Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Graham, Mrs. Sallie Dees and Miss Nettie Graham were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Make Morris Saturday eve ning. Mrs. Mathala Graham, who has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. T. L. Beckum at Charlotte, has returned home. Mrs. Sallie Dees is planning to spend the week-end at Glenwood visiting relatives. Mr. M. H. Darley, who has been sick for some time, is not improving. Mrs. Make Morris, who has 1 been sick so long, is improving since her return from Park View ! Sanitarium. I The Set of the Sails 1 “One ship drives east, and another west 8 With the self same winds that blow; g \ 'Tis the set of the sails H And not the gales, S Which decides the way we go.”—Anon. Jg Are you drifting with the wind, or have you got your sails set S for a goal? It is easy to drift with the wind or tide, but it takes will * and energy to reach a goal. ~ We can take advantage of the gale if we set our sails of energy, a . determination and thrift. And though we may be tossed about by reverses g and discouragement, each one we overcome will make us just that much 8£ stronger and better equipped to surmount the next obstacle. Sj Are you getting ahead financially, or are you drifting with the wind? There is no half way measure, for if you are not getting ahead you are falling back every day you let pass without increasing your 33 resources. Sf We feel an interest in you and want to see you get ahead. Set your fi* sails and let us help you reach the goal It is our purpose to give vou the g 3 I very best there is in banking, to give you all the encouragement possible jw and assist you in every way we can. The Mount I Vernon Bank 1 Officer of Bank Officer of Bank Officer of Bank W. T. MCARTHUR D. A. McRAE W. A. PETERSON g President Vice-President Cashier § H. L. WILT, Assistant Cashier g Sheriff’* Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in said county on the first Tues day in November, 1922, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash, all tha. certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and be ing in the 1343rd G. M. District of said county and in the Town of Mt. Vernor., said tract fronting 100 feet on lots No. 1 and No. 2 and running back east an even width to a line between said tract an l land of J. C. McAllis ter, bounded north by lands of Mrs. G. V. Mason, east by lands of C. McAllister, south by L. C. Underwood and west by lots Nos. 1 and 2, former ly owned by H. W. Connell, said land levied on as the property of H. W. Connell to satisfy an execution issued on the 9th day of August, 1922, from the Superior Court of said county in favor of International Harvester Co. against H. W. Connell. Written no tice given defendant this 2nd day of October, T 922. F„ E. BURCH, Sheriff. Sheriff’* Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house ■ ■door in Mt. Vernon, on the first Tues- j day in November, 1922, between the I legal hours of sale, to the highest bid- | der for cash, certain property of which the following is a complete des cription : One bale of short staple cotton in i warehouse at Tarrytown, Ga., sai-d j county, and numbered 3022. Also' about 1000 pounds of seed cotton at place of H. H. Adams. Levied on [ and will be sold as the property of | H. H. Adams to satisfy a fi fa issued j from the city court of Treutlen coun- | ty, February term, 1921, in favor of W. L. D. Rackley vs U. T. Allen and H. H. Adams. Levy made and returned to me by O. E. Burch, Dep uty Sheriff. Written notice of levy' given in terms of the law. This the 2nd day of October, 1922. E. E. BURCH, Sheriff. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of Pain in the Stomach and ! Bowels. Intestinal Cramp Colic. Diarrhoea - SOLD EVERYWHERE - YOU KF } K IJWITEt) . put my Store tO the when in Need of I fcS I Dependable nerchandise at Satisfactory Prices J. M. DAVIS UVALOA, GA. MgM«QgfflgßihiirMiTm mi" ui him m—bw—^— VTTTVTTTVTTTTVTTTVTVTTVVTT mTfTTf»TWTmTTfyf?Tf» 4 £ A STITCH IN TIME : ► Sounds like sewing, but it is not. 3 ► It is to remind you to have your « l Blacksmith and Repair Work « ► done by the man who does it right and 3 ► Living Prices. H. H. JOHNSON • ► MOUNT VERNON, GA. 3 ► AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ilUtAtUliliiltlltiilll MILLER TIRES Nationally Known for Their Superb Quality FULL FORD EQUIPMENT FOUR TIRES S4O GAS . GREASES . OILS ■ SERVICE See the New Miller Wedge Tread and Get Prices on Our Entire Line DIXIE FILLING STATION i Located at Corner Railroad Avenue and Aighway MT. VERNON