The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, November 02, 1922, Image 5
PROPER CARE OF SWEET POTATOES A Careful Treatment During Harvesting Saves From Later Decay. Sweet potatoes should not be handled roughly, as the least bruise or break in the skin of the potato provides an opportunity for the entrance of decay germs, j Second, it is desirable that the 1 soil be comparatively dry at the. time of digging, and warm, clear weather is best for the proper handling of the crop. A regular turn plow with the moldboard removed to avoid cov ering the potatoes as tney are thrown out is often used in dig ging the crop. This implement is usually provided with coulters on the beam which cut the vines ahead of the plow. However, many growers who must harvest large acreages in the crop, use special potato diggers, which are provided with two rolling coulters that cut the vines on each side of the hill, and iron rods projecting from the moldboard which free the potatoes from the soil. The potatoes should be allow ed to dry, and then gathered directly from the row into pad ded baskets and hauled to the curing and storage plant. It is a bad idea to throw several rows of potatoes together, as they become bruised. They should not be ex posed to the sun long and should not be left out over night. While on the subject of potato digging, it will not be amiss to state that the selection of seed for the next year’s crop should be done in the field at harvest time. In this way the grower can get some idea of the vine growth, the yield per hill, and the relative size and shape of {farm LOANS! \\ Easy Terms 0 I Prompt Service 0 WtIW>MMtWIWWWIMWW»>MIWI»MMIMWWW»**W*>WWW 5? R, 8.-HUTCHBSON | MT. VERNON. GA. 0 IAILEY . DRUG . CO, | The Drug Store fills a very im portant place in any thrifty community. Ours is even more than this —it is j| a Real Necesssity !§ DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES | I GARDEN SEEDS, CANDIES I I I STATIONERY, SOFT DRINKS | § CALL ON US DAY OR NIGHT. WE ARE IN BUSINESS TO SERVE AND SATISFY I AILEY DRUG CO. | AILEY, GA. Tarry town. Mr. W. B. Cadle and children and Miss Narcie Cartwright at tended the Tri-State Exposition | in Savannah last week. Miss Alva Lee, a member of I the Tarry town school faculty, spent last week-end at her home in Metter. Mr. A. L. Wheeler made a business trip to Macon Monday. Mrs. Frank Stephens and chil dren of Valdosta are visiting rel latives here this week. J Mrs Ann Walden of Donovan is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Pittman this week. Messrs. Jas E Boyd and Haw kins Horne motored over to Vi dalia Monday. Messrs. D. 0. Vance and Ev erett Calhoun attended the Fair in Savannah last week. Miss Velma Phillips, who is attending school at Douglas, is visiting homefolks this week Messrs. Paul Calhoun, Cecil Cooper, Prof. McMillan and Du ren Burns were movie visitors Saturday evening. Those on the sick list this week week are Mrs. Lizzie Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Pittman, Little Ray Calhoun, Miss Inez Craw ford and Lyman Burns. —BATTEY & CO., the large and re liable cotton factors of Savannah, Ga., offer a service that combines long and successful experience, expert sales the potatoes. He should select only medium-sized, well-shaped, and matured potatoes from pro ductive hills free from disease. Potatoes from vine cuttings are very desirable for seed, as the danger of transmitting disease from the plant bed to the field is lessened.—Progressive Farmer. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR, MT. VERNON, GEORGIA. Glenwood High School Opened Monday, Oct. 30. The Glenwood High School opened Monday with an atten dance of nearly two hundred pupils, under the supervision of Prof. Reid of Eaton ton. Miss Dorcas Mcßae of Mt. Ver non and Miss Ethel Moses of Uvalda are members of the facul ty. Mrs. L. V. Mitchell, who, before her marriage, taught the McGregor school, is also a mem ber of the faculty. She will be recalled as Miss Vina Hooper. Mr. Mitchell is connected with the general mercantile business of Mrs. Clayton Browning, and they have been residing in Glen wood for several months. Another Montgomery county lady, Miss Gladys Thompson, of Higgston, is teaching in the school at Glenwood. The school is of the consolidated type, and is now on a very progressive ba sis. Jurors Drawn for November Court. The following grand and tra verse jurors have been drawn to serve at the November term of Montgomery Superior Court: Grand Jurors J C Cliftou A H Mclntyre C A Mason Herman Mcßride C H Calhoun F Lee Mcßae T J Mcßae D A Mcßae E J Wells, Sr M Wilkes C C Warnock John D Taylor J T Warnock W G McDonald H J Wright C A Rackley H H McAllister W L Calhoun, Si C E Poore W A Conaway B A Conner J B Brown W T McArthur, Jr H B Folsom Henry A Johnson F Gibbs W H Mason T C McArthui Traverse Jurors- Ist Week L W Beckurn B L Morsis Jos Hilton Chas Allmond T B Conner W O Wolfe Arthur Calhoun J P M >ses J A Sharpe J L Adams E F McGahee John Blount Joe Minton Geo S Blaxton W A Johnson J C Brewton A D Hughes A J Dickey M L Sthpheus D G Warnock M H Sharpe B F Hamilton M A Rico P H Daniels W D Peterson F E Dixon C L Jones O M Poole B F Hart G J Barfield J H McCaw A P Mclntyre C M Morris J B Brogden W A Conner, Jr J A Palmer A L Adams W H Dixon A Q Simpson S A McCaw B S Warnock Julian H Peterson Chas Frizzelle J A Memory H F Smith Dean Brantley Traverse Jurors —2nd Week E O Dickson N L Spooner G W Hamilton J T Counei S V Hicks M il Dariey Owen Tharpe Angus McLeod J W Adams J K McDonald H G Wardlaw J R Carr T W Morns A C Mosley W L Stephens W B Mathius C L Calhoun Peter Johnson, Jr C H Collins J II McArthui H W Jackson F E Wardlaw R L Morris W J Peterson J M D McGregor M L Mclta* J R Kitchens F E Long S S Calhoun J I Fountain S A Johnson A J Braddy M 'I 1 McAllister WT McArthur Si J Q Palmer Homer Johnson B J O’Conner W B McArthui R J Boyd, Sr L C Mcßae J M Phillips S J Clarl D W Folsom H F Cowan C R Conaway J W Ray J B Conner K M Johnson S L Morris L M Whitaker E C McAllister C R Allmond H G Walker M P Mcßride W O Sharpe A G Morris A C Wilha .T N McDonald M S Conner C G Thompson B S Beaty J W Wardlaw M J Brantley N P Moore U W BiggerstafT Martin McQueen J D Langford T B Peterson C C McAllister, Jr J W Ely Theodore Sharpe H V Rogers L T Johnson I M Morris J Carl Adams Frank H Sharpe Lewis Adams Oris A Conner Angus Morris B R Suooks / FARM LOANS 1 X Quick Action Low Interest Lowest Commissions J. E. Hall or N. L. Giilia, Jr., Soperton, Ua. I ATLANTA TRUST CO. I Atlanta, Georgia ****************** ********************** * % % Oconee Pharmacy! * (Tl>e Drug Store Around the Corner) % * * \ 1 DOZIER & GAY HIGH-GRADE \ % !| PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS, TO I I * * 1 * ! PARKER and DUNN FOUNTAIN PENS I ! KEITH AND HY-TONE STATIONERY I * * These Standard Pens appeal to the individual who wants £- jh ||^ an article that can be depended on for Constant Service + l PRESCRIPTIONS J # Accurately Compounded From #- * * Pure, Fresh Drugs £ * COMPLETE LINE CHOICE TOILET ARTICLES I * * No matter how exacting your taste may he, jit s' there is something in our assortment that will J please your taste, and at reasonable figures * * I OCONEE PHARMACY f * H. H. Morrison, Prop. Mt. Vernon £ * * Poplar Head News. Our school is progressing nice ly, although there are a few ab sent on account of sickness. Hope they will soon be back in school again. Mrs. Russ Conaway was the guest of Mrs. G. W. Palmer Mon day afternoon. Mr. G. E. West and his son, Hilton, made a business trip to Vidalia Saturday. Miss Atlas Braddy was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Lum Col lins, Tuesday night- Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Braddy were shopping in Soperton Sat urday. Miss Hattie Mae Beasley was the guest of Miss Elmer Warnock Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lum Collins were shopping in Vidaiia Friday. Mr. C. H Collins made a busi ness trip to Tarrytown and So perton Monday. A large crowd attended the cane grinding at Mr. P. H. Col lins' Tuesday night- Quite a crowd attended church and Sunday school at Kibbee, Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs- H. A- Braddy and family were the guests of Mr. G- E. West and family Sun day afternoon. —For best results ship your cotton to the old reliable Cotton Factors, i THE JOHN FLANNERY CO., Sa-! vannah, Ga. 9 J 28 [ THE CITY MARKET < Is the Place to Get at All Times j y the Most G H O I C E 4 [ Fresh Meats, Fish and Oysters J * STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES < ► Our Service and Standard of Quality are Recognized 4 ► by a Constantly Growing Patronage. Free i Delivery—the Instant Kind—that Pleases W. A. SMITH MT. VERNON In supporting the county paper, you get more than value received. * [makls’emlay] I Egg Mash Produces Eggs and the Hens Like it i j Put up in Large Size Packages and Sold at Agreeable Prices. Try it I DRY GOODS and FANCY GROCERIES jj For lack of room, we cannot carry an extensive stock, hut run strong on VARIETY AND QUALITY If not a customer, come in and join the | I satisfied people who buy from us McCrimmon’s Store MT. VERNON, GA.