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Letter Consolation to Bereaved Family.
Savannah, Ga.,
Nov. 23, 1922.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Johnson and
Dear Cousins—
With much regret I learned of
the trouble you all have had re
cently, and at the greatest of my
sorrow I read of Johnnie’s death
in the Savannah papers several |
week’s ago. Last Sunday’s Morn
ing News carried a picture of
Johnnie and the girl he was to
I clipped out two or three and
lam sending you one. It is very
much like dear Johnnie and I did
not know if you all had one of
his pictures out of the paper or
not. The young lady’s picture
is beautiful.
With a heart of agony I read
of Johnnie’s death and my eyes
filled with tears. I thought of
the times we use to play together
with my younger brother, Wil
liam, and Dewey Crosby at Hel
ena. Then too, again, I thought
of the time Johnnie and I would
go to Mcßae and as he would
chew tobacco so I would take a
chew with him and it would make
me dreadfully sick. And yet,j
again, I think of the times we
would be together at Uvalda.
But he is more in my memory—
the last time I saw him—at the
blacksmith shop, when I was in
Uvalda the time my brother
Tom’s baby died. The day I
went to leave I talked with John
nie a long while at the back door
of the shop. He said he was
coming to Savannah and stay two
or three days with me. How well
I remember the last words he
said to me. I always loved John-!
nie from the beginning and I
shall always hold him in my
memory for the hours I spent
with him ever as a jewel of price
less worth. He shall never be
You all have my heart’s sym
pathy, and I trust that you all t
will be consoled with the conso
lation that “Johnnie is at rest,’’
for he was a good boy. And
again you can find joy in the
thought and fact that your boy
gave his life to save his father.
Remember the Bible says,
“Greater love hath no man than 1
I this that a man lay down his life]
I for his friend.” And Johnnie
laid down his life for the protec
tion of his father.
If I should have been nearer I
would have stayed beside John
nie until the last—for I loved
him. He was my cousin and
friend and I was his.
Let us live so that when our
summons comes from on High |
that we will be together with alii
Christ’s Redeemed, and let us be:
like Johnnie, ready to sacrifice
all we have for the protection of
father, mother, sister, brother,
relatives or friends—and Johnnie
did that. He gave all that he
might protect those nearest and
dearest to him. He was faithful
to the end. God bless his mem
ory and give you all peace, com
fort and protection. I am as
, Johnnie’s Friend and Cousin,
Johnnie A Sharpe,
124 W. Liberty St.,
Savannah, Ga.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery Comity.
Will be sold bofore-the court bouse
door iri Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., 1923, between the legal
| hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion •
I One certain bay mare mule, about
fourteen hands high and weighing
about one thousand pounds and be
ing about eight years old. Le-vied
on and will be sold as the property
Lena Webb to satisfy a fi fa issued
from the superior court of Toombs
county in favor of The Citizens Hank
of Vkialia vs Lena Webb, J. A. Me-
Leodjand W. \V. Phillips and by said
plaintiff transferred to J. A. McLeod.
Property in possession «>f
1 Webb and a bond taken for same.
Levy made and returned to trie by
O. E. Burch, deputy, and written
notice given. This tlie sth day of
December, 1922 •
E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
By virtue of an order hereto
fore granted by the Ordinary of
said county, the undersigned will
sell at public outcry on the first
Tuesday in January. 1923, before
the court house door in said coun- |
I ty between the legal hours of
sale to the highest bidder for
cash the following described real
I estate, to-wit:
i All that tract of land situate,
lying and being in the Kibbee-Ti-!
ger District G. M. of said county
bounded north by land of Mrs.
Eliza A. Stephens; east by land
of O. 0. Hamilton; south by land
of J. Palmer, Mason and Braddy
and others and west by land of
E. S. Adams, containing 234
i acres, more or less. Reference
j being had to a plat of the said
land made by S. B. Morris, sur
i veyor on the 21st day of October,
1922. Said land will be sold as
the property of W. H. H. Ste
phens, late of said county, de
ceased, for the purpose of paying
debts and distribution among
the heirs at law. This the 2nd
day of December, 1922.
J. W. Stephens, Administrator.
Card of Thanks.
The many expressions of kind
ness and sympathy shown by so
many during the illness and death
of my wife arouses my hearty
appreciation and I take this
method of expressing to all my
heartfelt thanks for the same.
Such expressions of kindness and
sympathy at such times never
fail to lessen the sorrows of be- j
reavement. J. M. Davis,
Uvalda, Ga., Dec. 4th, 1922.
Cabbage Plants.
Jersey Wakefield, Charleston
Wakefield and Succession Cab
bage Plants. Ready to be set. j
On sale at Sanitary Market, Mt.
Vernon. H. A. Johnson,
1121 Mt. Vernon.
Tax Collector’s
Last Round
I will he at the following places
to collect State and County Tax
es for the year 1922 on the dates
named below.
Longpond, Dec. 12, 9. to 10 a.m
Charlotte, 12, 10:30 to 12:30 p.m.
; Uvalda, 12, 1 to 3 p.m.
i Sharpe Spur, 13, 9 a.m. to 12 m.
! Alston, 13, 1 p.m to 3 p.m.
Higgston, 14, 9 to 11 a.m.
McGregor. 14, 11:30 to 12:30 p.m.
Alley, 14, 1 to 3 p.m.
Tiger Creek, 15, 10 a.m. to 12 m.
Kibbee. 15, 1 to 3 p.m
i Mt. Vernon. 16, 12 m.
Tarry town, 18, 9 a.m. to 3p. m.
Mt. Vernon, 19 and 20, when
books will close.
Be sure and meet me on above
dates. Yours very truly,
H. C, Davis, T. C.
| “Feelinj |
1 Fine!” §
*'l was pale and thin, hardly (®|)
/r$L able to go,” taya Mrs. Bessie
i Bearden, of Central, S. C. “1
® would suffer, when 1 stood on (gp
(jfik my feet, with bearing-down
Jr pains in my sides and the lower Yr
©y part of my body. 1 did not rest ®
M, well and didn’t want anything
Jir to eat. My color was bad and
'fp I felt miserable. A friend of CJI
mine told me of
1 The Woman’s Tonic I
jar and I then remembered my Wp
I oSj> mother used to take it.. . After
gjfL the first bottle I was better. 1
W began to fleshen up and I re- fg
m) gamed my strength and good,
M healthy color. lam feeling fine. JC
w I took twelve bottles (of Cardui)
t <m and haven’t had a bit of trouble L±
X since."
'W Thousands of other women
(m have had similar experiences in ®
M the use of Cardui, which has
& brought relief where other &
medicines had failed. (gy
a Hf you suffer from female all- gk
-0 ments, take Cardui. It is a W
!m woman's medicine. It may be (jp
a J iat what you need.
W At your druggist's or dealer's, w
1 l
rwv v vv vv vw vv v v v v wysrvy ws
I Is the Placq to Get at All Times
P> the Most CHOICE 4
IL 4
E Fresh Meats, Fish and Oysters j
jj* Our Service and Standard of Quality are Recognized j
f by a Constantly Growing Patronage. Free
f Delivery—the Instant Kind—that Pleases
In supporting the county paper, jou
get more than value received.
1 I $50,000 on hand jj
This amount, to be Loaned in this j &
section on Well Located Real Estate O
Loans Closed in 24 Hours \ \
if security ample and titles good.
No Delay. See me if you want l $
money on either Farm or City Prop- l)
erty. Also have some Real Bargains *
in Farm and City Property ibr Sale.
Loans and Real Estate s a
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