Newspaper Page Text
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Mrs. S. C. Rycroft of Warwick |
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A.
M.* Gates, at Brewton-Parker.
Mrs. May Calhoun has been
quite ill for the past week.
Miss Eva Conner, teaching at
Miiltown, spent the Thanksgiv
ing period at home. She was ac
companied by Miss Clyde Fer
rell and Dr. Spence.
High-Grade Fertilizers for
Sale. Stock oh hand in Mt. Ver
non at all times.
Henry A. Johnson.
Prof. W. M. McLaurine and
daughter, Miss Cleopatra Me-:
Laurin*-. of Atlanta, spent the)
past week with relatives at Ailey! j
Mr. McLaurine, a former citizen j
of Ailey, has for several years!
been connected with the exten
sion work of the Georgia Tech,
and is a valuable man on the
staff of that great institution.
Mr. W. A. Smith, who has
been quite ill for the past month,
is now able to be out.
Mr. Carson Mason and family
of Lyons spent Thanksgiving
with the family of the former’s
Mr. Chas. A. Mason.
Mrs. T. E. Fowler and children
of Macon have returned after a
visit with the family of Mr. Gto.
Vy’, McCrimmon.
Mrs. S. A. Lynn and children
of Lyon- ;i re visiting the family
of Mrs. Margaret Abt.
Mr. C. M. Morris of Glennvilje
spent, the week with relatives
and friends in Montgomery coun
Misses Fisher, Brown, and Mr. |
Bill Currie of Alston were guests j
of Miss Marie Brown Sunday.
Mrs. Lanier and daughter of I
Dublin wore the Thanksgiving
guests of Mr. Walter Lanier of !
the 15.-P. 1. faculty.
. Col. J. Wade Johnson is in Sa
vannah on business.
The Montgomery County Teach- j
ers will hold their December
meeting on Saturday, the ninth,
at the court house in. Mount Ver-j
non. The programme printed!
sometime ago will be followed. *
’ft-*-***-*'* 4!'#%'%*%^*^%#********’*%*^*'>*
! - ''oncC I
l Bargains in Used Ford *
s Cars for Quick Sale t
* v *
* | B M w m \ aamwmummmummmtmamtm *
5 One 1022 Touring Car - - - $225.00 i
* *
J One 1018 louring Car - 75.00 J
One 1018 l ouring Car - - - 00.(K) %
* £
J One 1018 Touring Car - - 75.00 J
One 4020 Coupe - - - 225.00 %
t ' *
dr £
% Come in and Look These Over *
* |
# ?!
Ford and Fordson Dealers
Mi . The . J. Mcßae and chil
dren from Mcßae drove over to i
spend a f' w hours with relatives!
here one afternoon last week.
Mr. Alice Hicks is visiting l
friends in Dublin this week.
Four mules for sale.
Mt. Vernon Bank.
Liquid Wax Dressing for
, Fioi.rr. For sale by Dixie Fill
ing Station, Mt. Vernon.
Texas Home Lubricant Oil,
free from acid and will not gum
or corrode. Prevents rust on;
o , tools and machinery and
Mi.--t -I surfaces. For sale by Dix
{■ tiling station. 1130
t , c| .ickly relieves Colds and
I. ;'i p, if, Constipation, Bilious
ness and Headaches.
Velvet Beans wanted. Best
P o Paid. Mt. Vernon Mer
cantile Co. 1123
Mrs. It. W. Brown of Sanders
villi- is tin; guest of her daugh
r, Miss Marie Brown, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Lee.
Sheri fT Sale.
. .i in Miiiitgi>mi i i , ,y ('iJunly.
Will lie noM liHoit tin- court houHt*
In I ill .Ml. Vntlloll III! Ills 111-fit Tues
lay i'i Jim., IliCli. between the legal
lioni - ..I' Kill'-, lo the lilgneat biddui
for• i-,, €■<■ i'tnin property, of which
lie lollnvviiig is a -oinpleto (lencrip-
I ion:
Thirty acres of land carved
from o tract, of land situate, ly
in'- and In-in!' in the 17315 t G. M.
ills! net of said comity, and bound
M-d ns follows: North hv lands of
< irady Phillips, east by lands of
Mathew I’hiliips, south by lands
of Toney Phillips and west by
on ils ol the Margaret Mosley es
;ato and west by lands of Boston
I Diiril- a Levied on and will be
■do a the property of Mathew
Phillip to satisfy a tax li fa is
,u- I by 11. G. Duvis tax collector, |
va Mat hew Phillips for state and
count.;, taxes for the year 1920. i
l.'*vv made and returned to me
by II 11. Adams, L. C., and writ
i ton mdice of levy given in-terms
of the law. This the sth dsy of
Dec 4ii her, 1922, li. li. Burch,
I iili;tnan oats and Blue Stem seed
! wheat sot sale. Price right.
Ailey, Ga.
Nacoochee Institute
Suffers Heavy Loss.
The loss of the domestic science
building and music studio of
Nacoochee Institute November 16
j means a severe blow to the school
jat this season of the year, one
| hundred and ten cords qf wood
; having been destroyed, together
with the pump house, where the
fire originated. The fire at once
put the pumping plant out of
commission, and water was car
ried from nearby springs, and it
appears that the other buildings
escaped only through Providen
tial changes in the wind during
the progress of the fire.
All of the buildings of the
school plant are of wood con
struction, and while the burned
structure was insured, it hut em
phasizes the need of permanent,
fireproof buildings throughout
the campus. Several years ago
one of the buildings was burned.
Only two coal furnaces are in
use at the school, and for the
greater part the rooms are heat
ed by wood. With their winter
supply destroyed, the school at
once began a campaign for a
truck with which to haul wood
from a large sawmill four miles
distant, and where a supply was
offered the school.
A Mrs. Phillips, member of
First Presbyterian church, At
lanta, gave the school a new
Ford Truck, and one of the boys
went down for it. Returning to
Nacoochee Thanksgiving even
ing, the new truck, greatly prized
for its usefulness at this critical
period, seemed to fit into the
Thanksgiving service in progress,
and it is now running on full
time. Mrs. Phillips will ever be
hailed as a friend of Nacoochee
l is a Prescription for Colds, Fe
. ver and LaGrippe. It’s the most
speedy remedy we know, prevent
ing Pneumonia.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
Tarry town.
Misses .Johnnie Ricks and Ruby
Moore of Adrian were week-end
visitors to Mrs. F. M. Simons.
Miss lonne Waller spent the
week end with Misses Martha and
Gladys Sheppard at Dexter.
Mrs. S. B. Simons and children
of Vidalia were guests of Mrs. J.
M. Phillips Tuesday.
Mr. J. T. W'arnock was a busi.
ness visitor to Macon Monday.
Mrs Jacob Beckworth and j
children spent Sunday with Col.
Lightfoot in Adrian.
Mr. Edgar Simons and son,
Wilbur, are on the sick list this
week. We hope for their early
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Simons and
children, James and Sarah, and
Mis 3 Bertie Mae Adams spent
Sunday in Adrian, guests of Mrs.
Simons’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Rowan Ricks. N
Messrs. W. L. and Arnold Cal
houn, W. B. Cadle and M. E.
Burns made a business *rip to
Mt. Vernon Tuesday.
Miss Clara Mae Hobbs of Lo
thair spent Sunday with her uncle
and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. Chas. R.
May Cash War Stamps
For Government Bonds.
During the war the govern
ment offered war savings stamps,
paying about 4 per cent as a
method of saving for people of
small means. Since the war,
and to take the place of war
savings stamps, the Government
offered Treasury savings certifi
cates in denominations of $25,
SIOO and SI,OOO, now sold to in
vestors at $20.50, SB2 and SB2O,
respectively. They pay 4 per
cent if held until maturity, five
years from the date of issue.
About $625,000,000 of War Sav
inps Stamps, series of 1918, be
come due January Ist, 1923, and
the Government now offers to
issue Treasury savings certificates
in exchange for them, affording
the owners an opportunity to con
tinue a investment with
good interest. Saving has bur
nished the life blood for many
nations and insures prosperity to
tie people. The Government is
doing everything possible to en
courage saving in the United
States by offering sound and at
tractive securities for the invest
ment of small sums. If you want
to save, and insure your future,
it would pay you to investigate
Uncle Sam’s Savings System.
Notice to Public.
At a meeting of the Board of
Directors of the Mount Vernon
Bank, held in the offices of said
bank on December the 6th, 1922,
the following resolution was of
fered and unanimously adopted:
Whereas, Section 3 of Article
1 of The Banking Laws of Geor
gia as enacted by the General
Assembly August 16th, 1919, re
quires that a branch bank shall
be operated as branches, and un
der the name of the parent bank
Resolved, That, effective Jan
ary Ist, 1923, the name of The
Commercial Bank. Uvalda, Ga.,
a branch of the Mt. Vernon
Bank, be changed in conform
ance with said act to rend “The
Mount Vernon Bank, Uvalda
The above is a correct trans
| cript from the minutes of a meet
ing of the Board of Directors of
|The Mt. Vernon Bank.
W. A. Peterson,
Cashier Mt. Vernon Bank.
1 have just unloaded
at niv barn in Ailey
a ear of nice young
Tennessee mules, and
1 am ottering for sale
or exchange. Prices
8135 upward.
For Leave to Sell.
State ot Georgia—Montgomery j
To Whom it May Concern :
Notice is hereby given that j
Louis Roberson and M B. Cal-j
I houn as administrators of the es-[
! tate of C. H Peter on, deceased, l
have applied to me 'by petition j
! for leave to sell the following |
real estate belonging: to thees-i
tate of the said G. H. Peterson, j
deceased, to-wit: [
One lot of land situated, lying
and being in the Town ot rioper
ton. originally Montgomery but,
now Treutlen county, Georgia,
which said lot fronts fifty (50) !
feet on Main Street and runs back i
South a distance of one hundred
(100) feet, add being bounded on
the North by Main Street; east
by lands of W. T. McCrimmon ;
south by lands of Mrs. Lillie M.
Williams and west by Second
Street, together with, the perpetu
al right to join a twelve inch brick
wall running along the easr. side
of said lot, the same being 15 feet
high and 100 feet long, and also
the perpetual right to join th I
twelve inch brick wall running
along the south side of said lot,
the same being 15 Let high and
and 50 feet long and that an or
der was made thereon at the De
cember term, 1022, of the court of
ordinary of said county for cita
tion, and that citation issue. All
the heirs at law and creditors of
the said (). H. Peterson’deceased,
will take notice that i will pass i
upon said application at the fan- j
uary Term, 1928, of . the court of
ordinary of Montgomery county,
Georgia; and that unless good
cause is shown to the contrary,
. ** i
at said time, said iaavu to sell the
above described land will be
granted by the court. This*the
4th day of December, 1922.
J. (J. McAllister,
Ordinary of Montgomery
County, Georgia.
Sale of Land Under Power
Contained in Security Deed.
Under and by virtue of of the!
authority contained in a Deed to j
secure debt executed by C. F. Lad- i
son to First National Bank of Vi-!
dalia on the Btli day of Aug.,'
1919, and recorded m thd office
Easy Terms v 0
I Prompt Service eg
mwttvnttwwwmtvMWMi g,-
Perfected in the Purchase 4*
of Articles that bring Cheer %
and Comfort J
I ' TOYS, Etc. - ' {
# * *
| The D. A. Mcßae Store t
# *
Window Glass J
< Window Glass ►
i >
4 Window r Glass J
< ►
< P
< DRUG CO. f
\< >
wv vvw vvv^w
of the Clerk of Superior Court of
Montgomery County in Deed
Book 27 page 288, there will be
sold before the court house door
in Montgomery County, between
the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday in Jan., 1928, to the
!< highest, and beet, bidder for cash,
the property conveyed by said
deed and described as follows:
All that tract or parcel of land
lying, situate and being in the
1448 rd Dist., G. M. of Montgom
ery County, Ua., containing 48
12 acres, more or less, bounded
on the north by the lands of J. E.
; Ladson, cn the west by lands of
j\V. B. Ladson, on the south by
I the lands of James Morris and on
(the northeast by the lauds of
Flora Cooper.
I Default has been made in the
payment of the principal and in
terest on a certain promissory
note of even date of said deed,
for SIOOO.OO, which said amount
said deed was executed to secure,
and the said First National Bank
of Vidalia, the legal holder of said
note aiyl security deed, in accord
| ance with the terms thereof will
| sell said described property for
the purpose of paying said indebt
| edness and the said First National
IBank of Vidalia will make to the
| purchaser a good and sufficient
! deed to said property under the
terms of said Deed to Secure Debt
aforesaid. This Dec. sth, 1922.
First National Bank of Vidalia.