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* won bond i won bond m |
3 Will Sell I [WllSave I %■
t Your Goods [0 , iou Moiiej(o %
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I From All Quarters 8 |
I ■ *
Comes the Satisfaction of Business Men who 1 %
use Stationery supplied by The Montgomery I *
▼ 8j i S| *
■ * I Monitor. With them it is almost a Necessity. ff %
* I With us it is a Regular, Every-Day Business | |
! I Have YOU tried it? I %
- * fa ® *
* 88 1 *
! BELffiAD' I
t I printing! *
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Dissolution Notice.
State of Georgia—Montgomery
The partnership composed of
the estate of W. J. Peterson, de- ;
ceased, and T. A. Peterson, here-!
tofore conducted in Ailey, Mont
gomery county, Georgia, under
the names of W. J. &T. A. Pe
terson, doing a general retail
merchandising and trading busi
ness, and Ailey Hardware Com
pany, doing a retail hardware
business, and Montgomery Coun-1
ty Bank, doing a general banking
business, is by mutual consent of
the heirs at law of the estate of
W. J. Peterson, deceased, and T.
A. Peterson this day dissolved.
The entire one-half interest of
the estate of W. J Peterson, de
ceased, in said partnership hav
ing been sold and transferred to
T. A. Peterson. He assuming
all obligations of indebtedness
outstanding against said partner
ship and agreeing to pay same 1
and being vested with full au
thority to collect and enforce pay
ment of all obligations of indebt
ness owing to said partnership.
It is mutually agreed that the re
tail mercantile business may con
tinue to be operated under the
firm name of W. J. &T. A. Pe
terson until December 31, 1922.
However, this continuance is in
no manner to carry with it any
responsibility or liability what
ever on the part of the estate of
W. J. Peterson, deceased, and is
only permitted for the temporary
convenience of T. A. Peterson,
the purchaser.
The estate of W. J. Peterson,
deceased, as represented by the
heirs at law of said estate this
day retiring from said partner
ship. This December 2nd, 1922.
Heirs at law of the estate of
W. J. Peterson, deceased:
Flora Catherine Snooks,
Thomas Alexander Peterson,
William James Peterson,
Jessie Mae Peterson,
Jim Peterson,
Marie Peterson,
> '
Hugh Peterson, Jr.,
John Calhoun Peterson,
Ala Brewton,
Cleopatra McLaurine,
W. M. McLaurine, Guardian
I Cleopatra McLaurine,
J T. A. Peterson.
Signed in the presence of us:
C. W. Skipper,
C. W. Robison, N. P., State at
Sheriff Sale.
■ Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
I door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., 1923, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property of which
the following is a complete descrip
One certain bay mare mule, about
fourteen hands high and weighing
about one thousand pounds and be
ing about eight years old. Levied
on and will be sold as the properly
Lena Webb to satisfy a fl fa issued
from the superior court of Toombs
county in favor of The Citizens Bank
of Vidalia vs Lena Webb, J. A. Mc-
Leod'arid W. W. Phillips and by said
plaintiff transferred to J. A. McLeod.
, Property in possession of Lena
I Webb and a bond taken for same.
Levy made and returned to me by
O. E. Burch, deputy, and written
notice given. This the 6th day of
December, 1922
E. E. Burch, Sheriff,
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan,, 1923, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
Twenty acres of land more or
less, situate, lying and being in
the 1781st G. M. District of said
county and state, and bounded as
follows: On the north by lands
of Melton Williamson, east by
the Demse Phillips place, south
by lands of Clayton McLeod and
west by lands of J. D. Phillips.
Levied on and will be sold as ths
property of Mrs. L»ona Webb to
satisfy a tax ti fa issued by H. 0.
Davis, tax collector, vs Mrs. Le
ona Webb, for state and county
taxes for the year 1920. Levy
made aud returned to me by fl.
H. Adams, L. (J., aud written no
tice of same given in terms of the
law. This the sth day of De
cember, 1922. E. E. Burch,
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
By virtue of an order hereto
fore granted by the Ordinary of;
said county, the undersigned will
sell at public outcry on the first 1
Tuesday in January. 1923, before
the court house door in said coun
ty between the legal hours of
sale to the highest bidder for
cash the following described real
estate, to-wit:
All that tract of land situate,
lying and being in the Kibbee-Ti
ger District G. M. of said county
bounded north by land of Mrs.
Eliza A. Stephens; east by land
of 0. 0. Hamilton; south by land
of J. Palmer, Mason and Braddy
and others and west by land of
E. S. Adams, containing 234
acres, more or less. Reference
being had to a plat of the said
land made by S. B. Morris, sur
veyor on the 21st day of October,
1922. Said land will be sold as
the property of W, H. H. Ste
phens, late of said county, de
ceased, for the purpose of paying
debts and distribution among
the heirs at law. This the 2nd
day of December, 1922.
J. W. Stephens, Administrator.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
H. S. Riddle, administrator of
Zsra Riddle, deceased, represents
to the court in his petition, duly
filed aud entered on record, that!
he has fully administered Zera!
Riddle’s estate; this is, therefore, j
to cite all persons concerned,;
kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why said
administrator should not be die
chaged from his administration'
and receive letters of dismission
on the first Monday in January,'
1928. J. C. McAllister,
Cabbage Plants.
Jersey Wakefield, Charleston
Wakefield and Succession Cab
bage Plants. Ready to be set.
On sale at Sanitary Market, Mt.
Vernon. H. A. Johnson,
1123 Mt. Vernon.
Tax Collector’s
Last Round
I will be at the following places
jto collect State and County Tax
es for the year 1922 on the dates
i named below.
Longpond, Dec. 12, 9. to 10 a.m
Charlotte, 12, 10:30 to 12:30 p.m.
Uvalda, 12, 1 to 3 p.m.
Sharpe Spur, 13, 9 a.m. to 12 m.
Alston, 13, 1 p.m to 3 p.m.
Higgston, 14, 9 to 11 a.m.
McGregor, 14, 11:30 to 12:30 p.m.
Ailey, 14, 1 to 3 p.m.
Tiger Creek, 15, 10 a.m. to 12 m.
Kibbee. 15, 1 to 3 p.m.
Mt. Vernon. 16, 12 m.
Tarrytown, 18, 9 a.m. to 3 p. m.
Mt. Vernon, 19 and 20, when
books will close.
Be sure and meet me on above
dates. Yours very truly,
H. C. Davis. T. C.
« Inactive
2 Liver £
\4| “I have had trouble with W
m an inactive tivar,” wrote Mrs. L
T 3. Nichole, of 4412 Spencer
gj St., Houston, Texas. “When
41 I would get constipated, 1 would £
feel a light, dizzy feeling in my I)
€ bead. To get up in the morning I
4R with a lightness in the head and It
* a trembly feeling is often a sign £
that the-atomach is out of order
51 Por this I took Thedford’a
| Black-Draught, and without a *
| doubt can say 1 have never j|k
% found its equal in any liver a
4H medicine. It not only cleans g)
I 4 the liver, but leaves you in such •
! a good condition. I have used at
it a long time, when food does £
® not seem to set well, or the
stomach is a little sour.” L
m I ti it un'l | L
* Thedford’s f
j i Hit’ll r
j 1 Livf Medicine. |p
> I
In supporting the county paper, you
get more than value received.
U a
- Is the Place to Get at All Times J
t the Most choice: 4
l Fresh Meats, Fish and Oysters |
Our Service and Standard of Quality are Recognized j
£ by a Constantly Growing Patronage. Free
[ Delivery—the Instant Kind—that Pleases
I I $50,000 on hand jj
This amount to be Loaned in this t &
section on Well Located Ileal Estate O
Loans Closed in 24 Hours \ \
if security ample and titles good.
No Delay. See me if you want ()
money on either Farm or City Prop- G )
erty. Also have some Real Bargains j
in Farm and City Property for Sale.
Loans and Real Estate $ &