The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, July 29, 1910, Image 1

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SAMPLE COPV. The Grady County Progress v CAIRO, GRADY COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1910. NO. 2 About 3,500 Barrels Shipped From Cairo ir HOT Kit IIEES HAVE BEEN Dill . Jfljt Which Curtails.U>« Shipment tor Season lSM-Ncw York Mar ket Consumed the Bulk ol Ship meata-The Keller Will Now fioOn lhe Market, Next Find Keady|Salc la the Weat. The present season for LcConte shipments is aliout closing for Cairo. Tho principal shippers have been J. B. Wight, Dr. W. A. Walker, Walter L. Wight and Kedar Powell. Owing to the fact that many pear trees haye been cut down the ship ments from this place this year will not exceed three to four thousand barrels. Most of these have gone to the New York murket. Owing to the heavy crop of peaches as well as pears, prices have been very moderate. There is a good crop of Keifcr pears this year, and they will begin to move soon. Most of these are shipped in bulk to western markets.; The Albany Herald has the fo|s lowing to say in regard to the pear crop this year: “The, Lee Conte pear is unusual ly fine this year. The trees are loaded inmost to the breaking point, aivi.ti.e riualUv wafi -never better. The pears are quite juicy and 6f splendid flavor, and are cfinlipand- ing a good price. Prices quoted ate 92.00 to $3.25 for choice to fancy Le Conte pears, in well-filled bar rels. “Pears' os a fruit, seem to be in a class to themselves. The. price . does not seem to be affected bv the abundance of other fruit. In fact, , the growers are getting as good a price this year, when fruit of other hinds is very abundant, ah they did last year, when there was hardly any fruit on the market and no pears .to speak of. “There are many large pear orch ards in this immediate section, and although the very large there seems to be no end to the demand, and it is believed the good prices wifi hold up until the entire crop is ha LY^ ed -. - . ; - . "Tlje Keifer pears, winch are a later crop, are also very abundant this year, and it is expected, that a good price will also be obtained for them when the time comes for gath- % £ririg at a later date. ?* Some years ago pears were a drug on the market, and many .orchard owners cut all their trees. Those who left the trees standing, however, arc now reaping the bene fits of a good demand in the north ern and eastern markets, which give promise of continuing indefinitely from year to y ar.” the audience up into the air and in response to a persistent encore, an other thrilling rendition was given. The sextet was composed of Miss Erie Smith, piuno; Mr. Jennisou- cornet; Col. (1. A- Wight, violin; Mr. Martin Powell, chu’oiiet, and Messrs. Alton Williams and Roy Ponder, drums. Miss Erie Smith, also, filled in occasional necessary intervals in the more formal pro gram with a number of bright, spnrkling piano pieces, to the great delight of her numerous admirers. The duet, by Messrs. Jennison and Farley, on the sliding cornet and trombone, was a charming fea ture of the occasion, and the other duets, by tho same gentlemen, on the xylophone and silver bells, to gether with Mr. Jennison’s solo on the aluminum harp, were very unique and pleasing. The audience, while larger than on some former oocasons, as well as thoroughly representative, was not such aa the meritorious performance deserved. The Cairo Concert Bund is really a superior organization. While yet scarcely eighteen months in (.xistenee, it ranks among the best amateur bauds and its musical excellence is evident. Composed of a number of our most estimable young men and nicest boys, the or ganization is a credit to tho town and our people ought to patronize far more liberally than they do, the 'splendid concerts that it gives. Mr. Ci H.. .Tjinnison,- the accomplished almost pnerless'teauh- er, has most admirably developed, tfie excellent material brought'.up ' •’’cr liis h|nd and, altlipsjjgLpn ae- FOR CAIRO. Movement on Foot to Es tablish Third Bank. WILL HAVE AMPLE CAPITAL BEHIND IT FRIDAY NIGH! v « t ■< • A s^teaHli EalftlalqntBl Given My like Cairn Concert Band/ The '^concert given at the court house bySthe Cairo Copdxi Band, last Friday ..night, wis an enter tainment of raW-extfellence. There was a full attendance of the local members and the delicious musical menu they presented was apprecia bly seasoned by contributions from two members of the Moultrie band, Messrs. Coalson and Farley. Sev eral of the pieces were new to this scribe, but the numbers were, with- ' v out exception, all fine and superbly rendered. tjhe orchestral symphony carried sons, Several- • -momhers JiaVe bo:^i compelled to drop out, thus requir ing the introduction of new ones, at all sorts of irregular intervals, the progress of the members as a body has been phenomenal. Let us remember that these young ine^i Jiavo equipped and qualified themselves, at great expense, for our wholesome entertainment and the credit of the town, as well their own pleasure; that there are very few Rockefellers among them to meet their necessarily heavy bills; and then let us patronize the splen did fellows, far more generously in the future than we have done in the past. UNWRITTEN LAW TO Era Club ol Louisiana Appeals to Woman’s Organizations to As sist In tbe Work For tbe Acquit tal ol Mamie McLaughlin. New Orleans, Jvly 28. — Busing their appeal on “application of the unwritten law to woman,” the Era Club, one of Louisiana’s leading or ganizations, has called upon all other women’s organizations to pledge support to secure the exon eration of Mamie McLaughlin, charged with murder. She shot and killed Hugh Smith, a wealthy saloon proprietor, when she met him accompanied by another wo man. To Occupy the Building Next to Wight & Browne Now Occupi ed us u Barber Shop—Tp Be Thoroughly Remodeled. Cairo is to have another hunk. This will make three hanks for the town. Tim PiKxmiiss has been informed that all arrangements were about completed for the launching of the enterprise about January 1, 1911. It is said that tho building join ing Wight & Browne’s drug store, now occupied as a barber simp, has been secured, and just us soon, us the present lease expires work will he commenced to remodel the build ing, and when completed will lie one of the handsomest hank build ings in Southwest Georgia. - The projectors are well-known business men, who feel that thqre is ample room in Cairo for another bank, and that it will' not iuter.fere with the business of tfieold, banks or their prosperity. v-' t • Both of the , old bonks are. doings a splendid business,'"iivitir deports 1 of nearly $,300,0Q0. But as-Cairo; and, Grady, county «vW h'l'mvLhtiiii.wv 1 * ■' **' *• J in st^Vd^mr^ej^fi; ahiP al^nui husinesB. 'H is felt that it third bank will help along the growth. A VISIT TO THE TOWN OF WHIGHAM i" : , The School Now Better Equipped to Educate the Young People Thun at Any Time Belore—Mr. J. B. Wight, Trustee, Has the Scholarships. If there are ton hoys and girls in Grady county wanting an education with but verv little, if any, cost, the opportunity is. now knocking at thoir door. Mr. J. Ib Wight, trustee for Grady county of the second con gressional district agricultural school located at Tifton, has these scholft)'- ships for disriosal and those inter ested will find it to their interest to see him at once as will he seen by tho- following card: Free Scholarships. As trustee for Grady county of th6' Agricultural school at Tifton, I have at my disposal 10 scholarships for tile Incxt scholastic year—five fqr : boys and five for girls. Any one who is interested in securing oho of thesejShnuld. see tnc at once. Th4 School is' now much better -equipped than formerly for doing first class work in every respect. A Busy and Hustling Place and a Live, Progressive People. A representative of Thu Progress made a visit to the thriving town of Whigham last Saturday and met with a cordial reception. Whigham has several thriving business houses, about twenty of them being brick structures, and all of them arc occupied by progressive business men who carry an exten sive and varied stock of goods. Tho town is surrounded by as fine farming lands as can he found ill the state There are a' large number of very handsome residences in Whigham which shows the enterprise and progressive spirit of its citizens. The Magnolia Hotel has recently undergone a change in management and is conducted upon a high plane and its culinary department is ex cellent. Mr. J. G. Harrell assumed charge of the hotel Monday. At some future time we intend to have more to say of our neighbor ing town, GIVEN THIRTY DAYS EXTENSION COAST LINE DEPOT ROBBED LAST NIGHT News Was received in Cairo late Thursday night that tho Atlantic Coast Line depot Was robbed at Pine Park. The burglars secured only about $26.00 in cash. New Market. A new beef market will Ih) opened in Cairo next week by Horton & Carter in tho McDonald building. Mr. Carter will he in charge and respectfully asks the people for a share of their patronage, guarantee ing to give satisfaction, Council Holds Up Sewerage Or dinance-Orders Well Filled In At a meeting of the town council Wednesday, the ordinance recently passed requiring the citizens to put in repair and build private sewers, was suspended for thirty days. -Tlio council also ordered the old well in the rear of the Cairo Furni ture store tilled in if the sanitary committee sues proper to do so. The usual number of hills came before the body and were ordered paid. The marshal’s report was read and accepted. When in town call around and let us put your name on The Pbogress’ mailing list. TEN SCHOLARSHIPS; 5 BOYSM)5GIRLS For the Boys and Girls of Grady County TO THE AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL AT TIFTON Blowing Cave District Visited by a Torrential Bain Sunday Destroying Crops. Sheriff,Dollar informed The Pro gress Monday that Blowing Cave district was visited by one of the heaviest rains known to the people of this section of the state. A great deal of damage was done' to the growing crops, espcoially was the cotton crops badly damaged, branches becoming rivers'and sweep ing everything in front. The rain fell for an hour or more. Sheriff Dollar says he never in his life seen as heavy -i rain or as much destruction as, was wrought by Sun day’s down pour. TTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT FARMERS INSTITUTE Two Days Session to Be Held In Moultrie On August 6th and 7th —Large Number ol Gradyites to Attend. A very interesting program lias been arranged for the 7th Senatorial Farmers Institute which will he held in Moultrie on August 6th and 7th. The institute is held under the uuspecies of the State Agricultural college, which institution furnishes the speakers. It is hoped that a large delega tion of’ Grady farmers will attend this years’session, as the lectures will he beneficial to the farmers of this section. A Correction. Owing to a typographical mix-up, overlooked in the pressure attendant upon getting out our first issue, the last paragraph in the article by “Observer” is unintelligible. Therefore, of our own motion, we take pleasure in correcting it. Here is the paragraph copied liter ally from the manuscript of the writer, as it should have been print ed lust week: “The letter of Bishop Candler will show those who read it. that Mr. Harris is not lacking the support of tho strongest advocates of the highest moral standards,” 2-HORSE W CO!! LOAD COUNTRY HAMS AND LARD Such Was Brought Into Cairo Last Saturday by One ol Grady County’s Progressive Farmers. Do the farmers of Grady county live at home? To he sure they do, as was evi denced last Saturday when Mr. C. F. Walker, one of Grady county’s most successful farmers drove into town with a two-horse wagon load ed—not with cotton or melons— but with big juicy, sweet, country- raised hams, and tubs of lard, of his own raising. However, this is no unusual sight to be seen on the streets of Cairo. A SYRUP CANNERY SEEXIRG LOCATION HtRE Want to Put Up Cairo’s Famous Syrup lor the Market. Mr. W. P. Smith informs The Progress Unit Valdosta parties will probably establish a syrup cannery in Cairo. The parties interested have made a couple of trips to Cairo seeking to interest Cairo people in tho enter prise and have met with some en couragement. It is hoped that the project will become a certainty. WANTS A mp| . Does Cairo want, a bakery? If So! tile ’ of)p rtuiiity is 'now knocking at her door. A Mr. Roberts, of Willneboohee, has boen in Cairo investigating the practicability of establishing a first- class bakory. He was well pleased with the prospects and if he can se cure a building will move to Cairo and start up. If you have a building, to rent let. Mr. W. P. Smith, of'$6ppnge& Smith, know it ami he .will secure Hie bakery. DIRT BROKE MONDAY FOR TWO-STORY BUILDING Our enterprisi ig fellow-citizen, Mr. L. B. Powell, is having ii, new brick building erected on the lot adjoining, on the west, his fine storehouse occupied by White & Stringer. Wc understand that the lower floor will, he used fo. an ele gant harbor shop and restaurant, while the upper rooms may he util ized for offices or lodging rooms. THE PROGRAM FOR GRADY DAY It is understood that the commit tee for the celebration of the fifth anniversary of Grady county, which is to he at the same time a memori al day to the honor of Henry W. Grady has arranged, tentatively, a program which, if executed, will prove ef unusual interest. Besides music appropriate to the occasion, it is understood that an address will he delivered by 1 fenry W. Grady, Jr., and responded to by Hon. W. B. Roddeubery. Ad dresses will also he made by Hon. II. W. Hopkins, Congressman S. A. Roddcnbery and cv-Guvcrnor Joseph M. Terrell. Mrs. F. M. Brannon and son, and Misses Ethel Bussey, Kathryn Brown, Dora Wood and Ethel Brannon have returned from a two work’s stay at Panacea Springs. Col. Willie will leave Sunday for a ten dnys visit in Bulloeh county. Let Tmi Piicghkss figure on your job printing. A To Grow Cane and Manu facture Syrup ITS THE RODDENBERRY PLANTING CO. Have Bought a Large Mill and Will Have II In Operation By Time Cane Is Ripe—Charters Granted to Cairo Glutting Co., and Pine Park Gin Co. Monday s Judge Parks granted to W. B. Roddeubery nnd others for a corporation to he known as the Roddenbory Planting Co., with a paid in capital stock of $50,- 000. Tt is the intention of the com pany to grow cane and manufac ture it into syrup. A large dyrup mill has already been purchased for this purpose and it will he ready for business by the tint, cane is ready to grind. The company proposes next year to plant a larger area than hereto fore in cane nnd will go extensively into the svrup industry. Cairo syrup is famous all over the country and the demand for ijt is growing each year and to meet this demand Mr. Roddenbory arid associates propose to dcvclojp the industry to its fullest extent. ,• ,. They wjll/prqlp^’^ ,J1£ ^’' t - ; -- ; vVitimrter. tt M. DilTcu arid J. F.. Dyson. Cairo Winning Co. This p has recently been • overhauled arid new gins added. .W J. M. Red, J. M. Diffee anil others wore granted a charter to dri. 1 ; business ns the Pine Park Gin Co. ’ They will put in a new plant at v Pine Park. , TAKEN SIGK With Severe Attack oS Kidney Colic, and Cancels Engage ments to Speak at Waycrosa. Atlanta, Ga., July 28.—Former Governor Hoke.. Smith was quite sick last night with a severe attack of kidney colic and is confined to his ,bed today; He is advised by physicians that it will be impossi ble fur him to" he out until the- early part of next week. Today Mr. Smith wired G. P. Folks, of Wnycross, that on account of illness it would be impossible for him to l)o in Waycross Friday. Dr. E. Bates Block, who Was called in to see Mr. Smith, said With reference to his condition: “Governor Smith is suffering from a severe/ attack of kidney colic, which, while extremely painful, is not dangerous to life. It will be necessary for him to vest quietly for a few days, hut there is no rea son that, can he foreseen why lie should not resume his usual occu pation by the early part of next Week. Such attacks, while very painful, usually pass off in a short time without serious consequences. ’ ’ grady'sTewH KNOWN AS GRADYVILLE Perhans you don’t know it. None of us knows everything. But ’tis a fact, whether known to many or not, that Grndyvillo IS. Gradyvillo is the new town grown up around the lumber milling plant of the Massed-Feiton Lumber Com pany. We hope soon to lie able to give the entire establishment an ap propriate write-up.