The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, September 09, 1910, Image 1

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The Grady County Progres vol. i. CAIRO, GRADY COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1910. NO. 8 J. S. WEATHERS BUS ADIEU Can’t Keep Up With Brun son's “Crawfishing.” HAD A SEVERE ATTACK OF “COLD FEET.” . J An Brunson is Suffering From “Over Active Imagination 1 and Actual Facts He Does Not Want to Deal In—No “Tickle Me and I’ll Tickle You” Busi- Fisher, of Waycross, died at his home in that city Sunday morning. Mr. Fisher’s injury was slight, but he gave 1t immediate attention. The wound healed and was not wortying him at all when the tetatnus set in. Everything that medical aid could do for him was done, but to no avail. On Saturday he became crazed and was not conscious except at slight, intervals during the day. Mr. Fisher is survived bv a wife and five children. SUPERIOR COURT Dockets Being Rapidly Clear ed of Cases. THE HOST HATI01L IS Cairo, Ga., Sept. 6, 19i0. Nr. T. J. Brunson, Cairo, Ga. Dear Sir: You stated in your last article that you were amused at my previous article, and I wish to confess so you at the outset that I have been grinning like a “basket full of ’possum heads” ever since I read your last “Literary Hemor rhage.” You first intimated that one-half of the funds were swiped. I submitted facts to shnv.that that Was not true,'either from the stand point of the county administration or the state administration. You then crawfished on that proposition and accused me of dodging the is sue. In your second article you stated that you had reference to the state administration and I repro duced a portion of your first article in which you censured Mr. Max well and showed thereby that you really intended to reflect upon the county administration. In your last article you do not mention that iact at all. What about it? You'intimated that the Hickory Head School practically belonged to a member ' of the board. Most any one of course would take that to mean the board of educa tion. I called you down on that proposition, “Brother Tom,” and .you replied by saying that you did not say which board was meant, and intimated that there existed between tho board of education and the board of county commissioners a spirit of “you tickle me and I tickle you.” It takes a diseased imagination to connect the board of county commissioners and the board of education in the last, but you find no difficulty in the stress of circumstances to show that these two wicked bodies are working to- (Continued on last Page.) Ready For Business About November 1st. WALTER L. WIGHT Will 8E CASHIER Conditions Are Suck That tha Promoters Believe a Third Bank Will Be a Paying Institu tion-Stock Being Readily Sub scribed. The new bank, mention of which was made in The Progress several weeks ago will be a national bank and will be known as The First National Bank o( Cairo. It will probably open for busi ness about November 1st and not later than December 1st. It will occupy the building on the corner where M. B. Harrison’s bar ber shop is located. The building will be thoroughly remodeled and when completed will be an ornament to the town. The stock in the new bank will bo owned by a number 'of ''business men of Cairo and prominent far mere of Grady county. Owing to the rapid growth of the town and county it is generally con ceded that the third bank will do well. Mr. Walter L. Wight will be eashier, that much is known. Orders for the latest improved bank fixtures and fire ahd burglar proof safe have been placed. The bank will be managed along modern business principles, con servative yet progressive. GEORGIA’S COHN CROP REDUCED TO TWO-THIRDS Commissioner Hudson Sticks .to His Estimate. Atlanta Sept. 6.—Commissioner of Agriculture T. C. Hudson said to-day that other opinions and views to the contrary notwithstanding he stood upon the assertion that Geor gia’s cotton crop this season will not be more than t" o-thirds of that of 1909. “Cotton matures along about September 10.” Mr. Hudsonsaid, “and it is folly to resume that the recent rain benefited the Georgia crop to the extent of a million dol lars. Much of the cotton in South Georgia is dead. While, of course the rain did some good, the crop was too far ^advanced to do any great amount.” jjjg Nail Wound Kills a Man After five days of intense suffering from lockjaw from sticking a nail in his ! right foot two weeks ago, J. D. UE COURT BUSINESS IS klNG RUSHED GETS 18 YEARS IN PENITENTIARY Convicted On Charge ol Rape In Grady Superior Court Wednes day-Quick Work oi the Courts Eugene Ross, a negro man charg ed with the offense of rape, uoon the person of a ten year old ne gro girl, was convicted in Grady superior court Wednesday morning and was given a sentence of 18 years in the penitentiary. A bill was returned Tuesday against Ross and his case was taken up Wednesday, consuming the greater portion of the morning ses sion. While denying his guilt, the evi dence was such as to cause his con viction. After the case was given to the jury they were out only a few min utes. W. S. Wight, Foreman; A. C. Forester, Clerk and H. J. Vin- spn Bail!!! ol Grand Jury-Cases Disposed ol at this Term. Grady superior court convened on last Monday morning with Judge Parks on the bench and Solicitor General Wooten to look after the criminals. W. S. Wight was elected fore man and A. C. Forester clerk, H. Vinson bailiff to wait upon the grand jury. The judge’s charge was an able one. He laid special stress upon gambling, whiskey selling and uis- tol carrying; giving in detail thi law on this subject. Monday was spent in' trying di vorce cases. The grand jury has been kept busy investigating county affairs and finding bills against evil doers. The motion docket is practically clear. There being only one or two cases yet to hear. The court is .nearer up with the dockets than at any time in the his tory of the court. The following cases have been disDOSed or at the present term: T. J. Mills for use of Maud M Pickron Wil vs W., A. Powell and Hunter, P&tce aiull Battey.f Ver diet for plaintiff. Mrs. Etta C. Swicord vs J. P Swicord, alimony. Settled by de fendant deeding property to plain tiff. D. Y. McNair vs B. F. Kelly Verdict for plaintiff. Henry Thomas vs G. B. Trulock Verdict for defendant. D. W. Hughes, agent, vs R. W Cook. Verdict for plaintiff. Nellie Godwin et al vs W. B Godwin'. Verdict for defendant, Jacob Carter vs Maggie Walker et al. Verdict for defendant. Mrs. Sarah J. White vs W. M Mrs. W. M. Pippins. Verdict for plaintiff. Mrs. G. T. Shores v&G. W. Reh berg. Verdict for plaintiff. L. W. Walker vs P. A. Jones Dismissed. Attell last night shows that some of the thieves committing the various robberies in Thomasville of late are still at large. This morning when Attell went to his shop on lower Jackson street lie found t iat the back door had been broken open and upon investigation found that all the pistols ho had in stock were gone and several pairs of shoes, the thieves failing to get away with my money. The door was fastened !>y a large bar which was considered very secure, but it had been broken with such force that the screws holding the bars were forced out. Over 260 Enrolled the Two I irst Days. IS. SARAH WHITE WINS HER CAS The Musical Association at Pine Level. The Tired Creek Musical Associa tion will convene with Pine Level Baptist church, nine miles north of Cairo, on Saturday before the 4th Sunday in September. Everybody cordially invited to attend. P. E. Gillurd, Sec’y. Recovers $500 And Attorney’! Fees From W. M. Pippins And Wife. The case of Mrs. Sarah White vs W. M. Pippins and wife was dis posed of in Grady Spuerior Court Tuesday by verdict in fa vor of Mrs White for $500 and attorney’s fees This suit was an equity case growing out of a land trade made by the Pippins for Mrs. White. The Pi gift This Mrs. White • denied and the jury agreed with. her. John •nriglftary and R. C. Bell repre sented the plaintiff and J, Q. Smith the defendent. * 'Thieves Still at Work. AFTER Some of The Heirs Go Into Court [ ATTENDANCE ON THE INCREASE CREASE COMES FROM THE COUNTRY Every Room Crowded to Utmost Capacity—One Room , and New Teacker Added 1 for School Year tOlO-ll. Cairo High School opened last Monday for the fall term with the largest enrollment in the history of the school. For the first two days the enroll ment was over 260 Every room in the building is crowded with pupils. This year the fifth and sixth each, have a separate teach er, and notwithstanding this these rooms are in a crowded condition The increase in number of at tendance this year iff from the out lying country,and are principally in the higher grades. It is confidently predicted that the enrollment for this year will go over 275, and probably higher. ROBBERS VISIT GODWIN’S ESTATE THE WILL PROBATED Case Was Tried In Ordinary’s Court last February and Decis ion Objected To and Carried To Superior Court—Will Mad$ In 1888. The case of Nellie Godwin vs W. . Godwin was tried at the pr sent term of Grady Superior court. This was a proceeding brought by IfiulHe Godwin to have W. B. Godwin pro- . bate the will of John Godwin de ceased. John Godwin was one of the most prominent and well-to-do citizens| his day. He made bis will, is claimed by the propounders, inf 1888, and died in 1896. Some years after hisj|||H| death his heirs made a division by agreement of the estate, which was satisfactory to all except the heirs of one of the son’s, Jeff God- ' win, who propounded the will. There was considerable litigation over other features of the estate but this is the first direct move made on the line of probating the will. This was tried in the ordinary’s court last February and the decision of the ordinary was in favor of pro bating the will, some of the ca veators appealed it to the Superior court and after an exhaustive trial it was decided in favor of the cavea tors f[md against the pro'pounders of I f the will. Ledford, Terrell and Roscoe Luke represented the caveators and J. Q. Smith the propounders. i wvS&fef-ir m :/vi ; lv v FEWELL NOT GUILTY OF CRIMINAL ASSAULT Clothed Themselves For the Win ter—Second Robbery Within Month. Cairo was visited again by rob bers last Sunday night, which the second to occur within the past month. Sunday night robbers made an en trance into the department store of Higdon-Herring Co., and secured sufficient clothing for the winter je.uson. Evidently there was only one person connected as one suit of clothes, pair of shoes, collars, shirt and ties and suit case was missing. The value of goods secured is esti mated at about $75.00. GETS EIGHT YEARS FOR SHOOTING ANOTHER Jury Turns Him Loose Alter Hearing All the Facts—Trial Behind Closed Doors. “We the jury find the defendant not guilty.” "That was the verdict rendered Thursday at noon by the jury in the case of the State vs. R. A. Few ell, who had been indicted on the charge of criminal assault about a year ago and his case came up for trial Thursday morning. The judge ordered the court room cleared of all persons not interested in the case. The trial of the case consumed all of Thursday morning. The evidehce was such as to cause the verdict of not guilty being >-en- dered in a few minutes after the case was given to the jury. Col' R. R. Terrell represented Fewell. Thomasville, Ga., Sept. 6.—The stealing of twenty pistols and four pairs of shoes from the stop of M. Negro Shot Has Lelt lor Parts Un known. Richard Butler, the negro who shot another about a month ago the mouth was tried in Grady Su perior Court Wednesday and was given eight years in the penitentiary They were both in the employ of the Atlantic Coast Line, working with the construction gang, which was at work in Cairo at the time. The pay car had’’ been here th at day, and the two negroes got into a d" pute over a quarter. The negro that got shot is S one and his whereabouts are unknown GOOD BAY FOR. DIVORCES Several Couples Given Their Free dom and They Went on Their Way Rejoicing. Monda / was a good dav for di vorces in Grady Superior court. Six couples were allowed seperation and all manner of allegations were made to get a divorce, from deser tion to cruel treatment and nonsup port. The. following were granted divorce: 'w/j mu* 1 yj