The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, November 25, 1910, Image 5
THE LOCAL Phonograph A strong line of under wear, Any kind and all kind. Higdon-Herring Co. Miss Bessie Odum, teacher of elo- A Column or Two About the jk Doings of Prominent Per- Jj| sonages and Otherwise. jj tor ««e5*je*jc»*ex»5» Subscribe for The Progress. Phone the news to 141. iGet a shave at Harrison'’s. When you have viators, tell us. ’Phone the names of your visitors to 141. AM white barbers at M, B. Har rison’s Barber Shop. It pays to advertise in The Prog ress—Make us prove it. Rev. Robert H. Harris spent Sat urday in Thomasville. Miss Lottie Jones was a visitor to Thomasville Monday. Rev. \V. C. Jones will preach at Greenwood next Sunday. Mrs. James L. Mauldin is visit ing her sister in Bowdon. Mrs. Jeff Browne is visiting her parents in Union City, Ala. Col. G. A. Wight made a busi ness trip to Atlanta last week. Farmers are now busy making and marketing their syrup crop. If you want to get yonr money’s worth do your trading with our ad vertisers. Miss Susie Mae Clower, of Val dosta, attend the Williams-Brown wedding. Dr. Searcy went out Wednes day and brought in a couple of wild turkeys. Dress goods, dress trim mings—tne very latest, at Higdon-Herring Co. Col. R. R. Terrell, of Whigham, was shaking hands with his numer ous friends in Cairo this week. Baths, hot and cold, at M. B. Harrisons Barber Shop on Cen tral ave. All white barbers. eution at Edison, came home to at tend the Williams-Brown marriage. If you need a hat see us. We can please you. Higdon-Herring Co. The party who borrowed our double-barrel, hammerlesa, Ithica gun, 16-g.uage, .28 inch barrel, re turn at once. Wight & Brosvne. The prettiest lot of ladies neckwear you have ever seen, the very latest things. Higdon-Herrmg Co. Rev- A. A. williams, of Thomas ville, will preach at the Methodist church next Sunday morning and evening. Another lot of nice skirts just received: in_ Panamas, serges and cashmeres. Higdon-Herring Co. M. B. Harrison conducts a barber shop on Central ave. Your tonsorial wants attended to by white barbers. Sweater coats for men, women and children. See them at Higdon-Herring Co. Prof, Ward Wight, of the Sylves ter High School, spent Thanksgiv ing with homefolk here. Ward is having splendid success as a teacher and enjoys teaching the y&ung idea how to shoot. Special prices in clothing. We sell the best. Higdon-Herring Co. Mr. A. H. Hartsfield, of Val dosta, spent several days last week in Cairo and Grady county prospecting. Mr. Hartsfield, while here, purchased a farm and will move to it soon. Don’t you need an extra pair of trousers. We can fit you in a nobby pair at an extremely lo w price, consid ering quality. See us. Higdon-Herring Co. Mr. w. P. Smith has sold his handsome residence on North Btvs?d street to Mr. waiter Davis and will move to Valdosta. Since coming to Cairo Mr. Smith has made a large circle of friends who regret to see him lrave. An early morning Thanksgiving service was held at the Methodist church Thursday. It was quite well attended and was a gracious, help ful sea-vice. It was led by Rev. w. C. Jorees. Mesdames J. C. Mock and James Eubanks, of Sales City, Ala., who have been visiting their brother, County Treasurer MeManeus, have returned to their homes. This was Mrs. Eubanks' first visit to Cairo in 17 years and she was greatlv sur prised in the town's gr'uvthAiii, Regal shoes for men and women, up-to-date dress shoes; every pair guaranteed We sell them Higdon-Herring Co. Rev. E. E. Rose, of Arlington, formerly pastor of the Bold Springs circuit, was in Cairo Wednesday as the guest of his brother-in-law, Mn D. L. Williams. Mr. Rose was in the city to officiate at the wedding of Mis wife’s niece, Miss Ruby Wil liams. We are offering pecial big bargains-in blankets and qtiilts-not the cheap kind but ex tra nice quality. Higdon-Herring Co. The South Georgia conference of the Methodist church will meet in its forty fourth session in Columbus November 30, Revs. W. C. Jones, F. A. Ratcliffe and w. E. Towson are clearical members of this body. Mr. J. B. Wight is one of four lay- delegates chosen from the Thomas ville district. These gentlemen will leave for Columbus the early part of next week. Rich Deposit Fullers Earth. The property of Rufus A. Connell of Whigham, advertised elsewhere in tfyis issue has, according to the United States geological survey, a rich deposit of Fullers Earth on it, making it valuable. The sale is to be pulled off December 14th and 15th, 1910. [ Manhattan trousers- rlVJU aL i • the kind that look well and wear well—we sell them. Higdon-Herring Co. Opening ot the Pennsylvania Rrilroad Station, New York. The Atlantic Coast Line makes official announcement that all their New York trains will enter the new Pennsylvania Railroad Station, Seventh avenue and Thirty-Second street, New York, on and after No-j vember 27th, and that the Westj Twenty-third street ferry, and the, Manhattan by the Hudson and Manhattan tubes, or by ferry to Cortlandt, or .Dosbrosses streets, which service will be continued. Passengers to and from Brooklyn will transfer in Pennsylvania sta tion, t-j and from Flatbush avenue, Brooklyn, via the tubes under East Brooklyn Annex ferry will be dis continued on and after that date. The “Florida jpid West Indian Limited” will leave from the new stations at 10:16 a. m. and arrive 2:31 p. m. The “Palmetto Limi ted” will leave at 3:38 p. m. and arrive 1:50 p. m. and the “Coast Line Florida Mail” will leave 9:30 p. m. and arrive 5:59 a. m. Upon the inauguration of the “New York and Florida Special” January 9th, that train will leave New York 1:26 p. m. and arrive 4:06 p. m. It -will be seen from the foregoing that passengers will have - consider able advantages, not only from the convenience of reaching the station, which is centrally located and ad jacent to Btreet car lines, extending to all parts of the city, but in a la ter departure and an earlier arrival in the city. The travel to the down town sec tion will be provided for# by trains from the Manhattan Transfer Sta tion, located near Harrison, N. J. and at which all through trains from the south will stop. They will he taken to the passenger station in Jersey City and can reach the lower river, thereby saving much time and annoyance. Undrr the new arrangement, ef fective November 27, all Pullman cars operated to and from New York over the Atlantic Coast Line will be electric lighted and equipped with electric fans. The location of the station ap peals directly to the hotel guest, the shopper, the amusement seeker, the business man, the professional man and every other class of travel to and from New York, over the At lantic Coast Line, as the new sta tion is in the very heart of the ho tel district^, only one block from Broadway, two blocks from Fifth avenue and one block from the cen ter of the retail'dry goods section, which iB pupposed to be the busiest part of New York City. Atlantic Coast Link Railroad E. M, North, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., Savannah, Ga. T. C. White, Gen. Pass. Agt , Wilmington, N. C. W. J. Craig, Pass. Trail. Mgr., Wilmington, N. C. Children’s shoes of the very best makes- the kind that will satis fy. HIGDON-HERRING GO, “Patronize home institution,” cries the country editor from week to week. •'That is right,” says the merchant, “ give it to those who go to some other town to buy goods.” Then with his heart filled with kindness to the loyal editor, he sends his job work to Kalamazoo,or utilizes a piece of wrapping paper to write an order on for goods or send a statement to a custo mer. —Buford Journal. 4 . *•'#.. ' ' ' .N. ' J$20,0#OlOWi Will Be Continued Until the Holidays. I will continue my Sale until the holidays are over. Now is the time to supply yourself and family for fall and winter. My sale has been a great success. I have sold more goods than ever,and 1 have just bought a new lot of goods; 1 bought them cheap because I bought for THE SPOT GASH JUST RECEIVED One Hundred $15.00 and $18.00 suits which will be sold for only - - - - $9.98 r|A D will be paid anyone finding cotton in these suits above mentioned. ^ou.uu leeward these suits are guaranteed. All my other goods will purchased goods from me. the same prices as before. Ask your neighbors who have extra circulars, prices quoted.