Newspaper Page Text
Though Sickand Suffering; At
Last Found Help in Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegeta
ble Compound.
Richmond, Pn. - When I started
tithing Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound I was in a
dreadfully rundown
state of heulth,
had internal trou
bles, and was so ex
tremely nervous and
prostrated that if I
had given in to my
fceling8 I would
have been, in bed.
As it was I had
hardly strength at
times to be on my
feet and what I did do was by a great
effort. I could not sleep at night and
of course felt very bad in the morning,
and had a steady headache.
“After taking the second bottle I no
ticed that the headache was not so bad,
J rested better, and my nerves were
stronger. I continued its use until it
made a new woman of mo, and now I
can hardly realize that I am ablo to do
so much as I do. Whenever I know any
woman in need of a good .medicine I
highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg
etable Compound.” — Mrs. Frank
Clark, 3146 N. Tulip St, Richmond,Pa.
Women Have Been Tolling Women
for forty years how Lydia E.Pinkham’a
Vegetable Compound has restored their
health when suffering with female ills.
This accounts for the enormous demand
for it from coast to coast If you are
troubled with any ailment peculiar to
women why don’t you try Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound ? It
will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pink-
ham Medicine.Co., Lynn, Mass.
Their Pleasant Chat.
Weary, and smelling of smoke, little
Mr. Trimmer arrived home to find an
unusually tasty dinner waiting for
him. To add to his joy his better and
larger half was in the best of good
They did not speak much during the
meal, merely beaming pleasantly on
each other. Afterward Trimmer rose
and took his accustomed easy chair
and the evening paper, feeling thor
oughly contented with life and the
world at large.
To his surprise, his wife drew a has
sock up and sat down on the floor be
side him.
"John, dear,” she said softly, '‘I’ve
got a whole lot of things I want to talk
to you about before bedtime.”
"Have you really, old girl?” he ait'
swered, laying down Ills paper. “Now
that is nicer-that’s really very nice!
“How good you are to me, John,'
she murmured. "Why do you think It
is nice?” .
"Why, my dear, you generally want
to talk about a lot of things you
haven’t got.”—London Answers.
Quake Spared Great Cities.
Fortunately in the Abruzzi district
of East Central Italy, where thq re
cent earthquake shocks have worked
in seconds a destruction equal" to
weeks of war, there are no great cities
and few monuments of'the country'
brilliant history or its more famous
works of art. The bureau of informa
tion of the National Geographic soci
ety notes that Abmzzt is a grazing,
vine-growing, farming district. It is
most picturesque, a mountainous and
hilly land, comprising the wildest and
most rugged portion of the Apennines,
Jt supports some 2;000,000 people.
The day has passed when wo -can
protend to know things. People want
. to he shown.
What. strongbr brrnslplalc thpp n,,
heart u'nl'nlnt'cd? .v-I. ' \
Tltrlcc In ho uvnuM that 1ms 1iIb quar
rel just; - —
Ami he but naked, though locked- up-. •
•In steel, ‘ ' . ... .... ■ \ ... i -
Whose conscience h injustice Is
corrupted. -Shakespeare; # i •<
Thp following dishes 'will giye'-plcas:'
ing variety to the bill of fare and the
chill may be. made
of the cheaper cuts’
of beef.
Chill Con Carne^
—Slfce. one' large
onion and fry it Ij
drippings until yi
low, then ad,d ; tw
pounds of beef
which hus been cut In inch , cubes
rolled in Hour, arid well seaBQit'ed; add
one cun of tomatoes, two large green
peppers, chopped, and a few dashes of
red peppers; season with saj.l, -cover
with boiling water and simmer until
tender. Add half cupful of cooked
kidney beans to the stew and put an
other half cupful through a sieve an-d
add to it, to thicken it. Serve ’ V£ry.
Mexican Tamales.—Prepare frlcas;
seed chicken by cutting 'the fowl Into
section, dredging with flour'and brown
ing in hot drippings. Make a.sauce
of a quart of tomato, tabasco sauce,
or minced red pepper and stew the
chicken in this mixture'. Make a thin
cornmeal mush by UBing chicken, stock
with cornmeal. .Carefully'strip the,
husks from green eats of sugar corn,
spread each busk with a layer of .the
mush. In the center pack two or three
pieces of the chicken and' pepper
sauce. Tie the busks together- with
strips of corn husks and cook in
Bteamer for two or three hours.
Russian Perok.—Boll a small head
of cabbage in salted water until, ten
der, then cut In pieces; mix with diced
hard-cooked egg, one for each cupful of
cabbage. While hot, add salt, pepper,
and enough cream to moisten the
whole. Bake in a pie plate between
two layers of rich- pastry.
Chop Suey>—Let a cupful of dried
beans sprout and use these Bprouts
with two pounds of lean pork t, cut in
small cubeB, which have been dredged
in' flour and browned lir.-hot'fat; add
one minced onion, two small-.bunqhes
of celery, and with the seasonings,
cover with boiling water" arid’stfnmer
until tender. JuBt before serving add
tahlespoonful of Worcestershire
sauce.' -V
You're bilious! . Yourdtecrrlp. slog-'
gish! You feel lazy, dizzy jtnd all
krioiked oilt. Your head Is' dull, yotlr
longue 1b coated; breath biidj..stomach,
sour and'bpwola constipated. Burddn’t
titkp Kallyaflng calomol. It makcB you
Bick, you .may lose a day’s work. .
v . mercury or quicksilver
which .-causes necrosis of tlie bones.
Calomel crashes into sour* bile like
dynamite, breaking'It up; That's wheh
■you feei-that aviful nausea aiid ciramft-
Ing. sir. ''' '
If you want to, enjoy the nlicst, gen-'
tlest liver- mid ’ bowel cleansing yoli
ever experienced jiiBt take- a'spdorifu)
of-!)a.rmlc9s.Dod6on’s Liver Tone. Your
.(druggist, bi{ denier sells you a Rtf-cent
bottle of Dodson’s LIvPY Tone'undeV
my, personal money-baclf guarantee
that' each''spoonful wllHeJetra your
N6t' Much Acquainted- With Him. "
“Your husband,” said tlie .caller, synt-
pat-Jiizingly,’ "was a man of excellent
qualities.” t •
Yes,”‘sighed the wido.w, "he woe
a good man. Everybody,,siiye,,so.- X
waBift'mirc'h afcqUallitcd .wfllb-ljlm my
self. He belonged to six lodges-" : • 1
Don't Lose a Day’s’Wdficf'lf Your Liver Is Sluggish or Bowels
Constipated Take"“Dodson^ Liver Tone.”—if-’s'Finc! ■
ftTiifegish : nvor better' tillin' a doso of
nasty calomel and.that it :wqn’t make
you sick. ' ■: • . ‘
Dodson's-Liver Tone is real liver
medicine. You'll know it next morn
ing because you will-walto Up toiling
fine,’your liver jvill be working, your
headache and dizziness gone, your
stomach will be sweet and your bowels
regular. You will fee) like working;
you’ll be cheerful; full of vigor and
Dodson's-Liver Tone IS entirely
vegetable,, therefore harmlcst'and can
not salivate. Give it to your children!
Millions'of- people are’using Dodson’s
Llvfer Tone instead of dangerous cal
omel now. Your druggist will tell you
that the sale of calomel Is almost
stopped entirely here.
Nothing is gained by abusing those
whose opinions differ from your own'.
For' Calks use Hanford's Balsam.
Adv.' - - - ,
And Will Never Forget the Experience,
The coffee drinker who has suffered
and then been completely relieved by
changing from coffee to Postum knows
something valuable. There’s no doubt
about it.
"I learned the truth about coffee In &
peculiar way,” says a California wom
an. "My husband who lias, for years,
. been of a bilious temperament decided
to leave oft coffee and give Postum a
trial, and ns I did not want the trouble
of making two beverages for meals I
concluded to try Postum, too. Tlio re
sults have been that while my husband
has been greatly benefited, 1 have my
self received oven greater bonoflt.
"When I began to drink Postum I
was thin in flosh and very nervous.
Now .1 aotpally weigh 16 pounds more
than I did at that time and I am
stronger physically and in my nerves,
while husband Is free from all Ills alls.
“We have leantcd our little lesson
about coffee and wo know something
about Postum, too, for wo have used
PoBtum now steadily for tho last three
• years and we shall continue to do so.
"We have no more uso for coffee—
the drug drink. Wo prefer Postum and
health." _
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
' Crook, Mich. Read "The Road to Woll-
vllle,” in pkgs.
Postum comes in two forms:
Regular Postum—must bo well boiled.
16c and 26c packages.
Instant Postum—is a soluble powder.
A teaspoonful dissolves quickly In a
cup'of hot water and, with cream and
sugar, makes a delicious bovorngo In-
■ stantly. 30c and 60c tins.
Tho cost per cup of both kinds is
about tho same.
"There’s a Reason” for R°atum.
—Bold by Grocers
It must be somewhere written that
' the virtues TJf. the mqthers shall oc
casionally he visited- on th’e % chll$ren
as well as the sins of th.e ,ffithers,*r-
Dickens. .
Always save any left oyer cream of
wheat or cooked breakfast food of oat
meal or the like.-: Mold In
small bread tins and
slice and fry for a hot
luncheon or supper dish
For those who have
never eaten young squir
rels broiled a toothsome
sensation. lajatUl due.
Clean and wash the
squirrels, wipe dry and broil over
clear bright tire. - When . a : . golden
brown season well, cover generously
with butter and serve hot. Thip dish
is for those hunters who have no con
science about taking the life .of the
joyous little squirrel.
Cabbage Salad.—Put one-half cupful
of vinegar and one tablespoonful of
butter to heat in a double boiler. Beat
the yollc.of one egg, one tahlespoonful
of-flour, one of sugar and two of sour
cream, cook smooth In the vinegar.
JuBt as it thickens stir in the well
beaten white of an egg and pour over
■ shredded well salted cabbage.
Apple Dumplings.—Make a rich bak
ing powder biscuit crust, roll out and'
cut in squares large enough to wrap
a well cored and peeled apple. 'Flu
the apple with chopped peanuts, sugar
and bits of butter. Pinch each square
and bake in a hot oven. A most deli
cious crust may he made by UBing pea
nut butter In place of other shortening
in the making of the dumplings. -
Almond Salad.—Blanch and shred a
half cupful of almonds, add six olives,
stoned and chopped, a.half cupful of
celery and a half cupful of boiled
dressing or sufficient French dressing
to season well. Serve on lettuce leaves.
Creamed Chestnuts.—This fs a deli
cious dish where chestnuts are reason
able In price. Boll until tender a cup
ful or two of chestnuts. Serve In well
seasoned rich, white, sauce. An egg
may be added to the sauce to make it
richer or cream used Instead of milk.
Serve as a vegetable.
Corn Bread.—One pint of white corn
meal, one quart of sour milk, four
eggs, one teaspoonfui of sod'a. one half
teaspoonful of salt. Mix well and bake
in muffin pans.
Did He Gfct a Boy?
It was a baker’s shop. From the
perforated grating beneath floated a
delicious aroma of cake, to the great
enjoyment Of a number of small boys
who were looking In. the window..
Presently the proprietor appeared with
a load of steaming hot cakes -fresh'
from the oven, and began to dress
the window with artistlo-piles. Hay
Ing finished, he went away, but reap--
peared a few moments .later ydth a
card Infills hand, which he hung. in.
the window, bearing the word's, ’'Boy
Wanted!”—London Chronicle.
‘Tape’s Diapepsiri”' settle.? sour.
gassy • stomachs in Five
minutes—Time It!
You don’t want a slow remedy when
your stomach Is bad—or an uncertain i
one—or a harmful one—your stomach
Is too valuable; you mustn't Injure It:
Pape’s Dlapepsln Is not ad;'for--Us
speed In giving relief; iCs harmless-,
ness; its certain unfailing 'action in"
regulating sick, sour,- gassy’-stornheha.
Its mfllibns' of’cures .to indigestion,
dyspbpsiay gastritis and other stomach
troubles has made it famous the world
tfvefl' "■ ’ J *•’ -
} Keejv-thls-' perfect stomachf-doctor'ln
your heme— bqndy—$eta large
fifty-pent case. from any dealer and
theh'lf anyone' should -'eat' something
which doesn’t .agree ; - yltluithem; t’if
whaV they eat lays.llke Jead, ferments
‘and sours and foVitis gttlff'causes'bead-
ache,‘dizziness land, nausea;-’erucia--
tibns pf acid and undigested food—
remember as s’bo'n as Pape's Dlapepsln
, In contact 'Kith 'theistalhaeh ail
It’s surprising how many filings you
can find'to'cHticize" and how very few
Use Hanford’s Balsam when nil else
falls. Adv.
Advantage of Silencer." V
This crash' of the bullet, makes the
value .of-the .Maxim silencer very little,
so far as ..military efficiency Is* con-
''corned, in Ihd way that the. fiction
writer Imagines the silencer, to hp.uze-
fulj lm.t not to hroi’c'nV.tlie efi'eruy from
discovering the position of’•tho nitrn
filing as many fancy: ■
its vn.iue'.ate? lu-thu fact.-ijiat«it
eliminates 'fully haiColf jlid jc’cfci! fd
tlio-.rilie/from’ Hie tietlotf orthc Eases'
Hi .Its. .chnuiterB,.. amritCglve'evlifc dm-
cci-s mlich /bettor control..byprJlic fife,,
because"oY-tliolessened, ’.noise of. thp
rides. -It cuts down -tiio’roai' of'the
Spririefield'to nhoiit .'the noise of the-
.25-26 atfd thus 'the rpnr.r.ofi-tht\ rifles
at the-fiiiiig'llne Is rpicii reduced,.and
the commands pt the- hfllcers ciih’ ho
hcaj'd.—Outing.' ' '•-
. . Coostcrnatlon at the.Front.
The archbishop of Yorky ln hlq early
days, did a great deal ot work Among
the uneducated ( lasses,: and on one
occasion 1 a very Illiterate woman
was godnietlifcV to a child at a chris
tening. . in the course of the ceremony
she was asked In thp. oho'
■'e dovil and all his works,
etc. , ; - ; "■ .
"Oh, yes, sir," slid replied-brlBkly.
"1 rccptiihttind them .all." . . .. ; ■-
Free lo Oin-itcuilir* •
Wrllo Marine Ere Remedy Co.,,Chicago, foe
fS-pnge lilUBtrMha live Rook Fn’c-. Write till
nhout-yonyJBWe ’rroiOilc.aml tlioy will .arti'lef
ns 1’6 lilt! Pioper Application of the Miirlnc
Eye RcmcdlcH In Xour-Speolnl, Cnee. Your
Druggist will tell you tbnt Murine 'Relieves
Bore Eyes, Strengthens .Weak Eyes.- Dncsnll
Smnrl. Snotheii raid, and sells for 60e.
Try' It In Your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes for
Scaly,Eyclidawml Granulation. Adv.
Chas. E. George, Editor
and Publishcrol the "Bench
and Bar Review,” 825 Per*
..dldo St.j New. Orleans, La.
' Very Much So.
"Didn't you think the operatic prlma
donna had an unusually high voice?”
, ,'T should say she had! My seat
cost me five dollars.”
Head .;
• Catarrh >'
• Cured hy
• Fcruna,
Having for years been af*
fiicted with Catarrh of tho
Head I was finally induced
to try’ Peruna. It effected
a cure. I think Peruna tho
best tonic eyer put on sale.
Ask your dealer for the free book
let, : 'l.Uscful Hints for Horse Ownnrs,”
Issued by G. C. Hanford Mfg. Co., Syra
cuse,' N.' Y., manufacturers of Han
ford’s Balsam of Myrrh. Adv.
The 'Only One.
,,"Th,er.e'goes Rev; Dr. Fourthly, one
of our .most prominent ministers. He
stands on a pinnacle alone.”
“.Because of his great sanctity'.”
.y'.'No.} v He's the only minister in
town who. hasn’t preached an antltan-
go sermon.”
• — :
- Rub -.It
A sprato -o.r strain should have im
mediate attention, to check the swell
ing. Rub on, : arid rub In thoroiighly
;Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh "and you
should have quick.relief. Always have
bottle on hand for accidents. Adv.
The-lack 1 of money is also the root
of much eyll. -'
Given.’Prompt' and. rbulllvc Ilnllcf In Every
• Case. Hold by UnikrIhIb. Price $1.00.
.Trial Package by. Mall 10c. -
^WILLIAMS MFC, CO., Props., Cloveland, 0.^
Build Up With nppetlzo r-'and
Si,This Wintersmit.h’s
Tonlo :.
'such distress vanishes. -It4;3isomi>t- (far .prcscrtp'floiis, : which might jiuzzlo
ness, certainty and easc. jn ovcrcom.lng
the/worst stomaclr disorders is a reve-.
'lal’ibfi'to those whpi irr-Tfe^rAdVr
-V 1 -- ■ -'-'i'i ..
. ; . hler, Travels. .. -i
• Two' little ‘Los'-''Angcles gitTs', Wei'S
talking- ahoiievtlie''blg eitidsibf'j'tlie'
United Stales. Rosie, .w]io;.Jiad tr»vf;
eled a grekt'deal, t and^ fiad
'many: of TiUiesb •> piaceB*'' wtua i'eiliiig,
Goldie- abput (Jiem, at rthe jaft-cr's' 4-e-
questi '. V.-L-r.-.
; ’'I watft' to go tdr Mexico vjsry.mjuch,;',.
concluded Rosie. haVe'never been
out of the United States,!' .* - - ' ■
‘i "'Hayeii't yoii?’ r ' askcft..-iGoMife, ;d«i
tpnes. of. qupertar-;:Bjty. .“tyhy^liji^e.
I have been in San^ Francisco aiid Nq.-
braska.” , ' ' : ve«Ss*.V- ■ -
_ New Anecdote.
. Qucot ' requests ..are' often f received
If you have eczema, ringworm or
other Itching, burning, unsightly skin-
eruption, try rcsinol- ointment and res-
inol soap and see- how quickly the
itching stops' and the 'troUblh : 'dlsai£
pears, even in a seveie, stubborn, case.
Rcsinol is also an excellent
hbusftliOtd remedy for pimplos, dan
druff, sored, burn's; wounds, chaflngs,
and for.a;septa of:other uses where
a soothing, healing.application is'iibed-
ed. Every' druggist' sells rcslnpl binti
ment and rcsinol soap. Adv.
• Find Live Duck, in Fish.
A etrangp -, specimen' of the angel
fish was caught by Captain Palmer-at
Sound Beach, who removed -fromj,ft
two ■ diicks.r The . wicked fish liad
stolen tlie duqks frpm J. Kennedy
Tod’s limt's Arden:estate. .One.,was
allye.. '-Si. - - • '
The fish were struggling in-the. wa
ter wlien seen by..Captain .'Pklmer,
and was landed with a pair of ice
tongs. • ‘
The fish is a- yard ;leng, and- its
mouth ls-6 by. 8 inches.. It was frozen
in a cake of ice at’ the ,.Mat)ef..iCo
plant and is exhibited in the wjpdoty
of a -market here. — Greenwich
(Conn.) Dispatch to.New YorkvWpcld.
'5 or 6 doses'6^6 will break any case
of Chills -& "Fever,' Golds'&.iaGrlppfe!’
It acts pn. the liver bet.ter .tha.n.-.Calo-,
inel and does net . gripe of-' sicken.
Price 25c.—Adv.
L’Ulicr - dqctor or chemist; far more
/skfllc’d' than, the,proprietor of the or-
‘■dina-ry drugstore. Here is one rccorft-
ly. reported by Morris Wade: It is a
pptGj excitable mother, whose .were apparently as much to
peed of treatment as tlie digestion of
her '.infairt i •
j .''.My Jias et up its father's
parish piaster. Please to send an. anec
dote by '{ho inclosed little girl."—
youth's -Gompaiiton'.
HarmlcES to F.iush. Kidney* aiid Neu
tralize Irritating Acld*-rSplend!d'
i . ..for-the. System.
— r -#1SS^fll
Kidney and Bladder weakness result
from uric acid, says a noted authwity.
Thd kidneys filter this acid frdm the
bloofl and pass it on to tho bladder,
whore it often remains to irritate and
Inflame,' causing a burning, scalding
seqsation, or. setting up an irritation
at the neck of'Ibe bladder, obliging
you to seek' relief two or three times
during the night. The sufferer Is to
constant dread, the water . passes
spmetim'es with a -scalding sensation
and is very profuse; again, the;«e is
difficulty in avoiding It.'
Bladder weakness, most folks call
it,, because^ they can't control ii-ina-
While it'is-extremely annoying
V Old Style.
‘Did she marry well?”.
"No; It was'a case'bf true love.”—
Harvard Lanipo'Pn. ,
Business ..
in a business way—-the
advertiaiiiQ s way. An ad
in this paper offers the
maximum service at the
minimum oost. It
reaqheB' the people pi the
town and vicinity you
want to. reach.
Ij v\;; >
Try It-
and .eomuHmcs very painful, this is
really one of the most simple ailments
to. overcome. Get about fpur ounces
of.Jad Salts from your pharmacist and-
take a tablespoonful In a glas.i of
water before breakfast, continue'this
.for two or,three days. This will neu
tralize the acids in' the urine so it no
Io'rigor is a source of irritation to the
bladder and urinary organs which then-
act normally again.
Jad' Saltd is-Inexpensive, harmless,
am] is made from .the acid of gropes
and lemon juice, combined with, llthia,
and is used by thousands of folks who
are subject .to urinary disorders cabsed
by uric acid irritation. Jad Sails is
splendid , for. kidneys : and onuses no
bad.effeets whatever.
Here you have a pleasant,- efferves
cent llthia-water drink, which quK'Uly
relieves .bladder trouble.—Adv.
.4;: • Kindred Jobs. I
"I nailed the rile, 1 ':. '
“And I hammered the liar."—Bal
timore American.
"The clamping head of a new wrench
can be adjusted at any angle to tela-
tjon fo.the handle.
A Draft—You Catch Cold—Then Follows
-• *■ ^:
Especially in tlie piercing pain
of neuralgia or t he dull thiob of
headache ;is Sloan’s .Linijnent
^wonderfully / rilfeving. Laid
ligttly onihe part-whepe the pain is felt, it gives at oitca a
feeling of, comfort and'^ase that' is most welcomo to tho
.•oyefwi'6ught : 8DfTereT.
'-t------ - >vyear-Wbat Other*Say:
'.'There-nrc po .Llnimriif* ; 'thni,,'cqi'ml Blo?nV'- My-hnsbend hn*'Beumliftii very
oftcif, hu rubH Sloan’s ott-his laco nnd thnt >8 the Inet of it.’ —Mn. V. J. Brum,
Route 1, Box-lJUiIfallfi, Ttrin> . ,
t'U. hove nSvi efoai?* t.aument,for. family u-o for yoor, and /would not bj> without
it. W.Q hnyotrnlflod n fumUV'of ten childn if ond havB wed it for croup and nil lun*
-' tronhWoW.-ne en nhtiwpne for wound*, of which children have n groat ninny. It
ren’t bo bent. My wife apioiiied her onlde laet pnmmer and it w in bad idmpe.
Hoon'p l.iiiim.-nt-eppli-l , ■ r i:, 1 j I. -11 l,i/ lob w- r.-.«l !'■ < vrr in n week-/ ! A’ 1 , v ' l .
eovcrol tube*for ipraina nnd theuinu(ism.*rrJo!i’*,jyc.iMcim|,,.JJ. R.Nu.S, Ktokult. Itfcn
It works, like.-,-magic, relieving Lumbago, ’Rheumatism, Sprains and
Bruises.. Np rubbing—juatlayiton. Price 25c. ‘ All dealers. Send four
Jenta in atAmpi for Trial BOTTLE. Sent to any nddre,a m the U,S.
DR. ^AjRL S. SLOAN, Inc. Dept.B. Philadelphia, Pa.
You Look
Beoaueo of those ugly, grizzly, gray hairs