The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, March 12, 1915, Image 1
IKE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF GRADY CAIRO, ,GRADY COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 12. 19.15. J. L. OLIVER’S SON HIGDON-HERRING COMPANY Grady County’s Largest Store The people of C airo are invited J One of the moat horribletragc- t.o be present at the Cairo High ! dies which ever op,cured iu tlu- School Auditorium, Friday even i State occured at Brunswick last ing, March 12th, to witness an ■ Saturday morning. Mbjiiyie Phil- Expression and Music Recital j ins who it seems had harbored which has been planned by Misses, some spite against some few of Addie i.ou Powell and Effie’Fbr-1 the citizens for soniethiti*? Sat ester who are the teachers ofjuMay morning armed himself these two departments. While with an automatic shot gun arid the program will not be extend-' supplied himself with a quantity’ ed. it will contain several inter of heavily loaded shells and esting features which will make went upon the war-path to avengi the evening enjoyable to thosn all wrongs which he imagined who attend. At this time repre- nad been done him, Tie {list* sentatives will be chosen for the C ited theellice of Mr. I|. t . Second, Congressional District IHmwody a prominent* attorney High School Meet which will be and immediately shot him;:dead held in Thomasville during the Tho load of buck shot Tearing early part of April. The Cairo away the entire left side of Mr. High School is permitted to send Tkinwody’s head. He the^n fired a contestant in music and ex upon Mr. May who happeifed to pression and from those who per- be in-Dunwody’s office. Think- form Friday evening this contest- ing that he had,lulled both Dun ant will be selected. Much care .vody arid May. he' thTtr walked has been exercised by the teach- down the, street juid Tegan to ers in the preparation of these slioot at everybody iii sight, kill- pupils and a very creditable ex- mg fob. others dead aud-.wo'und- hibition of skill is expected.', ing some twenty-liveother?,.' Your presence, .as an encourage- He continued shooing'bhtfl he meat to the young people who was Shot down 'loywMr. -B.utts,' shall perform, will be appreciu- who Philips hud .■/.■previously.' ted. The program will begin w unded. since then others promptly at 8 o’clock and' will aim: died- from wounds* reeievo continue for nearly an hour, . from the maniac Phillips which A Remarkable Showing Of the Frat Clothes for Young Men WE use tho word "remarkable” advisedly. In every sense the ahowingTs the most remarkable in the city. Styles and quality afford buying opportunities you’ll not find excelled elsewhere. PRING OPENING! Millinery and Dry Goods hmzdvy, Friday and Saturday MarcL 18th, 19th and 20th WE CORDIALLY INVITE ALL THE LADIES A. R. Oliver Miss Kathryn Brown Miss Susie Griffin —for suits in hundreds of choice patterns and weaves. Every good coloring for Spring is represented. Many imported fabrics among them. For sheer downright style these clothes are unmatchable They’re great. $12.50 don’t always buv clothes like these. STRAW HATS NOW.. NEW STYLES. Cairo, Ga, NOTICE To Water and Light Consumers: By action of Mayor and Coun cil,Tight and wafer bills must be paid by the 16th of the month,, at the Clerk’s office or services will be dhcontinuect. J. H. ConneU'j City Clerk. - Statement of the Condition of i b armers and Merchants Bank Cano, Ga., at the close of business, Feb. 27, 1915 **&&$*> |t5ii|pii,il r-ioek Piliii ii .... Undivided Profits, less Current Expense.-, Interest and We regret to be forced to come. 'fltftifrtd Loans ’Print. Leans .... Overdrafts seriin d..... OyerUrai'ts, unssevt-ed, 8,828j3T 89,27.9.87 ... None NONE to you late for the last two weeks but on account of the editor be ing indisposed for the lust two weeks and- our help working Taxes paid Dm- Unpaid Dividends Individual Deposits Subject to Cheek 50,592.61 Savings Deposits..16,906.20 Demand Certificates None Time Certificates. .14,761.96 Total Cashier’s Checks.. Due to Cleuring'House Notes and Pills ltediw.ounted.. Bills Payable, Including Time Certificates representing Bor- ’ rowed Money...... r --— Hanking House; ... — ,,'urriituio arid, tlxuire.s,A...., Other Heal Estate*...A, Due 'ram Banks and Bankers in this State DUeofom Bunks and Tankers in other States Citrraucy Gold . 1 .■Silver, Nickels, etc Cash Items........ Ctearma I Louse ... advances, Colton . Profits and Loss ,. Other l-tosources.. . Merchandise of Quality, .82.269.78 906.68 Nona .... none ,27tp.00 . 240.00 1902 16 1765.71 .None We call your attention to tie Tuesday morning Sam Walden, one of Grady’s prosperous color- statement of Farmers and Men ■ ed farmers brought sixteen bales;chants Bank on the first page of cotton .to this market. Sam is j We had a few errors in the state one of the largest farmers in our j ment last week and gladly call county. He resides in the Dun-, your attention to the corrected cnnville District. Sam daid that j statement. he had eight more bales at hone. I , . ,, He is classed among the leading San Antonia, Texas had the colored citizens in the county, first real snow in twenty years Grady county offers many advan- 1 last Monday, f’airo had no snow tages to the industrious husband- but we had the cold wind from man white pc colored. off that Texas snow, • • , j „ „„„ T. Grady will have an adjourn Dr. ' V y" n P r ^' d t a ; h ^ V . ab ! e 0 term of Superior court in May. sermon at.the P • , This is a very busy time with a large cpngregatmivlast Sunday. R does seem Hke i( Ie was his firs ■ P . . J would have suited the farmers m 6 hV msnf much better to haye held an ad ai e divine wt i„_ nn< , tnr = journed term in Jnly if it coulc most beloved and popular pastors have been SQ arranged _ How that our Baptist people ever call* ever we are not monkeying witf ed. Every good citizen of Cairo cour £ business. All we ask ii extends acordial greeting and £ or cour t s not to have an; most hearty welcome tq Dr. Wynn business with us and we will cal atid his estimable wife, . 1 it a stand off. .non* Wanted Hay and Shell Corn. Any one having any home grown I ay and good shell born’ to sell will pleitsfiiseeor write Thomas Wight or- W. C. Miithews, Cairo Ga. 'I he County would like to feed home grown feed as long as pus? siljle. • his dealings. This douhtlesB is the, sadest and most horrible drama ever enacted in Georjgia. There has. been very litile sue ing of debtors' in Grady. It seenis that creditors realize the and nave- been very L. M. Ausl'ey, N. P., Grady County, Ga. Weak Folks Made Strong. People ask us for a remedy that will make them strong a- gain — There’s no such medicine on ear,h. Good food, plenty of it, __ properly digested, is what makes d “ h ' t strength. But we have a remedy that will make you hungry three times a day—so hungry that you can hardly wait for mealtime. • That’s just what you weak- folks need—if vou could just fet a good appetite again. Na ture would do the rest for you. We know that Many citizens of Cairo for sometime have had one eye or. their wood-pile and the other eye looking for warmer weather. The feul is very rapidly disap pearing and if spring is approach ing it seems to be on rather a slow schedule. However what is the use to mouin? Just as soon as you get tnrough with fuel expanse Capt Bailey will he wanting to sell you ice to cool down. Expenses go on without; ceasing all the tiine and all seasons. Harry It. Thaw is again now occupying the front page of the da lies. He is now being tritd in New York for conspiracy in regard to his escape-from Mat- leawan asylum. situation lenient towards those who owe th^m. Their. extreme kindness should be highly appreciated by those who are unfortunately in »,»{': We believe that there is a bright future before the far mers of Grady. All of* them seem determine to work more and live more economically this year than in the passed. If this resolution is closely aheard to they will be in extra good shape this full. It is said that many of the far mers of Thomas county Will plant The present grand jury wil hold over untii after the adjourn ed term. This will put the evil doer or. notice that he had better walk a chalk line and remain up on his very best behavior if he don’t want to face a trial jury. When you have money deposited with us you can always rely on the fset that your money is safe at all times. We observe the laws governing bank*, and always conduct our business on safe and sound business principles. Otlr officers and Directors are men with business experience and our policy is always SAFETY FIRST. We offer you an absolutely safe place to deposit your this.year. We are no prophet, feiw-ti-x-i.... .&M0 Neither are we the son of a pro- Appetizing Tonic phet, but we venture iO prophe ts just the thing to build you up' sy that those who fool with such by making you eat. The formu-j a crop th'is year will regret it la is on the label —the makers' when entirely too late. Labor- want people to know what is in ing people are the principle buy- it - Nothing strong nothing ers of watermelons and the pres- harmful, just a scientific appeti- ent indications are that they wil zer" made by a great firm of not be in a position to buy manj chemists. The price is $1.00. melons. Hence there will not bt Money. W. S. Wight, Pres. W. H. Searcy, V. Pres, and Cashier H. G. Cannon, V. Pres.