Newspaper Page Text
Put Off Old Age
Somo old folks aro bent’ and shaky.
Others aro straight and strong It can't
bo mere "oldness" that works such havoc.
No^it's too often uric acid. Fight oil
this life-sapping poison. Help the kid
neys take it from the blood. To aid
them, live carefully and stimulate their
action with the old roliable medicine,
Doan's Kidney Pills.
A Florida Case
m Etmj Pictun Trlh a 8»tj* Mrs. W. H. Wal
ters, Goldstlne 8t.,
l’unja Gordo, . Flo..
"My right
kidney pafned me
BO severely that It
drew my body to
one side. For two
weeks I was un
able to straighten,
kly bladder was In.
flamed and doctors'
treatment failed to
help me. Doan’s
Kidney Pills re
moved the trouble
and for over a year
T have been free
from it.”
Cat Doan's at Any Store, 50c a Box
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver is
right the stomach and bowels are right.
gently butfirmly com
pel a lazy liver to
do its duty.
Cures Con
stipation', In.
and Distress After Eating.
Genuine must hear Signature
nnt only the old reliable remedy
general strengthening tonic and appetizer.
Forchlldr'cn as well as adults. Sold for 50
years. 50c and S1 bottles at drug stores.
Nancy Hall, Big Btcm Jersey and Porto Rico
Yams. $1.75 per 1000, 5000 for $8., can ship now
CTIUMCnilin cored nt.home; bnst.iuothdd; lowcat
OUmmCnlNU rates. r«rtleuUr«frer. Arnand.Urrnr,N.II.
A True Bourbon.-
In the unregenerato past, when our
fair land, lay in drunken stupor under
the heel of the demon rum, a teacher
of chemistry in ono ct the southern
colleges was-quizzing his class on. the
subject of the preceding lecture, which
waB "water,” and happened to call up
on s student from Kentucky, one John
"Johnsbn,” he said, “name the prin
cipal properties of water.”
"Well, sir,” said Johnson, briskly,
and confidently, "it’s poisonous.”—
New York Evening Post. '
Authority Makes Assertion That
Beauty and Commercial Prosperity
Go Hand In Hand.
"Thero Is no reason why our cities
should not bo sensibly planned. Thord
Is no reason why they should be al
lowed to run wild and grow without
earn and scientific regulation. There
is no reason why commercial consid
erations should ruin the beauty of a
city,.and thore is no'reason why*con
siderations of beauty should interfere
with its commercial prosperity." So
said Arnold W. Brunner of New York
city at the annual convention of the
American Civic association in Wash
ington when lie responded to the sub
ject, "Our Surroundings and Their In
fluence.” Continuing, Mr. Brunner
Bald: “Thero is every reason why
these two considerations should go
hand in hand and supplement each
other. They do so when we destroy a
slum, and let in light nnd decency,
when wo open up a congested district
and replace a mass of disgraceful tene
rafents by a playground, when modern
harbor improvements supersede old
wharves and neglected water fronts.
We must make it clear that city plan
ning properly understood, is intended
to provont blighted districts; to pre
vent the ruin of our streets; to pre
vent the spoliation of our parks and
squares. We must make it clear that
it is not only a good financial Invest
ment but that it brings a direct return
in the improvement of the welfare,
comfort and happiness of the citizen. I
believe that our newer ideas of social
justice will produce better cities. Cities
will be cleaner, healthier, more beauti
ful, for even the untrained already feel
that their rights are not recognized
and realize vaguely that their sensibili
ties are hurt by unsightly surround
ings. The outside of the other fellow’s
ljouse Is of more importance to us than
that of our own, and he must consider
us as we must consider him.
“The future American cities will be
beautiful and inspiring, and Washing
ton will lead ’ them all. When the
L’Enfunt plan is pushed further, as it
surely will be. the Lincoln memorial
finished, and the glorious mall, lined
with dignified buildings, sweeps
triumphantly up to the capitoI as a
climax, we shall have a scene, a back
ground worthy of a'groat nation." - •
I Guarantee “Dodsons’ Liver Tone” Will Give You the Best Liver
and Bowel Cleansing You Ever Had—Doesn’t Make You Sick!
Stop using calomel! It makes you
sick. Don’t lose a day’s work, if yoq
feel lazy, sluggish, bilious or consti
pated, llBtcn tp me!
Calomel is mercury or quicksilver
which causes necrosis of the bones
Calomel, when it comes into contact
with sour bile crashes Into it, breaking
it up. Tills Is when you feel that aw
ful nausea and cramping. If you feci
"all knocked out,” if your liver is tor
pid nnd bowels constipated or you
have headache, dizziness, coated
tongue, If.breath is bad or stomach
sour just try a spoonful of harmless
DodBori’s Liver Tone.
Here’s my guarantee—Go to any
drug Btore or dealer and got n iiO-cent
bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a
Two farmers, attired In corduroys
and gutters, were strolling through a
picture gallery, where they looked, nnd
apparently felt, decidedly out of place.
But at last they brought up before a
picture which really seemed to please
them—a portrait of a lovely girl with
a particularly ugly bulldog.
“This is something nice, Dick," said
"What is it called?”
Dick referred to the .catalogue.
“ ’Beauty nnd the Beast,’ ” he said.
The other man looked closer at the
"Ah!" he sighed, appreciatively,“he
is a beauty, too!”—London.Tit-Bits.
spoonful nnd if It doesn’t strnighton
you right up nnd make you feel lino
and vigorous I want you to go bnck to
tho store nnd get your money. Dod-
son'B Liver Tone is destroying tho
sale ofcalomel bobause It Is real liver
medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore
it cannot sallvRto or make you sick.
I guarantee that one spoonful of
Dodson’s Liver Tone will put your
sluggish liver to work nnd clean your
bowels of that, sour bile and consti
pated waste which is clogging your
system and making you feel miserable.
I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson’s
Liver Tone will keep your entire fam
ily fiellng fine for months. Give it to
your children. It is harmless; doesn't
gripe and they like its pleasant taste..
Advice With Motive.
"I am much bothered." ho said;' “I
can marry a wealthy widow whom I
don’t love or,a poor girl that I love
Intensely. What shall I do?”
"Listen to your heart, 1 ’ advised his
companion, "anti marry the one you
“You are right, my friend. I slmll
marry the girl."
"Then you can give me the widow’s
is cm
Look, Mother! If tongue is
coated, give “California
Syrup of Figs.”
-Children love this “fruit laxative,"
and nothing else cleanses tho tender
stomach, liter and bowels so nicely.
A child simply will not stop playing
to empty the bowelB, and the result is
they become tightly clogged with
waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach
sours, then your little one becomes
cross, half-sick, feverish, don’t oat.
sleep or-act naturally, breath is bad,
system full of cold, has sore .throat,
stomach-ache or diarrhoea. Listen,
Mother! See if tonguo is coated, then
give a teaspoonful of “California
Syrup of Figs,” and in a few hours all
the constipated waste, sour bile and
A undigested food passes out of the sys
tem, and you have a well child again.
Milllons.of mothers give “California
Syrup of Figs” because it is perfectly
harmless; children love it, and it nev
er^ fails to" act .on the stomach, liver
and bowels.
Ask at the store for a 50-cent bottle
of “Callfdrnla Syrup of Figs,” which
has full directions for babies, children
of all ages and for grown-ups plainly
printed on the bottle- Adv.
Mick’s Pipe.
The Irish Guards were holding a po
sition at Ypres, and flying bullets were
the ordor of the day. The Gormans
endeavored to break through, and alter
a particularly brisk volley' Private
Flynn was heard to shout:
“Murder of wars, I’m done now alto
“Why,, have you been hit?” shouts
Captain P .
"Not entoirely hit, sir,” shouts
Flynn; "but I’ve been Waiting this ten
minutes for a smoke from Murtagh’s
pipe, and by the powers they’ve just
shot it out iv his mouth.”
Life is never monotonous to the
oman who can afford a cook.
Granulated Eyelids,
| Eves inflamed by expo
sure to Sun, Dust and Wind
0 Eye Remedy. No Smarting,
' tmm ‘ J • "“* just Eye Comfort At
four Druggist s 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye
Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Garden Cultivation Has Proved a Great
Success in the City of
Albany, N. Y.
At tho annual convention of the
American Clyic association Mrs. John
T. D. Blackburn of Albany, N. Y„ told
a most Interesting story of ’’Children
at Work in Gardens” in her home city,
where, during the past two or three
years, thousands of children have been
interested to develop flower and vege
table gardens about their homes. At
the close of each summer session a
garden exhibit is held where are dis
played the best selections of flowers
and vegetables, plants grown in pots
from seeds and plants grown in win
dow boxes. Awards are made to the
children tor the best efforts. Concern
ing this kind of activity for children,
Mrs. Blackburn said: “Gardening gave
increased health and knowledge of na
ture, and furnished a continuous inter
est through the summer, giving a pur
pose to life. It kept the children at
home and off the streets, promoted a
common interest in the family and re
duced the cost of living.”
Avoid Straight Lines.
Tho third, and last, of the great
fundamental ruleB of landscape design,
"Avoid straight lines," is, in tbe'optn-
lon of the writer, of almost as great
importance as the first and chief rule
which thfe greatest authorities have
laid dovfn for governing our garden
planning. As the average young lady
sayB of everything that meets her ap
proval: “It is just too cute for any
thing.” It permits the entry of more
art in detail than all other rules com
bined, and provides for intricacy of de
sign; easo of approach, access without
apparent restraint, and availability of
all parts without departure from the
“Shortest line between two given
points.” Compliance with this rule is
accomplished with more pleasure than
in dealing with any other, yet it is a
dangerous dictate for the novice or
amateur to deal with.
Girisl Try This! Makes Hair Thick,
Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful—No
More Itohlng Scalp.
Within ten minutes after an appli
cation of Danderine you cannot find a
single trace of dandruff or falling hair
and your scalp will not itch, but what
will please you most will bo after a
few weeks’ use, when you see new
hair, fine and downy at first—yes—but
really new hair—growing all over the
A little Danderine immediately dou
bles the beauty of your hair. No dif
ference bow dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, just moisten a cloth with
Danderine and carefully draw It
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. The effect is amaz
ing—your hair will be light, fluffy and
wavy, and have an appearance of
abundance; an incomparable luster,
softness and luxuriance.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton’s
Danderine from any Btore, and prove
that your hair is as pretty and soft
as any—that it has been neglected or
injured by careless treatment—that’s
all—you surely can have beautiful hair
and lots of it if you will just try a lit
tle Danderine. Adv.
Man Who Knows Points Out That
Scientific Discoveries Are Not
"Thero Is a ’ widespread but errone
ous belief In nfiieial clrqles, nnd among
wealthy philanthropists," writes Sir
Bay Lnnkesler In tho London Dally
Telegraph, "to the effect that you can
hire a scientific, discoverer nnd then
say tp hint, ’Discover mo tltlB’ or ’Dis
cover me tlmt’ (naming to him a pos
sible and greatly desired piece of new
knowledge), and that he will there
upon proceed right, away to make the
discovery which you want. . ... But
valuable and Important scientific dis
covery capnot ho produced directly In
response to orders given nnd money
‘‘You. cannot manufacture .scientific
discovery ltk| soap. The groat diffi
culty, In the first place, Is to catch
that rare and evasive creature—a
scientific discoverer—and when you
have found him you ltavo to hpmor
him and let. him do as lie fancies.
Then he will discover things, hut
probably not the things which either
you or he wanted or expected.”
kd Salts f
Stubborn Throat troubles nre easily re
lieved by lVan’a Mentholated Cough Drops;
They act like mngle—5c at all Druggists.
”1 wonder why Mrs. Jlggs looks
such a leaden color.”
"She Bays she lms plumbago.”
A man with horse scuse Is the hard
est to drive.
Who meets Ills hills need not fear
to moot colleclorB.—Albany Journal.
Mr. Andor Kiss, 'No. 318
1^1 Clinton Place, Kansas City,
Mo., writes: "I -cannot
thank you enough for being cured.
For seven long years‘I doctored
steadily for my catarrh and cough,
which cost me hundreds of dol
lars. But my catarrh grew worse
nil the lime. Even though I was
under tho treatment of some of
the most famous doctors, I still
had a terrible cough nnd thought
sometimes that I would choke.
1 could get no air. I then
bought a bottle of Feruna, and
'that evening and all night my
wife gavo It to me according
to the directions, and I felt bet
ter the following day already.
Three days later I felt much Im
proved, nnd today, after the use
of the fourth bottle, 1 fael en
tirely cured, I can conscien
tiously recommend this grand
mcdldne to every citizen.”
A Good Cough Tablet,
There aro people who object
to taking fluid medicines. For
such people tho Feruna Tablets
are especially valuable. They
arc convenient to carry In tho
i Gives Prompt, untl PokHIvc Relief In Kvefry
Cnap.’ .SoId by UnippIntH. l*rlce$1.00.
Trial Package by Mall 10c.
; WILLIAMS MFG. C0-, Props., Cleveland, 0.
A toilet preparation of merit. I
Jtelpfl to eradlralo dandruff. I
For Restoring Color and I
Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. I
60c. and tt.QOat DrnggtnU. 1
Paint Adds to Appearance.
All bulldingB and appliances on tho
farm will be Improved greatly, both
In appearance and in serviceability, by
tho addition of paint. One may buy
ready-mixed paints, or may purchase
paste plgmonts and oil and mix them.
All surfaces should bo clean and dry
before they are painted. Use a prim
ing coat made of equal parts of paint
and linseed oil and cover with one or
more coats of paint, which should be
thoroughly rubbed into the surface.
Model of Yosemlte Valley.
According to the bulletin of the
American Geographical society, a
largo relief model of the Yosemlte val
ley is being constructed at tho office
of pujbllc roads in Washington, far
tho government exhibit at the Panama-
Pacific exposition.
New Cancer Scrum.
Tiio results of (lie work of nearly a
year by physicians; surgeons aud labor
atory stalf qf the General Memorial
hospital ol New York, tending to show
tho success of a new caucor Borum,
are expected to bo published soon In
an official report of the medical board
of tho institution to announcements
made recently. Tho report will contain
the name of the discoverer of tho now
serum, Its composition, tho details of
tho preliminary laboratory work and
the individual medical histories of the
patients so far treated in tho hospital.
The announcements forecast tills re
port as one of the most important con
tributions to science emanating frpm
the medical professions in this coun
try. The serum is used by Injection.
Tho cancerous growths break down,
disintegrate and disappear, it is as
Backache or Bladder
Neutralize Acids.
Uric acid In meat excites tho kid
neys, they become overworked; get
sluggish, ache, nnd feel like lumps of
lead. The urine bocomos cloudy; tho
bladder is irritated, nnd you may bo
obliged to Beok relief two or three
times during the night. When the kid- j
neys clog you must help them flush
oft tho body’s urinous waste or you'll
he a real sick porsbn shortly. At first
you feel a dull /misery in the kidney
region, you suffer from backache, Bick
headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour,
tongue coated and you feel rheumatic
twinges when tho weather Is bad.
Eat less meat, drink lots of water;
also get from any pharmacist four
ounces of Jad' Salts; take a table-
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast for a tow days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This fa
mous salts Is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon Juice, combined
with lithia, and has been used for
generations to clean clogged kidneys
and stimulate them to normal activity,
also to'neutralize the acids in urine,
bo it no longer Ib a source of irrita
tion, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
Ut.hla-water drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep tho
kidneys clean and active. Druggists
here say they Bell lots of Jad Salts to
folks who believe, in overcoming kid
ney trouble while it is only trouble.—
Feeling of Security.
Bill—Saw you out horseback riding,'
Jill—Oh, did you?
“I suppose you feel ns safe on a
horse as you would on a trolley?”
“Safer. You are not expected to
give up your sent to a lady on a horse.”
You don't have to WONDER if Ros-
inol Ointment 1b doing you good. You
KNOW it is, because the first applica
tion stops the itching and your tor
tured skin feels cool and comfortable
at laBt. Why don't YOU try this easy
Reslnol way to heal eczema or similar
skin eruption? Resinol clears away j too' short—you 'Tre not here
pimples, too, and is a valuable house- Iong SQ maUe yollr stay agre eahle.
‘tape’s Diapepsin” fixes sick-
sour, gassy stomachs in
five minutes.
Time it! In five minutes all stomach
distress will go. No indigestion, heart
burn, sourness or belching-of gas, acid,
or eructation's of undigested food, no
dizziness, bloating, or foul breath.
Pape’s Diapepsin is noted for its
speed jn .regulating upset stomachs.
It is the surest, quickest nnd most cer
tain indigestion remedy in tho whole
world, and besides-it is harmless.
Please for your sake, get a large
flfty-cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin
from any store and put your stomach
right. Don’t hoop on being miserable—
hold remedy for cuts, sores, burns,
chafings, etc. It has boon prescribed
by doctors, for 3(5 years, and contains
nothing that could irritate or injure
the tenderest skin. Sold by all drug
gists. Adv.
v ->-
The Heated Kind.
“You say he’s a famous Germun air
"An aeroplane expert, eh?,”
"No. He has charge of a publicity
Tho bashful lover is just as liable
to make a domineering husband as
the fresh guy.
Eat what you like and digest It; en
joy It without dread of rebellion In
the stomach.
Pape’s Diapepsin belongs in your
home anyway. Should ono of the fam
ily eat something which don’t agree
with th'em, or in case of an attack of
indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or
stomach derangement at daytime or
during tho night, it Is handy to give
the quickest relief known. Adv.
The Worm Turns.
Hubby—You’re net thu cook my
motbor was.
Wife—For which you should he
thankful. Your father died of dyspep
sia, you know.
Go After
in a business way—-the
advertising way. An ad
in this paper offers the
maximum service at the
minimum cost. It
reaches the people of the
town and vicinity you
want to reach.
Try It—
It Pays
Must Have Healthful Sleep.
Edison,, tho Inventor, has been
quoted as saying that little sleep Is
necessary, and that the tlmo will come
when mankind will not sleep at all,
and therefore not waste a fourth or
fifth of valuable time In tho 24 hours
of the day in a condition equivalent
to death. At tho moment, of course,
Mr. Edison was breakTng into the role
of the professional humorist. All of
tlie-tilings called nature demands rest,
nnd tho must eloquent description of
misery ever written was that In Mac
beth," when it. was declared that the
murderous thane should sleep no inoro
—thift he had murdered sleep. So tho
person who fulls to have health
_ . as roc-
ulneii line In nn« wav nr another- o-nmondert Pn.xtino in tlioir
sleep nas in one waj oi anoiuei y prlvata corrospcniaenoOwith wo
rdereu sleep. mow. which tv'ovcs its sun
A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to';
be disstjved in water as needed-
For Douches
In tho lojjsl treatment of woman’s illtM
such as ]ou«.orrhoca ami inflammation, hob’
douches of Taxtino aro very efficacious. |
No woman .vho lias over used medicated!
dftnehos will *-.iil to appreciate tho clean and 1
healthy condition Paxtino produces and tho;
prompt relict from soreness and discomfort*'
whlchfollows its uso.This is because Paxtino
possesses superior cleansing, disinfect*
in a anil hen.Ing properties. -
For ten fyoyrs tho Lydia K.
J'inkhnm MocQciiio Co. lia
Tho devil doesn’t care how often a
man goes to church on Sunday,, if he
can use him tho rest, of tho week.
ority, • "Women who have boon 1
reliovod say it So 11 worth its |
weight in gold.” At druggists.
60c. tyrge box or by mail. Sample free.
The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mobs,
New Treatment for Bronchitis,
Asthma, Catarrh and Head Colds
Viek’» “Vap-O-Rub” Salvo Relieve, by
Inhalation attd Absorption.
No Doting.
No need to take internal medicines or
habit forming drugs for these troubles.
When Vick’s ’• Vop-O-Rub” Salvo is applied
to tho heat of tho body, soothing, medi
cated vapors aro released that nre inhaled
all night long through tho air passages to
tho lungs. In addition, Vick’s is absorl
through tho skin, relieving the tightness
nnd sorfcueBs. Vick’s enn ho applied over
the throat and cheat aud covered with »
warm flannel cloth—or a little put up tho
nostrils—or molt a littloiu a spoon and in
hale the vapors arising. Also for Asthma
nnd Hay Fever, rub Vick’s well, over tho
spinal column to relax tho nervous tension.
25c, 50c, or $1.00,
if Yours is fluttering or weak, use tENOVINE.’’ Made by Van Vleet-Manafleld Drue Co., Memphis, Term,