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- v vtfAp* cQUNi'Y pttOQfttisia, CAmu,.«,
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*'V4.i AKaj. Sk&omfl
^ First Grand Prize $300.00 in gold.
Second Grand Prize $75.00 in furniture.
Prize for Society, Etc. $50.00 in gold.
There will also be one $50.00 Diamond Ring given in each District.
5,€00 Extra Votes Free !
With each of the first five subscriptions for on;
year turned in by any candidate be w en the opening
date and nine o’clock Saturday ni,dit, May 15th,
5,000 extra votes besides the regular votes will be
given free. This offer is mar'6 to Encourage you to
start work now when the votes come easiest.
Thrift Club closes at ten o’clock Sat
urday n’ght, June 19th.
Help Your Lodge, Church or
Society Win $50.00
Does your church, lodge or society need money?
Here is your chance to get it quickly and easily. Each
member of the Thrift Club who secures votes, on sub
scriptions will be given a duplicate number of votes
for their favorite church, lodge or society. The’ or
ganization which secures the largest number of votes
in this way will be given 60.00 in Gold at the end of
the campaign.
Money for You
Good For 100 Votes
District No.
This coupon, when neatly cut out and b-ought cr
mailed to the Campaign Department, will count for
the person whose name is written therein.
Void After May 15th, 1915
BiaMaawBi—aaBMiK m wim
If there is anythin g you do not fully understand call or write the Thrift Club Manager
and he will be glad to call and set you right.
Three Districts,
At Least One Prize
4 to Each in Addition
to the Grand Prize.
Address all Communication^ to.
“The Thrift Club Manager”
care Progress, Cairo, Georgia
Ten Per Cent.
Comission to
all Non Winners
Judge John C. Hart, state t x
commissioner, last week submit
ted to Comptroller-General Wm.
A. Wright his first annual report,
which states that the total value
of property for aft valorem taxa
tion in 1913 was $867,973,737,
which Was increased largely un
der the operation of the equaliza
tion tax act in 1914 to &953;551,-
254 or total gain of $85,557
The largest increase in any
particular item of- property is
that of Tmpioved Land, to-wit:
$40,284,822. This is not due, to
the fact- that there has been any
material increase in the value of
land per acre, but ,to the fact
that the increased acreage of im
proved land amounts to 735,091
acres. -This is land two-thirds of
which was never before put on
There are several counties in
Georgia which discovered as
many as 60,000 acres not hereto
fore on the digest, and upon
which ho taxes were paid. The
hitherto value of land per aci
for taxation in these counties
was actually lowered in conse
quence'of, the discovery of- this
returned'land. City and town
property shows -an •” increase of.
$2,440,146. Money and solvent
debis show .an increase of $6,300
Tht greatest increase in county
assessments is shown in Fulton
counts, the increase being 010-
198,085. Grady county’s increase
To the teachers of Grady coun
1 have on hand a number of
questions sent out by the State
Department of Education for. the
Seventh grade pupils. Each pu
pil who stands a satisfactory ex
amination on Stheso questions is
entitled to a eertifiicate showing
they have completed the Seventh
grade. I will be glad to mail
these questions to any teacher
desiring same.
The reading course for the ex
animation this year will be the
same as for 19 U and is as fol
Manual for Georgia Teachers
Allen’s “Civicsand Health.”
Colgrove’s ‘‘The Teacher and
the South.”
The first of these.books can be
secured'from the County School
Commissioner free; the second
from Ginn & Co., for $1.00; the
third from Chas. Scribner’s Sons
of .Atlanta, for $1.00.
The annual examination will be
held this year on July 30 31 it.
J. S. Weathers, Supt.
THOSE who come AND 60.
Mr. (pprGiddings, the contest
man, spent the week-end with
homefoiks at-Americus. , . /
From Bo.-'on Home.
Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Jones, oi
Cairo, were in the city Saturday
afternoon attending the Jrnes
Wilder marriage.
From Thomasville Prear,
Mr. C. O. Griffin, of Cairo, was
in the city a-short time Thursday.
Mr. J% E. Cobb, a prominent
business man of Whigham, was
a pleasant visitor in Thomasville
Col. J. Q. Smith, of Cairo, was
in the city Friday attending to
legal business.
Col. H. G. Turner, of .Cairo,
spent several hours in the city
Saturday on legal business.
Mr. A. A. Laing, the popular
dairyman of Cairo, spent several
hours here Saturday evening.
Mr. W. H. Platt sprnt Sunday
in Cairo looking after business
The-mint makes it and under the
terms of the Continental Mort
gage Company you can secure it
at (5 per cent, for any legal pur-
poss on approved real estate.
Terms easy, tell us your wants
and vve.will co operate with you.
1419 Lytton>BWg, Chicago
Join he International
Pace Society.
No initiahn fee or dues to pay
You will met the best people in
Grady count at-ipr conclaves
which are helin Cairo. Address
InternationaPeace Saciety
Raiiwav Ex^nge Bldg.
St. LouisMissouri
We wish to announce the fol-
1 nving interest rates on five year
farm loans, taking effect on and
a’ter April 1st, 1915:
On loans under $1000 7 1-2 per
cent. -
On. loans from $1000 to $2000
7 per cent.
On loans from $2000 toS50C0
6 1-2 per cent.
• On loans of $5000. and above 6
pgr cent.
Loans at these reduced rates
will be made only to the best men
on well improved’farm lands.
Sacred Harp Convention to Meet
The semi annual session of the
southwest Georgia Sacred
Singing Convention will be held
at the Baptist church in Reno on
the fifth Sunday and Saturday
before in May, the 29th and 30th.
All lovers of j..ood sacred songs
are invited. It i- expected that
dinner will bi on the grounds
each day.
J. E. COKER, Pres.
Barrow Loan i
Abstract Company
Pelham - - Georgia
Whigham Items,
Miss Lillian Trapnell, of Met
er, is spending awhile with Miss
Alma.Quinn and Miss Reha Mux
Rev. Chambers and Mr, Byron
Butler attended the quarterly
meeting at Spring Hill church
Messrs. T. W. McMullen, of
Donalsonville, and G. Allday. of
Iron City, visited the Misses Har
rell Sunday evening.
Misses Eula Connell and Lena
Belcher spent Sunday in Calvary
with the latter’s sister, Mrs.
T. M. Maxwell.
Mr. J. O. Williams spent a few
days this week in Tallahassee.
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Clark,
Mesdames George Clark, W. B. >
Grice and Miss Ethel Harrell at
tended the picnic .at Providence
Mr. and Mrs. A. Collins,. of
•Cairo, were here Tuesday.
Several of the young people at
tended an entertainment at Mr.
C. Ullman’s Friday night.
Tuesday morning about 3:10
the residence of-Mr. Vate Vicl-
ers in north Whigham was burn
ed. The fire had made such a
start before any one was awak
ened that practically nothing was
saved. They had some insurance.
Mrs. Ilosendorf and son, of
Stockton, is spending a few days
with her sister, Mrs. G. L, Dick-
Har'p j erson -
’ ” Cd. Terrell has had his house
rebuilt and moved into it.
Mr., and Mrs. T. E. Taylor, of
Ma?nolia School section, we.-e in
town Tuesday.
Miss Etta Jones spent Satur
day and Sunday with homefoiks.
I Mr. and,, Mrs. Jiwer, of Shady
Grove, were in town shopping
A Necessity of the Present Day
Attend the Old Established
Southern Shorthand & Business
Nearly 20,000 Graduates in Positions. -
76—Typewriting Machines—75.
Largest and Most Popular Business School in the
South. •
Now is the Time to Enter — Write for Catalogue
A. C. Briscoe, President L. W. Arnold, Vice-Pres.
n « since our last writing.
^ ASTR I A • Dr* Morgan, Presiding Elder,
For Infants and Children , of Thomasville district, preached
In Use For Over 30 Years *■"»■** 10 0 laree **'
Col. Terrell i;. no .v owner of a
The Merchants & Planters Bank
of Whigham, Ga.
Opened for Business on Tuesday,
April 27, 1915,
The Strongest Bank in Grady
Deposits Insured Against Loss of Any
We Solicit Your Business
~ 3|ry
Signature ..of. ?f***Cr.
: Ford tourih.r car.
Send Us Your Job Printing and
You will be Well Pleased.