The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, May 07, 1915, Image 6
GRADY COUNTY PROGRESS, CAIRO, GEORGIA. RETURNED RIGHT ANSWER NJght Watchman In'-Department of Justice Scored a Hit “on His Own Judgment." Not long ago a brand now watchman was appointed us a night guard in the department o£ Justice. He assumod his dutloB, filled with the importance of hlB responsibilities. In Instructing him an oftlclal said: "Now, If anything unexpected hap pens during the night Just use your •own Judgment In dealing with the mat- tor." That night, as the watchman sat at the door, there came a wire from some ofllclal In California asking the dopurt- mont whether there was any law against a certain thing. Now this was tlio time, so thought the watchman, to “act on your own Judgment?’ He gave the boy a reply which rend: “I don’t know of any,” and the telegram was sent. A high ofllclal learnod of the matter and placed It before the attorney gen- oral. That officer smiled at the answer given and remarked: “Well, he’s right about It—I don’t know any law against It either.”—Washington Stnr. Getting All Sewed Up. It was several days after arriving home, from the front that the soldier with the two broken ribs watf sitting up and smoking a cigar when the doc tor came In. "Well, how are you feeling now?" asked the latter.' “I’ve had a stitch in my side all day," replied the wounded soldier. “That’s all right,” said the doctor. “It shows tli&t the bones are knit ting." Decorated With One When He Left. "Uh-well, yo’ houah,” explained Brother Stlmmerjohn, "do gen’leman come to muh house and ’guuter norate loud and coa’s ‘bout fou’ dollahs, and ■'Oh, ho had a bill, did ho?” "Nussah! He nevor had no bill when ho come dar—ho des had a com mon, ov’yday nose. But—uli-yaw! haw! haw! haw!—yo’ ortuh seed it when he left; sahhab, yo’ dess ortuh seed It!”— Kansas City Star. Satan and the Cerulean Deep. "I’m In a quandary.” “What about?" "I have two invitations to dinner, and I can’t decide—” "Which one to accept?" “No, which one to refuse. One Is to a homo where a young lady has just come home from a piano conserva tory, and the other Is where a flve- year-old boy knows a lot of recita tions.”—Farm Life. Doctor’s Advice. ‘ Doctor—You must go away tor a long rest. Overworked Merchant—But, doctor. I’m too busy to go away. Doctor—Well, then you must stop .advertising. Unreasonable. “Your board bill is two months In arrears, Mr. Hallroom. Can you give mo something on account?” “Good heavens, woman! Do you suppose I’d stay here if I had money enough to pay for my board?" Broadly Bpeaklng, the people are divided Into two classes: The people who do things and tholr critics. FARMER’S WIFE TOO ILLTOWORK A Weak, Nervous Sufferer Restored to Health by Ly dia E. Pinkham’s Veg etable Compound. Knsotn, Minn.— ‘‘I .am glad to say that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has done more for nio than anything else, and I had the best physi cian here. I was so weak and nervous that I could not do my work and suf fered with pains low down in my right side for a year or more. I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound, and now I feel like a different person, I believe there is nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound for weak women and young girls, and I would be glad if I could influence anyone to try the medi cine, for I know it will do all and much more than it is claimed to do.” —Mrs. Clara Franks, R. F. D. No, 1, Maple- crest Farm, Kasota, Minn. Women who suffer from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should be convinced of tho ability of Lydiu E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to re store their health by the many genuine and truthful testimonials we are con stantly publishing in the newspapers. If yon have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinklmm’s Vegeta ble Compound-will liolp you, write to Lydia E.PlnkltamMedlclneCo. (confidential) Lynn,Mass., for ad vice. Tour letter will be opened, rend and answered by a woman, and bold in strict coulidence. Tho Battles of Peace. There are difficulties and dangers before our nation today just as great as any our forefathers faced. To meet and conquer them requires all the moral brawn and muscle this na tion can muster. There are the prob lems of corruption in business and politics; the terrible scourges of In temperance and the drug habit, and the social evil, deadly to soul and body alike; there are the problems of moral education, of marriage and di vorce, of the treatment of depend ents—prisoners, defectives, paupers, etc. Any one of these left .uncon quered would devastate our country as no war could.—Rev. N. T. Houser. True Christian Spirit. Notwithstanding all that I liav.o suf fered, notwithstanding all the pain and weariness and anxiety and sorrow tlmt necessarily enter into life, and the in ward errlngs that are more than all, I would-enter my record with devout thanksgiving to the great Author of my being, profound gratitude for nil that belongs to my life and being- tor joy and sorrow, health and sick ness, success and disappointment, vir tue and temptation, for life and death —because I believe that all is meant for good.—Orville Dewey. It’s woman’s imagination that'keeps her young—If she Imagines people can’t see through a coat of paint. Triply Protected First, the inner container of paper, next the big yellow carton, and then, the outer wrapping of waxed paper, sealed air-tight and dust- proof. Superior protection for the Superior Corn Flakes— Post Toasties These delightful flakes are made of the finest white Indian Corn, steam-cooked, daintily- seasoned, rolled and toasted^—crisp and gold en-brown. ' • Post Toasties reach you fresh and delicious, perfectly protected and ready to. eat. They are mighty good with milk or cream, or with any kind of fruit. “The Memory Lingers” —sold by Grocers everywhere. T HE world has awaited, with dread, tho time when the French armteB might reach the environs of Strassburg and be gin to bombard that undent capital of Alsaoo-Lorralne, becauso then one of tho most marvelous works of civilisation will bo exposed to .de struction or great damage. This is tho catbodrat of Strassburg, an archi tectural glory, “ouo of the choicest Gothic visions over dreamed of by a master mason." During the war of 1870 tile Strass burg cathodral was rather budly dam aged. Tlie French established a mili tary signaling station in the Immedi ate vicinity, whloh drew the shell lire of tho Prussians. As a result, the magnificent splro was torn from top to bottom, and one projectile, grazing the cross on the- top, bent It sidewise. This happened on the 24th day of August. No sooner was the war at an end, however, tlmn the Germans set about the business of repairing the damago thus Inflicted. The task oc cupied ten years, being not comploted until 1880. Dates From the Eleventh Century. It Is an interestlug fact that this celebrated structuro occupied the site of an ancient heathen temple dedi cated to Hercules. Indeed, the Image of the god Is known to have been pre served within Its- walls, as a historic memorial, up to the year 1805, when it disappeared—just how is not satis factorily explained. The heathen tern- pje was demolished In the fourth cen tury A. D. The Christian fane that took Its place was of wood in the seventh cen tury; later it was of stone. It was the houses in narrow streets (dat ing back to tho middle ages) being embellished with wonderful wood carv ing. The city is connected with tho Rhino (two mllos to tho. oast) by canals. It Is a center of high roads between Germany,-France and Switzer land and at .the junction of other canals which connect the Rhino with tho Marne, and tho Rhone with tho Rhine. The place is the seat of the Imperial governor of Alsace-Lorraine, and tho headquarters of tho Fifteenth corps. Like Metz, Strassburg was in former days governed by a prince bishop. But in the thirteenth century the then German omperor made It a free city. It had at that time 50,000 inhabitants—a population deemed huge—and, being a very important trade center, It was already rich and prosperous. Then it was "that the principal facade of the great cathedral was built. One of Town’s Features. Strassburg, like Metz, was an an cient Roman military post. The Romans called it Argentoratum. It is today enormously strong, being de fended by 14 forts and Inner ramparts. There are also great works for flood ing' tho approaches, as an additional discouragement to an onemy. An Interesting feature of Strassburg Is tho great number of storks which build their huge nests on the chim ney pots. Oddly enough, these birds never seem to establish themselves for. breeding purposes anywhere ex cept on human dwellings. Nobody would ever think of disturbing them in any way. On the contrary, a house holder thinks It a great sign of good luck If a stork picks out his roof top Gutenburg Platz partly or wholly burned half a dozen times (destroyed by lightning In 1002), and as often rebuilt. As it stands to day, it was completed in 1839; but the. oldest portlou dates from the be ginning of the eleventh century. It is considered the noblest creation of ecclosinstical architecture in Germany, Its only rival in'.that country being tho equally famous catbedral of Co logne. The astronomical clock which adorns this cathedral Is the most celebrated timepiece in the world. It dates back to 1352, and originally was graced with statues of the three wise men and the virgin In wood, together with a cock. At the stroke of every , hour the wise men bowed before the virgin and the cock crowned and flapped his wings. It contains a perpetual calendar, In dicating all the various holy days (movable feasts), such as Easter, and regulates Itself in leap years. It shows the movements of the planets, the phases of the moon and eclipses of tho sun and moon calculated for remotest times. Figures represent ing the four stages of life,. grouped around a figure of Death, strike the quarter hours. Childhood strikes the first quarter, Youth the Becond, Man hood the third and Old Age the fourth. Death strikes the hours, while an an gel, seated above, turns round an hour glass which he holds In his hand. At stroke of 12 the apostles appear In single file and pass before a fig ure of Christ, bowing. The Savior blesses them by raising his band, while the cock crows and flaps his wings three times. Strassburg Once a Free City. Strassburg marks the locality where the River 111 divides into five branches. It has 125,000 inhabitants, and the old part of the town is most interesting to the sightseer,, some of for a nest. It Is very curious to see them teach their young to: fly. Toward the end of August all the storks start on the same day south ward, bound for their winter' quarters In Africa. In March they return, pre ceded a week dr so by a single stork pioneer, and their arrival Is always hailed with joy.' Apparently they in variably take up the same nests year after year. Outdoor Living. Living much out .of doors. In the sun .and wind, will no doubt produce a cer tain roughness ‘ of character—will cause a thicker cuticle to grow over somo of the finer qualities of our na ture, ns on the face and hands. So staying in the house, on the other hand, may produce a softness and smoothness, not to say thinness of skin, accompanied by an Increasing sensibility to certain Impressions. Per haps we should be more susceptible to. some Influences Important to our intellectual and moral growth If the sun had shone and the wind blown on us a little less; and no doubt It is-a nice matter to proportion rightly the thick and thin skin. But methinks that is a scurf that will fall off fast enough —that the natural remedy is to' be found in the proportion which the night bears to the day, the winter to the summer, thought to experience-— Thoreau. - Genuine French Market Goffee Is Never Sold In Bulk No "bulk coffee” is a satisfactory substitute for French Market Coffee. For this famous old secret blend cannot be successfully imitated. The blend of Coffees that produce that rich,' aromatic flavor peculiar to the genuine French Mar ket Coffee is a secret of the French Market Mills. Even if the right blend were known, it would be impossible to reproduce the old time French Market slow roast and grinding pro cess only obtainable by the splendid machinery of the French Mar ket Mills. Nowhere else could the French Market process of packing coffee, untouched by human hands, in perfectly sealed cans, be reproduced. French Market Coffee The Wonderful Old Secret Blend Send 10 cents for 12 cup sample and booklet of the Story of French Market Frejich Market Mills, New Orleans, La. New Orleans Coffee Co- Ltd- Props. Varied Program. Tho women of a town down the state recently organized a literary club, and for a while everything was lovely. “Louise," asked the husband of one of the members-upon her return home' from one of the meetings, "what was the topic under discussion by the club this afternoon?” Louise couldn't just remember at first. Finally, however, she exclaimed; “Now I recollect! We discussed that brazen-looking hussy that’s just moved' in across the street and Nietzsche.” CUTICURA COMPLEXIONS Are Usually Fresh and Clear, 8oft and Velvety. Try One. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. Thus these supercreamy emollients promote and maintain the natural purity and beauty of the skin, scalp, hair and hands under conditions which if neg- leoted might disfigure them. Samplo each free by mall with'Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv. His Question. "Seven men out of every ten are confounded bores!” emphatically de clared Alexander—Akinslde, the dys peptic dissertatlonist. “Why except .the other three?” snarled J. Fuller Gloom, the widely known and cordially detested misan thropist. ■ Ah! He—Is she a good dancer? She—Not scrupulously. — California Pollcan. A man doesn't give himself any the worst of It when he tells the story of his life to a woman- Asthma-Catarrh and Bronchitis Can Be Greatly Relieved by the New External Vapor Treatment. . Don’t taka internal medicines oi habit forming drugs for these troubles. Vick's “Vap-O-Rub” Salvo is applied externally and relieves by inhalation ns a vapor and by absorption through tho skin. For Asthma and Hay Fover, melt a little Viok’s in n spoon and inhalo the vapors, also rub well over tbo spinal column to rolax tho nervous tension. 25o, 60c, or $1.00. nee qenuine has..this trade mark ' “VApoRUg" VICKS SS'Ja SALVE British Schoolteachers. There are In England and Wale3 41,835 male elementary schoolmasters including the certificated, the uncer tificated, and the student teachers. Of these there were 4,000 certificate!! men with the colors at the end of September, and there are now well over 6,000, or 12)4 per cent of the men under thirty : flve and of the St men perhaps as much as 40 per cent. 0. K. Produce Go. ATLANTA, GEORGIA Tho Reliable House Prompt Returns— We handle EVERYTHING in Country Produce in touch with 2,500 stores, restau rants, hotels, etc., in our big city and can handle any quantity Poultry and Eggs Fruits and Vegetables Butter, etc. Connect with us for results.. Reference: Bradstreet Commercial Agency or any Banker. Work of Torpedoes. Torpedoes cost over 85,000 each; con sequently they are not discharged un less there is a fair chance, of hitting the object aimed at. So far the ves sels bit by torpedoes have been sta tionary or only moving slowly; hut It Is probable that as the crews of sub marines become more expert they will be able to hit a warship occasionally when she Is moving at a high speed. The Point of View. The Optimist—There’s nothing like hope'. The Pessimist—There certainly Isn’t —for fooling a person. Why send your money away for “bargain roofing” when you can get the best roofing nt a rea sonable price of your own local dealer whom you know? Buy materials that last Certain-teed Roofing Is guaranteed In writing 5 years for 1-ply, 10 years for 2-ply, and 15 years fbr 3-ply, and the responsibility of our big miffs stands behind this guar antee. Its quality is the highest and Its price the most reasonable. General Roofing Manufacturing Co. World's largest manufacturers of Roojlnj and Uuildlng Papers Ntw York City Bo»to« Client PitUbnrgb Philadelphia AtlaaU Cleveland Detroit StLooia Cincinnati KuuuCity Miaaeapolis Saa Francisco SsattU Uadsa Hamburg Sydney WINTERSMITH’S CHILL TONIC not only the old reliable remedy FOR MALARIA h u A§ general strengthenlngtonicand appetizer. Forchlldren ar well as adults. Sold for 50 years. 50c and $ 1 bottles at drug stores. I DROPSY TREATED' usually, gives qulcK uiivnii relief, soon removes swelling I and short breath, often gives entire raliof In F 18 to 28 days. Trial treatment sent FREE. LDR. THOMAS E. .GREEN. Successor to Dr. * H. H. Green's' Sons. Box A. Chats worth, Ga. lAWKESl [odakDep’t fid usyourFILMSfor j \fREEDEVELOPMENT | LOWEST CHARGEFOR HIGHEST 1 class pnmm^ENywimsEM I I rORKOaMCATALOfrZflMSHM i | PRICES'-EYERYWALL ORDER RUSHED ] \GENmEEASTMAN FILM MAILED COO | A Soluble Antiseptic Poyy^r to be dissolved in water as n^dpd For Douches L In the .local treatment of worn)’ „ r suoh as leucorrhoea and lnflamni' 1 ,™! “ 0 t c douches of Paxtine are very (KBSEs; No woman who has ever use ! douches will fall to appreciate th'jJ5 * healthy condition Paxtine prodo-fJJ??/"® prompt relief from soreness andj„ whioli follows Its uso.Tliis is bee: { lossdssos superior cleansing- ng and healing propertied For ten years the Lydia / Plukham Medicine Co. lias O- (3 onuuended Paxtine In tij_ jH private correspondence with.). I moil, which proves its suf,,, I orlty,* Womon who havo.; u J rollovod say It is “ worl Jt3- » weight in gold.” At driH'amplofres. The Paxton ~~ ~ * TTTZi desiring to buy Readers of venised in >ts co i. l\UaUCl 3 anyth!n8 having wha( . umns should insiA$ tu to, or imitation! askfor,refusing alls^• =■ . ===--'' Si f*’ NO, 19-191s! W, N. U., ATL/>