Newspaper Page Text
,B'KN F. PfcRRY & SON, PropriotoiM,
_!J* . . —
BEN F, PERRY, Jr., Editor
Enloved iih matter o( the second oias3 at the Cairo, Georgia, Tost Office, under
the Act of March 3rd, 1879.
$ 1 .CO a Year; GO cents for 0 Months; 25 cents for Three Month
Most Reasonable and Made Known Upon Application.
Second District College
. Commencement Now On-
The Commencement Exercises
of the Second District Agricultur
al School at Tifton will begin, to
morrow, lasting through’ iiext
The following program will be
carried out:
Class Night—Saturday evening
S:45 o’clock.
•Sermon—Sunday afternoon,
3:30 o’clock.
Annua! Debate—Monday morn
ing, 9:30 o’clock,
General Inspection—Monday at
all hours.
Alumnae Banquet—Monday ev
ening, 8:00 o’clock.
Graduating Exercises—Tuesday
morning, 10:00 o’clock.
Barbecue Dinner—Tuesday at
Meeting of Trustees—Tuesday
Rev. Daniel Iverson, of Tifton,
will preach the Commencement
Sermon. Mr, Walter R. Sumner,
of Sylvester, will deliver the lit
erary address
Fifteen young men .and five
young women will receive ‘diplo
mas. This is the largest class
in the history of the school.
Those from Grady county who
are in the graduating class are
Mr. John Bell, of Cairo, and Mr
John Williams and sister, Miss
Carrie, of Calvary
Dr. J. B. Warned, of this place
is one of the trustees of this col
lege ana he will go over Tuesday
to attend this meeting,
Quite a number of former stu
dents and relatives and friends
Tax Assessors in Session.
The board of county tax as
sessors, composed of Messrs J. F,
Forester, K.Powell and Jim Van-
landingham, has been in session
at the court house the past few
days going over the returns made
to Tax Receiver Cannon.
The board last year raised the
returns on quite a lot of property
and put several hundred acres on
the digest which heretofore had
not been returned for taxes, but
it is thought the raise this year
will not be as great as it was
last year.
City Tax Books Open.
The City tax books are now
open. Those who haven’t given
in their taxes will please call at
the City Hall and do so at once,
J. II. Connell, Clk. & Treas
Tired Creek Singing
Convention to
The members and friends of
this singing convention are here
by notified that the date of the
meeting has been changed from
the first Sunday in May to the
fifth Sunday in Mav. The con
vention will last only that day
and will be held at Union
Springs church 4 miles north of
Whigham and everyone is cor
dially invited to attend.
Several from here will go to
Quitman next Tuesday to attend
the Give Stock Meeting. A big
day- is promised all who go,
of those graduating will"attend) Mr. W. H. Searcy was in Al-
the exercises. bany on business last Tuesday.
Whigham items
Mr. W. II. Peebles spent last
week in Waycross and Moultrie.
Miss Susie Mills spent Saturday
and Sunday With her sister, Mr?,
Alexander, in Quitman.
Mr. and Mis. 1). D. Perkirf
were in Thomasville on business
this week..
Mrs. Max Brown returned to
her home in Valdosta Sunday af
ter spending a while with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. t). Dar-
sey, near town.
Miss Jessie Parker and Mrs
S. P. Swicord spent Monday
eve ling in Cairo.
Mr. Will Crawford, of Cairo,
was in town Tuesday.
Col. Custer, of Bainbridge, was
in town Saturday.
Misses Veda.lones.of Sale City,
Grace VanLandingham and Jewel
Dekle, of Cairo, spent the week
end with Mrs. A. L. Harrell.’
Mr. Charlie Jones is quite sick
at this writing.
Mrs. Adams, of near Pelham,
is spending n few days with her
father, Mr. Hollingsworth, who
has been quite sick for the past
week with rheumatism.
Miss Malissa Wilburns spent
Friday in Cairo and attended the
M. L. Powell, of Cairo, was
here Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Harrell and
children attended 'Lhe pienic£at
Cairo Friday.
Misses Marie Jones and Marie
Swicord shopped in Cairo Satur
day evening.
Miss Pearl Moore and Mr. Geor
ge Keith, of Tampa, Fla., were
quietly married Sunday morning
by Rev. Christopher at Mr. Tom
Diiggar’s where Miss Moore has
been boarding while teaching
school near there.
The happy couple left at once (
for Tampa where they will make
their home.
The Progress joins their hosts
of friends in wishing for them
long life of sunshine. -
Panama, Pacific, California Expositions
or any of the Conventions on the Pacific Coast ?
in planning your trip.
Definite information given as to cost of trip.
Write me when and where you want to go, mention
number of days you can devote to trip.
Ask us about Personally Conducted All Expenses Paid
Tours. ’
W> W. Croxtori, G. P. A., 613 Austell Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
, E. M. Fleming, Ticket Agent, Thomasville, Ga,'
^fERE you ever in a first class cannery? The dexterity, the speed,
the cleanliness of the whole process is amazing. Some of the
K preparation of the vegetables or fruits is done by busy hand^
1 but most of it is accomplished by machinery. We
carry only the output of the best canneries. That
means you get only high class canned goods,
White & Stringer,
Cairo, Ga
Sheriff’s Sales.
Georgia, Grady County.
Will be sold . before the court
house door in the town of
Whigham said state and county
on. the first Tuesday in June
1915, within the legal hour of sale
to the highest bidder for cash at
public outcry the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
All fumituit! Consisting of h'Atli-
■br goods and hnKdwnru and haul
wood, fixtures and everything nmv.
in the brick .building, occupied by
the Wliiglnun Furniture Co., in
the town of Whiglvim. Property
found and being in posessioiv of
D. G. McNair and N, F..tones, do
ing business as t he Whiglmni Fur
niture. Co. Lev.ioil on and to satisfy
a distress warrant issued from the
justice Court of the 720th District,
(■}. M. Grady county, Georgia, in
favor of the Town of Whigham vs.
aid Whigham Furniture (jo.
This 3rd day of May, 1916.
W. A. Carr, ShcrilT.
Notice About Sprinkling Lawns
To all flat rate water cons
Remember the city ordinance
prohibiting the city water being;
used on lawns-, yards and gar-;
dens more than one hour per day.'
The hours are 6 to 7 o’clock from
May 1st to September 1st and.
5 to 6 o’clock from September 1st
to May 1st.
Mayor and council require
strict observance of this ordi?
U. A. Clifford, Supt.
Will he sold at the court horse
door in Grady County, Georgia on
the first Tuesday , mi Junes, 1915,
within the legal hours of sale, Ur
wit: A certain parcel of land in the
city of Cairo, fronting on the south
side of the A. C. I,. R. R. Co
light of way 131 feet, and also
fronting oh the. north side of Cen-
tial Avc. li!l-feet and being 177 1-2
feet wide on the cast side an'd ISO
1-2 feet wide on the, west side and
hounded on the east by lands of B
F. Powell estate and on the west by
lands of T. S. Copeland, the same
being the'lot where the South Geoi-
gia Syrup Co,, has a building and
operates a Syrup canning business,
said tract containing three-fourths
acre, more or less. Also all the fol
lowing personal property, at the
same time and place, to-wit: T wa
ter rump, one 15 h. p. boiler, oi e
lOh. p. Atlas make steam' engine,
5 syrup v.ats With, piping and fix
tures, 3 soldering machines with all
fixtures, 11-2 spools of solder, 448
gyriip bai-rellshTtruck, Jl pair ol
scales, 1 block and tackle, 1 crane
for elevating syrup, and about fOO
empty syrup cans. Said property
levied on ns the property of the
South Georgia Syrup Co. to satisfy
an execution issued on the 26th day
of April, 1915,.'from the City Court
of Cairo, Grady County, Georgia,
in favor of T. S, Copeland vs. the
said'South Georgia Syrup Co.
This the 5th day of May, 1915.
W. A. Carr, Sheriff,
Grady County Georgia.
Sacred Harp Convention to Meet
The send annual session of the
southwest Georgia Sacred Harp
Singing Convention will be held
at the Baptist church in Reno oh
the fifth Sunday and Saturday
before in May, the 29th and 30th:
A basket dinner will be served
on the grounds both days and
two games of ball are scheduled
to be played on this day. The
P. & H. will run a special - train
on the morning of the 29th from
Cairo, which will leave here at
10:30 a. m,, and return late in,
the afternoon. The round trip
rate fr am Cairo is 50 cents, Gra
dyville 35 cents, Cranford 30
cents, D'arsey 25 cents, Calvary
25 cents.
All lovers of good sacred songs
are invited. If is expected that
dinner will be on the grounds
each day.
J. E. COKER, Pres.
The mint makes it and under the
terms of the Continental Mort
gage Company you can secure it
at 0 per cent, for any legal pur-,
pose on approved reab estate.
Terms easy, tell us your wants
and we will co operate With you
1419 Lytton Bldg , Chicago
Children Cry for Fletcher’s
Application for Guardianship
Georgia, Grady County.
Dr. S. E. Sanchez a resident of
Thomas County, State .of Georgia,'
having duly applied to be appointed
guardian of the nerson ancl property
of Polly Pyles, a minor under the
age of’fourteen years, resident of
said-Cbunty, Notice is hereby giv
en that said application wifi be pass
ed on at the next Court of Ordinary
for said County .to be field on the
first Monday-in-June-, 1916.
Witness , my. band • and official
signature, this 6th day of May,1915.
Ordinary of Grady County.
We wish to announce the fol
lowing interest rates on five year
farm loans, taking effect on and
after April 1st, 1915:
Qn loans under $1000 7 1-2 per
cent. ’ '
On loans from $1000 to $2000
7 per cent.
On loans from $2000 to $5000
6 1-2 per cent.
On loans of $5000 .and above G
per cent.
Loans at these reduced rates
will be made only to the best men
on well improved farm lands.
Barrow Loan &
Abstract Company
Pelham - - Georgia
The IClnd. You llavc Always Bought, and which lias been
ia use for over 30 years, has borne the signature ot
"j? and has been made under his per-
/l? sonnl supervision since its infancy.
'■&Lat £ ?y^e6Cc/uM Allow no one to docelvo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Cnstorlft is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other JXnreotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys AY onus
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, ,
Flntnlcncy, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
.A Necessity of the Present Day
Attend the 6ld Established
Southern Shorthand & Business
Nearly 20,000 Graduates in Positions.
Largest and Most Popular Business School in the
Now is the Time to Enter — Write for Catalogue
A. C. Briscoe, President L. W. Arnold, Vice-Pres.
Send Us Your Job
: You will be Well Pleased.
Nervous Breakdown
You lose yopr appetite, become weak and,
anemic, lose all energy,’ the. nerves become shat
tered and are easily irritated—this condition fi
nally results in complete collapse. The first
thing to (To* is’to Start on'
Rexall Celery and Iron Tonic
• It meiink cofnplete restoration of all your .
■..’’‘‘."health and energy.
Rexall'Celery .and Iron Tonic acts directly on the
base’of-the disorder, the nerve centerVand the 'blood.
It soothes and quiets the irritated ; nerves' and strength
ens the blood, supply—with tfot'hof these back ‘to-nor
mal your permanent health is aSsur.ed. .
Your money back if not benefit ted."
- Price $1.00 the Bottle.
Wight. & Browne
The Rexall Store •
Cairo, : : : Georgia j