Newspaper Page Text
|For 30 Days Long
Icond Sale Starts
irtiers in Cairo and Grady County, and those who did not attend the Sale that this
seasonable merchandise regardless of cost or loss.
I want to say to my many frie
is your golden opportunity to pureh
When I began my sale I had
Stammer goods which are arriving
i I wish to thank you for your patronage for the last 15 days, but you know a $15,000 stock of goods could not be sold in 15 days. Therefore I am forced to
cdhtinue this. Sale 30 days longer, because I am going to move sure. This is not talk but the plain truth. This will be the last Sale I will ever put on in Cairo.
I have now a lot of new prods which will be displayed on the Bargain Counters. Everything must go, regardless of cost or loss, in order to save the heavy
flight charges. Now don’t fail to come and get your up-to-date merchandise for less money than you ever purchased before. This means money saved for YOU.
These are Just a Few of
Everything in my store is marked in plain figures, one price to. all, to you can see for yourself what it costs.
Remember, friends and Customers, this sale has jtist got well started. My stock is really larger today than the first day of the
Sale, and the new goods are seasonable and up-to-date.
IMPORTANT-r-Now remember, I will not reserve any stock and will positively include the new and seasonable merchandise
which is arriving daily, , with the present stock. Remember the date, the time, and the location.
Abe Poller’s Grand Second Opening of the Great Farewell Sale Starts Saturday, May 22
Look For
Farewell Signs
in Front
of Building
Farewell Signs
in Front
of Building
15c New l lowertd Crepe
. SO'bolts to select from,
71-2c Yard
Silk Messaline, S1.00 and $1.25
Quality for
69c YarJ
Ladle,’ 10c Vei ts
5c Each .
15c Embroideries, 9-inch width
5c Yard
Ladies’ $3.00 $1.03 Linen Coat,
9Sc Each
Men’s $3.50 English Walkers
Slippers, for
S2.19 Pair
25c Turkish Towels,
5Q inches long,
10c Each
60c Men's Heavy Blue Cham-
brny Work Shirts
29c Each
La lies’ 15e Vests
8c Each
• 2,ic Of rset Cover
12c Each
Men’s $10.00 and $12,60 All Wool
$5.98 Each
1 lot of 200 pieces Broad Satin and
Silk Ribbon, 35c ami 60c Quality
,10c Yard i
Men’s 10c Handkerchiefs,
3c Each
10c and 12 l-2c Ginghnms,
7c Yard
Palm Beach Dress Goods
60c Quality l'or
25c Yard
§1.00 Alarm Clocks
45c Each
$7-50 to $10.00 Blue Sergo Boy’n
Suits—Sizes up to 18
$4.89 Each
Boys’ 75c Wash Suits,
39c Each
Linens, 50c Quality
26c Yard
B. V. D. I'nderwear
ail sizes
39c Garment
Ladies’ Silk Hose, 26c and 35c
19c Pair
$1.00 Parasols
49c Each
Ladies’ White Canvas Slippers,
all sizes—$1.25 to $1.50 Quality
79c and 89c Pair
A. C. A. Featner Ticking,
20c and 25c Quality
15c Yard
Ladies’ Gc Handkerchiefs,
lc Each
Men’s $1.00 Shirt3
50c Each
Men’s25c Silk Half Hose'
17c Pair
$1.50 Ladies'Panama Hats
79c Each
Ladies’ Elastic Slippers
?1.26 and $1.50 values
79c Pair
30-inch Pajama, 10c and 12 l-2c
7c Yard
10c Hose, only
. 7c Pair
Ladies’ $1.26 House Dresses
, 69c Each v. '.
• 3fl-inch Hr.tin25c Value
10c Yard,
Meids $2.00 Sunday Pants
98c per Pair
Patent Leather Slippers,
$2.01) and $2.50 goods
$1.49 Pair
Men’s Athletic Summer Under
wear, 25c Grade
10c Garment