Newspaper Page Text
Local Nature. LOST
Personal Items of a
LOS T—On road known as
Hawthorne Trail, about twelve
miles from Cairo, one gold bar
p'n set with row of seven dia^
For finding of pin or informa
tion leading thereto, report to
The Progress Office
And Receive
Ample Reward
Col, J. S. Weathers was in Mr. J. E. Forsythe was a busi-
Whigham on business last Mon- ness visiter to Boston last Friday.
^ ay ‘ Dr. T. J. Butt and Mr. Prior
Mr. C. W. Carr, of Amsterdam, Lewis will attend the Odd Fel-
Ga , spent Sunday here with the i 0 ; VS > convention at Fitzgerald,
family of his brother, Sheriff having been recently appointed
W. A. Carr. to represent Cairo Lodge.
Sheriff Carr was in Concord, Ml . L JU§ riffin spont a few
Flu., on busmess last Monday. jj| y8 of this and , ast week with
Clerk McNair was in Whigham his brother at Babcoek, Ga.
on business last Tuesday. The Cairo ball team went to
Mrs. T. A. J. Majors, Jr., of Quincy yesterday to try and get
Edison, is visiting her parents, revenge, but up to time of going
Mr. and Mrs. \V. C. Matthews, to press, no report has come of
Clerk McNair returned Satur- tbe sum-', but we hope they slip
day from a business trip to At- P e ^ over a winner,
lantn. ; The second nine went over tr
Col. M. L. Ledford left Tues- Whigham Monday and were sent
day on a business trip to At- home beaten to the tune of 14 to
l anta- 4. Some beat boys.
Miss Margaret Hall, of Gretna, Be su 1 re . to . f ea ij l j!' e a ^ raut ! V(
Fla., is here on a visit to Miss page ad of Abe Pollers, in thu
j2 v;i issue. This is. Abe’s last sale in
Cairo, and if you want honest tc
Misses Grace Vdniandiugham goodness bargains you had better
and Jewell Dekle, of Cairo, spent g0 ,i iere a t once ,
the week end with Mrs. A. L. ’ M ,,'j. A . Lee, of Sylvester, U
arrell at Whigham. located here now in the interest
Mr. W. T. Crawford was a of Bell & Lee, manufacturers oi
business visitor to Whigham last medicine at that place,
luesday. Dr. Eugene Clower, Mrs. F. M.
Misses Marie Jones and Marie Brannon and Miss Carrie Wight
Swicord, of Whigham, were here motored r.o Thbmasville and took
shopping last Saturday. in the ball game last Monday.
Mr. W. R. Sumner, of Sylves- Messrs. W. T.. Crawford, Dr.
ter, accompanied Congressman W. M. Searcy, Col. H. G. Turner,
Park to Cairo last Tuesday. Ben McManeus and Will Mat-
. Mr. Edgar Thrower, of this 1 tliews to< ? k in the bal1 game at
place, who is attending the Nor- Thomasville Monday,
man Institute, is one of the de- Col. Itoscoe Luke was here from
haters for the Excelsior Society Thomasvill» on legal business Sat-
of that school. The question to urday.
be debated on the night of the Ml , and Mrs . Allen Horton are
2ath is: Resolved, that the con- on a trip to Tampa< Fla . this
gress of the U. S. should have the week
right to prohibit the sale and
manufacture of-intoxicating liqu- Several from here went on the
oi’s. Mr. Thrower champions the excut 'sion to Tampa last Monday,
affirmative. Several from here Come in and pay your subscrip-
W. M. S. of Taylor Association
to Have Rally.
The Womans Missionary Socie
ty of the Taylor Association will
be held at the school house at
Capel Saturday, May 29th, and
an interesting program has been
prepared, as follows:
Morning Session.
Devotional—Mrs. J. M. Prince.
Report from District Secretary.
Report on work in churches by
W. M. S.
Sermon at 11 o’clock—Keed of
Missions by Rev. A. T. Hart.
Afternoon Session.
Mrs. John Mead
Christianity as an Active Force
Mrs, J. L. Mauldin,
Relation of W. M. S. to Church
—Mrs. W. H. Robinson.
Our responsibility to the Boys
and Girls.—Mrs. I. E. Duckett.
Giving.-Mrs. I. T. Cliett.
Giving.—Miss Rochelle.Morri-
Aimes of Union.—Mrs. B. H,
Do we need a W. M. S?—Mrs.
J. W. Cannon.
Col. R. C. Bell spent Sunday
here with his faniily. returning
Monday to Bainbridge where he
is in attendance upon Decatur
Superior Court..
Cairo has been full of visitors
On last Fri-
since our last issue,
day the town was full of-visitors
drawn here to the picnic and Ma
sonic Convention. This week the
Commencement exercises of the
Cairo High School has drawn
many visitors to our city.
Mr. W. T. Woolfork, one of
Grady’s best farmers, returned
a few days ago, from a months
visit to relatives in California.
He also spent several days at the
big exposition.
The white folks had their big
day last Friday and now the col
ored folks are having their’s
The Merchants & Planters Bank
of Whigham, Ga.
Opened for Business on Tuesday,
‘ April 27, 1915
It Is Against The Law
For Us To Send
Those In Arrears
The Strongest Bank in
Deposits Insured Against Loss of Any
We Solicit Your Business
From Thomasville Pre^s.
Judge J. J. Turner was in the
city en route to Cairo to' attend
the picnic Friday.
From Pelham Journal.
Mrs. J. H| Maxwell and Mr.
Mrs. Duncan Fulforrl spent sev
eral days at Whigham this week
having been called there on ac
count of the illness of their fath
er, Elder Win, Hollingsworth.
Mrs. F, M. Brannon, Miss Car
rie Wight, Dr. Eugene Clower,
W.'.T. Crawfrrd, Dr. W. M. Seal;
cy, Col. Hi G. Turner, Ben Mc
Maneus and 1 Wm. Matthews
came over from Cairo to attend
the ball game Monday afternoon.
From Cairo to Quitman, Ga,
Account Animal Industry Convention
MAY 25*h, 1915
‘The Standard Railroati of the South’ 1
From Milltowii Advocate.
Mrs. T. A. J. Majors, jr., is on
an extensive visit to relatives at
Valdosta and Cairo.
Special Train Will Leave Cariro 6:48 a. m.—Return
ing, Arrive Cairo 7:48 p. m.
Don’t Fail to Attend
Big Free Dinner--Music—Dancing
Farm land Machinery Exhibits
Exhibits of Cattle, Horses, Mules, Hogs, Etc.
Automobile Parade—Numerous Other Features
For Tickets Call on H. W. Lawson, Agent
I ain prepared to give quick
service and best terms to any who
may wish to have a 5 or 10 year
loan on improved Grady County
Farm Lands. Loans made from
$500 up to any amount.
W. Harry Peebles,
Whigham, Georgia