The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, June 30, 1916, Image 4

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GRADY COUNTY PROGRESS, CAIRO, GEORGIA. THE GRADY COUNTY PROGRESS. THE OFFICIAL PRINT SHOP OF GRADY COUNTY. D. L. WILLIAMS, Editor and Proprietor Standing Of The Contestants Entered iih matter 61 the second class at the Cairo, Georgia, Post Office, under the Act of March !ird, 1879., $1,001 a Year; SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 50 cants for 0 Months; 25 cents for Three Months What you expect to do for your favorite will have to be done quick- Do it now. ly. ADVERTISING RATES: Most; Reasonable and Made Known Upon Application. Cox Invites Park 'To A Joint Discussion The following telegram has beey addressed to Congressman Frank Park by Judge E. E. Cox. Should the Congressman sec fit to accept the invitation politics will liven up in the district, * ■ Cairo, Ga, .June 28, 1910. Congressman Frank Park, Washington, D. C. I notice from press reports that you like myself have accepted in vitation to.address the public at Thotnnsville .luly Fourth and that both are privileged to discuss poli ties, 1 therefore invite you to a joint-discussion of the issues of our race. ; E. E. Cox, A Call For Meeting of the Demo cratic Executive Commit- ,tee of the 2nd. Congres sional District. Mary Bennett Cox Pleasant ly Entertained Mary Bennett Cox who was a recent visitor for several days to Margaret Wight was entertained last Wednesday ut Margaret’s home. Those present besides tho ittlc hostess and her visitor wore Carrie Wight, Louisa Wight, Mary Frank Mauldin, May Walker and Nannie May Crawford. After en joying themselves playing games for awhile the hostess took her guests down town to her papa’s drug store where they were served cream. CAIRO, GA; MissCarolVanlandingham 1,007,725 Miss Velma Mott 8,300 Miss Lottie Baggett 1000 CAIRO R F D Miss Versie White 808,775 Mrs. J.H. Brock 110,375 . 8,200 ;iThe members of the Democratic Executive Committee of the Sec ond Congressional District of Geor gia arc hereby requested to meet at the City Hall in Albany at 12 d’clock noon on Wednesday, July of fbr the purpose of arranging for a primary election for the nomination the district candidate for Repre sentative in the 56th Congress. %;A full attendance is desired. C H. M. McIntosh, Chairman. Another pleasant affair in honor of little Miss Cox was given Friday afternoon by Vida Lee Jordan Those present were Mary Frank Mauldin, Mae Walker, Lana Chasoiq Louisa Wight, Carrie Wight, Margaret Wight and the guest of honor Mary Bennett Cox The hostess, Vida Lee Jordan, had her home prettily decorated yellow and brown. Ice cream and wafers were served for refresh' ments. All those present had quite a gay time taking turns rid ing bicycles and in playing other games. Summer Teaching . u Albany, Ga., June 27, 1916. Good Looks are Easy with Magnolia Balm. j Look ns good as your city cousins. No -matter if you do Tan or Freckle Magnolia Balm will surely, clear your skin inftantly. " Ju m 1 •Heals Sunburn, too. Just put a little on jyour face and rub it off again before dry. •. m - v Sajjfolli; Simple and sure to please. Try a bottle : to-day and* begin the -improvement at once. White, Pink and Rose-Red Colors. 75 cents at Druggidts or by mail diredt. SAMPLE FREE. MFC. CO., 40 So. 5th St., Brooklyn. N.Y. Boost Grady County Live Stock Association. I will coach pupfils for fall term work, two hours each day, for. $1.50 per month. I am now engaged in teaching several pupils and will take more at any time. Hours 8 to 10. Residence on Pearce Street, Carrie Harrison. 44,200 1,050 5,375 Mr. Clarence Brady WHIC.HAM GA. Miss Ruth Christopher WHIG HAM R F D Mr. Angus Wliigham PINE PARK, GA. Miss Ivy Bussey BEACHTON, GA. Miss Elizabeth Dickey 166,450 MEIGS, GA Miss Alice Fulford 389,500 PELIIAM, GA. Miss Mamie Spence 68,225 GRADYVILLE, GA. MissRobbie Broome 140,150 Mr. Sumpter M. Kelley 1,225 METCALFE, GA. Miss Meta Glisson 4,675 CALVARY, GA. Miss Abbie Herring. 34,650 Items From Woodland To The People Of Tho Albany Circuit We are having plenty of rai* these warm June days. Mr. Clarenco Merritt and sister, Miss Maggie, of Meigs, visited rel atives here last Saturday and Sun day. Miss Minnie Lee Cook of Meigs, was the charming guest of Miss Alina Hickey last week. Mr. Clarence Merritt and MisseB Maggie Merritt and Goldie Elkins attended the June meeting at Pop ular Springs Sunday. Miss Mattie Cassleberry, of Tampa, Fla., is the guest of Miss Mable Richter this week. Mr. Clarence Brady is in Thomas county attending the singing school at Center Hill this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hickey and little daughter is visiting rein lives near Meigs this week. The sing given by Mr. and Mrs Willis Gordon Friday night honor of Miss Minnie Lee Cook was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. A. H. VanLandingham children visited her parents, Mr aqd Mrs. Woolfork of Midway, latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Harper Concord section were the guests Mrs. Harper’s parents, Mr, Mrs. Joe Fulford and was accomp allied back home by Mrs. Fulford Well if I see this in print I come again, wishing the Progr much success. Brown Eyes. July 13th the Last Day of CIGA RETTES IN CAIRO and the will Children that arc alTccted by worms arc pale and sickly and liable to contract some fatal disease, WHITE’S CREAM VERMIFUGE expels worms promptly and puts the child on the road to health. Price 25c per bottle. Sokl by Wight & Browne. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu' ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c, It makes a fellow feel blue to know that he is intellectually too small to be a big man and too large to be a small man. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Judge of the Superior Court of the Albany Circuit, sub ject to such action as the Demo cratic party may see fit to take in reference thereto. I believe in the prompt and econ omical administration of : the law to the rich and poor alike, and in the curtailment of dilatory tactics as far' as is consistent with the prin ciples of justice and fair play. Should the people see fit to be stow upon me this honorable trust I pledge them faithful service. I respectfully solicit your support and influence. Very truly yours, A. S. JOHNSON Notice to the Public The Swimming Pool at Copeland Park will be open on Sundays un til 10:00 for bathing. , L. A. RAGAN, Mgr. Good Auto Service New OaKland Car, thoroughly compet ent Chauffer. Prompt attention to all calls. If you want best ser vice see, M. C. McManeus or Ben Miller No. 666 Thli it a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if teken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts/on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c Judge Cox Delivered Ad dress in Cairo ‘ We wont sell cigarettes after July 13th. After that in order to get your supply of cigarettes it : will be neccessary to leave Cairo to purchase them--This of course means an inconvenience and time loser; Why put yourself out? Smoke a pipe or cigar. Medical Science tells us that the cigarette dulls your intellect, dwarfs your body and impairs your health. This is not hearsay,, it has been proven and it is true. A great many of us smoke cigarettes because they are convenient’and a short smoke. We are going to have a supply of small pigars in stock to take the place of them. We will have a complete assortment of pipes, smoking tobacco, cigars in our window for your in spection. Let us fit you out in a new pipeand a can of smoking tobacco and stop cigarettes. Break the old habit and lets help the ladies put this over; they are right. Cigars, Pipes, Smoking Tobacco, Chewing Tobacco. Wight & Browne The Leading Druggist Judge E. E. Cox, who Is waging an active coinpaign for the scat in Congress now held by Frank Park, of Sylvester, addressed the citizens of this section at the Court House at Cairo last Saturday afternoon. Reports which had been sent out from Tifton where the Judge made his opening address in the cam paign had indicated that he was very harsh in his criticism of the record of the present Congressman but in his speech here he started out with kind references to his op ponent, and although the record of Mr. Park as Congressman received almost all his consideration, yet he refrained from severely unpleasant personalities. The crowd to hear Judge Cox filled to overflowing the court room and his speech seemed to be well received by those present. The Judge by his splendid record Judge of our Superior Court here has made many warm friends in this county. Some of these will be his ^supporters in this race for Congress, while others admiring him equally as much, will remain staunch supporters of Congressman Park. Congressman Park is expected to be in the district for a few days about the July 4th recess of Con gress; and no doubt the Congress ional race will take on additional vim from then on. Both Judge Cox and Congress man Park are expected to speak in Thomasville on the 4th of July, but at the time this is Written it is not known whether their speeches will be of a political nature or not. Notice have two Large Jacks for service. Fee $13.00, $5.00cash bal ance nt birth of colt. Joe Herring, Calvary Ga. I f you have the itch, don’t scratch. It does not cure the trouble and makes the skin bleed. Apply BALLARD’S SNOW LINI MENT. ltub it in gently on the affected parts. It relieves itching 1 instantly and a few applications re moves the cause thus performing a permanent cure. Price 25c, 50c and $1,00 per bottle. Sold by Do You Know That not work, which It’s worry, shortens life? A cbld bath every morning is the best complexion remedy? Poor health is expensive? The U. S. Public Health Service has reduced malaria 60 per cent in some localities? The death " rate from typhoid fever in the United States has been cut in half since 1900? Pneumonia kills over 120,000 Americans each year? Flyless town has few funerals? The well that drains the cess pool is the cup of death? Cairo is on the growing list? Polrn linarlc Koworana? THE Our Great Serial Picture G O The E O “MYSTERIES V D OF MYRA” E D T? R r HiVery v i c Monday Night I T Come out and see the N Pictures. Remember I U that we are going to give G R you the best Pictures that H E your patronage will war- 1 1 S rant us in doing. L S. Si DILLON, Proprietor MOVIES MAKE TIME FLf Subscribe for the Offical Organ