The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, December 29, 1916, Image 3
Local .and Personal Sins. Conducted by Mrs. D. L. Williams : : Phone No. E9 Mrs. A, W. Cawtliorn of Re liance Ya,,- and Mr. Edward Caw- . 1-lioin of Moore Pc.;n, mother and '* brother: of Mrs. J. E. Forsyth are on it visit to the Forsyths hero for the holidays. - Mr. J. J. Cpppago and family of Valdosta are th'o'guests of Mrs. J. M. Boll. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sutton of Thomasville have been the guests ' of Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Cooke this week, Mrs. E. F. Horne of. Metcalf was the guest of her mother Mrs. Bennett sor the holidays: Mr. E. D. Rivers of Climax was a business visitor.-, in ..Cairo this week. Cnpt. Will Forester of Thotnas- villo was the guest of relatives hero this week: Mr. W.' H. Williams spent Christmas day in-Cairo the guest of relatives. Miss Ethel Parrish who fora humlcr of years has been the ,i successful teacher ■ of Manual Training in the schools of Barnes*, vilte is on a short visit to her par ents here., tsf. Mr. John Hudson-who has been quite sick for .some time we arc glad to report as able to be out 4. again. * Messrs W..Cv ; Wight, W. A. 3. Walker Jr. Frank Searcy and L. V W. Powell home from the U. of Ga,, for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Marchman ’•of Guthbeffc spent a few days this ^ week as the guests of Mr. J. Bi Crawford, arid family. . f Mr. arid Mrs. G. Ward Wight and young son of Atlanta are the guests foi; the holidays of. Mr. and £p;;Mrs. .L-B. Wight and family. 1 Mr. Henry Kent and son Mr. ’ ' Alina Kant of Tifton were . the I- guest, last. Sunday of Rev'. J. T Ryder and family. ft; 4 . .' * Miss Agnis Walker who has. ^ been in attendance this term at Wesleyan College, Macon is at home for the. holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. P.. Matthews ^ of Agusta arc spending the Clirist- ^ mas holidays in Cairo with rela- tive,: ■ , ' Mr. and Mrs. M. R. McGchco of 7.; Edison wore the guests this week of Mrs, McGehce’s parents Mr. if. and Mrs. J. B. Crawford. a Mr. Lem Parrish a forme-i Cairo boy is at home for a few days on a visit to his parents. Mr. J. M. McNairWent over to Camilla to spend Christmas with home folks. Mrs. Carol Vt nlandingham camo home from G. N. I. C. to spend the holiday vacation with home folks. Miss Flo' Loui'se Rogglic of Deckard Tenn,, has been the pleasant holiday visitor of Miss Effie Forester. Mr. C. Sapp an old Cairo boy was in Cairo this week. Miss Myrtle Poulk has been at home from Andrew College for the holidays with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Belcher were attending church services in Cairo last Sunday. Miss Sarah Ledford is home from Bessie Tift'College to- spend -the holidays with home folks. , Dr. L. G, Baggett left Tuesday for Atlanta after Spending several days here with home folks. Mr..I. F. Forester one of the county’s'most successful farmers was-a businpss visitor to Cairo Wednesday. ',. ; Dr. Eugfeno'Clower of Scabring Fla.,- has been looking • after' busi ness interests here for several days. Mr. Neal. Ryder of Tifton .-lias been spending the holidays here with his parents. Ed and Alvin Wight came home from- Eiriory College to spend the holidays. Mr. C. R. Beale and family will ’mo'ye to Thomasville next. .year whql-c Mr. .Beale will be associated in- business with the ThrimasviHo Live Stock Company.. The. many friends of this estimable family will regret to have ’ them • 'leave Cairo. Mr. D. P. Ward of\ Pirns..', jfork'i was 'transacting business -in Cairo Wednesday. . Mr. and Mrs. R. E.- Wilson and children of Tallahassee came over to spend Christmas in Cairo with relatives and friends. Have you seen the splendid new serial, The Shielding Shadow at the Alcazar'? It will delight you. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Jones went over to Cottondale, Fla., last Fri day for a visit of several days to their daughters Mrs. M. ; J. Gray and Mrs. Fairbanks Shores. They report a pleasant trip.. . Mr. Jo.e Higdon of Calvary was a prominent visitor here this week. Miss Alma Hurst' who is attend ing Bessie Tift College has been i at home for the holidays; e 1917 W E WISH to thank the people of Cairo and Grady county for their- liberal patronage during the year 1916, and we • trust that you will see it to your advantage 1 to continue to patronize us in the coming, year. We try to handle everything in ourliri^ . that the trade of this section demands, and * our motto is “Quality First and Reasona-• ble Prices.” Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous New Year. • N We are Respectfully, Mitchell & Walker Company Cairo, Ga. Phone 97 'Mrs. L/.A. Boll left last Wotlnof day fqr_a visit of several weeks to her patents' .tit Orlando Fig. v , ..Mis.. F. M. Brannon of Gadsden Ala.,; has been on a visit to her old home hero for tho.holidays. . Miss Mabel Maxwell of Calvary visited friends in Cairo this week. Sheriff W. A. Carr who has cently been confined to his room for a day or two we are glad to re port as being able to be out, again Mr. T. E. Rawls of Cclvary was a business visitor to Cairo Wednes day. Miss Margaret Hudson came home from Boston to spend the holiday vacation. Mr. J. W. Pope of Thomasville has been a* business visitor in Cairo this week. The Diamond From The Sky continues to draw big crowds to the Alcazar. If you are in arrears at the Prog ress-office ;no better time than now to send in ypur dollar for renewal. Mr,; E. I); Rivers 6f Climax, who it will he recalled was'/admitted to the bar. here >ozric' -time ago has opened a law- office iri. the Roddcn- bery building. ' Until the / close, of Iris schoofiMr, Rivers will only be in.his,office on Saturdays,; Hois teaching a very,successful term of sehool at Climax;'• its" close ho will mOvri ./fiaek-. ip Cairo and will take up.' thp. regular practice, of his profession. ' We predict a big audience for the minstrel show staged here for, Friday night'the 12tH., 13y Tliqiri- asvillc talent. Tt will lie at. the School Auditorium under the a iff spices of the. School Improvement.; Club. .-- . • ■ ' -, : - The Sheilding Shadow.'is provitiijp i very popular filin'with the movie goers. . .; ■ m is.a.iiLms ‘t J-sx-k'-r.--. Mrs. W. J. Willie ; and' Mrs. D, L. Williams entertained; a small party at the home of Mrs. Willie 011 Wednesday evening in honor of, Miss Rogglie,' the guest of Miss Effie Forester and Mr. Edward Cawtliorn the guest, of Mrs. J. E. Forsyth. A salad course was served and the guest amused themselves with popping corn, toasting mureh- m'aliows etc. i.Th'bSe present were Misses. Flo Rpgglis, .Effis Forester,; Mabel Msixivell, Mary Bell -arid: Messrs .Cawtliorn, Vanlandhigluiin, Rich ter and E. C. Powell. - Mayo and Beil Appointed Court Reporters Information has reached us that Judge W. M. Harrell immediately on receipt of his commission from the governor last week announced the appointment of J, M. Mayo, Jr. the present Court Reporter as the one to succeed himself and that Arthur Bell -of this place was appointed his assistant. Mr. Mayo’is known as one of the most efficient, Couflt Reporters in the statif and his friendj^will be gratifi ed at his reappointment, Mr. Bell is a bright and popular young man of Cairo who is sure to be come much liked in his new posi tion,- " '*: Card Of Thanks The family of Mr.' J. W. Clifford desire to express to their friends their thanks and ..appreciation for the many acts of . kindness and words of comfort so thoughtfully extended them in thqir recent be reavement. Also "for the beauti ful floral offerihgs. The Dawn of the New Year Brings With it New Plans and Resolutions Above all let us resolve to try to make this as profitable a year as possible. In order to do that we must exercise a great deal of judgement in our buying as well as our selling. First of all be sure that vou get the quality then the price We will continue to maintain our high standard of quality, and guarantee you the benefit of every advantage in price we can offer. and Prosperous New. Year To AH. Company rmers I have the Early Small White Spanish seed peanuts, tho kind that will be in universal demand for oil milling. Also North Carolina No. 1 seed peanuts. Better see me quick and plnee your order before higher prices which will surely come later. Cotton Seed I will have tho Improved King cotton, the kind which has been growing most successfully in the boll weevil territory. . Have ample testimonials from the boll territory from those who have grown it successfully. This cotton is quick growth, small stalk, matures rapidly and when bolls mature the stalk dies quickly and does riot furnish a breeding place for the weevils all along during the late summer and early fall month's. This is the cotton for you to grow here. Sec me immediately and make your ar rangements for your planting seed. Don’t delay; the supply from the growers is limited and they will be sold up quickly. Understand these come direct from the growers and are grown iu.Jtf.orth .Carolina where the seasons are shorter than ours, and this makes the Improved King, seed doubly desirable. Get busy at once on this important question, for you know ab^iiutely you cannot depend on our native grown, long growing varieties of cotton. REAS of every variety of good quality and as many as you have, bring them if they are good and tell your neighbor to do the some. ' ’Mm