The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, February 02, 1917, Image 2

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GRADY COliivii rnwtiRKSS, CAmu, GEORGIA. Legal Advertisements LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. GEORGIA: Grady County. A. E. Vickore, va. Mrs. E. Belle Vick era, complaint, for divorco. Tho Defendant Mra. E. Belle Vickers is, hereby required, personally or by at torney, to bo and appear at tho next Superior Court, to bo held in and for eaid County, on tho lBt, Monday in March noxt, then and thoro to nnsxvcr tho plnintiff’s domand in ' an notion of complaint. Heroin fail not, as in dcfnult thereof tho court will prococd ns to justice shall appertain. Witness tho Honorable E. E. • Cox, Judgo of tho said Court, Hub 14th, day of September 1010. J.M. McNAIR, Jr, LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. GEORGIA: Grady County. Gussio Collier, vs. Gordy Collier, Com plaint for divorce. ' Tho Defendant Gordy Collier is, horeby requirod, personally or by attorney, to bo and appear at the next Superior Court, to bo hold in and for said County, on tho first Monday in Scptoinbor noxt, then and thoro to answer, tho Plaintiff’s de mand in nn notion of complaint. Herein fnil not, ns in dofault thereof, the court will proceed ns to justico shall appertain. Witness tho Honorable E. E. Cox, Judge of tho said Court, this 15th, day of August 1910. J. M. McNAIR, Jr. Clerk. CITATION. The petition of J. R. Ponder offering to resign' his trust ns gurndinn of tho personal property of James Pondor, George Ponder, Ira Ponder, and Albert Ponder, having.boen duly filed, in which R. W. Davis is iiamcd ns a suitable poi son willing to accept said trust. This is to cito said R. W. Davis, and also all of tho nearest of kin of said wards, to ap pear before tho February Term, 1917, of tho Court of Ordinary, to show cause, if any may bo shown, why the prnycr of tho applicant shall not bo granted, and his resignation accepted upon his com plying with the conditions and provisions of the law. This Janunuy 1, 1917. W. C. Barrow, Ordinary. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA! Grady County. Will bo sold before tho Court IIouso in said county, on tho fiftt Tuesday in February next tho following describ ed property to wit. Ono Minstrel Show which consist of one tent 30 x 70 foot, ono stage, scats and Bally-Hoo, also one show known ns tho Yukon Alaska which consist of tent 30 x 00 feet and floor and Bnlly-IIoo, nlso ono Athletic Show which consist of platform Bally-Hoo, seats and tent 30 x 70 foot. Snid property lovied on by W.H. Hud son deputy Sheriff, to satisfy n mortago fifa from City Court of Cairo, in favor of Arch A. Lewis and others, and against William B. Jarvis. This January 4th., 1017. D. D. PERKINS, Sheriff Sheriff’s Sale GEORGIA, Grady County. Will bo sold beforo tho Court houso door in Cairo, Grady county Georgia, during the legal hours of sale on tho first Tuesday in February, 1017, to tho highest bidder for cash, tho following described property, to-wit: All of lot of lnnd number one-hundred and soventy-fivo (175) in tho nineteenth (10th) district of Grady county, Goorgia containing two-hundred and fifty (250) ncres, more or less. Tho snid lands lovied upon ns the property of dofondnnt in execution, un- 1 dcr a certain execution issued from tho Superior court of Grady county Georgia, I in favor of Bank of Thomasville and ngainst S. P. Cain and E. B. Stapleton. This 10th day of January, 1917. D. D. PERKINS, Sheriff. CITATION GEORGIA, Grady County: Notico is hereby givon that after 30 days from this dato that all legal adver tisement will bo published by tho Cairo Messenger, a newspaper published in said county. This January 2nd, 1917. W. C. BARROW, Ordinnry D. D. PERKINS, Sheriff CITATION GEORGIA, Grady County: Cuy Ilnrroll ndminstrator on estate of Martin Harrell, Having mado applica tion to oxccuto a deed to certain land de scribed in a bond for titlo thereto at tached purporting to be signed by Martin Harrell Into of said county doccascd. Tho Bald application alleging that said land has been fully paid for. All parties concerned nro hereby notified that snid application will bo heard before tho court of Ordinnry of Bald county, on tho 5th day of Fob., 1917. This 3rd day of January, 1917. W. C. BARROW, Ordinary. Sheriff’s Sale GEORGIA, Grady County. Citation Georgia, Grady County. Notico is hereby given that Mrs. C. N. Hollingsworth and J. R. Hollingsworth ndminstrators have npplied to tho Ordin nry of snid County for leave to sell land belonging to tho estate of C. N. Hollings worth for tho purpose of distribution. Snid application will be heard at tho regular term of tho Court of Ordinnry for snid County to be hold on. the first Monday in February 1917, This 9th., day January 1917. W. C. Bnrrow, Ordinnry. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. By virtuo of an order from tho Court of Ordinnry of Grady county, will bo sold at public outcry, on tho first Tuesday in February 1917, at tho court houso door in said county, between tho legal hours of sale, tho tract of land in snid county, described as follows: Sixty two nnd ono half (02J) ncres of land in lot of land No. two hun dred and soventy three (273) in tho 10th. District of Grady County Georgia, and lying on tho North of W. Thomas land and bounded on tho East by settlement road, on tho West by original land time nnd on tho North by Iand3 of 1. E. Mn- loy, nnd on tho South by lands of Walter Thomas. Terms of sale will bo all cash. I. E. Maloy, Administrator of tho Es tate of R. T. Mnjoy. NOTICE Cairo, Ga., Doc. 6th, 1910. GEORGIA, Grady County: W. S. McCord nnd others having ap plied for working a new public road in Sponco District, asking that a road be ginning on the Egg Rond on tho land line bottweon-Mrs. Frances Harrell and J. W. Barnes running cast throngh tho lands of J. N. Carter, E. E. Wilkes and W. S. McCord on both sides of proposed road; said proposed road to terminate at tho public road near tho houso of J. S. McCord, said road known as tho Masco- donin nnd Cairo road. This road proposes to cross two lots of lnnd and to cover a distance of approxi mately one nnd ono fourth miles. Notico is hereby given that said ap plication will bo finally granted on tho 0th day of February, 1917 if sufficient cause is not shown to tho contrary. L. B. Powell Henry Mitchell S. J. Norton T. W. Fnircloth Arch Hnrrell D. P. Ward C. II. Mize. B. M. JOHNSON, Clork. Will bo sold beforo tho court houso door in Cairo, Gaady county, Georgia, during tho legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday in February, 1917 to tho highest bidder for cash, tho following de scribed property to-wit. All that certain tract or pared of land in tho town of Whigham, being part of lot No. 30, in tho 19th district of Grady county Georgia, commencing at a cortnin iron stob at tho north-west cornor of B. A. Parker’s land on the Bainbridgc Publio Road; thence north to tho or iginal land lino; thence cast on said line to tho Mary Bell or Cook land; thence west to tho iron stob on tho Bainbridgc public road. Bounded on tho south by B. A. Parker’s, on tho west by public road, north by original lino nnd Cook land nnd on tho oast by lano and Cook land, containing ten (10) acres, more or less. Said lands levied upon as the property of defendant in execution, under a cortain execution issued from the Superior court of -Grady county, Georgia, in favor of Bank of Thomasville nnd against J. E. Swilloy. This 10th day of January, 1917. D. D. PERKINS, Sheriff. LIBEL for DIVORCE Stato of Georgia, Grady County. Mrs. Ossiclee Dollar Ellis, vs., Edwin A. Ellis. Tho Defondant Edwin A. Ellis is, hereby required, personally or by attor ney, to be and nppcnr at the next Supe rior Court, to bo held in nnd for said County, on tho first Monday in March, 1917 next, then and thoro to answer the Plaintiff’s domand in nn action of com plaint. Herein fnil not, ns in dcfnult theregf, the court will proceed ns to justice shall ppertain. Witness tho Honorable W. M. Hnrroli, judge of tho said Court, this 3rd., day of January, 1917. ,v J. M. McNAIR, Jr. Clerk. Citation Georgia, Grady County. To whom it may concern: Jessie Willinms having applied Tor letter of adminstration upon the proper ty of Mike Willinms late of snid county, deceased, notico is given that snid ap plication will bo hoard at my office nt 10 o’clock a. ra. on 5th, day of Feb., 1917. This 9th., day of Jan. 1917. W. C' Barrow, Ordinnry. sold separately. Tho salo is for tho liquidation of the tho compnny and tho property will be sold to the hlghost bidder. Tho machinery will be delivered when called for nnd tho building nnd lot will be delivered Jnnunry 1st, 1018 with pay' ment by purchaser of 10 qcr cent of tho purchase prico at time of unle arn! balance on delivery of property. For particulars sec, J. M. POULK or THOMAS WIGHT WOOD’S 3eed Catalog 'ci 1917, tells about the best Farm and Garden Seeds ■•-.I ; ;ivoa special Information as to • best' erop3-to grow, both for .-ji'it and home use. The large increase In our busi- . ss ivlilffli we have again experl- :u J during the post year is the •■! of evidence as to the high .-.-idi '.j, if VOOD’S SEXDS. ». -Mv for catalog: and prices of ..>j and Clover Seeds, Seed i •! es, Seed Oats or any t'u.. • 3ecdj required. miu. .d free on request. •v.Wood ©sons, ;._j. J1.1III, - Richmond, Va. W. B. LAWHEAD OPTOMETRIST Tho scientific correction of Refrac tive Errors and Muscular troubles of tho cye- GLASSES FITTED OPEN DAYS: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Monday nnd Tuesday by appoint ment only. Office No. Ill N. Broad SI. Thomasville, Ga. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on the first Tuesday in March during the legal hours of sale will bo sold tho building nnd lot; nlso tho machinery nnd equip ment of tho Georgia Fertilizer & Manu facturing Company. Tho machinery consist of ono 25 h. p. Olds Engine nnd other machinery suit able for tho mixing of fertilizers. Tho sale will be hold in tho snid build ing; nnd building and machinery CITATION. GEORGIA: Grady County I A. A. Turner arid Myrtle Foy having made application to require titlo to lie executed to them to cortain land describ ed in a bond for title thereto attached, purporting to bo signed by Martin Har rell, lato of Grady County, dooensed. Tho application alleging that said land - lias been fully paid for, all parties con cerned are horeby notified that said ap plication will bo licnrd before the Court of Ordinary for said connty on tho first Monday in February, 1917. This January 4, 1917. W. C. Bnrrow, Ordinary. 1917 W E WISH to thank the people of Cairo and Grady county for their liberal patronage during the year 1916, and we trust that you will see it to your advantage to continue to patronize us in* the coming year. We try to handle everything in our line that the trade of this section demands, and opr motto is “Quality First and Reasona ble Prices.” Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous New Year. • We are Respectfully, Mitchell & Walker Company Cairo, Ga. Phone 97 500,000 BATHE INTERNALLY Tho marvellous growth o5 Internal Bathing since tho advent of “J. B. L. Cnsc&dc” is account ed for not only by tho enthusiastic praiso of its users to others, but also by tho physicians Insist ing more and more than tho Lowor Intestine mnst bo kept free from waste to insure perfect health and efficiency. Mary L. J. Walker, M. L. D„ Olcan, N. Y. writes: “I must toll you of acasoof constipation last ing for twenty year that was»curod by your Cas cade treatment. ’Tho physicians in charge said tho patient had a tumor between tho stomach and intestines. Tho patient being 92 years old, ho claimed no help could be givon except tho knife; but finding tho Intestines in a very bad stato, I advised tho ’J. B L. Cascade.’ which resulted in a complete recove ry. When I took the caso sho was taking a laxa tive three times a day and had been for three woeks; couldn't get along without it Now sho never takes any laxative.” Call at Wight* Browne, Drug Store, Cairo, Ga and ask for free booklet on the subject, cnllcd "Why Man of To-Day Is Only 60 Per Cent Efficient—Advt Mwetl House Coffee Wr - 100% PURE * GOOF) TO THE LAST DROP SEALED TINS 0NIY AT YOUR GROCERS Cheek-NealCoefeeCo. NASHVILLE HOUSTON . JACKSONVILLE Lame back may come from over work cold settled in the muscles of tho back, or from disease. In tho two former cases the right remedy is BALLARD’S SNOW LINI MENT. It should be rubbed in thoroughly over the affected part, the relief will be prompt and satis factory. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Wight Browne. PRIDE OF DENVER FLOUR Will Appeal To Thrifty Housewifes It is best in quality and cheapest to use because a special milling process makes it take less lard than others $ CALL FOR IT BY NAME TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. CITY LAUNDRY ^^ First class work of all kinds done promptly, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a trial. Parcel Post Packages Given Prompt Attention. JOE LEE, Prop. Next Door to J. Connell’s Stores 6 Per Cent 6 Per Cent FARM LOANS Loans on improved farms in South Georgia promptly made at lowest rates and best terms Call on us or wright us stating your needs. We can save you money. Barrow Loan & Abstract Company “Tbe biggest farm loan concern In Soutb Georgia*’ Pelham - - Georgia 6 Per Cent 6 Per Cent HI toil HIT It SSTII MB COME TO US. Your Table will be well supplied with the best the market affords if you buy. your groceries and provisions from us. j Your^BanK Account will be amply safe guarded because-our prices arc away down, as low as posi- ble for groceries and provisioned quality, even lower than they should be. Your Health: will be amply protected because we sell only goods of knpwn purity and excellence. Your Appetite will be well satisfied because we sell groceries of-quality that possess an unusual amount of nutriment, and they nrc good to the taste. Your Friends will remark on tho excellence of your’ cooking, fpr tho goods we sell, combined with your own good sense, will produce a meal fit for the gods. n White & Stringer The Leading Grocers 1 SELF-RISING AND READY PREPARED. i \ Made of choicest Soft Winter Wheat l J S FlOUr find nmnn«/\.f I A ■■■■ 3. RISING SUN to any good S Qrocer* You’ll be pleased*