The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, February 02, 1917, Image 5

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■. ■ ■ CAuvo, UHOKtUA. GKADY COuin xi Conducted by l&rs. D. L. Williams Phone No. CD of j- COAL COAL •. COAL j Your last chairco to got coal this j winter. I have cav oif track. See »t mo and.I will deliver off carat (■heap price, ,W. H.. Searcy Sr,' Or. C. H. Maxwell of Calvary was a business visitor to Cairo one day this wepk, Mr L. Hall of. the northern part of the county was a business visit- | or-to Cairo this week. j Mr. J'. H. Collins was si business visitor to Cairo one day this week. Mr. T. L. Lattimqr of'Pine Park was in Caii'o on business last Tues day. Mr. Lattimcr contemplates a trip to Atlanta during tho land show there. . . ’ mi, i. is. itawta ot Calvary was among those in attendance . upon tho mass meeting last Wednesday. It would not take u§, mpre than ton minutes to get anything to your home, if you will take the c: trouble to Phone 14, ‘to tell us & y our wants. ,• Prompt special dc- ¥ livcr y is always a feature at— ( Wight ife^Browne. • .' Mr. W. A. Shiver one- of the. county’s efficient commissioners was in attendance upon the mass * meeting at. the Court House last Wednesday. ' Mr. A. W. Womble of tho north-'' cm part of the county was a busi ness visito. to Cairo this week. A windy, month coming-be pre pared. Get-our cold remedy now,, in case you catch, a chid. Laxa- cold Tablets. Wight &’Browne to ■ business mat ters in Cairo Wodnesday» ’ • ' Phone..14 the Raxall Store when you need a quick delivery, of your package. Watch the clock after you phone and see how long it. takes to go from Wight,* Browne to your door. . Mrs. L. M. Ansley left this week to join Mr. Plant City,- Fla, The many friends of this young couple regret to lose them fioni this town but ■ their best wishes go with them tb their new home. Mr. L, L. Draff in was a business visitor to Cairo Wed.nefday. Mr. Joe Higdon of Calvary, was looking after business in town one day this week. : ■ Mr. and .'Mrs. T. A.. Turner have moved to Cairo . and will make this their home; They wili occupy Cotton Seed <&*»? .- , * * cured for plan (mg purposes by the or- ignatoiu bee me at once for your supply as stocks are short every, where bf these’leading, early variety as.boll weevil tkilories are gobbling these seed up. l am selling .large and. if you want to grow cotton h&re in Gra- dy.County, under the.bURE ravage of the boll weevil;, you had better see me quick ior; your supply. ' Don’t, wait until , you want to plant, for. you might not be alple-to .get; them. . : I have just completed in Sweenies automobile school in Kansas City,- Mo. : This school gives one of tho most thorough courses in automobile in struction in the-country, . While in attendance upon this course’, I , paid special attention to electric i starter and storage battery prob lems. I am going to-reopen my ga rage, and expect soon to install an’ apparatus for recharging storage batteries, and also a casing vulca nizing outfit, vyill appreciate any work that my friends may favor me with. > ■ Albert Walker.; BASKET BALL— Cairo High School will- play Monticcllo High School Friday evening at 7:30 ad mission 10 and 25 cents. grinding and feeding to his beef cattle two carloads of .velvet beans tliat were shipped in here over the ?• & H. from Hinson Fla. There is no question but tliat these beans will make a very valuable ’ feed. In fact it is already becoming a staple article of commerce and with the greatly - increased plant ing of beans and other like crops for grinding into feed thero is sure to develop a • decided industry along this line. ' • ’ ; ’ The Lanier and '-.Philomathian Literary Societies wijl hold their meetings Friday after- Hon. W.-H. Woodruff District Manager of the Woodmen of the World will deliver a Lecture at Whigham Sihool Auditorium next Wednesday night February 7th,, at 7-30 p. ni. j Everybody cordially invited to bo present. Mr. Wood ruffs ability, as a public speaker is well known in this section and all who attend can be assured .of •being well interested and enter tained. rogulhr noon. On last Friday morning at ten o’clock our school celebrated Arbor Day. The exercises, were opened by Scripture Heading by RcvJ.-T. Ryder. Laniers “Bal lad of The Trees and tho Master’* was given by Sumpter Martin ■Kelley and Miss Little recited “The Cry of the Pines.” Joseph Jones read a paper on some not- Beginning Next Week we will publish a seiies of advertisements showing in what ways we are try ing to give Grist Mill arid Feed Grinder I have installed on njy farm a Grist Mill and feed Grinder and will -do custom grinding each Friday. ’ . Will grind Velvet Beans, Oats, 1 Corn in car, shucked or shuck corn for feed. ■ ■ , .Toll one eighth for both bread corn and feed stuff. W. B. Roddenbery. . As somewhat in lino with what likely bo a very common occurence- in the next year or so we note tliat Mr. W. B. Roddenbery has bought and is hauling to his' place for man •:Qn ; account ot .tne inclement weather'the 191.7.class .tree was not planted but will be done iii the early part of next week.;. Oh Wvdneiday evening we haii with us. the. Swedish Eh! and Lecturoi:; Karl Jan.,on. Among the ■ select ions given were Descriptions of-Sweden and Non way. 'Scenes from Teri'iiysoiis Enoch Arden, llpcitations -froii) Jailica .Whitcomb Rileyy : ;;.;ir.d' Eugcpe Field add Scene:; 'from Shakespeare : nd Julius Go’asar. Friday ..week, a recital will lit held in the auditorium 'under tin- supervision, of Misses Bakes Jackson of.Cq'rdele, 1 The School improvement Club’ will meet Friday afternoon, Leroolac. is a newly discovered [liquid medicine that takes the place of calomel; Is pleasant to take, does i.c,! giipe, sicken oi salivate. Does not contain calomel or and habit- lorming. drugs, hence suitable for babies and children,‘ns well as adults. Price 50c. Your mcmey pleasantly refunded if not' satisfied by ail live calomel Ixiclnvnul, P- S,. If you. forgot the name . spell pnlomol backward. Sold by WIGHT & BROWNE T u RWt.U R e . Ari p'Hto U s e F U Rn i s Ki n o s pP-*'Q uaL i f Y.