The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, February 02, 1917, Image 7

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, ■<. , ' ’ - - ARAD? (jfttifi# MitiKES S, CAIKtf, vatinem*. -•> WT 1 ' ■■■■■■ ■ ■'"i> 1 ■ i Notice Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. Auction Sale of Unclaimed and Refused Freight. Cairo, Ga., Jan. 17, 1917 By-direction of the Freight Claim Agent, notice is hereby given that the following listed freight will be sold at auction for freight and oth-.. er charges at Atlantic Coast Line Freight Ware house, in Cairo, Ga., Friday, February 23rd, 1917 Goods sold without guarantee of quality or' value. Sale will commence at 11 o'clock a. m. Terms Cas. J. A. HUSKE, Route Agent, A. C. L. Ry. Fayetteville, N. C. 1 Car Body and Truck, A. C. L. 72560,—Consign ed to Kelly-Clark Lumber Co., Cairo, Ga. TO BUILD SHIPS AT COST PRICE BothlelioiQ Stool Will Moko Of fer to Undo Sim. BIDS ON 16 INCH NAW SHELLS No Chine. For Profit In Thom Und.r Proient Taitt/Groco 8«y*-^Poialbjo Explanation of tho Prlpaa Mad. by an Engllah Firm Whloh Blda Undtr All Amarloan Manufaoturara. Loans! Loans! Loans! We are better prepared than ever to offer the most attractive propositions on farm loans. Our companies are offering the best terms we have ever had, both as to rates of interest charged and as to terms of payment. We can make you a loan for 5 years with only the inter est payable annually, and with the privilege of paying principal back at any interest paying period in sums of $100 or mutiples thereof. We can make .you a loan for 7 or 10 years with interest only payable for 3 years, and principal divided into equal installments for the remaining years during which the loan will run. Our rates of interest are from 5 1-2 to 8 per cent, depending on the amount of the loan and length of term tho loan runs. We have the Best Terms to be found any where. We can help you whip the boll weevil. Now is the time to make your arrangements. Come to see US. BELL & WEATHERS, ■ CAIRO, GEORGIA Grady! County’ Progress. With the “AIA WINTER BBADING” Club ia our • Biggest, Best Bargain. , ... • . Our £aper contains all the Local. County and im portant State news. "The . ^Veeldy Kansas City Star” has the world and general yf'vZasmx “The Progressive Fenner is the South's leading Agricultural weekly. of which it is said, "you can tell by a man's Arm whether he reads it or not.” "The Farm ers Business Boole and Almanac" is issued hy the Progressive Farm er and is a simplified form for keep ing farm accounts. Forty pages, card-hoard cover. “Today's' Magazine is amonth- ly containing dean stories and much good reading for all the fam ily, while “The Housewife," a monthly, will be found interesting to all' and helpful to wife and daughters. The Grapevines ore of four varieties selected for Southern growing. r 3SB ■ The total value of a year's subscription for our paper and a year each for the other “ALL WINTER READING’ Club, together with tho Farmers’ Business Book and the Grapevines is more than four dollars. , Our price for this Biggest, Best Bargain is given in last line of this announce ment. All acceptances an to be sent to our office end indudes one year’s renewal or new subscription to our paper. “The Progressive Farmer" stands back of this remarkable offer and trill supply the sub- Kiiptions one year each to all tho publications except our own and will also send you the Farm, era* Business Book and tho four grapevines. Wo recommend your Immediate acceptance of this offor as every publication named Is clean, Interesting and useful, while tho Formers! Business Book and tho Grapevines will provo valnablo to you. FILL IN AND MAIL, SEND OR BRINS THIS FORM TO US I accept the "ALL WINTER READING” Club offer: Name :— &ddress_ M Route State- .Amount $_ -Date^Su. Price of this Club Offer $2.00 Subscribe for the PROGRESS Speaking recently before tu Terra- ' a, fiu'gene q. pin Club of Philadelphia, 'Grace, President of tho Bethlehem Steel Company, said In part: In a peculiar senso Bethlehem Steel servos the American people. Tor example, though wo havo been ablo to obtain In Europe almost any price, we have adhered, In our oharges to tho United States Government, to tho basis of prices established before tho war began. Wo agreed—If the Government would abandon Its plans for .a Federal plant— to mako armor for our Navy- at any prtco the Government Utelf might con sider /air. Our ordnance plants aro at the dis posal of the nation at a fair operating cost) plus a small margin, thus saving tho Government Investment and de preciation. One of the special needs of the now navy Is slxtcon-lnch guns—guns sixty feet long and capablo of hurtling a. 2000 pound shell with such power and accuracy aB to hit a 60 fool tquare tar get fifteen miles away. ' We have undertaken voluntarily to construct, at a coat of $4,600,000, a plant fitted to build slxteen-lncb guns. Under no conceivable circumstances can orders which we may receive for this plant pay even a fair return on the Investment. Considerable comment has been made upon the fact that a British manufac turer recently bid less than American manufacturers for sixteen and four teen-inch shells, for tho navy. I am unable, to state the basis upon which the English bid was made. It should bo remembered, however, that this bid was for a specific shell, sam ples of which aro being sent over for test-a test hot yet made. Offices Crawford Building CAIRO, - r * - - - GEORGIA Any little wound or abrasion of the flesh occuring in cold weather that is not promptly treated be comes a bad sore and is difficult to heal. Apply BALLARD’S SNOW LINIMENT at once when such accidents happen. The wound heals promptly and soon doeB away with the annoyance of a bandage. Price 2Gc, 50c and $1.00 per bottle Sold by Wight & Browne. Two years ago wo took an order tot 2400 fourteen-inch armor-plerclng shells at a contract pglce of $768,000, to be delivered within a certain time or we had to pay a large penalty. Tho only specifications for making these shells aro that they Bhall be of a certain size and must pierce armor-plate at a certain velocity on Im pact. It is impossible to foretell the exact conditions of the tests. , We bad made large quantities of shells In the post which had been accopted. But in placing this particular order the Department altered the angle at which The_ result, however, has been In fact, we The result is that up to now on that ontract of $768,000, we have put Into ctual operating expense $447,881., and $495,744., a total of $843,626. receipts whatever. with no Buch was tho experience la the light of which we were called upon recent- < -ly to bld'fOr-alxteen-liich Shglls. We bid on these shells at approxi mately the same rate per pound as that of a fourteen-inch shell contract of one year ago upon which tke Gov ernment awarded contracts. We have not the slightest Idea what profit there will be In the mahlng of these BheUs. We die not know that there wiU be any. Thera Is no certain, ty that It would be possible for ns to deliver a shell to meet the test. For officers in tbs Navy to assume that any bid made under such condi tions Is "exorbitant” is utterly unfair. We bid on the new battle-cruisers sums which Navy department experts, after examination of our hooks, found would yield a profit of less than tsn per cent. We agreed to assume risks for Increased costs of materials and la bor, that made it possible that these contracts might yield no profit what ever. The costs run beyond the amount ap propriated by Congress on the basis of the cost estimates made a year ago. " ■ 5 could net And because shipbuilders alter the Inexorable cost facts and re duce bids to early estimates of the Navy Department, the prices are called "exorbitant." It would be a real advantage te be relieved of this naval censttuctlen. The profit from It cannot possibly, amount to much, and the responsibility la enor mous. Wo have determined to make this otter to the American Government "If you will build two of tho battle cruisers In Government navy yard*, we will build the other two at the as certalned cost of building the ships In the Government yards, without addi tional expense or commissions of any kind. We will also contract te hare our ships ready for service «head of !thq aSTKKHSBt WHY not give your lad tho same training ? )\ » 41 1 "Wien 1 «u a growing J> j, anil camo uvoa many word* In my reeding that • I did not understand, my mother. In- •tead of Birina me tho definition when I applied to her, uniformly sent mo to tho dictionary to learn It, and In thb tray I gradually learned many thlnna beeldcn the mcantna of tho indlrldual word In question-among other thing*, how to oco a dictionary, and ths areot pleasure and advantage there might bo In the uco of tha dictionary. Afterwords, when I want to tho village school, my thief dtrcrelon, after lee. eona were learned and beforo they worn recited, was In turning over tho pages of tho ‘Unabrldgod’ of thoao days. Now tho moat modern Una- bridged—theNBW INTERNATIONAL— glrea mo a pleasure of tho samo sort. Bo far ar my knowledge extenda. U b at present the beet of tho one-volumo dictionaries, and qnlte sufficient for all ordinary uses. Even those who possess the Bplendld dlcUonsrles In •crcral volumes will yet And It n great convenience to havo this, which b so compict, so fall, and so trustworthy os to leave. In most cases, Uttlo to bo desired."- Albert S. Cook,Fh.D,LL.D., Professor of tho English Lnngusgo and Utarataro, Yale Unlv. April 28,1011, WHITS for Spreliua Tiger, UlutnUoae, Etc. of WIBStEE'B MEW UtTSBMATIOMAL DI0II0MABT G.&a MERRIAM COMPANY, For Over 63 Years Publishers of The Genuine Webster’s Dictionaries, SPRINGFIELD, MASS., U. S. A. W. V. CUSTER, Bainbridge, Ga. W.T. CRAWFORD, Cairo, Ga. . Ouster & Crawford Attorneys-At-Uaw HEWHOME ■ m Our Depositors Number Over One Thousand Many of those havo boon with us since wo organized, January 1st, 1994, and many of them arc new accounts’, people who have come with us recently. Thcso accounts aro largo and small, there are none to largo and nono to small for us to give them service. HH This is their bank, that’s the way wo have always wanted them to feel about it, and thats tho way wo beliovo they do feel. To give our customers tho very bcBt service, consistent safe and conservative banking, is tho constant effort of all of our officers and employees. If you think you would like to do business with us, come in to see us and let us talk tho matter over with you. Citizens Bank CAIRO, .... GEORGIA W. S. Wight, President H. G. Cannon, V-Prea. WH Searcy, V-President and Cashier • -; jm -:i Country Produce OUR SPECIALTY NO OTHER LIKE IT. NO OTHER A8 GOOD. Purchase the "NEW HOME” and you will hare a life asset at the price you pay. The elimination of repair expense by superior workmanship and best inumcost. Insist on having the "NEW HOME WARRANTED for all time. Known tho world over for superior sewing Qualities Not sold under any other name.. WE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE GO.jORANQE'MASI. veil eau as Dealer Wanted AY/HEN you have anything YV to sell in the way of Meat, Chickens, Eggs or country produce, get our prices before selling as we will pay you the top of the market. Gilmore-Maxwell Company Grady Loan & Realty Co* 5 Years 5 Years FARM LOANS - 1 Money Easy——Interest Low>—Terms Easy QUICK SERVICE Socgi G. T. HAREY or L. W. RIGSBY, Over Post Office. How Much Longer Will You Live? Approximate Life Table. Based on New York City Statistics 1909-11. Your Tho Year If you would save $100.00 annually or $8.62 monthly But And Pro3snt Age Ahead—Average —about 28c a day on our plan-your total savings The interest at 0 per cent You would have during your expected in addition would amount a total of • Group Life Expectancy term of llfo would bo. to approximately: about: Under 5 51.9 $5,180.66 $29,500.00 $34,080.66 6 to 9 51.1 6,100.80 28,000.00 ""33,100.80 10 to 14 46.9 4,681.55 20,500.00 25,181.65 15 to 19 42.6 4,242.34 15,000.00 M 19,242.35 20 to 24 38.3 3,823.10 10,900.00 14,723.10 25 to 29 34.3 3,438.26 8,000.00 11,438.26 30 to 34 30.6 3,044.51 , 6,700.00 8,744.61 35 to 39 26.9 2,686.15 4,000.00 6,686.15 40 to 44 23.4 2,335.78 2,000.00 4,335.00 46 to 49 20.0 1,996.40 1,900.00 3,896.40 60 to 54 16.8 1,676.97 1,250.00 2,920.97 55 to 69 13.9 1,386.49 825.00 2,211.40 60 to 64 11.3 1,127.96 525.00 1,652.96 65 to 69 9.1 908.36 326.00 1,233.36 .70 to 74 7.2 718,70 200.00 918.70 75 to 79 5.5 549.01 116.00 765.01 ew years and then bo independent. You can save if you will. Make up your mind and act. If you have backbone, will-power and determination, you can succeed. Buy a Bond from the Sessions Loan & Trust Co., and start your saving today. JRI ;iir S' p- ./