Times-courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1916-current, January 28, 1916, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    MW 45 (:4
Editors and Publishers
Entered at me post office at Ellijay,
Ga., as second-class mail matter 1
One Year...................11.00
Six Months................. 50
Three Months.............. 25
Advertising Rates Very Low and
Made Known on Application
FRIDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1916
V'e are glad to say EUijay has
only a few loafers
Don’t talk so much, but off
with your ooat and go to work.
A house divided cannot stand
The same applies to a, / town or
There will be an old time Fid¬
dlers’ Convention at Jasper next
Saturday, January 29th
It is reported that there are 80
deaths in Chicago each day from
If you don’t believe it requires
tabor to get out the Times Cour¬
ier follow us for a week
A man who will lie will steal,
and a man who will not pay his
honest debts, when able, is also a
There will doubtless be many
more to run for office this year
than ever before, as it will be a
four years term instead of two.
In some sections of the West it
is reported the thermometer reg¬
istered 50 below zero on the 12th
of this month, the coldest known
in years
What great things have you
mapped out for Ellijay this year?
Don’t sit still and wait for some
one to come into your town anc
turn up a good thing
If reports are true the Ninth
Congressional District will have
several candidates in the field.
They will soon begin to move
about and then you will have
opportunity of meeting them
There is some talk of Judge
Newt Morris running for Cong¬
ress in the Seventh against Lee
This will disappoint many in this
circuit who are counting on him
to be in the judge race
Did you know that a horse wil
live 25 days without solid food,
mere'y drinking water; 17 days
without either drinking or eating;
and only 5 days when eating solid
food without drinking
We notice down in South Geor¬
gia where they have been burn¬
ing negro club houses. Often at
these clubs meanness gets its
start. Many whites ought to be
treated the same way
Few of ub realize the danger of
CoughB and Colds. We consider them
common and harmless ailments. How¬
ever statistics tell ns every third per¬
son dies of a lung ailment. Dangerous
Bronchial and Lung diseases follow a
neglected cold. As your body struggles
against cold germs, no better aid can
be had than Dr. King’s New Discovery
Its merit has been tested by old" and
young. In use over 45 years. Get a
bottle to-day. Avoid the risk of serious
Lung ailmeuts. Druggists.
PresidentWilson has made oneof
most conservative presidents
United States has ever had,
if he don’t do something to
Mexicans in the slaughtering
Americans we are going to say
as we would not give
American for a thousands of
half breeds. Old Caranza
now doing something if he will
keep it up
A call has been issued for a
meeting of the State Democratic
Executive Committee for Feb.
19th, at which time a date will
be fixed for the election of dele¬
gates to the National Democratic
Convention which is to be held in
June at St. Louis. It remains
yet to be seen whether Georgia
will choose her delegates as here¬
tofore by a state convention or
select them at a primary
We notice where the State
Board of Medical examiners in
executive session in Atlanta a
few weeks since, put a stop to
the practice in many hospitals of
the state of allowing trained
nurses to administer dangerous
drugs to patients. This is the
right move as doctors depend too
much on nurses. If physicians
can’t stay away from fishing,
hunting or swapping horses long
enough to look after their pa¬
tients they should draw in their
A petition has been circulated
around tuwn this week getting
the names of those wishing to
work at Copperhill. The requir¬
ed number to sign this agreement
is 100 to get the train to come to
Ellijay and return each day, and
we understand that they nearly
have that amount signed already
and are trying to get it completed
in time to get train started next
Monday. This is a good thing
and will give those wishing to
work at Copperhill an opportuni¬
ty to live in Ellijay
She Will
So her doctor'said. Her
friends and neighbors felt
sure of it too. They have
used Peruna themselves
and know of its merits.
That old cough that had
worried her for years and
years, for which she had
taken all sorts of cough
medicines, has disappeared.
Peruna is doing the work.
She will recover. Indeed,
she has recovered.
Her name is Mrs. William
Hohmann, 2764 Lincoln Ave.,
Chicago, Ills. She had suffered
with catarrh of the bronchial
tubes and had a terrible cough
ever since a child. As she got
older she grew worse. She
coughed both winter and sum¬
mer. Had to sit op at night.
Could not sleep. “But all that
has left me now, Peruna has
cured me.”
There are others, and there
Is a reason.
he Rtv. rl R. ks 1916 Almanac.
Ths Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1916 Almanac
is by far the finest, largest and Dest
ever before printed. The Hicks storm
and weather forecasts for 1915 again
have proven their truth and value and
this splendid Almanac for 1916 should
its way straight into every home
and office in America. The Rev. Irl
Hicks Magazine, Word and Works,
his unique Almanac should always
together, both for only one dollar a
The Almanac alone is 35c. pre¬
Send to Word and Works Pub¬
Company, 3401 Franklin Ave.,
Lous, Mo. Advt.
Successful - Children like it
lOmSKiDNEYPmS r«#B Bacnacks
Kibnkyiand Bubdrs
TimesrCourier Readers
Cnpoa Worth 25c if Presented at the
Teem Bros. Store
In order to test the Times
Courier’s great circulation and its
superior advertising value, we
have made arrangements with
Teem Bros- the popular druggist
to offer one of their best selling
medicines at half price to anyone
who will cut out the following
coupon and present it a t their
This coupon entitles the hold¬
er to one 50c package of Dr.
Howard's specific for the cure
of constipation and dyspepsia at
half pric 25c we will refund the
money t o a n y dissatisfied
Teem Bros.
Dr. Howard’s specific for the
cure of constipation and dyspepsia
is not an unknown remedy It
has made many remarkable cures
right here in Ellijay and so posi
iive are Druggists Teem Bros, of
its great superiority in curing
dyspepsia, constipation, sick
headache and liver troubles that
they will, in addition to selling it
at half price, refund the money
to any one whom it does not cure.
If you cannot call at their store,
cut out the coupon and mail it
with 25 cents, and a 50 cent box
of the specific will be sent you by
mail, charges paid. Do not put
it off., “One today is worth two
¥ ***** to **
new system o f paying teachers
monthly, it is necessary for month¬
ly reports to he sent to me prompt
ly at the end of each school month.
The regular annual examinaiion
for teachers will be held on Friday
and Saturday, August 4th and 5th,
1916. The Reading Course for re¬
newals for the Primary and Gem-r
al Elementary license will consist
of tha following:
Manual—Co. Supt.—Free
Cuhberley’s Rural Life and Edu¬
cation—Southern School Book
Depository, 121 Auburn Ave.
Atlanta, Ga., postpaid $1.25
Colgrove’s, The Teacher and the
School—Charles Scribner's Sons,
Temple Court Bldg., Atlanta,
Ga., postpaid $1.00
Hi h .School and Supervisory
Manual—Co. Supt.—free
HallUter’s High School Adminis¬
tration—Southern School Book
Depository, 121 Auburn Ave,,
Atlanta, Ga., postpaid $1 35
Cubberley’s Rural Life and Educa¬
tion—Southern School Book De¬
pository, 121 Auburn Ave., Atlan¬
ta, Ga.. postpaid $1.25
J. S. HUDSON, Co. Supt.
Rubbing Eases Pain
Rubbing sends the liniment
tingling through the flesh and
quickly Hops pain. Demand a
liniment that you can rub with.
The be$t rubbing liniment is
Good for the Ailments of
Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc.
Good for your own Aches,
Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains,
Cuts, Burnt, Etc.
25c. 50c. $!. At all Dealers.
GEORGIA, Gilmer County.
Will be sold at the Court house door.
in said county, on the first Tuesday in
within the legal hours of sale
following described property towit:
One hundred eighteen pair shoes, lev¬
as the property of W. R. W'impey to
an execution in favor of A. B.
Christopher Shoe Co. against said shoes
as the property of said Wimpey
This January 3rd, 1916
R. L. Milton, Sheriff.
GEORGIA—Gilmer County.
The petition of Nancy Jane Bramiett,
widow of J. E. Bramiett, late of said
county, deceased, has applied to the un¬
dersigned for a twelve months support
for herself and six minor children, and i
appraisers have been appointed and I j
made their return. I will pass upon
said application at the next regular}
term of this court on the first Monday
in Feb., 1916. This is to cite all persons
interested, kindred and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why, at the
said term of the court, the said petition
should not be granted.
Given under my hand and official sig¬
nature, this 3rd day of January, 1916.
W. A. COX, Ordinary
GEORGIA—Gilmer County.
To ail whom it may concern:
R F. Ledford having in proper form
applied to me for permanent Letters of
Administration on the estate of Sabra
Dodd, late of said county, deceased,
this is to cite all and singular the credi¬
tors and next of kin of said deceased to
be and appear at my office within the
time allowed by law on the first Monday
in Feb., 1916, and show cause, if any
they can, why permanentadministration
should not be granted to said R. F.
Ledford on said estate.
Witness my hand and official signature
this 3rd day of January, 1916.
W. A. COX, Ordinary.
To whom it may concern:
J. S. DeFoor, as the administrator of
the estate of T. M. DeFoor, late of said
County deseased, has applied self to the un- Z
*<fcrsigned for thereal
tate belonging to the said deceased,
This is to cite ali persons, kindred and
creditors to show cause if any they can,
why at the next term off this Court on
the first Monday in February 1916, why
said petition should not be granted.
Given under my hand and officiai sig¬
nature this Jan. 5th., 1916.
W. A. COX, Ordinary
kelommendeo for croup,
W. C. Allen, Boselev, Mo.,says.
‘‘I have raised a family of four
children and used Foley’s Honey
and Tor with all of them, I find
it the best cough and emug medi¬
cine I ever useri I us-d it for eight
nr ten years and can recommend it
for croup.” Same satisfactory re¬
sults for coughs and coins. Sold
Method is the very hinge of
business, and there is no method
without punctuality. Punctuality
is important because it subserves
the peace and good temper of a
family. Calmness of mind, which
it produces, is another advantage
of punctuality. A disorderly man
is always in a hurry. He has no
time to speak to you because he is
going elsewhere, and when he gets
there he is too late for his business
or he must hurry away before he
can finish it
It is a great satisfaction at the
close of life to feel that you have
tved not for yourself alone, but
that you have been useful to others.
You may be assured also that the
same feeling is a source of comfort
and happiness at any period of life.
Nothing in this world is so good as
usefulness. It tends to the im¬
provement of your own character.
A Showy Man.
“Ma.” said little Tommy Slathers,
wish my pa amounted to something in
the world.”
Why, Tommy, your father Is a mil¬
lionaire I”
“That ain’t nothing, ma. Henry Fen
kel's pa is a bandmaster and leads ail
the parades.”—Birmingham Age-Her¬
Children ' Cry
Children Cry for Fletcher’s
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been of
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature
and has been made under his per¬
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jnst-as-good ” are hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment*
©astoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare¬
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness, i or more than thirty years It
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
iBears the Signature of
The Kind You Save Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Jonannet’s Frost Proof Cabbage Plants'
Are known as the best to be had anywhere by thousands
of experienced buyers, and are offered to you at prices
LOWER than you pay for common, inferior plants. WILL
HAVE ALL VARIETIES. Plants tied in bunches of 25.
PRICES: 75 cents for 500 lots; $1.00 per 1000) 5000 and
over 85 cents per 1000.
ROOTS, one year and two year old, $4 per 1000, $1 per 100.
Low rates by Southern Express Co. Cash with order, please.
For a profitable crop send your orders early to
Lai-,.«r ch.rUito.if.k.n.tdc.sbv ALFRED JOliANNET, Box 198, MT. PLEASANT, S. C.
Many women suffer this mis¬
ery. It makes its appear¬
ance so regularly that they
learn to expect it and arrange
their household work accord¬
ingly. Few women think of
seeking medical help tc get
rid of it for good. If women
only knew of the power and
effectiveness of Dr. Sim¬
Wine mons they Squaw would Vine
not be
without it a moment longer
than it would take to get It
from the drug store. It is a
splendid remedy for all nau¬
sea or sickness of the stom¬
ach. The first dose settles
the stomach and makes the
patient feel better. Addi
tionaidosesact on the female
generative system, strength¬
ening weakened organs, reg- *
ulating the habits, restoring
tone and strength in every
part of the body. It is essen¬
tially a woman’s remedy
prepared expressly to meet
the need of women who
suffer from the ailments
common to their sex.
Sold by Druggists and Dealers
Price $1 Per Bottle
When your liver gels torpid and you
stomach acts queer, take Dr.
New self feeling Life Pills better.' and you will find your- j [
; biood, give They purify the
you freedom from constipa
tion, ion. biliousness, You feel fine-just dizziness like and indiges-1
you want I
tr fee). Clear the complexion too. 25c |
at druggists. Advt.
Electric i i
Bitters 1
Succeed when everything else fails. I
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy, as thousands have testified.
it is the best medicine ever sold
•we* a druggist's counter.
Food And Grain Crops Will Make
Agricultural Scuth Independent,
Says H. G. Hastings
Atlanta, Ga.—(Special.)—The cred¬
it system under which the agricultu¬
ral south works and stays poor is an¬
alyzed in a striking way by H. G.
Hastings of Atlanta, chairman of the
agricultural committee of the Cham¬
ber of Commerce, and a member of
the executive council of the South¬
eastern Fair. He does not mince
words in talking about the situation.
“Every season during the last fifty
years,” he says, “there has been trou¬
ble in the cotton belt whenever the
crop was large and the price low, *>r
the crop short. Each tiriie the cry of
hard times goes up, and the reason
back of it is that the farmers cannot,
get enough money to pay.-their debts
out of their so-called cash crop—cot¬
ton. It is disheartening because it is
so absolutely unnecessary.
"A cotton farmer’s debts are large¬
ly for food and grain, charged up
against him on the merchants’ books
at two to three times the price that
those same items could be produced
on bis own acres, and usually without
serious interference with a crop of cot¬
ton as large as he now makes.
"The trouble is that most cotton
farmers owe their crop instead o:
owning it when made.
"The credit way looks the ear;
way, but it strangles most farmer
before they get through life.
“I have said repeatedly in pub!’
that no state or section
any country can be prosperous th
is regularly dependent on anoth.
for its food supplies. What
true of a state or section is true
the individual farmer.
“The great exhibits of grain, hay
food products shown at the South¬
____ Fair held _____ in Atlanta ________ in No
give thelie to the statement
these things cannot be grown
at home successfully and prof
"A good big home garden kept
and rightly tended through
season will produce half of the
besides furnishing an abund
for canning or drying from the
“When we make our food and grain
will have few or no debts at the
we will own instead of owe
crops when made, and farm
will accumulate in the south
of farm and crop mortgages."
Children Cry