Newspaper Page Text
R %m b8, ICII’Z
Preserve Your Complexion
the easy, pleasing way by using
Magnolia Balm before and after
outings. You can fearlessly face
the sun, wind and duA because
you know Magnolia Balm keeps
safe from Sunburn and Tan.
tion iswonderfully
soothing, cooling
and a great com¬
fort after a day
Magnolia Balm is
the skin-saving
beauty secret
which is regularly
used when once
Magnolia Balm
Pink. White, 'Rote.Rcti.
75c. at Druggists or hi ”«l
Sample (either color) far 2c. S. iniji.
Irm Mfg. Co., 40 South Fifth St.. BrocUyn,K. \
;r ? ■
Editors and Publishers
Watered at the post office at Ellijay,
6a., as second-class mail matte •
Published Every Friday
’Phone No. 33
Six Months.................
Three Months..............
Advertising Rates Very Low and
Made Known on Application
Over 10,000,000 registered
Oh, its a great pleasure to try
batching it once and awhile
What has become of the fellow
yea. .even a
The Chicago Corn Exchange
has passed a rule forbiding trad¬
ing in corn futures on that ex¬
change at over a $165 per bushel,
but so far it has not affected the
•pot market.
The Confederate Veterans are
holding their reunion in Wash¬
ington this week. The crowd
has been so great that the city
has been unable to take care of
*t and a number of the old veter¬
ans are having to sleep in the
Attention of ail parties wit hin
the age limit of registration who
have failed to register, is called
to the fact that they may yet do
so by coming before the board at
the countv site within the next
few days. A more stringent ac¬
tion will be taken later if you fail
to do this.
The German official statement
last week announced that the ad¬
vance of the French and English
had been checked, which is in it
«elf ah admission that they had
been gaining ground. The Ca¬
nadians have again distinguished
themselves by capturing a line of
German trench with the bayonet.
V It is officially announced that a
U'S- Liner sank a submarine
4his week after a ninety minute
batfie When the submarine
appeared it was 7,000 yards away.
The American ship, instead
drying to escape, hoisted the the subma¬
•nd waited. Finally
rine came within range and
r^sels opened fire. AH the ad¬
vantage was with the
to it lay so low on the surface
the water that it could scarcely
he seen. The battle was ended
vrhen an American shot struck
the submarine and the latter rose
tt a perpindicular position and
straight down.
(Q23? g
Quite a number of the boys
been very busy peeling tan
for a few days.
We are sorry to learn of
Greenway getting seriously
with au ax while making cross
Mr. B. F. Akins, of
Bluff, is spending several
with relatives here.
Rev. Joe M. Chastain visited
daughter, Mrs, Henry Weaver,
Bucktowu, Friday night.
Mr. Marvin Gibbs and
Mias Mamie Smith, were
their sister, Mrs. Ben Weaver,
urday night.
Prof. J. B. Chastain was
at Pike Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Colbert
the proud parents of a new girl.
Ma. Homer Holt and sister,
Florence, were the guests of Mr. J.
M. Akins Saturday night.
reported a real nice time.
Quite a crowd attended the
day singing at River Hill
and report good singing.
Mr. ri. L. Parks has just
ed home from Atlanta.
Mr. Mark Stanley made a busi.
ness trip to Ellijay Mouday.
Listen,—we are going to
up a wedding from these parts
the near future.
Everybody attend the singing
New Liberty Sunday
We aie expecting some good
to be present.
It is doubtful if there is
work harder than house
Overwork tells on the kidneys,and
when the kidneys are effected
looks and feels older than the
ual years. Mrs. A. J. A’ells, R, R.
5, Rocky Mount, N C. t writes:
“I cannot praise F iley
Pills enough for mi tbe uri
benefit I have Sold
Tho farmers are busy in this sec¬
tion working over their crops,
Mrs. Louisa Kimsey is
a few days with her father, Mr. C.
W. Kennemur.
Several from here attended
all day singing at River Hill
day and reported a good singing,
also a nice time.
On last Sunday morning,
27, 1917, Miss Alice
died at her home near here.
was a good Christian woman and
kind neighbor. She leaves a father,
three brothers and two sisters,
sides a number of other
and friends to mourn her loss. The
family has our deepest sympathy.
Rev. Stone preached an
ing sermon at Clear u Creek Sunday.
Mr. J. C. Walker sold a fine cow
to Mr. V, H. Turner last .week.
Mr. Wayne West spends most of
his Sundays near Sharp Tup. Won¬
der what’s so interesting.
Mr, J. B. Smith has been on
sick list for several days. We
for his early recovery.
Miss Alice Mulkey spent
day night with her sister, Mrs. J,
D, West.
A Black-Eyed Bird.
A cough that racks and
the throat may lead to a
chronic cough, if ueglecied.
healing pine balsams in Dr.
Piue Tar Honey—Nature’s and own
remedy—will soothe
the irritation, breathing will
easier, and the antiseptic
ties will kill the germ which re
tarded healing. Have it handy
croup, sore throat tnd
bronchial affections. Get a
today. Pleasant to take. At
Druggists, 25c.
Children Cry
Sr. Ring’s Hew Bsssovery LUNGW
We are glad to see it qnit rain¬
Mrs. Jnd Whitaker, Mrs. Boffier
Duun and Mrs. Flora Weaver vis¬
ited Mrs. J. N. Walker last Mon¬
Messrs. Harley Dunn and
Whitaker attended the singing at
River Hill Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Walker
the proud parents of a fine
boy that ai rived last Monday.
Miss Belle Weaver attended the
singing at River Hil) and repotted
a nice time.
Miss Ida Hall visited Misses
and Effie V\ eaver Sunday.
Mrs. Bnlah Dunn and Mrs
Martin visited Mrs J. N. Walker
last Monday.
Mrs. Jesse Whitaker and Mrs.
Wilburn Weaver visited Mrs. J N.
Walker Thursday.
Misses Belle and Ina Weaver
visited Miss Ida Hall Monday.
Boys, come aiound some Sunday;
us girls get loin some .by ourselves.
Two Brown-Eyed Girls.
W. S- McArthur has turned
over to me, all books, notes and
accounts for collection, unless
these are paid within thirty days
fi-fas will be issued, and I will
procede to collect.'Please call at
my barber shop and settle.
J, D. Milton J. P.
Oak Hill
We are having plenty of rain.
Farmers have commenced work¬
ing corn second time.
Several attended singing at Mr.
Lovering’s Sunday p m.
Messrs, Monroe and Levi Barnes
*p|nt_Satnrduy jiigkt -higut with witn t.jeir
with Miss Ida Leveriug.
Mrs. Lizzie Goble spent Sunday
with Mrs. N. E. Gentry.-"
Mrs, F.izzie Goble spent Sunday
night with Mrs. Jossie Vick.
Mr. Milt Vick and wife speut
Satmday night with Mr. John
Mr. Ben Francis was visiting
friends Sunday.
Mrs, MinnieKfamp ig real sick
at this- writing. Hope she will
soon improve.
Mama’s Little Girl.
River Hill
We had a nice time singing
here Sunday.
The boys of Scrougetown are
having fine debates. Subject for
last Saturday, “Resolve That the
Art of Man is More Attractive
Than the Work of Nature.”
Speakers, on the affirmative,
W. H. Allen, H. S. Smith.
Homer Holt, B L. Chadwick;
negative, E. H. Allen, A. Clay¬
ton, M. F. 1 ibbs and W. C.
Smith. The judges rendered their
decission in favor of the nega¬
A fishing party will meet at
Tuckerford at 7:30 o’clock Sat¬
urday night instead of the de¬
bate. Everybody invited. Bring
a girl and a fish hook.
Homer Holt and Miss- Florence
Holt were tbe guest of Miss Akins
Saturday night.
Marvin Gibbs hassold his Pike
chicken and bought one near
The Whip-Poor-Will.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cored
by local applications, as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There
is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness,
and that 19 by a constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in¬
flamed* condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the
inflammation can be reduced and this tube
restored to Its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafneas are caused by catarrh, which i»
an inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure acts thru the
blood on the mucous surfaces of the sys¬
tem. for
We will give One Hundred Dollars
any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Circulars
Legal Adfffliisamenu.
Georgia—Gilmer County
Easter A. Harris, widow of W. G.
Harris, deceased, has applied out to of me the
a twelve months’ deceased, support and the
estate of said ap¬
praisers appointed to lay off the same,
filed their return. All persons
cerned will show cause, if any. onor
fore the July term, next, of this court,
why, at said term, the return of
appraisers should not be made the
ment of the court.
Witness my official signature, this May
7th, 1917.
J. C. ALLEN, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Gilmer County
Will be spld on the first Tuesday
July, next, within the legal hours
sale, at the court house in said county,
the following described property,
wit: Being all of land lot No. 226
60 acres, more or less, of land lot No
225, all lying and being in the 25th
trict and 2nd section of Gilmer
Georgia, containing 220 acres, more
less, meters and bounds fully
in deed from W. W. Wilsen to W. T.
Pankey, dated 1-22 1892, registered Jar..
28th, 1892, Book S, page 644; deed
G. R. Dean to Thos. Pankey dated
1897, recorded 1-7-1897, Book U,
685; deed from J. C. Worley to W. T.
Pankey, 11-22-1900, recorded Book W,
page 87, Dec. 6 , 1900. A deed for
purpose of levy and sale having
filed and recorded in Clerk’s office
said county. Levied on as the property
of J. G. Clark, defendant in Fi Fa is¬
sued from the Municipal Court of At
ianta (Fulton Division) in favor of E.
W. Watkins, Jr. Defendant notified in
terms of law. .
This May 22nd, 1917.
R. L. MILTON, Sheriff.
at the
First Baptist Church
Pastor G. B. Hurlbutt
Pastor Hurlbntt is delivering
these Sermons on the Theme of
all themes as his closing message
to his peqple in Ellijay. He is
to thepe^sermons the most
prayerful thought and best fruit
of his own experience of grace;
and he earnestly invites all who
desires to learn more of the Mir¬
acle of the ages, the Son of God
and of Man, and His redeptive
work to come and hear these
TROUBLE entirely disappeared
Kiiudf, Lee, Wanuaske, Minn.,
writes: For several years my daugh¬
ter had a bad chronic cough. Not
until we tried Foley’s Honey, and
Tar did anything produce any
great relief, in a few days the
trouble entirely disappeared and
lias never returhed.” Contains no
opiates; a safe, reliable,remedy;
children like it. Sold Everywhere
t&Xi Mmms
I have placed all my notes and
accounts in the hands of Col. F.
E- Pettit for collection, SO please
settle with him and save cost.
| J. r. crown.
♦ -
4 New York.—The United States
# has lost a citizen in Gustave A.
<f> Johnson, a Russian Finn, who
* applied in Jersey City for his
$ final papers. “What is the con
stitution of the United States?”
<S> asked the judge. The reply
•*> came, “Rugged and healthy, I
<*• should say.” Johnson also said
the country could go somewhere,
whereupon he was sent some
♦ where else—to wit, to JaiL
Summer Colds Weaken
They are even more dangerous than wintei
colds, came for they hang on solongthatthey dust be¬
chronic catarrh. Heat and ag¬
gravate them, cause the infected surface to
spread, and fill the body health with systemic cat¬
arrh. Neglect costs and energy.
It does more—it builds up the weakened system, regulates the diges¬
tion removes the inflammation, overcomes the poisons of catarrh, and in
vigorates alfcover. Forty-four years of success proves its great value, of
which thousands gladly testify.
Accept the verdict of two generations yourself. Don’t be swayed well, by
prejudice, when your health is at stake. Take Peruna and get
liquid or tablet form, whichever is the more convenient;
The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio
( Mr. long Marion while I Holcomb, suffered of with Nancy, Ky., trouble. says: “For I quite
a stomach would
disagreeable have pains and a heavy mouth. feeling after If I my meals, a most
taste in my ate anvthing with
butter, oil or grease, I would spit it up. I began to have
regular sick headache. I had used pills and tablets, but
after a course of these, I would be constipated. It just
seemed .0 tear my stomach all up. I found they were
no good at all for my trouble. I heard
recommended very highly, house so began to use it. It cured
me. I keep it in the ail the time. It is the best
liver medicine made. I do not have sick headache or
stomach trouble any more. 1 ’ Black-Draught acts on
the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of
throwing out waste materials and poisons from the sys¬
tem. This medicine should be in every household for
use in time of need. Get a package today. If you feel
sluggish, take Price a 25c dose tonight package. You All will feel fresh to¬
morrow. a druggists.
Bankers and Broken
Show Fine Patriotism
When your banker or your broker
encourages you to buy United States
Liberty Bonds, don't make the mis¬
take of thinking that he has any self¬
ish motives. The fact is that be does
not make any commission whatever
by selling these war bonds. On the
contrary, all the work that a banker
or a broker undertakes In connection
with United States Liberty Bonds Is
at his own expense.
Seldom has any class of business
men shown finer patriotism than that
exhibited In recent weeks by the bank¬
ers and brokers. The federal govern¬
ment is under great obligations to
them for the high spirit ot public duty
they have shown, tor the enthusiasm
they have manifested in familiarizing
the public with United States Liberty
Bonds and in encouraging people to
If you have not yet ordered your
United States Liberty Bonds, see your
banker or your broker today. And re¬
member that in handling your order
'he is working unselfishly for Ameri¬
can honor and for the permanence pf
liberty on earth.
Is Your Boy In the War?
Perhaps your boy, your brother,
your sweetheart, some one you hold
dear to your heart, will be called into
the war zone to risk his life for free¬
dom, for liberty, for America. War
is no picnic, no holiday romp; it is
terribly serious business. Victories are
almost never won by dnfed, naked, dis¬
heartened troops. Is it your wish that
our boys shall have the food, the cloth¬
ing, the arms, the ammunition, the
safeguards to reduce their danger to
: j£ the minimum, to Strengthen their spir
maintain and safeguard your boy at
the. front takes money. Our govern
nmnt i* needs that money now. To raise
quickly, to make victory sure, to
shorten the war. to save yoyr boy. and
your neighbor’s boy, the government
asks you to buy one or more Liberty
bonds. These bonds can be bought for
$50, $100, $500, $1,000. They pay in¬
terest, they are free from tEixes, and
you wiii get back the entire principal.
Don’t just sit around and wish for vjp.
tory, peace and the safe return of the
one you love. Buy as many Liberty
bonds as you can and help to make
your wishes come true.
For every $100 a German earns, An
American earns $250. Put some of
that $250 in Kaiser-stopplng United
States Liberty bonds.
Money Pan) Out Is Returned
to You in Full at End of .
Stated Period
Greatest and Safest Of All Invest*
ments; Be a Shrewd Money
Did you ever own~a bond 7
It is the greatest and safest of all
Investments. The shrewdest money
makers are bond buyers. The most
careful investors are bond buyers.
When you buy stock, the money you
pay for it Is gone forever. What you
buy Is only a right to share in divi¬
dends, providing there should be any.
But a bond is different. The money
you pay for a bond is returned to you
in full at the end of a stated period.
You know by reading the bond itself
on precisely what date you will get
back your principal. Then, instead of
wondering whether you will get inter¬
est or dividends on your money, you
also know by reading your bond exact¬
ly what rate of interest you wiii be
paid and on what dates the payments
will be made to you.
Insurance companies, colleges, trust
funds and conservative individual in¬
vestors buy bonds because they are
the safest kind of investment. Bonds
issued by the United States govern¬
ment are the most valuable of all
bonds. Our government never fails to
pay: usually Its bonds sell above par
because they tire always “as good as
gold," The man or woman who holds
United States bonds is free from
worry: the money they cost will come
back In full, and every cent of Interest
will be paid on the appointed days.
Liberty bonds, issued by the United
States government in order to win the
war and re-establish peace on earth,
will soon be ready for sale. You can
subscribe now. These bonds are in de¬
nominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000,
$10,000, $50,000 and $100,000. You can
buy one or several. Interest is at
per cent, payable June 15 and Dec. 15
every year. If at a later date the gov¬
ernment should issue bonds at 4 , 4%,
5 or any other higher per cent of in¬
terest, you can at once exchange your
Hi per cent bonds for those of the
highest rate. Thus you are protect¬
ed as to tbe future. Furthermore, these
Liberty bonds are tax free; hence
your income from them is net, not
subject to any deductidh by the city,
county, state or nation.
buys Every man, woman or child who
a Liberty bond will be given a
button t< wear. That button will indi
eate two things:
1 . —That its wearer believes in the
investment value of government
bonds ;
2 , -—That the wearer has done some¬
thing to help the United States win
the war. That button will be a badge
of honor in all the days to come.
Why not buy at least one Liberty
bond for every member of your fam¬
ily? Decide now. Subscriptions close
June 15 at the latest, but the govern¬
ment reserves the right to close ear.
tier if it prefer*.