Newspaper Page Text
^ ry*
L. L. Bisop made a business trip to
Atlanta the first of this week.
E. F. Waters is confined to liis
room with la grippe.
Miss. I. J. Ellington, is
school near Blue "Ridge Ga.
Mr. M. 8. Swann, of Roy, was
in town Thursday.
^nport’s little daughter
[sick with fever.
l^en is off this week
Iville, Ky.
oClurd, of Conne
fown Wednesday.
ftf the firm of Sim
T. is on a visit to Texas.
Miller was on tho streets
Teachers will do well to buy one of
those $12. 00, 20 year Elgin watches
at It. II. Clittord’s.
W. S. Elder, of Tails Creek,
gave us a pleasant call last Wed¬
J. B. West, of Cartecay, was to
see us Friday. Jim is an all round
Thomas Washburn, the enterpri¬
sing merchant of Cartecay was in
Ellijay Monday.
Two of M. H. Nel son’s children, Ol
lie and Edgar, have been quite sick
with roseola.
A. B. Wimpy, of Connesnuga
was in town last week and sub¬
scribed for the Courier-Sentinel,
T, G. Duckett, of Chattanooga,
attended his father’s funeral Wed¬
nesday of last week.
For Rent: Twenty-five or thirty
acres of goad farm land.
For Sale: One two-horse wagon;
one good, pony mule and five shotes.
Call on, or address at once,
B. A. Logan, EelljaY, Ga.
We want a reliable correspond¬
ent from every post-office in Gil¬
mer couuty to send us the news
Dr. S. A. West, <^f Ratnliffe. was
in the city Saturday. The fleeter
is permanently located at Ratcliffe
and has a good practice.
Miss Romania Whclchel was con
fined to her room most of last week
with la grippe and roseola, but is at
})pr post of duty again this week.
Those persons who make it their
custom to read only the local col¬
umns, miss much valnahle inform¬
ation by neglecting the outside
pages of the paper.
R C. Welch lias been contend
ing with a stubborn cake of the
grippe. We hope he may soon re¬
gain his wonted health and vivnc'
ity of spirits;
We would like to have a corre?
pendent or to in East Elliiny see
ing she is in well supplied with
editors. Keep your weapons bright
young men.
W. L. Isenhour has left us for
his homo in Murray county. It is
with a fueling of real regret that
wa give him up, but wish him suc¬
cess again beyond the mountains.
Esq. J. M. Moreland of Spring
Place was in last Saturday and
spent awhile with the Editors and
printers. We appreciate the visit.
James M. Freema has left us and
jeh to our regret, has cone to Mad
|j11e, Term. Mr. Freeman is a
jian and all ronnd good news
phnson is in business with
jTen at East Ellijay. Mr. J.
pleasant call on last Satur.
intimated that be left Mnr
'beeause he loved her less
le he loved Ellijay more.
Wade Hampton Ross, of Santa Lu¬
ca, was a visitor on Monday last.
Wade has been working at Ballgrour.d
for some time past but has now
turned to the fertile vales of Board,
W. L. Manpin, wide awake,
whole-souled representative of the U
J. R. Tobacco Company, wus in
ijay Saturday till Monday. He
one of their best salesmen, in
instances making sales of 150
per day of Schnapps, alona.
I Best Cough Syrup.’
Those who buy Towli lots of T.H i
Tabor.will live have fifty u pretty feet wide place and toj
on streets
those acres—just think of the ecru
beans, potatoes, cabbage, raddishes
grass for tho cow and other good
things can be raised.
Fob Sale— Five nice town lots
foreale, nice building lots situated
on Blue Ridge road and College st.
close to Now School Building.
W. M. Teem.
J. H. M: Weaver called while in
town Saturday’. Merida is one of
those teachers who appreciate the
Courier-Sentinel enough to pay his
subscription and furnish news
Buy your Fertilizers of Bearden
Bros & Teem Co. Scott’s High
Grade, Piedmont and Acid Phos¬
phate; also Guano cheap for cash,
or good notes.
We have removed the Courier
Sentinel office into the Mountain
View Hotel, up stairs over W. F.
McHan’s store where we will be
glad to have our friends call on us
W. M. Webb left Tuesday after¬
noon for Blulf Dale, Texas. He did
not forget to cali in and have ns send
him the Courier-Sentinel. Texas is
just now receiving a vast deal of th
promise and hope of our county in
the young men who are leaving ns.
Judge Gober has added more land
to his extensive peach orchards in
Pickens county. He is working
about twenty-five hands now, setting
out trees and getting orchards iu good
N01ICE •
We must collect what is due
us and if you owe us an account
or note, you had better settle at
once or you will have to settle
wiOl an officer. A word to the
wise is sufficient.
Hyatt, Logan <fc Cobb.
Boyd Mulkey left on last Saturdny
for Texas. This is Boyd’s second trip
o unlrefcvn tfcft state fields. aq^ie We is not going he into will
find success in the Lone Star State,
For Sale. A Gold Mine in the
Diamond District. This mine is sit
uated between the Lucky Eight and
one-half Living mines miles and from is about the seven famous and
White Path mine. Width of vein 31
ft., depth 20 ft . stripped in length 14
ft. For particnlars address
J, L. Stover & Co ,
Pisgah, Ga,
Fair warning!
After thirty days I will sue every
man who owes me on notes or ac¬
counts unless satisfactory settle¬
ments are made. I will make my
words good and if those that owe
me don’t want trouble they must
pay inside thirty days. I will have
a man to represent me at my office
in my absence. Respectfully.
J. S. Tankersley.
Ellijay, Ga., January 24, 1899.
Sore lungs, pain in the chest and pain¬
ful breathing, the fore-runners of
pneumonia, cured by the are old quickly reliable relieved Dr. John and W.
Ball’8 cold Cough night. Syrup. Try It breaks up a
in one it at once.
Will quickly heal Sore Lungs.
Doses are small and pleasant # to take. Doctors
recommend it. Trice 25 cts. At all druggists.
TI 10 burial of Johu W. Duckett
on Wednesday the 25th of January
was attended by a.large concourse
of people. Rev. R. H. Robb de¬
livered a lengthy and well-deserved
eulogy on the virtues of the de¬
bated and was followed by Revs.
J. Ware and N. L. Osborn. After
viewing the remains the Masonic
fraternity took charge of the re¬
mains , interring the body accord¬
ing to the bpantiful and impress¬
ive rites of tliir order.
J. A, Porter, dry goods and notions
Frank W. Shelton, groceries, and A‘
S J. Davis, drugs, wfere a trio of jolly
drummers at the Teem Hotel over
Sunday. They all travel for Knox¬
ville houses.
o the affected
superior to any plaster. When
troubled with a pain in tho chest
or sides, or a lame back, give it a
trial. You are certain to be more
than pleased with the prompt re¬
lief which it affords. Pain Balm
is also a certain cure for
lisni. For sale by all Druggists.
If your liver is out of order, causing
Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart
burn, or Constipation, take a dose of
On retiring, and tomorrow your di¬
gestive organs will be regulated and
you will be bright, active and ready
for any kind of work. Tills has
been the experience of others; it
wall be yours. HOOD’S PILLS are
aoWby aU medfcfeie «*■
When you can no' siecpfir eng ;
ing take Chamberlain's Cough Rem¬
edy. It always gives prompt relief
It is most excellent for colds, too, as
it aids expectoration, relieves the
lungs and prevents any tendency to¬
ward pneumonia. For sal* v All
Mr. Jno. S.Everertt has ;< ;ic\ <]
a Town Lot aud also one ;.c;»
bottom land for truck patches
Harley. Tabor. He will build a
residence on his lot next summer
But Carless of and Cruel to Bis
[From “The bavaunah
News” of Sunday Dec. 4 1898.]
This is the man who
away his earnings for their
delight, but depasits 110 savings
the insurance of its
hereafter. Life Insurance,as writ¬
ten by the Massachusetts Life,
means safety when danger is hard
by, relief when disaster comes,
ue in tirnos of depreciation,
when liquidation is
comfort when privation is
.lust the same as money in
bank without putting it
This solid, honestly managed
conservative old company,
the ideal contract of life
It pays to policy-holders large
ual dividends, which, if not tak<
to reduce the cost of carrying
policy, may be used to increase the
amount of insurance each year,
may be left to the company
compound interest, to make
original policy paid up infull
years before the time mentioned
the contract as the maturity
After the policy is paid up, it
tinuda to increase in
cash value each year, the sniqe
paying the policy-holder
cash dividends. The policy plain
ly shows the guaranteed amount
cash or paid-up participating
surance available in event of
at any time after the payment
two annual premiums. The
pany makes liberal loans on
cies, which often prevents
when hard times press the
holder. Send your name, age
address to T. S . McKinney,
Blue Ridge, Ga . for a sample
icy showing what can be done
ycur particular case.
W. A. Holloway who is now
hing at Clear Creek was in our
ce Saturday.
J Geo. D. Tankersley has
! D. M: Hyatt’s interert in the .-torn
the firm of Hyatt, Logan A Gob
The new firm will likely be
1 ogan, Cobb <fc Company.
We learn that J. S. Everett
sold his form on Mountaintowu to
J. Gates and will invest the
in property in Ellijay.
We will be glad to receive
subscription with Ibis paper and
! Constitution and if there are
1 who subscriber to this
are now
er who wish to fake The
also we will be glad to receive
scriptions to the latter and
them having authority from
paper to do so.
The Constitution should be in
southern home;
All debts of A. J. & R S.
for blacksmitbing have been placed
my hands for collection. Parties
ing to avoid extra cost will please
tle at onse, V. L. Watts,
First class painting done
reasonable prices.
Makes the food more delicious and
B ovAiaAxma powocw co., new voen.
Struggling through
life, cursed with ca¬
tarrh. is a common
j experience. How¬
ever heroic the
fight catarrh geu
I J tZ. crsflly wins.
Under some
name or other
it gets the best
of us. Frank L.
Fngtiils. Waco,
Tex., and thou¬
sands of others
have been permanent ly cured of catarrh
by Dr . Hartmans successful remedy
i IV.-ru-na. Here is Mr. Ingalls'letter:
Dr. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, ()
Dear Sip.: —“ Pe-ru-na and Man a tin
have cured me of one of the worst casts
of catarrh any one ever had. My case
was so severe that 1 was compelled to I
discontinue my railroad; business, hut that i of cod j
duetor on a am uo\y
entirety well.”
Ordinary treatment, of catarrh is for
| local ref fat Cures arc not expected.
; Dr. Hartman's method eradicates ca
tarrli absolutely. Get his latest book
and learn how (o combat this insidious
disease. The Pe-ru-na Medicine. Co.,
Columbus, O.. will mail Dr. bartumu's
books free on application.
It. A. Scott, Burt, Tcnn., writes:
“I feel very thankful to my Maker
and your great, medicine, that 1 am
cured. I would not be without Pe
ru-na in the house.”
re-rn-na has been curing catarrh for
forty years. It plucks out. the roots
of catarrh and build^ people up. Ail
druggists sell it.
Ask any druggist foraPe-ru
nn Almanac for the year 1899.
S. E. Johnson ha3 severed bis
connection with the B ulletin, le--v -
ing Saturday for his home at Llli
jay, Ga . where he will enter busi¬
ness. He is a nice young man and
we wish him Success.—Cherokee
Scout, Murphy N. C.
Robbed the Grave.
A startling incident of which Mr.
Jdlin Oliver of Philadelphia, was tin*
subject: is narrated by him as follows :
“l was in most ’dreadful condition
My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunk¬
en, tongue :oa*ed. pain continually in
back and sides, no appetite—gradually
growing weaker day by day Three
physicians friend imij given me-up Fortu¬ ‘‘Klee
nately, a advised trying
trtc,” and to my great, joy and
surprise,the fijst bottle made a decided
improvement. I continued their use
for three weeks, ,4nd am now a well
man. I knov tjliey saved my life, and
robbed the f^ave of another victim.
Nb one should fail to try them. Only
50 cents per bottle'at J S Tankersley’s
Drug Store 6
Wimm® £ !
has demonstrated * ten thousand
times that i3 almost infallible
weakness;? ,
Irrecmlnxities and leading dernncement** pi
It has become the remedy f
for t his class* of iron hies. It e^erta
a wonderfully healing, strength¬
ening menstrual and soothing influence sip< n ’
the orcans. J* cures
“whites” Hooding an «d falling and relieves of the womb.
It stops suj>
fps rnmam m f;
pressed and painful me net mat ion.
For Change of Life it is the best
medicine mads. It is beneficial
during pregnancy, and helps to
bring children into homes barren
for years. It invigorates, Ftimu
lares, strengthens the whole sj s
tem. This great remedy is offered
to all afflicted women- Why wi 1
any woman suffer another minute
with certain relief within rcarfc?
Wine of Cardui only costs $1.CO
p*er bottle at your drug store.
directions For advice address , in cases giving requiring symptoms special
, , ,
the “Ladies’ Advisory Department,"
The Chattanooga Medicine Co ., Chat¬
tanooga, Ten n .
Rev. J. W. SMITH, Camden, S.C., ssys:
“My wife used Wine of Cardui at homa
i forfaiting of the womb and it entirely
cured her.’ #
Mr. Elisha Berry, of this place,
says he never had anything to do
him so much good and give suce quick
relief frsra rheematism as Chamber¬
, lain's Pain Balm. He was rtonbled
j with shooting pain from hip to knee
until he usee this linement, which
! affords prompt relief. B. F. Baker,
i druggist, St. Paris, Ohio. For sale
i bv All Druggists.
j V. L - WATTS,
v P.'f at
weather appT
many who have Be?
meut for so long, and
summer feel little discomfort
the disease, are almost persttadeu
that they have been cubed. But
the first chilling blast of winter
proves that the disease is still with
them, and as the winter advances',
their Catarrh grows in severity,
'j’} 109e w j 1Q have felt only a slight
touch of Catarrh may be sure that
only cold weather is needed to de
velop the disease. What appears
to be only a bad cold will prove
more difficult to cure with than lor-j
f er, y’ and "ill return more,
frequency, until before long the,
disease is fully developed.
“For years I suffered from a severe
ease of Catarrh, and took several kinds
of medicines and used various local ap-1
plications, but they had no effect wluit-;
ever. I was induced to try S. S. S. j
(Swift’s Specific) and after two months
I was perfectly well and have never
felt any effects of the disease since.
“B. P. McAllister,
“Harrodsburg, Ky.”
It is easy to see the importance
of prompt treatment for Catarrh.
All th-s? iu sb.-r-t: to me will;
ph ase caii at o.ioe an", settle, and j
. h-; • ii\ -av« nneces .-.T*y worry
..,> v' , . ,\ cHan.
lou w.m ss b-’st m ‘.Heine that
can ne tibiainen and that ’s Cham
herl.tin'- C .g ■ li-menf. j
Yo e i uni wii. not
1 Ilf „■ , , : : • i i i nt effects ;■ j
p ill : <:Ut | j
You »VnU i • fill d ., w j re re- .
c-* She iu .1 k P i-xp -Ao ta- !
u .
V ,v ;. ,1 di i t«»* wili co j
«: :.<!%•;.C' iov.a’4 pi.OU
t! .
Y >1 ivtiiu a remedy that plea-an'
and safe to take.
Chamberlain's Cough E; ni <1 •
the only medicine in use that ;e.
ail these requirements. . This reiuc
is famous for its cures of bad colds
throughout th< United States and in
many foreign countiies. It has many
livals, but, for the sdeedy and per¬
manent cure of bad colds, stands
without a peer and its splendid quid
Ities are everywhere admired and
praised. For sale by Ail Drug
______ n
iron Ore.
From the Post-Record.
The rasing and shipping of iron
ore from this section promises t>>
he no small industry at an early
Mr. S. Long has recently senl
several kegs ot ore to Middlesboro
to be tested and wo presume the
oro proved to be good from the
tact that he received a telegram
from Mr. W. T. Tucker Saturday
asking to bo met at the arrival of
the southbound passenger train
Mr. Tucker is tho representative
of the Watts Steel and Iron Co of
Miedlesbor and has been spending
st-vral days in this section with Mr
Long viewing tho different iron ore
The company
about tweniy £j|^
from this seem!;
only hindrence now
ry freight rate which is yffw'being
looked after and which we infer
will be easily arranged with the
management of the A. K. &, N
railway Company.
Parties who have deposits of ore
they would like to have assayed
may deliver an ordinary nail keg
full to Mr- S- Long and the
same will bo assayed \fithout
charge. •
The Deadly Grip.
Is again abroad in the land. The air
yon breat! may be full of its fatal
germs! Don’t neglect the > “Grip” or
I you will open the door to Pneumonia
: and Gunsuinptiou and invite death.
It- sure signs are chills with fever,
j headache, dull heavy pairs, mucous
j discharges from the nose, sore throat
and never-let-go cough. Don’t waste
precious time treating this cough with
troches,tablets or poor, cheap syrups
Cure it at once with Dr. King’s New
Discovery, the infailable remedy fi r
bronchia! troubles. It kills t he disease
germs, heals the lungs and prevents
:'<io dreaded after effects from the ma
lady. Price 50 cts, and $1.00. Money
back if not cured. al bottle free
at J. S. Tankersley's Drug Store.
At Wm. De
ALL KINDS—Sentiment¬
al, Poetical, Exquisieal, Com¬
ical, Satiracal, Logical, Prob¬
lematical, Diabolical and De
Ladies Especially invited
to call and examine.
Call early to get first
Mr, Len Hyde JY. died cn
W ednesday ntor ning. He
till on last Friday evening with
hemorrhage df the bronchial
and differed rhueh pain up to
time of his death; He leaves a
two children and a host ot relatives
mourn their loss. The bereave^
A. K. & N. RY.—Change of Sched¬
Effective December 18th, 1898,
the following change in schedule
will tak“ effect on tho A. K. &
Passenger trains’goingsouth will
leave Knoxville at 8:45 A. M., ar¬
riving at Marietta at 6:15 P. M..
Atlanta7:80 P-M, Leaving At
ltnta going north nt 8:80 A. M.,
Marietta 9:15 A. M., arriving Knox
vilie at 6:50 P. M,
Train leaving Blue Ridge at 10:00
arriving Knoxville at 7:00 P. M.,
returning leaving Knoxville at 8:00
A. M., arriving Blue Ridge at 8:30
P. M., will ho abandoned. Train
leaving Marietta, at 10:00 A. M.,
arriving Blue Ridge at. 1:20 P. M.,
returning leave Blue Ridge at 2:00
P.M. arriving at Marietta 5:30 P.
M. will be abandoned.
J. II. McWilliams
On September 20tb,Octoper 4tli and!
13th, November 1st and 15th, Decem¬
ber 6th and 201 b, 181)8, the Cotton Belt
[toute will sell round trip tickets from
L<~ uis, Lo
in Arkaii^P^I^Hp^.Jr’l atont^rareplu.s
as and Oklahoma, $2 oo
for the round trip. 'Stop-overs will be
allowed ongoing trip within IS 1 ys
and I ickets will he good to return with
iu 21 days from date of sale.
The Cotton Belt passes directly
through the best portions of Arkansas,
Louisiana and Texas, and this will be
a splendid opportunity for home-seek¬
ers to secure a good location.
For free copies of handsomely illus¬
trated pamphlets about Arkansas,Lou¬
isiana and Texas, write to (1. IJ. .Sut¬
ton, Traveling Passenger Agent,
' Chattanooga, Term.,
Read House Block,
or E. VV. I.aIIeaume, G. 1\ and T
St. Louis, M
Baars th» _/f Hw Kind You Ha o Always Aoygftt
163 Marietta Street,
$100 PER DAY.
prop i*
Wantkd-sevekal tri stwoBthY
sons in tiffs state to manage our busi¬
ness in their own and neaihy counties.
It is mainly office work conducted at
home. Salary straight $900 a year
and expen3es-definite, honaftde, no
more, no less salary. Monthly ?7-?;
References. Enclose self-addressed
stampe invelop. Herbert E. Hess,
Brest., Dept. M, Chicago.
or any other ladies-who witfir to work
Caii’ n Earn n , r Lots i . ot « ||, Mono?
working-fbr us irr spktte time at
home on our cloths: We offer you
good ffhancS tt> ; ifittke plenty of
spendhig mohtiy easily, in letffeur^
hours. Send 12c. for clbtii'ahd full
dirfections for work, and’commence
at‘ once. Cloth sent aifywhere
WPfOOSKET CO. f 334.Q) Boston, Mass
the dis
rntWe. Catarrh jfo
iu the blood, 6:;<L
only a blood
it. remedy Local cau cure,
cations only;
reach theirritate4
surface; the right;,
________ t _____ » temedy J must be
Swift’s Specific (9. S. S.) is the
the remedy for Catarrh. It
most obstinate cases by
0 j„g direct to the cause of the
the blood , , and , forcing., , .
the disease. Those who have
met with so much disappointment
f ronl local treatment should throw
aside their sprays, Washes aud in¬
mixtures and take S. S. S.
A cure will result. Bend for free .
Address Swift Specific
Atlanta, Georgia.
Seliwtlule in ETept Oct. 4tb, 1$98.
KOKTH BOUND. No. 4 No.70 No.73
tv Atlanta.. 8 80oni 4 00pm
A v Warietta .. 0 Of a. n 0 HipUi 5 40piri
** 7 4ipm
J* Dal,on..... tl cOpmj 41au) 11 41pm 8 K>i>m
" Cbat’uoofja KaahviUe 1 1 O0a»n 4lta D35p iDpm
- ft oopni'i ft in
Hfe mphlfl . T .TJam i 4 BOpm .
Tv NH8h vJTj e. 7 i’Opni | 7 Wn m
A A v v Kt. St T.nnta Tinni'*... 7 7 OiViin^ *
Chicntfo.. I'HStl YUlO . I I 90 I Vlpi..' I . ikmilL p'n| .
‘a m 8if. v
ETSia^lEq-7 Ar Louisville 2 5 1225pm!.. 7 2.Kn,jY
ti.} am (..
11 Cincinna 7 ( min' 405pm
Ti nin No. 2 carries Pullman Slee|»r betweeii
Jacksonville, Eia., Atlauia a-nl Naihvilie, oon
ne -tin* with vestibule train for Chicago. ,
Train No. I carries, Pullmau Slrepo i ^^fiUStt
and Atlanta to Nashville la
without chaogp. Pullman Sieei'.J
Chattanooga, passcngeia romainj
7 o’doi-lt a. m. Pullman Sleep
Knoxville via A. K. * N. Ky.
Train No. 70 oonnerfs Boyj
tot Oiocinnatl This traij
coach Atlanta to Rutile.
Ev5\tianf»... , 760 p:
Lv Attnnlrv .. 7 dttpm 7 SOanil ltlani"
Ar Macon . . .11 ltlpm 11
" Albany J.....S27p«n fl:t0|iin! ll *
“ Thm’avllle .. .
" Savauh ah . 0 OQam it ej pm
Cr Atlanta . |Jias>;>n)l 7 S0nm| S
Ar Chari, Augusta...! •toi*on 5 lyjnini Uam i'Atptn 1 8
Ar ,|10 ill ---- ttOOpni
Colnqibl a .^.(iijljio lOpiu
Ev Atlanta . ...It02tpm 1021pm! 7 IWumiD _ , OUm ____ |1? 00m ___
Ar Athens l 2 lSpm 2 lflu
“ !‘ Bichmon M l. 6 ISpro 1131am'll 7 if*m 7 15»m
“ New ash’gteu York.< 10 JKani! tupm 2yprn glam
5 ------ I .7 23pm
Train No. 1 carries Pullman Steeper Nash¬
ville, Chattanooga and Atlanta to Jackson¬
ville, Fla.
Train No. ?, carries Pullman Sleeper St Coni*"
to Augusta without change Pullman Sleeper
Chattanooga to Atlanta open for passenger^
Chattanooga 9 o’c-loeh p. m. Pullman Sleeper
Kr.oxville to Atlanta via A. K. A N. Ky. fur
fnrthor information write to
Traffio Manager. Gen. fiasa
Valiinl-le to Woolen.
Espeoinlly valuable to women is Browni"
Iron Hitters. Backache vanishes, headache
ilisdppeara, weakness, st l ength glow takes the place of
and the of health readily
comes remedy to the pallid cheek when this won¬
derful is taken. For sickly childsen
or overworked men iehas no equal.' No home
should lie without this famous remedy.
Browns’ Iron Hitters is solff by all dealers.
BticMnu’s A rnica Sa.lw.
The best salve in lhe world for Guts'
Bmises, Sores, U cers. Salt Rheum*
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands'
Chilblains, Corns, Aud all 8kin E run if
ions, and positively &jre* Piles, or no’
ay required. It i‘s*guaranteed refunded to give
perfett srftisfactfou or mo’ney
Bee 25 cents per box. For sale by.
Dr. J, S. Tankentey.
Gooff manners ffannot be learned 1 '
in a moment. There are certain'
fotms T^lffch society has agreed peo¬
ple must conform to if they wish
appear ffrell Bi-ed, and'tliese are often
l not nt all wdiat the natnral incliun
tion v , oul(i prom pt ohe to d o "under
lhe Circumstances. Children must
ta,, s ht ,he “ *>® v *nti 0 ns, and we
j must not be surprised if they arc
, somt-tiines slow in learning them, nor
j ,les P an ' ,f after n u,ch teaching- th| ~
j f 1 t ' me8 ’ ,- ®l a P se .
ism. Pj^ieit L persev
ing ftiem will at la!
desired result. The constabt
tilion that seeius so irksome, com
bibed with the silent force of daily
example, will effect the end in \iew*
—a well-bred child.- -February' La
its’ Hntn 3 J'ourn?.!:
- —— - — ♦i. »■.