The Courier-sentinel. (Ellijay, GA.) 18??-1???, March 02, 1899, Image 4
mPiQci-i )R98 •‘Condensed** Diet. A n - *n ehort of staturinUTOO ns * ron¬ ton tor his sUuvUh! growth that he «m beought uj» as a child ou ooa dovs^d milk.—Sow York Observer. Uil l\ti»li of Diamond Miner*. A «\14 rush of excited miner* lsi reported at NtftUagtne. Western Australia, where dia¬ monds have been <lis«*overed in largo quan¬ tities. and it is feared that many will lose their lives lu th* mad struggle for riches. lit tfcla country the rush for gain is causing many other men to break down in health and at.vngtU. Nervousuoss, sleeplessness, JOVB of flesh and appetite au 1 general debility are th^ common symptoms, llostetter's Stom¬ ach Bitten will cure them all. A coal min© which caught flro at Daily, Scotland, 50 years ago, has at last gone out. 44 Durability is Better Than Show," The health of the multi¬ millionaires is not equal to good health. Riches without health are a curse, and yet the rich, the middle classes and the poor alike have, in Hood's ” arsaparilla, valuable a as nt in getting and main g perfect health. It r disappoints. ofula-“ Three years ago our son, .2 , ha d a serious case of scrofula sipelas with dreadful seres, discharg g and itching constantly. He could not walk. Several physicians did not help for sixteen months. Three months' treatment with Hood’s Sarsaparilla made him per¬ fectly well. We are glad to tell others of it.” Jins. ITayid Laird, Ottawa, Kansas. Nausea — “ Vomiting spells, dizziness and prostration troubled me for years. Had neuralgia, grew weak and could not sleep. My age was against me, but Hood’s Sarsaparilla cured me thoroughly. My weight increased from 125 to 143 pounds. X am the motheg.of nine children. Never felt so well and strong since I was married as I do now." Mrs. M. A. Waters, 1529 33d St., Washington, D. C. Eczema—” We had to tie the hands of our two year old son on account of eczema on face and limbs: No medicine even helped until we used Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which soon cured.” Mrs. A. Van Wyck, 123 Montgomery Street, Paterson, N. J. liood’a Pills cure liv er Ills; n rm-irritating and " only cathartic take . to mtti Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Begging in Various Countries. In London begging is a pastime, in Fiji it is a necessity, in Genoa it is n pleasure, and In Shanghai it is a crime, but in Ceylon it lias achieved the most glorious acme that the combined forces of science and art can possibly reach. Begging is not practiced in Ceylon. It has reached flie great stage of perfection. Rich and poor alike beg with equal facility. The first thing that the wee, bronze babies are taughi is to hold out their hands for the cop¬ pers of the kind-hearted traveler, and even the gray-haired, yellow-gowned priests of Buddnh will appeal for a pittance with a look of remorse that would stagger the starved denizens oi the Bowery. The Ceylonese will beg ve* He i)b^^fr<Miw^rupc£ will leave to a meal r ed-hoi tc a square beg for an old coat, and the more one refuses him the more; persistent be come his efforts. The World’s Largest Statue. The statue of Liberty in New York harbor is no longer the largest statue in tbe world, as lias been always hith¬ erto supposed. One larger still ex¬ ists in Kamakoua, the ancient capital of Japan. It is a ispresentation of tbe god Buddha, aud contains in its center a large temple reached by a stairway rising to a height of nearly 200 feet. The head, out of propor¬ tion, however, to the body, measures twenty-nine meters in circumference, and the half-opened mouth is wide euough to admit the entry of a good sized man standing upright. Every cough makes your throat more raw and irritable. Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your throat and lungs in this way. Put the parts at rest and give them a chance to heal. You will need some elp to do this, and you ill fmd it in 'fEQin the first dose the quiet and rest begin: the tickling in the throat ceases; the spasm weak¬ ens; the cough disap¬ pears. Do not wait for pneumonia and con¬ sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pec¬ toral Plaster should* be o, er the lungs ol every per¬ son troubled with a cough. Write to the Doctor. Unusual eminently opportunities qualify and long for ex¬ perience giving medical ___________.vice. advice. us "Write Write till yon tbe «»particulars i your case. freely Tell win p i xperiedee « has us ; - Cherry your , “herry — « Pectoral. Fectoi You been with our prompt nipt reply, reply, without will receive a C0St AadreK, DP.. J. O. AYER Lowed, iiiasa. mm MENTION THIS PAPER in writing to adver¬ V9-9 tisers. ANC Page ATTEMPTED TO BREAK THROUGH Filipino Rebels Taught Another Whole some LflMon By Our Troops. A Manila special says: With day¬ light Thursday morning the enemy commenced worrying tactics at various parts of tbe American line, apparently for the purpose of withdrawing atten¬ tion from affairs inside the city. “An ‘attempt was made to rush through our extreme left near Caloo can, but it was promptly checked by a hot and effective musketry and artil¬ lery fire. In the nffeantime small bodies of rebels, evidently some of those en¬ gaged Wednesday night in the cow¬ ardly work at Tondo, spread out be¬ tween the city au£ the outposts. Every available man was sent to drive them away with the result that there was desultory firing all the morning. From 8 to 10:30 a.m. the United States double-turreted monitor Mon adnock joined in tho engagement, hurling 10-ineh shells over the Amer¬ ican lines into the bodies of the enemy, as indicated by the signal corps. “So far our casualties are two men killed and ten wounded. At 11 o’clock there were sharp en¬ gagements at the Chinese cemetery and at San Pedro Maeati almost simul¬ taneously, but tbe artillery fire from both positions drove the enemy back. From the high towers of the city fires could be seen burning at different points outside. Some of these were probably due to the Monadnock’s shells. Scores of rebels have been arrested in the Tondo district. A band of sixty rebels having two carloads of arms aud accoutrements was captured in a house. Business is temporarily suspended. Major General Otis issued a general order Thursday directing all the in¬ habitants of Manila, until otherwise ordered, to confine themselves to their houses after 7 o’clock in the evening, when the streets will be cleared by tbe police. Tbe general also'warns in¬ cendiaries ant] suspects that they will be severely dealt with if discovered in any Extraordinary locality. precautions have been taken for the suppression of further trouble which is threatened to take place in the city then. But it is gen¬ erally believed that Wednesday night’s experience will effectively quell the disturbing element. Sharpshooters at various parts of tho line are very annoying, but otherwise there has been no further excitement siuee the frustration of the morning’s attack. i -- • COMPROMISE ON ARMY BILL. Democratic Plan Is Accepted and Extra Session of Concreg* Eliminated. A Washington dispatch says: The administration and its representatives in congress have reached au agreement with the minority iu congress respect¬ ing the army re-organization bill, which is believed will be satisfactory to all interests. There is a mutual understanding that the new army shall not number to exceed 97,000 inlfc men, as provided in the Cockrell and that the staff provisions oAe Hull-Hawley bill shall - tfca same form as reported from the milita¬ ry committee. Of the troops author¬ ized, 35,000 are to be raised subject to the discretion of the president and may be natives of the new possessions, or otherwise, as he may determine. “AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT,” Was the Significant Response of Consul Osborne at Apia. Mail advices from Samoa, via Sid¬ ney, show that after the scene in the Apia courthouse, when the British nnd American consuls showed they were stronger than Germany, three cheers were given for the United States con •sul for standing by British Consul Maxse. In respouse Consul Osborne said that it was his duty to stand by tho chief justice and his decision in the king case and be would do so. It was true that ho had no man-of-war in Apia harbor to call to his assistance, but there were plenty of United States men-of-war in the background, “and don’t you forget it,” he added. GEORGIAN VICE PRESIDENT. National Educational Association Elects State Superintendent Glenn. G. P.. Glenn, superintendent of schools of the state of Georgia, was chosen first vice president of the Na¬ tional Educational association in ses¬ sion at Columbus, Ohio, Thursday. BURIAL OF FAUKE. Funeral Services la Paris Wore Witnessed I»y Enormous Crowds. A Paris spdeial says: The remains of Felix Faure, late president of France, were deposited in the tomb Thursday, and although immense crowds of people were assembled at different points, there was no disor¬ der. The casket containing the dead presi¬ dent was convened from the sillies des fetes in tho Elysee palace to the Nostro Dame cathedral, escorted by a brilliant procession. The burial services were on an elaborate scale. The body was laid to rest in the Pere cemetery. LOW RATES FIXED For the Coming Confederate Veterans* Reunion In Charleston. The Southern Passenger association has just issued a circular authorizing rates to the Confederate Veterans’ P.e union at Charleston on the dates May 10-13. The rate named is one cent a mile in each direction. Tickets will be on sale from points within a hun¬ dred miles of Charleston May 9, 10, 11 and 12, good to return until May 18. Beyond a hundred miles they "will only be sold May 8, 9 and 10, but good to return until May 21. ALAMO SURYIYOR I)EaIJ. Madame Candelaria, Aged 1*15 Years, Dies At San Antonio, Texas. Ma flame Candelaria, the only sur¬ vivor of tlie Alamo massacre, ancl one of the most historical persons in the country, died at San Antonio Friday afternoon from an attack of la grippe. She ivas one hundred and fifteen years of age, as authenticated by her baptismal certificate, AMERICANS HAVE IHEFICOLTI IS SUBDUING THE FLAXES. HUNDREDS RENDERED HOMELESS Troops and Natives Have Several Clashes In Which a Number of the Latter Are Killed. A special cable dispatch of Wednes¬ day from Manila says: Immense dam¬ age has been done by fires which aro believed to have been started by insur¬ gents Tuesday night. The fire department experienced great difficulty in fighting the flames, owing to defective apparatus. There was some fighting in the streets during the night, but the Amer¬ icans quickly quelled the uprising. A number of the insurgents were killed, and several American soldiers were wounded. A large market place was among the first to burn; between 600 and 700 residences and business houses have been destroyed. Fires were started at several points simultaneously, aud spreading with great rapidity, resisted the efforts to control them. Hundreds of homeless nativeaare huddled in the streets, making the patrol duty of the Americans very difficult. Tuesday night was one of terror to thousands of the inhabitants of Manila, the rebels making good their oft repeated threats to the extent of burn¬ ing acres of buildings, wounding an officer and three men by firing through windows during thejexcitement. At 8 o’clock an incendiary fire oc¬ curred in a block of brick buildings occupied by a Chinese on the Call*, Lncoste, in the Santa Cruz district. A stiff breeze was blowing and the in¬ flammability of the structures caused the blaze to spread with alarming rapidity. The city fire department was hope¬ lessly incompetent and the English volunteer brigade from Santa Mesa was summoned and with a modern en¬ gine pumping adequate streams from the canal, succeeded after four hours’ work in getting the blaze under con¬ trol. Meantime the entire block and the greater part of two others across the street were completely gutted. Hundreds of inhabitants were ren¬ dered homeless. The Chinese and natives lined the adjacent streets, while hundreds more, fearing a general conflagration, re¬ moved their furniture and other port¬ able goods in every direction within a radius of a quarter of a mile, when the alarm was first given. General Hughes personally super¬ intended the police arrangements. Tho whole city was thoroughly pa¬ trolled, and the guards were doubled. Every available man was dispatched to the region of: the fire. - FifforU -ft f if l*-S>e!> Ke.UtecU ^ Impediments were {dace in the -way of the firemen, and the hsse cut five different times. This resulted in all the natives being driven off the streets, those in the immediate vicinity of the blaze being corralled in vacant lots and guarded until the excitement was over. In many instances the natives were insolent, and paid no regard to the orders given them, and the sol¬ diers were compelled to use harsh measures. The firemen, escorted by the sol¬ diers, proceeded to clean out the houses, while the fire was unheeded. The Thirteenth Minnesota was re-in forced by detachments from the Third infantry, the Second Oregon, the Third artillery and the Tenth Penn¬ sylvania. Bullets flew in every direc¬ tion, in almost every street in the Tondo and Bynondo districts, causing the most intense excitement. Captain Robinson, of Company C, Thirteenth Minnesota, and three men were wounded. All night long the fire spread through the Tondo district, sweeping away rows of houses and devastating acres of territory. The damage was inestimable. With daylight measures were decided upon aud the Americans, though tired, after their sleepless nigh’s work-, soon cleared the district of every native, after a slight resist¬ ance. _ MURDERERS RESPITED. Taylor and Harris Get a Lease of Thirty Days On Life. Will Taylor and Fred Harris,negroes who were to have been hanged last Friday in Wilkes county, for the mur¬ der of Convict Guard Jep Dennard, who was killed in that county January 8th, were granted a respite of thirty days by Governor Candler. The respite was granted ou account of the filing of a petition for manda¬ mus nisi in the supreme court by counsel for the condemned men. Tho petition recites that Judge Seaborn Wright, of Wilkes county superior court, lias failed aud refuses to sign the bill of exeections. ANOTHER SPANISH CANARD. Washington Officials Do Not Believe the Sensational Story Sent From Madrid. The government officials in Washing¬ ton discredit the statement iu the Madrid dispatches from Manila that tho foreign warships are disembarking troops at Manila. Spanish sources of information respecting affairs in the Philippine islands, they say, are not to be fblied upon, as the press and the people of Spain do not hesitate to cir¬ culate statements inimical to the inter¬ ests of this country. BIG NEWSPAPER BURNED OUT. Offfi’Ce Building of Minneapolis Tribune and Centeuts Totally Destroyed. The five-story building on Fourth street, near First avenue, Minneapolis, owned aud occupied by The Tribune Publishing Company, was totally de¬ stroyed by fire Friday night. The fire started in the job room on the second floor. Nothing was saved, mailing lists, files, the costly presses and type and linotype machines were destroved. ; ACKACHE is a symptom. S| requires Something attention makes the the backache backache and that something be or can never perma¬ nently stopped. “ I suffered for years with a long list of troubles,” writes Mrs. C. Klenk, of Wells, Minn. (Box 151), to Mrs. Pinkham, "and I want tq thank you for my complete re¬ covery. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege¬ table Compound is a wonderful medicine for women. ( "Ihad severe female complaints causing terrible backache and ner¬ vous prostration; was dizzy most of the time, had headache and such a tired feeling. I now have taken seven bottles of your Compound and have also used the Sanative Wash and feel like a new woman. I must say I never had anything help me so much. I have better health than I ever had in my life. I sleep well at night, and can work all day without feeling tired. I give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege¬ table Compound all the credit, for I know it has cured me of all my troubles. I would not do without your reme¬ dies for anything.” Mrs. E. Furton, of Meade, Mich., writes: “Two years ago I was troubled with constant backache and headache and was very nerv¬ ous. I resolved ! to try your medi t cine and took two t bottles of Lydia |E. I Vegetable Pinkham's Com¬ pound, and on taking the third a tumor wa9 1 expelled. I was a little frightened and sent for the doctor; and he said that it was for¬ tunate for me that it came away. I got quite well after that and have your Compound alone to thank for my recovery.” t , Multitudes of women suffer constantly with backache. Other grateful multitudes have been relieved of it by Mrs. Pinkham’s and The Strength of Instinct. The bloodhound trials held on the moors near Scarborough, England, are interesting rather as drawing atten¬ tion to a negated and possibly valua¬ ble form of animal talent than for any contribution they made to our knowl¬ edge of what these dogs can do. The runs were scarcely a mile in length, and most of the hounds acquitted themselves creditably. The result has shown that after some century and a half, during which the breed has not been trained or exercised in the work which jvas formerly the sole object for which it was kept, the dogs readily follow tl^ trail of a man at once, and at a rapid pace. But heath¬ er is the best scenting ground in Eng¬ land, and it was largely over sucii moorlands that the Border blood¬ hounds were used. If only required to follow a single trail there is little doubt that the dogs would lflive gone not one mile, but ten.—London Spec¬ tator. __ Don't Tobacco Spit nnd Smoko Tour I.ifo Avay. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, talte No-To Dae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or tl. Cure guaran¬ teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. WmA Britain ntafioMS, t^^moveThs ven¬ tilation of warships by electrical fans. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Synqpof Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par¬ ties. The high standing of the Cali Fobnia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi¬ cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs lias given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken¬ ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company — CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cut. f .OCISVILLE. Hr. FEW YORK. N. Y, If afflicted with > s Thompson’s Eye Water sore eyes, use T\ t ANTED- Case of baa health health that that R I P*A N 8 \\ will not benefit. Send 5 cts. - *- to Ripa -ins Chemical Co., NewYoVk, for io samples and lOwtt ieatiaioniftls. CATALOGUES OF THOUSANDS OF i’r.AYS ! PX-AY9 I SENT FREE SENT FREE I Assortment (sort In Ifce Worl-i. A’-l kilut, ----— >.« Sew of Books for Home Amusements, Amusements lnciu Inelcamx Reciters. I 3 Wax worn, r . smsst&mssuB Piavs. rarer Scenery, SAMI RL Hays FRENCH, for Male Character* c “*f- 2G West 22d Street, - New York City. A Peculiar Statement. “Your father is quite a clever X-ray photographer, isn’t he?” “Why, he was, but I guess he doesn’t value it very highly now.” .“What is the reason?” “I got him to make a skiagraph of my young man’s head—George Soft leigh, you know—and when it was done I asked him if it was a good one, and he shook his head as if disap¬ pointed and said, ‘There’s nothing in it!’ ”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. tm - m Sfgf WWW 1 ws To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it ? .Price Sue. Tbe Size of Salines. How long salmon live Is difficult, to ascertain, as the rivers of Great Brit¬ ain are so closely fished that very few are likely to attain any great age or size over twenty pounds. In Norway, where there is not such close fishing, salmon are caught weighing over fifty pounds, proving they must have made many annual trips to the sea. It has been proved by long-cdntlnued, careful markings that the grilse and salmon never mistake their own river, or that branch of it In which they are hatch¬ ed; this shows remarkable Instinct in this fish, as many rivers are long and have so many feeders. Though the salmon deposits so many thousands of ova, millions of ova and fry are de stroyed; it is estimated that not one in a thousand reaches maturity. Their j natural nnd gormandizing enemies the trout, the little bird called the water, ouzel, and the merganser, or fish 5 duck, all of which consume daily mil¬ lions of ova and fry. It is, therefore, necessary to destroy these murderers of the salmon by every possible means in order to keep the rivers well stock¬ ed with salmon for sport and for fish¬ ery interests. Unless these voracious pests are religiously destroyed a very large percentage of the annual cost of artificial propogntion of salmon is entirely wasted. An Interestiag London Church. Another interesting Loudon church is in process of demolition—the Church of the Holy Trinity, Minories. The church building, wj^c-h dates from 1700, is the successor of the an¬ cient abbey founded for the nuns of St. Clare, by the earl of Lancaster, brother of Edward I, iu 1293. The church possessed an interesting relic in the head of the Duke of Suffolk, father of Lady Jane Grey. Women and Weapons. “Half the time it’s the woman’s fault if her liusbarid carries concealed weap¬ ons.” “Wliv, flow do you make that out?” “Because it’s ten to one she rifles his pockets.”—Washington Star. A Law of Salvage. In salvage one of the first laws is that the peril must be actual. The bargain made in time of danger by tho master or agent of the imperiled craft with another volunteering aid need not of necessity hold in court, nnd gen¬ erally does not. As n rule the bargain is exhorbitaut, and made at a time when the victim would be willing to guarantee the payment of millions for proffered assistance. This point has been decided hundreds of times, the courts taking the stand that upril made an exorbinnt bargain necessary. As a general thing, tbe snlvage award is equal to about one-third the value in the case of sailing craft, and from one-third to one-half in the case of steamers. The owners of the salvage craft whose money was wasted by de¬ lay, wear and tear, are, of course, en¬ titled to the bigger piece of the plum. The master of the salvor gets about twice the sum that his mate receives, and tbe mate is paid something like double tbe amount of each sailor. A Language of Three Hundred Word*. In the more inaccessible parts of the Sierra Madre Mountains, iu Northern Mexico, l'ive <1 curious people. called ’ the TaraUuJKms Mat.} or' them dwell In caves, but they hafe also small villages, nil of which are situa¬ ted about 8.000 feet above sea-level. The Tarahumaris are small in body, hut possessed of much endurance. Their only food is maize, and they manufacture a drink called tesliuln, from the same cereal. Their language is limited to about 300 words, and they cannot count beyond ten. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar¬ tic clean your blood and keep it clean, all im¬ by stirring up the lazy liver and driving purities banish from the body. blotches, Begin blackheads, to-day to pimples, bilious boils, complexion by takiug and that sickly Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug¬ gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. A London specialist 6ays the most expen¬ sive drug is railed pliysostigmine. an ounce of which would cost nearly $1,000,000. It is in prepared diseases from the Calabar bean, and is used of the eye. To Cute a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brc-mo Quinine Tablets. All PruggIsis refund nfhney If it fails to cure. 2oc. Having no jail a t Jerome, Ariz., the around police handcuffed the arms of the prisoner telegraph poles. The lawbreakers can stand, sic or lie down, but cannot escape hugging the pole. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous¬ ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Heston r. trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. K. II. Kune, Ltd.. 1*31 Arch St., l’hila., l*a. We die, morally spenkinc—pride and self love seldom being absent from the inquest. Educate Ycur Bowels With OmcaroM. 10c, Candy If Cathartic, fail, euro druggists constipation refund forever. mooey. 25c. C. C. C. King Alfouzo XIII is still bracketed as of Gibralter. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach th© diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafnes-. and that is by constitu¬ tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in¬ flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets In¬ flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper¬ fect hearing, and when It is entirely closed j Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam¬ ! mation can be tak^-n out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be de J i stroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an ln i Gamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any | ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for j circulars, free. F. »7. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist^. 75c. Hail's Faintly Pills are tho best No mnn has begun to he perfect till he has learned that life is n»t for pleasure. * To Cure Constipation Forever# Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money We pray the Lord’s prayer and then apk for things that would lead us into temptation. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething.softens the gums, reduces inflajnma tion.allays pain.cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. I use Piso’s Cure for Consumption both in my family and practice.—Dr. G. W. Patter¬ son, Inkster, Mich., Nov. 5, 1894. We can do absolutely nothing with evil ex¬ cept to overcome it with good. « - Ifo-To-Bac for Fifty Cent* Guaranteed tobacco habit c .e, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1. All druggist*. j | ten-cent Don’t build foundation the ginger-bread of experience. house on the Society Women f&ct.nearly who all women strain, undergo ate a nervous compelled to the regret¬ / ing fully pallor watch of theiT grow¬ cheeks, the coming wrinkles ar.d thinness that become more ^•stressing Every every day. woman Knows that ill-health is a fatal enemy to beauty and that good* health gives to the ri plainest face an en I during attractiveness. Pure blood and strong nerves — these are the V\ secret of health and beauty. Williams' , Pink Dt. Pills for Pale People build up and purify the blood, and strengthen tbe neTves. To the young girl they are invalu iable. to the motheT they are a necessity, to the woman approaching fifty they aTe the best remedy that science has devised for this crisis of her life. Mrs. Jacob We0 eUrcr, ofJBushnell, ®ars 111., Is fifty-six years old. She says, "I suffered for five e or < six with the trouble that comes to women at this time of life. I was much weakened, was unable, much of tile time, to do my own work, and suffered beyond my power to dcso ilw. I was down¬ hearted nnd melancholy. NothiiiB seemed to do me nny Rood. Then I made up my mind to try Hr Willinnis’ Pink Pills for Pnle People. I bouRht the first box in March, 1S97. nnd was benefited from the start. A box and n half cured me completely, aud I am now rugged aud strong.” . —BvihntU (///.} Record. The genuine package always bears the full name At all druggists or sent postpaid on receipt of pme 50* per box_by the Qt. Williams Medicine Co , bchcn eitady .H V- /COTTON is and will con tinue to be the money crop of the South. The planter Who gets the most cot¬ ton from a given area at the least cost, is the one who makes the most money. Good culti¬ vation, suitable rotation, and liberal use of fertilizers con¬ taining at least 3% actual will insure the largest yield. We will send Free, upon application, pamphlets that will interest ^ery cotton planter in the South. QERHAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. There’s Only One Stand¬ ard of Quality Athletic Goods— in . “Spalding.” substitute. Accept no Handsome Catalogue Free. A. G. SPALDING k BROS., New York. Chicago. Denver. Onr Smalley and Bat* tie Cxcck self-feed Drag Saws ere world. tho otandard of the Also all sires of Circular Saws, and the celebrated li. C. Picket Mill Horse Powers foroper ating. Silo Machinery# Feed Mills, Root Cut¬ ters# Corn Shelters. SMALLEY MFC. C®.» Bakery Want towoe, W Is. SITUATIONS SECURED « v J\by BUl'EAU, THE NATIONAL W. If. Bettie, EMPLOYMENT Manager, A\5Y> Decatur street, Atlanta, Ga. Write at once stating kind of employment desired. i > distance makes no difference < < i To our customer* who lire ia i ► i every corner of the flobe. truth All of our ^ > Catalogues prove the our < > assertion-ic« can save you < > money, no matter where you < < live. t Spring Clothing . Catalogue _ 0 Our \ t () with samples of cloth attached " . , shows ao immense variety of made to-your-measure suits, all of which { are guaranteed to fit. Suits as low . £5.75 and as high as $15. We ' as < > pay expressage to your station, i ► < We issue a 16 color Lithograph- ^ > ed book showing Carpets, Rugs, < > Art Squares, Lace Curtains___ > Portieres in their natural colors. < We pay freight, sew carpets free, and furnish wadded lining free. i ^ ^ A good Solid Oak 4 j Buffet with beveled ‘ . . * plate glass thousands for $7.85 of is but one of 4 > bargains contained in . . our 13ig Genera] Cata " * logue of Furniture, \ > Mattings, Silverware, Bedding, " . , Crockery, Machine ' S e w- i r. g , 1 ► Clocks, Baby Upholstery Carriages, ’j SSS f ’ ^ . . r Goods, Pic Refrigerators, Mirrors, Tin If —■ Ha i > Hires, m , . Ware, Stoves, etc., all ' * at 4o to 60 per cent, i ► lower than retail stores. . . ' ^ Today we are saving * i moneyfor pleased over 1,500,000 Why i customers. i . catalog*:es are mailed free. " ? Address this wart wav. “I have used your valuable CASCA* BETS and find them perfect. Couldn’t time do without them: I have used them for some for indigestion and biliousness and am now com¬ pletely cured. Recommend them, to every one. Once tried, you will never be without them la tho family.” Ei>w. A. Maiu, Albany, N. Y. Good, Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Never Slckeu, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c,25c,50o. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sforlli:? Rrunlj Company, Clilcaio, Montreal, New York. SSI HO-TO-BAO FARM Mcrf 8a!:er'» ScmU ar» Warranted to Predate. V*A |fc/kratilon J.uth'-r, 260 busbc-K K.Troy. Big I'*-. Four a*tor1»li*d Oat*; J. tin* ftrnaer, world M f M l y growing Wi«. 173 bath, b&rler, and If. I.orejoy, 1 f MUhicott, f j-rcwln- 3:0 Lu»h. Kilter « corn 1 Kcd Wiu?. Minu . hr f rer O'-re. If you doubt, henceJ*M write thoni. Bend V e who trial togsiu | 200,COO now customers, on j 10 DOLLAPJS^WOfSTH fc**m Bo<-ds, Balt Bush. FOR Haps for 10 Shoep, c. I ft I 10 pkesof rare Beardless Burley, ■ the 55000 Corn. •* Hi* Four Oat*." a bromualr.ermlti —Yielding/ ton* bar per ncreon dry M soils, etc “40c. Wheat.•' including our mMMnoih l . nil nil about Farm Seed Pima Catalogue, catalogue, telling telling about our our -- ---- . seeds, etc., all mailed run upon $10, receipt of but J a 108. postage, i isilively worth to get a gl Hurl, 1Q(>,OOP t »hU. Seed Potatoes^ at $!.SO and up a bbl. 85 r»kg« eariiez t vegeta P]<*»se bio seeds, $1 .of* Ciitalo* tend this alone, &c. hut. along. No. A0 Saw Mills $123 TO $929 00 With Improved Hope and Belt Feed. NAIVS, FILES and TEETH In Stork. Engines, Boilers and Machinery All Kinds and Repairs for same. Shafting,Pulleys, Belting, Injectors, Pipes, Valves and Fittings. LOMBARD IRON WORM SUPPLY CO., AUGUSTA, GA. Dfffl+imj Kinds IflflCWliES end sires, for all drilling wells for house, farm, City and Village E Water Works, Facto¬ ries, Ice Plants, Brew¬ eries, Irrigation, Coal and Mineral Prospecting, Oil and Gas, etc- experience. I .a test and Best W years years q: WRITE US ------YOU WHAT WANT. LOOMIS & NYM/UL Tiffin. Ohio. FAMOUS $3.50 PANTS UP AND $15.00 SUITS UP. Send 10c. 6tamps for Sample Out¬ fit. Agents wanted everywhere. STAR TAILORS, Atlanta, Ga. Dirt 1% DCY I' W ■ quick NE1srcisco relief and ™! worst ****• cures cagi :es. Bock of testimonials aud IO duvs’ treatment Fib ee. Dr. H. H. QUEEN'S SONS. Box D, Atlanta. Ga. m C O.MSOMPJJ.ON f?