The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 26, 1900, Image 1

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HTMY (ill r|i y weekly VOL. XXV. GEO. E, KNOTTY JOS. W. AWTRY, HARVEY ZACHRY, Pres. Vis . Pres. Sec. & Treas. KNOTT & AWTRY SHOE CO, Successors to J. C. DAN I EL. 25 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. New Goods. Latest Styles. A Complete Line of Men’s, Boys. Ladies and Children’s SHOES > At Prices that Will Please. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention ]£ochl£. Cotton 9%c. Go to the Blue Front for jour winter shoes. Gentlemen, pay for your guano—it’s past due. 8. W. Farrar. Baby caps, baby caps, and plenty of them, at Miss Kate Maxwell’s. Capes from fifty cents up at the Blue Front. Miss Julia Burns is visitiug relatives in Atlanta. Get your baby caps and sacques at Mrs. Manley’s. Peace on earth and good shoes for everybody at the Blue Front. Miss Mamie Woodruff spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Pretty baby caps and sacques at Mrs. R. C. Manley’s. Clever Zack Copeland came up from Mercer to attend court this week. Bunn & Harper Co. always for any kind of furniture. Lady Smith aud walking hats cheap but etylish at Mrs. Manley’s. Plenty of shingles on hand. B B. Carmichael & Son. Miss Leman Hightower will assist Mrs. R. C. Manley this season. Mrs. D. W. Scott and Miss Leila visited the fair last Saturday. For up to date, charming effects in millinery call at Miss Kate Maxwell’s* You will need a pretty fascinator for winter. Mrs. Manley will have them, Gray walking bats, worth SHOO, special price 50c, at Miss Kate Max well’s. Mrs. Vassie Peacock of Eastman visited her sisters Misses Tippora Ella Harrell several days last week. -Get a polka dot collar, the very swellest thing in neckwear, at Miss Kate Maxwell’s. All styles pretty trimmed hats—no words for description. Call and see for yourself, at Miss Kate Maxwell’s. Mrs. Mary Walker and Mrs. Minnie Harwell spent several days in Atlanta this week with relatives, and attending the fair. \ • Big lot Furniture crowded out for want of room, to go at great sacrifice for next 30 days—all first class and genuine bargains —don’t fail to see it. Bunn & Harper Co. Money to loan on farm land— per cent interest—no delay. E . F. Weems, Atty. Ties to beat the band at the Blue Front. Walking hats—the very latest styles at Mrs. Manleys. But very little cotton left in the fields for the wet weather to damage. For chairs of all descriptions, go the Bunn & Haiper Co. Mr. Mrs. Paul Turner and children attended the fair last Friday. Few sets buggy harness for sale at low price. B. B. Carmichael & Son. Mrs. M. A. Tye and daughter Miss Nena are visiting relatives in Atlanta, Miss Leman Hightower spent several day’s last week in Atlanta with her mother. Be sure to see our nice line of hat racks. Bunn & Harper Co. Miss Pauline Thaxton of Jackson was in the city this week, the guest of Mrs. J. R. Robinson. Miss Mary Nutt of Jackson was the guest of Mrs. Julia McDonald several' days last week. The attendance from McDonough upon the Atlauta fair has been large this week. Neckwear, belts, ribbons, pins and novelties in ladies’ toilet articles at Miss Kate Maxweil’s. Miss Made Townsend and Mr. John Campbell were among the visitors who who attended the fair, last Friday. Mrs. Julia McDonald, Miss Mary Nutt and little Eva Sloan spent Friday and Saturday in Atlanta. Nice stock window shades and cur tains. Glad, to have you see them. B. B. Carmichael <fc Son. Mrs Will Wright of Jackson came up to attend the marrige of her sister, Miss Mamie Woodruff, to Prof. C. M. Woodward. Large etock furniture and underta ker’s goods, and more to come. Bunn & Harper Co. Miller wanted for 1901—one famil iar with tools and can run a one horse farm preferred. C. T. Zachry, Peach stone, Ga. Ain’t it a mighty good idea to always sell cotton whenever it reaches 10 * cents? McDonough is threatened with an epidemic of weddings. About eix cou ples are to be married there between now and Christmas. —Griffin News. McDonough, ga„ Friday, October 26,1900. Shirts for everybody at the Blue Front. Pretty lot of matting, rugs, etc., at Bunn & Harper Go’s You can always find an up to date line of hat? at the Blue Front. Mrs. E. J. Reagan will eutertain the ‘•End of the Century Clab” this after noon from 2:30 to 5 p. m. Buy your capes, fascinators and shoes nt the Blue Front. Remember that you will always find an up to date line of gents tunnelling goods at the Blue Front. Great is the stock of trunks we are Bhow : ng. Cost you nothing to see them B. B. Carmichael & Son. M isses Tippora and Ella Harrell, Elizabeth Nolan and Mrs. Vassie Pea cock spent Saturday in Atlanta shop ping. Remember that D. J. Green insures cotton at ten cents per bale per mouth. Cottou will be kept covered until can celed. Cotton seems to be declining as steadily as it advanced, and is now sell ing at 9. Verily there is no accoun ting for cotton. Sow grain. Bedsteads, bureaus, chamber suits, wash stands, oak dreseers, all in the latest styles golden oak. Bunn & Harpej Co. The High School Cadets received an invitation frofia Governor Candler to join the parade on veterans day in At lanta Monday. The largest crowds in attendance upon court in a long time have been here this week, attracted by the usual interest in criminal cases. Wheeler & Wilson and Standard Sewing Machines. See about the price —can save you money. B. B. Carmi chael & Son. A. F. Harper, a clever aud well known traveling man whose home is at McDonough, was in the city yesterday, shaking hands with his Griffin friends. He went to Macon from here.—Griffiu News. Mrs. Charles Jordan of Columbus, and Miss Clifford Zicbry of Seneca, S. C., were in the city Saturday en route to Peachston to visit their parents, Col. and Mrs. C. T. Zichry. The Bunn & Harper Co. have moved their furniture aud undertaking estab lishment to the Copeland building, next to the drug store. Be sure to call on them before you buy. Mr and Mrs. Weekly and the little Weeklies took in the fair last Saturday- One of the little Weeklies got lost for a short while and pandemonium rigned among the Weeklies uptil the lost Weekly was found. Most up to date stock of furniture in Middle Georgia. Bought in car load lots and at lowest pric9B. You get the benefit. B. B. Carmichael & Son. * Col. E. M. Smith, Henry’s able young represeutive, left Tuesday night for Atlanta to be in time to be sworn in and assume his seat in the legisla ture Wednesday morning. Col. Smith’s friends confidently predict for him a bright and creditable record. Presiding Elder Lovejoy is to preach at Flippen next Saturday at 11 o’clock, and Bro. Hudson has promised to preach to the different denominations at McDonough Sunday at 11. The McDonough High School, under direction of Prof. Ham, attended the Atlanta fair in a body last Friday, re maining till the late train at night, to witness the fire works and battle of the nations. It was a large and happy party, and the day greatly enjoyed. (Other locals on last page ) GREAT GUT PRICE SALE AT A. ROCOWSKI E’S! ° : It 11 1 fl if' li vfSSIKw rir rf 1 t i|| II H 1 ft % I 7. Come to see us and be convinced. We have the best selected stock ever brought to McDonough. Remember all of our goods fresh from the factory and strictly up to date, and we are ottering them at prices lower than ever heard of before in McDonough. Be sure to get our prices before you buy. A. ROGOWSKIE, Walker Building. S. GOLDSTEIN, Hanager. Mr. Vera Harper is with us, and would be glad to have his friends give him a call. BEAUTIFUL WEDDLUG. Miss Mamie Woodruff and Mr. Comer Woodward Happily United, According to the principles of aes thetics, that which is truly grand is en vironed in the purest garb of simplicity. That which requires the habiliments of an ultra display necessarily lacks some thiDg of its cardinal virtues. Hence McDonough was honored by one of the most elegant affairs which has ever given prominence to her fair name, when yesterday at 4 oclock p.m , October 25, 1900, at the residence of the bride’s parents in this city, Miss Mamie VVoodrqff was married to Mr. Comer McDonald Woodward, in the presence ot a few invited friends and the relatives. The occasion was rendered one of extraordinary interest by the distin guished presence of Bishop Warren A. Candler, who officiated, joining these two bright and brilliant lives in bonds of love aud devotion in a manner beau tiful and impressive, being assisted by our loved pastor, Rev. F. S. Hudson. The bride was attired in a bewitch ing costume of white organdie, and looked, as she was, the synonymn of love and purity. The home was beautifully decoiated with the magic hues of autumn foliage and flowers. Mr. Woodward is the embodiment of an expression of true manhood, and while he has won a bride who is a sparkling jewel of Georgia girlhood, she has won a man, and a man upon whom Georgians will look with pride and esteem in coming years. While God has made her a queen in the beau ties aud grace of her royal character, He has given to her a king worthy to wield the sceptre of love over her loyal, priceless heart. A purer, truer girl never won the hand and heart of a We have recently pur chased a big stock of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Skirts, Capes, Etc,. Etc., at greatly reduced prices and in order to make room lor the goods, will sell anything now in stock at your own price. Come at once and get what you want before the stock is picked over. This is an Actual Cut Price Sale. nobler, better man. Twq such hearts meeting upon the plain of human life and mingling in beauty and devotion will cut a channel of sweet, sacred in fluence upon the surface of civilization into which other hearts can drift and flow into a haven of happiness aud peace. May the hand of omnipotence, hang upon the horizon of their lives a star and crescent of brightest hopes and sweetest promises reflecting ever the light of His love. The beautiful bride ami nobl9 groom left on the 5:20 p.m. train for Wrights ville, their future home, where Mr. Wooodward is president of the college. A Friend. A Swell Marriage to Take Place at McDonough. • The announcement is made of the marriage- of Mr. Jas. M. Carmichael and Miss Lillie Green, of McDonough, the wedding to be solemnized on Wed nesday afternoon, November 7cb. It will be an event of beauty and elegaoce. Mr. Carmichael is one of the prominent young business men of McDonough, whose sterling character and worth have made him very popu lar. Miss Green, the bride to-be, is a young lady of rare beauty, and her ge nial disposition has gained her a large circle of friends. Both parties have a number of friends here who extend congratulations in advance of the wed ding.j—Griffin News. Democratic Rally, Arrangements have been made for a great democratic rally, under the au spices of the Bryan and Stevenson Club at Giiffio, on Saturday, October 27. Able speakers will be on hand to ad dress tbe crowd. The clnb is composed of 700 hard working young democrats, full of party zeal and pride, and the occasion will be highly interesting. Everybody invited. F. D. DisMUKE, Pres. C. S. Wright, Sec. $i A YEAR.