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The Henry County Weekly
Leading Undertaker.
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night.
Phone 30.
McDonough, ga.
We have 100 ladies’ hats going at
cost. Sowell & Russell Co.
Fruit and vegetables had a close
call again the first of the week.
Mr. John Johnson of White
House was in the city Saturday.
Buy the best—KEEN KUTTER
tools and shears from B. B. Car
michael & Sons.
Miss Myrtle Clemments visited
relatives in Atlanta Saturday.
B. B. Carmichael & Sons save
you money on all kinds of hard
Miss Florence Oglesby visited
Miss Fannie Brannan of Flippen
last week.
FOR SALE. —One first class Wil
liams typewriter. See B. D. Kel
ley, McDonough.
Rev. Parry Lee? of Macon, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Har
per this week.
WANTED—Your money on de
posit. Four times insured,
tf. Bank of Stockbridge.
Miss Annie Bell Upchurch and
little Grace Guyton, of Locust
Grove spent Sunday and Monday
in the city, the guest of relatives.
CHINES sold by B. B. Carmichael
& Sons are the undisputed leaders,
futlier proof can easily be had by
calling on them.
If you need a horse or mule
call on, J. S. Brown,
Locust Grove, Ga.
Mr. L. A. Guill, one of Locust
Grove’s old and highly esteemed
citizens, was a pleasant caller at
the Weekly sanctum Thursday.
Buy the ‘‘TWO IN ONE” Stand
ard machine from B. B. Carmichael
& Sons and get both the lock and
chain stitch. Absolutely the best
.machine on the market today.
If you stroke a cat’s back proper
ly. she’ll come back. Some way
with the custoner that we sell a
SUMMERS buggy he will come
B. B. Carmicheal & Sons.
Dr. Adel Scott, one of McDon
ough’s prominent young citizens
and leading young physicians, left
on Tuesday for Savannah, where
he went to attend the annual meet
ing of the State Medical Associa
Will buy your chickens,
eggs, peas, hams, side
meat and give you a good
price for them.
H. J. Copeland Mer. Co.
Just tight enough to stand firm,
and run easy, that’s the beauty of
it. So simple so easy to adjust.
No binding points. The acme of
perfection. Guaranteed ten years
tnat’s the STANDARD MA
B. B. Carmichael & Sons.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday april 19, 1907.
Talking Machines, Records and
Needles. Jno. R. Smith, McDonough
100 Ladies’ Hats at cost, and Lace
Curtains for everybody.
Sowell & Russell Co.
Mrs. E. Oglesby visited relatives
near Flippen Sunday.
Stylish hats, neck ties,
half hose for men.
H. J. Copeland Her. Co.
Mr. Ike Davis, of Locus, Grove,
was in the city Monday.
STANDARD—the only machine
which combines capacity and ab
solute reliability in quality. Sold
by B. B. Carmichael & Sons.
Bring your peas to us.
We are in the market.
H. J. Copeland Mer. Co.
Do yon want a horse and buggy
at a bargain?—buggy almost new.
if so see
Mr. Howard Scott, of Griffin,
was in our city Saturday.
Easiest to operate—no noise— no
pulling. The “simplicity” is the
Sold by B. B. Carmichael & Sons.
If interested in talking ma
chines call and hear the fam
ous “Victor’’ for sale by
JNO. It. SMITH, McDonough, Ga.
If in need of a Dictionary see
B. D. Kelley and let him figure
with yon—He handles the Stand
ard—the latest and best Dictionary
WANTED—Good loans ou ap
proved collateral,
tf. Bank of Stockbridge.
Just received a nice line of Sun
day School Bibles ; also Red Letter
Bibles and Testaments. I can save
you money—see me. B. D. Kelley.
Fresh Graham just re
ceived, try a sack, fresh
and wholesome.
H. J. Copeland Mer. Co.
Mr. Emmett McKibben, of Grif
fin. and Mr. David McKibben, of
Atlanta, were the guest of their
father, Mr. C. A. McKibben Sun
Buy a New Home Sew
ing Hachitie and get the
best the market affords.
None as good.
H. L Carmichael.
Let everyone he his own lawyer
by getting a copy of E. T. Roe’s
and Eliliu G. Loomis’, “Business
and Law”. For sale by B. D.
Kelley, McDonough.
Mr. Jim Stroud, who for several
weeks has been suffering intensely
from mastoidi is has had to under
go an operation which was per
formed at the Presbyterian hos
pital in in Atlanta by Dr. C’allionn
on Tuesday afternoon. The opera
tion was a very successful one and
it is thought that he will soon he
entirely well again, which will be
most gratifying news to his hosts
of friends.
We have everything carried by
an up-to-date Dry Goods store. —
Millinery, Dress Goods, Val Laces,
Bands, Medalions ; Nets for Waist
Belts, Long Kid and Silk Gloves,
Corsets and Queen Quality Shoes,
both high and low cuts—and every
thing a well dressed man likes.
Call and see us and we will please
Walker-Turner Co.
The best line of Chil
dre’s shoes ever brought
to McDonough. “Buster
Brown Blue Ribbon,” both
high and low cut. Come
to see us and be convinced.
D. P. Cook & Co.
Miss Jettie Bunn and Miss Clara
Nolan, of Locust Grove, spent from
Friday to Monday with the for
mer's liomefolks.
Miss Mary Barker, of Atlanta,
was the lovely and attractive guest
of Miss Elizabeth Nolan last Sun
Mr. B. W. Nail, a progressive
farmer from near Locust Grove,
was among the visitors at The
Week-ly office Tuesday.
FOR SALE.--One seven
room house 200 yards
from public square.
T. J. Patterson
Mrs. Baker, Messrs. James Wil
son and Al. Fincher, of Atlanta,
were the guests of Miss Lnella Mc-
Kibben Sunday.
Don’t miss seeing our
line summer shoes for
H. J. Copeland Mer. Co.
I carry at all times a
full supply of the light
running New Home Ha
chine, also needles and
etc. H. L. Carmichael.
Miss Annabelle Harper, who
teaches at Pleasant Hill, was the
guest of her cousin, Mrs. T. A. Lip
sey from Friday until Sunday.
Call on us to show you
an up-to-date, stylish line
Summer Shoes for ladies
and men.
H. J. Copeland Her. Co.
Mr. John P. Dailey, and his sis
ter, Miss Carry Lucy Dailey, of At
lanta, were the guests of their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Dailey
Shoes for everybody—
big line “White House
Shoes,” for men and wo
men. See us before you
buy. D. P. Cook & Co.
Misses Florence Carmichael, An
nie Lou Copeland and Bertha Dick
son were guests at the reception
given by the young men of Locust
Grove on last Friday evening.
Best line of odd pants
shown on the market and
at close prices. See us
before you buy.
D. P. Cook & Co.
Misses Erie, Alma and Nora
Hardeman and Miss Redone Rags
dale, of Atlanta, will come this af
ternoon and will he the charming
guests of Miss Florence Carmichael
until Monday.
Get your boy a suit of
our nobby new line. Splen
did values at close prices.
Also we carry a good line
of men’s and youth’s
D. P. Cook & Co.
Mrs. W. W. Ward, of Stock
bridge, was in the city Tuesday.
Mrs. Ward is taking special private
lessons in both vocal and instru
mental music from Miss Annie No
lan, one of McDonough’s highly cul
tured and gifted musicians.
Full and complete line
of furniture and house
furnishings. My prices
are right and goods un
equaled in quality, finish
and design. See me be
fore buying when in the
Howard Carmichael.
stockbridge:, ga.
Pay you interest on time deposits
Prompt and appreciative, with all
In a Reserve Fund of $200,000.00.
“The safest is best.” Why?
li. G. I’ORTSON, Cashier.
IKI& REt* v H I JP
Victor Talking Ma
chines and Records for
sale by
Jno. R. Smith,
HcDonough, Ga.
One of the most interesting and
profitable teachers institutes ever
held in the county was that of last
Friday and Saturday in which al
most the entire number of Henry’s
teachers were enthusiastic attend
ants and participants.
On Friday Reading, Grammar,
Spelling and writing came up as
special subjects for discussion, all
the papers and talks being thor
oughly practical. The papers of
Misses Manley and Castellaw on
reading being most excellent and
both are to be proud in fnll in this
week’s issue of the Weekly.
The subject of Grammar was
very clearly discussed by three of
ablest teachers of the county.
Messrs. Milam and Watson and
Miss Talley, there being many fine
and excellent thoughts brought out
as to the best methods of correctly
teaching this branch of study in
the schools.
Spelling and writing was ably dis
cussed by the several different ones
who had been assigned to discuss
these subjects.
The evening part of the program
was presided over by two of the
ablest educators of the state,
Mrs. G. A. Alexander and Hon.
Walker White, of Atlanta, whose!
addresses were highly enjoyed by j
not only every teacher present
but by every one present. Their
addresses were along the line of
better and more progressive meth
ods in the art of teaching.
Saturday’s prog ra m wil li
the subjects of Geography, School
Hygeine, Civics, School Govern- j
ment were all clearly and ably >
discussed by the respective leaders
of the subjects, but Mrs. C. C. Fnr
gason’s paper on Hygeine, Piof.j
Camp’s discussion of Civics and
Prof. Dennington's handling of
the subject of school government
were features of the' day’s work
that deserve special mention.
The institute as a whole was a
most flattering compliment to Hen-1
ry county and its school system. !
The more than a half hundred
teachers of the county are all ex
perienced, progressive and alive
to the best interests of the work of
training the boys and girls of the]
county. Its safe to say that no ru-'
ral county in the state has a corps
of teachers that equals those of
Henry, and but few in the city
schools that have forged ahead of
them in correctly and intellegent
ly training the minds of their pu
Sunday morning about fonr
o’clock a negro garni ling affair
ended at Lnella by Henry (Peg)
Harj er being killed by Mack Hag
There was a difference started
over the ownership of a nickel and
Harper advanced on Hagman with
a drawn knife and was doing his
best to carve him up when Magnum
driew his pistol and fired, the bul
let taking effect in the chest, death
being utmost instantoneous.
The coroner empaneled a jury
and after examining several wit
nesses the jury rendered a verdict
of justifiable homicide and Hag
man was allowed to go free.
Owing to the agitation going on
in Atlanta with reference to tho
1 milk supply in that city, the peo
ple of McDonough are very much
concerned in the Outcome on ac
connt of the interest held by some
of its citizens. We note from arti
cles appearing in the Atlanta pa
pers, that the Pure Milk & Food
Company, which was owned by
some of our townsmen, have sold
out to the Union Dairy Company.
We understand this new Company
is tho outgrowth of the Dairymen’s
Union, which is composed of all
the dairymen in and around Atlan
ta, and the purpose of this new
Company is to protect the prices of
milk, which goes into effect April
16th, by absorbing all the surplus.
To those in a position to know,
it has been appearsnt for sometime
there was a fight on between the
Pure Milk & Food Company and
Board of Health, from the fact in
the opening of their business refer
ence was made to the quality of
milk previously served the public,
and the responsibility of same nat
urally rested on the Board of
Health. In support of the conten
tion of the Pure Milk & Food Com
pany, more stringent laws have
been enacted, a rigid system of in
spection employed, and the dairy
men have united in an effort to
improve conditions and protect
themselves. So it would appear
the people are at last to have good
milk through the untiring efforts
of the Pure Milk & food Company.
Don’t fail to see the New
Home Sewing Hachine
when in the market for
one. It is undcubtly the
highest class machine
sold and at a price that
is no higher than compe
titors ask for cheap ones.
H. L. Carmichael.
Miss Willie Preston left Monday
for Austell for an extendid visit
of several months.