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The Henry County Weekly
Victor Talking Ma=
chines and Records for
sale by
Jno. R. Smith,
flcDonough, Qa.
Rev. W. C. Davis and Mr. J. B.
Richards, assistant superintendents
of the Georgia Anti-Saloon League,
were in the city last Sunday in the
interest of State prohibition.
On Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock
a meeting was held at the court
house which was presided over by
Mr. Davis, who gave an earnest
and interesting talk on the work
of Anti-Saloon League. He was
followed by Col. Frank Reagan,
who made a most excellent and
timely talk. After these addreses
the following officers and commit
tees were elected:
H. B. Neal. Pres.
J. B. Dickson, Ist V. ”
Col. Frank Reagan, 2nd” ”
Rev. L. G. Bowden, 3rd ” ”
A. m. Stewart, Seety. & Treas.
Committee on Agitation.
J. B. Dickson, Chirman.
G. W. Camp, J. C. Daniel,
A. N. Brown, A. F. Bunn,
Joel Bankston, W. B. Ingram
R. L. Johnson.
Committee on Legislation.] '
Frank Reagan, Chairman.
Col. G. W. Brown, A. C. Oglesby
C. M. Shields, J. A. Fouche.
J. F. M. Fields, J. M. Carmichael
D. J. Green.
Committee on Inforcemnt of the
Rev. L. G. Bowden, Chairman.
J. B. Brown, E. M. Copeland,
Singleton Hunt, H. C. Bridges,
J. W. Rape, H. W. Carmichael.
The several vice presidents will
select at least three prohibitionist
from each militia district of the
county which will be added to the
committees* already appointed
the perfecting a thorough county
organization. The other Anti-Sa
loon Leagues in the county will
unite with the MCDonough League
and form a union of Leagues for
Henry county.
New Barber Shop.
Mr. Thomas N. Mosley, an old
Henry county boy who for a num
ber of years has been engaged in
the barber business in Atlanta, has
opened up a shop here below Ed
Goodwin’s store He is prepared to
give the best and most up-to-date
service in tonsorial work and will
be glad for all his friends and
everybody call on him when in
rie *
McDonough, Georgia, Friday april 26, 1907.
A most excellent and patriotic pro=
gram has been prepared by the
local Chapter of U. D. C’s. to
do honor to the memory
of the South’s fallen
Merchants and business men have all joined in to do
honor to South’s heroic dead —All stores to be
dosed 3 to 5 Friday afternoon.
Much interest and enthusiasm is
being manifested in the Memorial
exercises to be held here this after
noon at three o’clock. A }>etition
to the business men and merchants
was carried and a large number of
them have signed it, which follows :
“We, the undesigned merchants
of McDonough, agree to close our
stores on Friday, the 26th of April
from three (3) p. m. to five (5) p. m.
while the Daughters of the Confed
eracy are giving an entertainment
in honor of the old Confederate
Soldiers of Henry County.”
Bank of Henry County.
First National Bank.
H. J. Copeland Mercantile Co.
H. L. Carmichael.
W. B. J. Ingram Co.
Weloh-Hunt Supply Co.
H. C. Turner.
C. Engber.
B. B. Carmichael & Sons.
Walker-Turner Co.
T. A. Sloan <fc Co.
Sowell & Russell Co.
W. D. Knight.
The McDonough Drug Co.
D. P. Cook & Co.
Ed Goodwin.
Henry County Weekly.
The following is the program for
the Memorial exercises to be held
at the school auditorium on this,
Friday afternoon at three o’clock :
Music —“ Ameri ca. ”
“Star Spangled Banner.”
Prayer—Rev. J. E. England.
Male Quartette —“Tenting on the
old Camp Ground.”
Reading—Miss Nolan.
Song—“My old Kentucky Home.”
Reading—Miss Ethel Price.
Song—“ Old Black Joe.’
Solo—“ Lorena.”
Address —Rev. E. S. Atkinson.
Song—“Wo arc; old time Confed
Prayer—Rev. J. A. Simpson.
Dixie. l
Do yon want a horse and buggy
at a bargain?—buggy almost new.
if so see
Tune— ‘‘Tis Old-Time Religion.”
1. We are a band of Brothers,
We are a band of Brothers,
A Band of Southern Brothers,
Who fought for Linerty.
Cho. —We’re old-time Confederates,
We’re old-time Confederates,
We’re old-time Confederates,
They’re good enough for me.
2. Ilavis was our President,
Davis was our President,
Davis was our President,
He was good enough for me.
Cho. —We’re old-time Confederates 1 etc.
8. Lee and Johnston our Chieftains:
Bragg, Beauregard and Johnston;
These wore glorious Chieftains,
They were good enough for me.
Cho.—We’re old-time Confederates, etc.
4. We follow'd Stonewall Jackson,
We follow'd Stonewall Jackson,
We follow’d Stonewall Jackson,
He was grand enough for me.
Cho. —We’re old-time Confederates, etc.
5. We fought wit h Hood and Gordon,
With Longstreet, Polk and Cleborne,
With Ewell, Hill and Hardee;
They were good enough for me.
Cho. —We’re old-time Confederates, etc.
6. We rode with Stewart, Hampton,
With Pit/, Lee, Duke and Morgan,
With Forest and Joe Wheeler:
They were good enough fur me.
Cho. —We’re old-time Confederates, etc.
7. We wore ourselves out fighting,
We wore ourselves out fighting,
We wore ourselves out fighting,
For Southern Liberty.
Clio.—We’re old-time Confederates, etc.
b. Now our country’s united,
Now our country’s united.
Now our country’s united,
It’s good enough for me.
Cho. —We’re old-time •Confederates, et( •
ft. We must all meet in Heaven,
We must all meet in Heaven,
We must all meet in Heaven,
To ri juice eternally.
If yon stroke a. oat's back proper
ly. she’ll come back. Some way
with the cr.stoner that we soil a
SUMMERS buggy he will come
E. E. CuriLic’.Kui C: S r-=
Buck High, who assaulted
Little Laura Daniel, and
Charlie Allen, who killed
another negro at saw
mill camp, to hang;.
Mondav the superior court re
convened and since then the crim
inal docket lias kept the court very
busily engaged. caws Lave
been disposed of that had created
much interest.
The case of Buck High charged
with rape, was taken up Tuesday
morning and in just one hour and
fifteen minutes the sentence of
death was passed upon him. The
courthouse was cleared of all spec
ulators except the trial jurors,
court officers and the witnesses in
the case. The trial was a very
quiet one, demonstration of any
kind being shown, through one
of the largest crowds ever wit
nessed in the town was present.
After a deliberation of less than
fifteen minutes the jury returned a
verdict of guilty and Judge. Rea
gan immediately sentenced High to
be hanged in private on Wednes
day May 29th.
Many other cases of more or less
prominence have been tried this
week, the most important one :
The state vs. Tom George, mis
demeanor ; not guilty.
The state vs. Charlie Barker,
kidnapping; settled on payment
of costs.
The state vs. Wade Henry, as
sault with intent to rape ; guilty of
The stat * vs. Charlie Jinks, mur
der ; guilty, life sentence.
The'state vs. John Brace, carry
ing concealed weapons; guilty, 12
months sentence.
The state vs. Tom Maynard, Bi
son ; mistrial.
The stase vs. Alex Sutton, selling
liquor ; plea of guilty, fine 12 mos.
or *3OO.
The state vs. Martha Jones, s 11-
ing liquor ; fine 6 mos. or *SO.
The state vs. Charlie Allen, imir-
Beginning May Ist I will close
my office every afternoon at three
o'clock instead of five as heretofore
on account of business interests in
der; guilty sentenced to bang
Wednesday, May 29th.
The state vs. Alonzo Lee, forgery
gnilfy 12 months or SJT>.
The state vs. Buck High, rap■>;
senteneed to hang May 29th.
The state vs. Charlie, murder;
guilty life sentence given.
Thfl state vs. Z. D. Ward, selling
whiskey ; guilty 12 mos. or SSOO.
The state vs. Bud Lovett, mur
der ; guilty life sentence.
Court will last through Friday
and probably all the week.
Buck High, who is under sentence
for rape, was carried back to At
lanta Wednesday night for safe
keeping to await day of execution.
An occasion of a rare and high!/
pleasing nature in tie- local social
world was the domino party, given
by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Adams as
their delightful home on last .Sat
urday evening in honor of Miss
Ragsdale, of Atlanta.
The affair was one in which every
feature of the evening's entertain
ment was most happily and pleas
antly carried out. Progressive
domino was played and it was the
lovely and charming guest of hon
or who “progressed” most during
the evening and was a ward, d the
prize, a lovely box of candy.
Those present and sharing in the
pleasure of the evening were :
Misses Redona Ragsdale, Florence
Carmichael, Bertha Dickson, Cora
Betts, Lillian Daniel, Annie Lon
Copeland, Lilah Copeland, Lucy
Brown, .Tettie Bunn, Agnes Dunn,
t'orrie Bridges, Nettie Bess Fouche,
Eddie Claud McDonald, Lonella Mo-
Kibhen, Annie Nolan, Lottie V.
11a: tin, Blanche Wentzell, Leila
Scott, Mary Underwood, Margaret
Tally, Miss Durham, and Mrs
Green Copeland.
Messrs. \\ ill Walker, Marvin
Turner, .Tames Hooter), Harry
Dunn, Ralph Tiinu r, R. L. .John
son. (.‘burly Coan, Elbert Parr, Ras
Dickerson, H-, irv Woodward, Do
iYlk-smi. Fred Kelly. O-ear hack
v Eugene McMichaei, \\. A.