Newspaper Page Text
Talking Machines, Records and
Needles. Jno. R. Smith, McDonough
Mrs. Tom Heston, of Oxford, was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. H
WANTED —Your money on de
posit. Four times insured,
tf. Bank of Stockbridge.
Miss Louella McKibben, spent
the week-end with her grand moth
er, Mrs. M. A. Knott, in Atlanta.
Miss Tomie Raven and Miss Sal
lie Florence, of Hampton, were the
guests of friends here this week.
FOR SALE.—One first class Wil
liams typewriter. See B. D. Kel
ley, McDonough.
Mrs. Cora Jordon, of Molena, is
the guest of friends and relatives in
the city this week.
FOR SALE.--One seven
room house 200 yards
from public square.
T. J. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ingram are
entertaining a dainty little girl at
their homo this week.
Buy the best—KEEN KUTTER
tools and shears from B. B. Car
michael & Sons.
Miss Hettie Tyson, of Cutlibut,
arrived Tuesday for a visit of sev
eral days to friends at the Brown
Have two - first class Williams
typewriters—each cost SIOO. —
will sell one of them very cheap.
See me at onee.'jf B. D. Kelly, Mc-
Donough, Ga.
The best line of Chil
dre’s shoes ever brought
to McDonough. “Buster
Brown Blue Ribbon,” both
high and low cut. Come
to see us and be convinced.
D. P. Cook & Co.
Miss Nettie BessTouche left yes
terday for Newnan where she will
spend several days with her uncle,
Mr. ,T. E. Brown.
FOR SALE—Two mules or will
exchange for horses, for .further
information call on.
J. N. Weems.
The New Home Sewing
Hachine for quality and
light running, see me be
fore you buy.
Howard Carmichael.
Miss Mary Lizzie Underwood, of
Concord, was the bright and lovely
guest of Miss Leila Scott for several
days the first of the week.
Let everyone be his own lawyer
by getting a copy of E. T. Ro6's
and Elihu G. Loomis’, “Business
and Law”. For sale by B. I).
Kelley, McDonough.
B. B. Carmichael & Sons save
you money on all kinds of hard
Mr. Luke Hood, of East Point,
was the guest of old friends and
relatives in Henry several days of
the past week.
I). P. Cook & Co.
Shoes for everybody—
big line “White House
Shoes,” for men and wo
men. See us before you
buy. D. P. Cook & Co.
The many Friends of Mr. Marvin
Turner will regret to learn that be
has been quite sick this week, but
is better at this writing.
Note the change in Dr. Lifsey’s
office hours —7 to 12 a. m. ; 1 to 3
p. m., to take effet Ist of May. 2t
Come to see me if you want the
best harness at the most reasonable
prices, harness and prices are
The many friends of Mr. Jim
Stroud will be glad to know that
he is improving from the operation
that was performed last week and
in a few day he will be able to re
iurn to his home ia this citj.
WANTED—Good loans ou ap
proved collateral,
tf. Bunk of Stockbridge.
Mr. A. G. Harris, Jr., of Fayette
ville, was thp guest of friends and
relatives in McDonough several
days the first of the week.
Get your boy a suit of
our nobby new'line. Splen
did values at close prices.
Also we carry a good line
of men’s and youth’s
Miss Margaret Talley, one ot the
able and efficient teachers of the
McDonough City School, spent the
week-end with her parents near
Just received a nice line of Sun
day School Bildes ; also Red Letter
Bibles and Testaments. I can save
you money—see me. B. D. Kelley.
Mr. R. L. Berry, who for several
months has been in Jonesboro as a
cotton buyer for a Columbus firm,
was a visitor here on Monday. He
is again at his home in the Sixth
Buy the “TWO IN ONE” Stand
ard machine from B. B. Carmichael
& Sons and get both the lock and
chain stitch. Absolutely the best
machine on the market today.
The New Home is the
lightest running machine
on the market besides
having other qualities
that are far superior to
cheap one's.
Howard Carmichael.
Miss Estelle Woodward, who has
been teaching school near McDon
ough for the past few months, is
spending the vacation with rela
tives at the Woodward House—
Griffin News.
Just tight enough to stand firm,
and run easy, that’s the beauty of
it. So simple so easy to adjust.
No binding points. The acme of
perfection. Guaranteed ten years
—tnat’s the STANDARD MA
B. B. Carmichael & Sons.
The many friends of Mr. D. T.
Turner, of near Mt. Carmel, will
regret to learn that ho is quite sick
at his home. “Uncle Tom,” as he
is affectionately called by his hosts
of friends, is one of the county’s
most loved and highly esteemed
old citizens.
If in need of a Dictionary see
B. D. Kelley and let him figure
with you—He handles the Stand
ard—the latest and best Dictionary
Quite a pleasant social affair on
Friday evening was the teception
given by Miss Florence Carmich
ael in honor of her guest Miss Re
dona Ragsdadale, of Atlanta.
STANDARD—the only machine
which combines capacity and ab
solute reliability in quality. Sold
by B. B. Carmichael & Sons.
Mr. John P. Morgan, McDon
ough's popular jeweler, is very sick
at his home with pneumonia, he
has been very critically ill and for
several days it was feared the worse
would happen, but is now thought
that the crisis has been passed and
That he will soon be on the road to
a complete recovery.
1 will sell you a famous
New Home Sewing Ma=
chine on sixty days trial
and after this time if the
machine is not what I
claim for it you can re
turn it without Any
cost whatever to you. See
them before buying any
Howard Carmichael.
Col. E. M. Smith's many friends
deeply sympatize with him in tin
death of his father, Mr. A. C
Smith, of near Forsyth, who died
last Saturday morning. He was
one of Monroe County’s most prom
inent farmers. He is survived by
his wife and ten children, of whom
are prominent and influential cit
i_w—** i_ Hu., ,v. lib.
Mr. Kindell C’hapell passed
through the city enroute to Griffin
Mr. Grover Tarpley was the
guest of Mr. W. D. Tarpley Sun-j
Easiest to operate—no noise— no |
pulling. The “simplicity” is the
Sold by B. B. Carmichael & Sons. ,
Cheap machines are
dear at any price,
when you buy a “New
Home” you only pay a few
dollars more and get dou
ble in value.
Howard Carmichael.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sweeney, of
of Constitution, visited friends in
our city last week.
Misses Emmie and Pearl Ferrell,
of Atlanta, was the guests of
Misses Myrtle and Emmie Clem
ents Sunday.
If interested in talking ma
chines call and hear the lam
ous “Victor’’ tor sale by
JNO. It. SMITH, McDonough, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith,
wore called to Macon Sunday on
account of the serious illness of |
Mrs. I. P. Smith.
Miss Ava Lee Daniel, of Atlanta,
who was the charming guest of
Misses Bunn for a fortnight, has
returned home.
C. A. Kuhn, the well known pho
tographer of Atlanta, will be in
McDonough Saturday for the pur
pose of making pictures, if his
traveling studio arrives in time.
On the third Sunday in May a
series of special services will he be
gun at the Presbyterian church.
Rev. .T. A. Simpson, the pastor,
will he assisted by one of the lead
ing Presbyterian ministers of At
Mr. H. H. Stewart, one of the
highly esteemed old citizens of the
county who resides a few miles
west of this city, was a pleasant
caller on the Weekly Wednesday.
While in the city he lost an open
face watch he says he will be glad
to receive it if any one has found
On next Saturday, May 4th, the
local baseball team will cross bats
with the East. Point team. This
promises to he a good game as both
teams will he fine trim. The game
will be called at 3 :30 o’clock and
everybody is cordially invited to
Hon. J. Q. Nolan, McDonough’s
silver tongued orator, and one of
the city’s most prominent citizens,
will deliver the Memorial address
at Winder this afternoon. This
honor is bne well bestowed on Mr.
Nolan and it is safe to say that not
for many years has here been such
an able and patriotic tribute paid
the soldiers dead in Winder as will
he paid them at the Memorial ex
ercises this afternoon by Mr.
Col. J. W. Wise, Fayett's bril
liant and able representative and
one of the Flint circuit’s leading
attorneys, has been a visitor at the
court here this week. Hu is an old
Henry county hoy who has “made
good” in our sister county of Fay
ette, and he is now mentioned as
one of the certain entries in the
solieitorship race next year for a
successor of the present able solici
tor, Hon. O. H. B. Bloodwortli, of
Notice to Contractors.
GEORGIA, Henry County:—
Sealed proposals will lx* received l>y the
Ordinary, at the Court House in McDon
ough, Henry County Georgia on the 29th
day of April 1907 for a steel bridge over
Walnut Creek, 6 miles north of McDon
ough and known as the Airline bridge.
I lie bridge to consist of I—63ft. span, and,
! panel of approach 29ft long and one pan
el of approach 29ft —6in long, with a clear
roadway of 12ft—Oin, on stone piers alrea
dy built, according to plans and speeiflea
i ious now on tile in the Ordinary's office,
Payments for the work to lie made as fol
low s:—Upon completion and acceptance
of Bridge.
The successful bidder is to give bond in
louble the amount of contract price fori
the faithful performance of the Contract. :
Ihe Ordinary reserved the right to reject !
any or till Lids. This 99 rh«v -if March 1907 j
G .G .WEEMS, Ordinary,
Henry County Ga. * I
Pay you interest on time deposits
Prompt and appreciative, with all
In a Reserve Fund of $200,000.00.
“The safest is best.” Why?
Ij. G. FORTSOX, Cashier.
Account Jamestown Ter=Centennia) Exposition
Southern Railway
Season, 6o day and 15 day tickets on sale daily commen
cing &pril 19,th to and including November 30th, 1907.
Very low rates will also be made to Military and Brass
Bands in unilorm attending exposition.
Stop Overs will be allowed on Season, Sixty-day and
fifteen-day tickets, same as on Summer Tourist Tickets.
For full and complete information call on Ticket Agents Southern
Railway, or write :
For rates, routes and schedules or any infor
mation, address,
C. F?. PETIT, Trav. Pass. Agent
SViacon. Ga.
Sheriff’s Sale.
Georgia—Henry County.
Will be sold before the court
lionse door in said county, between
the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday in May, 1907 (May 7) at
public .utcry, to the highest bidder
for casli, certain property of which
the following is a description :
“A one-ninth undivided interest
in five hundred and fifty acres of
land tying in Tussahaw district of
Henry county, Ga., bounded north
by lands of Lewis Shaw and Char
lie Cliilds, east by W. B. J. Ingram
and Dr. Jarrell, south by Barney
Crnmbley and west by R. F. Smith
and Charlie Childs,” being lands
in possession of Dr. J. A. C. Wynn
at the time of his death. Levied on
as the property of J. O. Wynn to
satisfy an execution issued from
the County Court, of Henry county,
in favor of A. D. Adair & McCarty
Bros., against said J. O. Wynn.
Tenant in possession notified.
This April 3d, 1907.
A. C. Sowell,
Sheriff Henry County.
Sheriff’s Sale.
Georgia—Henry County.
Will be sold before the court
house door in said county, between
the legal hours ot sale, on the first
Tuesday in May, 1907 (May 7) at
public outcry, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property of which
the following is a description : “A
one-ninth undivided interest in five
hundred acres of land lying in Tus
sahaw district of Henry county,
Ga., bounded north by lands of
Lewis Shaw and Charlie Childs,
east by W. B. J. Ingram and Dr.
Jarrell, south by Barne'y Crnmbley
and west by R. F. Smith and Char
lie Childs,” being the lands in pos
session of Dr. J. A. C. Wynn at the
time of his death. Levied on as
the property of J. O. Wynn to sat
isfy two fi-fas issued from the j
County Court of Henry county, in
favor of Jackson Mercantile Com
pany against said J. O.Wynn. Ten
ant in possession notified. This
April 3d, 1906. A, C. Sowell.
Sheriff Henry County, Ga.
Whooping Cough.
I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in my family in cases of
whooping cough, and want to tell
yon that it is the best medicine I
have ever nsed.—W. F. Gaston. Pos
co, Ga. This remedy is safe and
sure. For sale by McDonouge Drug
Dr. Ellison, SpaciaSisi, CUKES MEN
My best reference and guarantee is PAY WHEM CURED ft
I successfully treat and likewise cure all Nervous. Chronic and Private
Lhseases of Men and Women. Consultation, ex miration and Advice Free.
HR yj T FLLISfli\3 Cal! on or Write me in confidence. Office
■ **■ ■ • k-UUIOUJ*, Hours daily Ba.m.t> Bp. m. Sunday 9a. m.
W 2 P -No. IVrIoRSYTHEsfREE S f floor ’ GaT™
I carefully prepare and fu-niffi ail medicines to my patients without extra cost
For Administration.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
To whom it may concern: J. W. &J. B
South having made application to me in
due form to lie appointed permanent ad
[ min istra tors upon estate of Newton M.
South, late of said county, deceased Xo
tice is hereby given that said application
will lie heard at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary for said countv to be
held on the first Monday in May, 1907
\\ ltness my hand and official'signature.
This April 4, 1907. *
G. W. WEEMS, Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA. Henry County.
To whom it may concern: W. M. Alexan
der having made application to me in due
form to be appointed permanent adminis
trator upon estate of Enoch M. Jackson late
of said county, Notice is hereby given that
said application will be heard at the regu
lar term of the Court of Ordinary for said
county, to be held on the first Monday in
May, 1907.
Witness my hand and official signature
lhis May 4, 1907.
G. G. WEEMS. Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To whom it may concern: Mrs.T.F.Gun
ter having made application to me in due
form to be appointed permanent adminis
trator upon the estate of A. C. Gunter, late
ol s aid county, Notice is hereby given that
said application will be heard at the regu
lar term of the Court of Ordinary for said
county, to be held on the first Monday in
May, 1907. J
-v han d aild official signature,
This May 4, 1900. »
G. G. \\ EEMS, Ordinary.
lor Year's Support.
Mrs. M. '!. Pattillo having made appli
cation for twelve (12) months support out
of the estate of S. C. Pattillo, and apprai
sers duly appointed to set apart the same,
All persons concerned are hereby required
to show cause before the Court of Ordina
ry of said county on the first Monday in
May. 1907, why said application should
not 1..- granted. April l*t. M)7.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary.
A Poor Organ.
Dajn(s) the bile. That’s what your liver
does if it’s torpid. Then the bile over
flows into the blood—poisons your system,
causing sick-headache, biliousness, sallow
skin, coated tonge, sick stomach, dizziness,
tainting spells, etc. Ramon’s treatment
of Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets strength
ens the liver and makes it doits own work.
Prevents and cures these troubles. It aids
—doesn t force. Entire treatment 25c.
Locust Grove Drug Co.
The Price of Health.
“The price of health in a malari
ous district is just 25 cents; the
cost ot a box of Dr. King’s New
Life Pills,” writes Ella Slayton, of
Noland, Ark. New life Pills cleanse
gentlp and impart new life and vig
or to the system. 25c. Satisfaction
guaranteed at all druggists’ and A.
£L frige, Lccust (Irovc,