Newspaper Page Text
Hfli?! or Waist of good quality lawn,
44 m I tucked front and back with
yUlls insertion fold.
ai- For Waists of extra good quali=
\ 1 '/K ty lawn, with embroidered
<PIiL J yoke.
SI Mfl 3. st >' les °f Waists made of soft
| /j If lingerie cloth, trimmed with
ii a I! Swiss and lace insertion.
$a jnm For Waist with all over em
| ||m brosdered front, tucked back
1.041 and sleeves.
* SK i RTS *
j SKIRT of gray shadow check
$1 LlC\ suiting, tucked down front and
aU side, trimmed with buttons.
S«y SKIRT of Blue Mohair, trim
\ / S med with buttons and black
'J*! J silk folds.
Rain and is the order of the day.
Miss Tennie All’s visited Miss
Tommie Raven, of Hampton, Sat
trday morning.
Mrs. Janie Wise and Mrs. T. P.
Wise were the guests of relatives
at Lovejoy Saturday.
Mr. Henry Kennedv and daughter
Miss Felie are spending someth) e
with relatives in Gwinnett county.
Miss Leone Wise was the guest of
Misses Ella and Sallie Mitchell Sat
urday night.
Mr. Bob Wise, of East Point, was
the guest of relatives here last
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. G. P. Turner, of Newton
county, visited his brother. Uncle
Tom Turner, one day last week.
Mrs. G. W. Pritchett visited Mrs.
Joe Green Mitchell Friday after**
Miss Nellie Wise is visiting her
consul, Miss Arm Fields, of Hump-;
Mr. and Mrs. Green Mitchell and
four children were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. West, of Flippen
Mr. Tom Calaway. of East Point,
visited his Tom Turner one day
last week.
The school closed at Mayes school
house last Friday, the children en
joyed a candy pulling given by
their teacher, Miss Ethel Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Mitchell were
the guests .of Mr. and Mrs. Sweet
Conkle Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Tom Foster and Miss Ella
Mitchell and Mr. Earney Campbell
and Miss Sallie Mitchell attended
the Sunday school at, Liberty Hill
Sunday afternoon.
Ml'. Callough, of Dutch Town,
and Miss Sallie Mitchell attended
the S. S. at Mt. Carmel Sunday
Mr. Tom Bright and his best
girl were out driving Sunday after
Mrs. Green Mitchell was the guest
of Mrs. Wyatt Rowan Tuesday.
Black Eyes,
I have been absent for sometime
but if the editor will allow me a
little space I will give a few dots
from this place.
Mr. Jim Anderson has been on
the sick for the past week, but we
hope he will soon be out again.
Rufe and Roy Greer were the
guests of Rogers Martin Sunday
Corn and cotton looks very sick
from the winter days which has
just passed and gone.
Mrs. Tom Haile and children, of
near Rocky Creek, are the guests
of her mother near Jonesboro this
Mr. C. H. Martin was bitten by a
dog last Satureay but not spriously
The farmers will be busy for a
while, when it quits raining, plant
ing corn and cotton.
Hickory Eill thinking ye scribe
is choked on chicken bones—that
sounded funny for White Man don’t
eat the bones—he eats the chick
Last Monday was one of them
rainy days wasn’t it.
H. H. Greer passed through
this place Saturday enroute to
A. Y. Martin was out riding Sun
day last with one of Greenwood's
If you are not a subscriber for
the Weekly you should be or you
i will miss all the news.
Bitten by a Spider.
Through blood poisoning caused
i by a spider bite, John Washington,
!os Bosqueville, Tex., would have
lost his leg, which became a mass
lof running sores had he not been
; persuaded to try Bncklen's Arnica
Salve. He write's: “The first ap
| plication relieved, and four boxes
I healed all the sores.” Heals every
sore. 25c at all druggists’ and A.
H. Price, Locust Grove.
‘‘Pneumonia's Deadly Work
had so seriously affected my right
lung, ’’writes Mrs. Fannie Connnr.
of Rural Route 1, Georgetown,
Tenn., “that I coughed continuous
1s night and day, and the neigbors’
prediction—consumption seemed
inevitable until my husband brouht
home a bottle of Dr. New Discov
ery, which in my case proved to be
the oi 1 r real cough cure and re
storer of weak, sore lungs.” When
all other remedies utterly fail, you I
may still win in the battle against j
lung and throat troubles with New |
Discovery, the real cure. Guar
anteed by all druggists, and A. H.
Price, Locust Grove. 50c. and SI.OO
Trial bottle free.
I can save you money on buggies
and harness. Call and see them or
write me for prices—cash or credit.
Locust Grove, Ga.
Many have been the visitors a*
the Weekly sanctum this week
from sturdy citizenry of this grand
old county, but space forbids us
giving a seperate personal to every
one of them—we greatly appreciate
having all of our constituents call
on us and hope to have everyone of
these people visit ns again first op
portunity, and with each and
everyone its been a genuine pleas
ure to see us to have met them.
A Woman Tells How to Believe
Kheumatic Pains.
I have been a very great sufferer
from the dreadful disease, rheuma
tism, for a number of years. I
have tried many medicines but
| never got much relief from any of
| them until two years ago, when I
! bought a bottle of Chamberlain’s
, Pain Balm. I found relief before I
had used all of one bottle, but kept
on applying it and soon felt like a
different woman. Through my ad
vice many of my friends have tried
it and can tell you how wonderful
ly it has worked. — Mrs. Sarah A.
Cole, 140 S. New St., Dover, Del.
i Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is a lini
ment. The relief from pain which
!it affords is alone worth many
times its cost. It makes rest and
j sleep possible. For sale by McDon
i ough Deug Co.
Buys Waists made of soft !in=
jfajr /fl £ er ' e cloth, square yoke of val
bums U and Swiss insertion, small
tucks below, short sleeves trimmed with
lace to match yoke.
7C Waist of fine Mercerized Mull
el/ fil elaborately tucked, and with
y strips of beautiful lace and
Swiss insertion.
▼ yif. £lf| front of self embroidery, round
thread val insertion and small
tucks, clusters of small tucks forming
back, short sleeves.
j, _ ___ Gray Panama SKIRT with
h l Mn » nver t et l box plaits, folds and
M-.__ For SKIRTS in black, light
OK gray and navy, made of excel
.JiU lent quality chiffon Panama,
cut wide and graceful in design, elabor
ate with tucks.
Rev. R. R Caldwell, pastor of the
A. R. Presbyterian church,
preached a most excellent sermon
to a large audience last Sunday.
After which in behalf of the con
gregation he thanked the ladies of
the Aid Society for the handsome
hairs they have just placed in the
Miss Lois and Mr. Tom McDon
ald came over from Covington to
be at the festival Saturday night.
Mr. Lum Ingram, of McDonough,
was mingling with friends here
Saturday and Sunday.
Col. Brant, of Lithonia was the
guest of Mr. Neal McDonald Sun- 1
Misses Annie Adams, Lucy Mc-
Donald and Larua Lummus dined
with Mrs. Mattie Thrasher Sun
Messrs. Harris, Ingram and Terry
McDoliald spent Sunday with Mr.
i Wade Hooten.
Mr. Howard Hooten is the pos-
I sesor of two alligator pets which
jhe brought from Florida a short
1 *ime ago.
Messrs. Will and Harmon Mc-
Donald, of Covington, were here
Sunday spending the day with
Messrs. Jack Swann and Will
Hooten, of Covington were here on
business last Monday.
Rock Spring school closes Friday
the 2f>th, with a picnic at Snapping
Shoals. Hopewell and Victory
schools of Newton county will join
them at the river and a good time
! is anticipated.
The ice-cream festival given by
the Ladies Aid Society for the ben
efit of the China famine last Satur
day evening was quite a success.
A most interesting program was
! rendered in which the ladies gave
geographical discription of China,
mission work there, cause and ef
fect of famine and an < arnest ap
peal in behalf of the sufferers. The
pastor then gave a most helpful
talk on our Christian duty in the
Shatter. Cream and cake was served
by the ladies. The sum of twenty
five dollars being raised.
Brick store' 25x80. Good
House; Good Stand; Good
Term; $15.00 per month.
Locust Grove, Ga. tf.
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths,
There is a disease prevailing in this
country most dangerous l>ecause so decep
—lN 1 lltUI VA tive. Many sudden
£[ rA deaths are caused
by it—heart dis
ease, pneumonia,
1 fu\ heart failure or
J C)J j—apoplexy are often
~ \ the result of kid-
II Dd ney disease. If
I\\ VS Lyi kidney trouble is
M Rj.J - ! allowed toad vance
it„r-^- ed blood will at
tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of
the bladder, or the kidneys themselves
break down and waste away cell by cell.
Bladder troubles almost always result
from a derangement of the kidneys and
a cure is obtained quickest by a proper
treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel
ing badly you can make no mistake b
taking Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the
great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
It corrects inability to hold urine and
scalding pain in passing it, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to go often through the day,
and to get up many times during the
night. The mild and the extraordinary
effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized.
It stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing cases.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is
sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and
one-doilar size bottles. You may have a
sample bottle of this wonderful new dis
covery and a book that tells all about it,
both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When
writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper. .Don't make any
mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-
Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the
address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every