The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 26, 1907, Image 7
4>KEN & BARRON. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Jenkinsburg, Ga., April 10, *O7. B. B. Carmichael & Sons, McDonough, Ga. GFNTLEMEN The buggy I bought from you last year has given me entire satisfaction. I had another runaway today—no damage done except a broken singletree and one side curtain torn up. Will say for the buggy and you, if it had not been made of the very best stuff it would have been torn all to SMASH. The Summers buggy is a good buggy. Yours very truly, B. F. AKIN, M. D. i The above is an unsolicited letter from Dr. Akin, and is one of many similar letters we are receiving from school teachers, farmers, doctors, liverymen, etc B. B. CARMICHAEL & SONS. ■not) ■ A - NSfe# I FIRST AND ffl * Mean $ $ made to all who 1 buy or wear them. In style,? ease and durability, “Shield Brand Shoes'’] toe the mark of perfection. SOLD BY RELIABLE MERCHANTS ONLY j iva. c. kiser eo. , Manufacturers. / L ATLANTA, CA. Jjk OAKLAND. [Last week’s letter.] Nice rain last Thursday. Winter time again the first of the week. Let the farmer take his rest now for the time will soon come when he cannot rest. Miss Estelle Woodward has a flourishing school at this place of about forty-five pupils. . W. m. Patterson went west last Sunday—what is the attraction old boy. Brother Young Fellow, the far mer correspondent of Mt. Carmel, was a pleasant visitor to ye scribe last Saturday night. The many friends of Mrs. W. E. Alexander and daughter, Miss Mat tie, will be sorry to learn that they are no better at this writing. Miss Yassie Clark spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Nevada Sor row. Mr. Grover Campbell and wife ) from Liberty Hill, visited in this community Sunday last. We will ask the farmers to plant lots of beans, watermelons and have large “rostenear” patches to help to make up for the fruit crop as there wont be any fruit this year Mr. J. M. Barnett made a business trip to Macon last Tuesday. A goodly number of this section accepted their invitation over to court this week. Mr. Joe G. Mitchell is the proud father of a bouncing baby boy this week. On the fourth Sunday of this month there will bo preaching at this place at three o'clock in the afternoon by Rev. Tom Brown. Let everybody come. Uncljc Fed. We do fine Job Work. LIBERTY HILL. B. C. Bright, S. E. Campbell and J. S. Barnett are attending court at McDonough this week. Mr. Jim Anderson is on the sick list this week, much to regret of his many friends. Misses Alice May and Tommie Lee Adamson, of Atlanta, and Miss Lois Sims, of Jonesboro, visited Miss Mommie Adamson Saturday and Sunday. Miss Stella Barnett entertained a number of her friends at dinner Sunday. We aae sorry to learn that Mr. R. B. Babb is quite sice at this writ ing. Mr. Harvey Barnett was seen out riding Sunday afternoon —and not alone. Mr. Parker Babb, of Atlanta, is off on a fifteen day vacation. Miss Mattie Alexander is down with typhoid fever, much to the regret of her many friends. School closed at Liberty Hill last Friday, followed by an exhibition Saturday evening, from 7:30 to 10:30. The entire program was very enjoyable throughout. Every pupil carrying out their part in a manner, highly pleasing to both teacher, and parent. A magnificent audience was pres ent, estimated at somewhere near one thousand people. Excellent order was observed through the entire program. Yankee Boy. Notice to the Public. I will be here all this and next week for the purpose of taking guano notes. Farmers Union Warehouse, 2t. G. L. Thrasher, Mgr. Talking Machines, Records and Needles. Jno. R. Smith, McDonough HAMPTON, [Last week’s letter.] Mr. W. M. Harris spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Mr. J. G. Turner spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. J. O. Pro thro, of Carrollton. Mrs. W.'S. Davis spent Friday with Mrs. S. H. Griffin. Miss Susie Capps, of McDonough is visiting relatives here. Mr. Wardie Massey was seen in Hampton Saturday. Mrs. H. J. Manley, of Nashville, Tenn., is visiting her mother, Mrs. R. C. Adams. Miss Fannie Lou McDaniel visit ed Miss Blanche Norris Saturday and Sunday and was most delight fully entertained by the Hampton sociables Saturday. Prof. J. W. Dennington, Miss Emma Manley and Miss Annie Tur nipseed attended the teachers’ in stitute in McDonough last Friday. Great progress is being made to build a new Methodist church, which is greatly needed. NOTICE —The program of the Hampton public school commence ment will appear in this paper a few weeks hence. School Gikl. PHILIPPI, [Last week’s letter.] If this cold and stormy weather doesn’t discontinue our fruit will soon all be killed. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McKibben spent Monday with Mrs. J. J. San difer. Mr. Oscar McKibben is making his regular hitching post at Mr. W. J. McKibben’s every Sunday now. Arrangements are being made to have an entertainment at school April 19—everybody cordially in vited. We are sorry to note that Miss Saveppa English is seriously ill at this writing. Misses Anna and Mamie McKib ben spent Sunday with Miss Ethel Bearden. Mrs. B. W. Reynolds has been quite sick since the meeting of the teachers’ institute. Luther Jinks made a pleasure trip to McDonough Monday. We will ring off for fear of step ping on some one’s toes and have them ‘-hopping mad.” Sue & I. STOCKBRIDGE. [Last week’s letter.] Winter coming again—farmers will have to replant cotton. Young and old courting this week They are getting everv body up here. If they havn’t got you, you had better lookout. We are sorry to note that Mr. George Henderson is on the sick list this week. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Mr. J. G. Ward visited Jackson the greater part of the week. Mr. T. C. Terry and his charming sister. Miss May Terry, visited Mr. Henry Cleveland, of Bethany, Sun day. Hon. W. R. Maher, of Atlanta, visited this place last week. With good wishes to the Weekly and all its readers. Maud. is a soothing, healing balm containing ! no drugs having a narcotic effect. It RELIEVES quickly and soothes the congested membranes and thoroughly heals and i cleanses. Valuable not only for j CATARRH but relieves colds, throat troubles, | hay fever, “stopped-up” nose, etc. We, Guarantee Satisfaction, j Buy a 50 cent tube ox i\OSEKA_tro£Q Banking by Mail Is no Experiment but a tried Success. It is a plan which enables you to save successfully, regaadless of where you live. Maddox-Rucker BankingCo ATLANTA, GA. CAPITAL and SURPLUS - $700,000.00 TOTAL RESOURCES OVER $3,000,000.00 A Reputation of moee than a quarter of a centuary lor Soundness, Conservatism and Steady Growth. 4% INTEREST COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits can l)e sent by Hank Cheeks on Atlanta or New York, Host Office or* Express Money orders: or you can send Currency by Registered Letter oc Kx press. WRITE TODAY FOR BOOKLET “,C” A POSTAL WILL CO. JOHN B. WATKINS, VETERNARY SURGEON, Office at Hack Goodwin’s stables below county jail. Office hours: 1.30 to 2.30 p. m., Friday, Saturday and Sunday. All calls promptly attended to. Office Phone 44' Residence Phone 131, Jackson, Ga. _ $12,50 LOWEST PRICES in the UNITEd STATES SP ajSSSjSPj Our machines are handsome in appearance, strong fk® ' n construct i° n . and perfect in detail; and we guarantee p thorn to be as good as any machine on the market at any Kr t vPa price. Machines are sold under 10 year guarantee, hut will *1 last a lifetime.* CATALOGUE FIfEE. • Jno. Foster Co., 265-7 Decatur St.. Cor. Moore. Atlanta. Ga. Dr. Ellison, Spocialist, CURES MEN \ Mv best reference and guarantee is PAY WHEN CURED ft BMP'* I successfully treat and likewise cute all Nervous, Chronic aid Private IjffiOl. ip Diseases of Men and Women. Consultation, ox mination and Adv ice Free. >7 flf? \ki / T Pit jmi I'd Cull on or Write me in confidence. Office A 1 * Hours daily 8.1. m. to Bp. m. Sunday 9a. m. ' oT to 2p. m. Booms 205 6 Austell Bl . first floor. Bell phone 3289 Main. Entrant No. 10 IS. FORSYTHE STREET ATLANT.t. GA. weMSsk YIWS j carefully prepare and lurr.i. h all medicines to my patients without extra cost Tax Receiver’s Notice. FIRST ROUND. Hampton Wednesday, April 3 Sixth Thursday, 4 Flippen Friday, 5 Stockbridge Monday, 8 Shakerag Tuesday, 9 Brushy Knob Wednesday, 10 Loves Thursday, 11 McMullens Friday, 12 Beersheba Monday, 211 Sandy Ridge Tuesday 30 Tnssahaw . Wednesday, May 1 Locust Grove Thursday, 2 Lowes Friday, 3 SECOND ROUND. Hampton Wednesday, May, 8 Sixth Thursday, It Flippen • Friday, 10 Stockbridge Monday, 13 Shakerag Tuesday, 14 Brushy Knob Wednesday, 15 Loves Thursday, lfi McMullens Friday, 17 Beersheba Monday, 20 Sandy Ridge Tuesday, 21 Tussahaw Wednesday, 22 Locust. Grove Thursday, 23 Lowes Friday, 24 THIRD ROUND. ) Hampton . • Monday, May, 27 Sixth Tuesday, 28 Flippen Wednesday, 29 Stockbridge Thursday, 30 Shakerag Friday, 31 Brushy Knob Wednesday, June, 5 Loves Thursday, ft McMullens Friday, 7 Beersheba Monday, 10 Snapping Shoals, 9 o’clock a. m., Island Shoals 11 o’clock a. in., Woodstown 1 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, 11 Sandy Ridge Wednesday, 12 Tnssahaw Thursday, 13 Locust Grove Friday, 14 Lowes Monday, 1< FOURTH ROUND. Hampton Tuesday, June, 18 Stockbridge Friday, 21 Locust Grove Iriday, 28 McDonough Court Week, First TuesdayF, and Saturdays until Books are closed June 29th. W. W. PATTERSON, TAX RECEIVER. Subscribe for The Weekly. w