Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Talking Machines, Records and
Needles. ,Tno. R. Smith, McDonough
Miss Nettie Campbell spent Tues
day in the Gate City shopping.
Miss Bertha Dickson spent sever
al days in Atlanta the first of the
Buy the best—KEEN KUTTER
tools and shears from B. B. Car
michael & Sons.
Messrs. Frank Kelley and Ed Al
exander, of Atlanta, were the
guests of home folks here Sunday.
WANTED —Your money or. de
posit. Four times insnred.
tf. Bank of Stockbridge.
Mr. Robt. Townsend, of Atlanta,
was the guest of his sister, Mrs.
Julian Weems, Sunday.
FOR SALE.—One first class Wil
liams typewriter. See B. D. Kel
ley, McDonough.
Col. J. W. Wise, of Fayetteville )
was one of the prominent visitors
in McDonough on Monday.
B. B. Carmichael & Sons save
you money on all kinds of hard
Miss Nina Wall left Thursday
for a month's visit to friends and
relatives at Macon.
Miss Gertrude Mickey, of Atlan
ta, arrived Wednesday and will
spend a fortnight at the Brown
Mr. Asa Lemons, who is a stud
ent at Emory college, spent the
week-end with home folks in this
Dr. A. D. Jones, who is traveling
for a large drug firm, was the guest
of old friends here the latter part
of last week. 4
Miss Annie G. Thompson, who is
a student at Agnes Scott Institute,
was the guest of home folks several
days the past week.
Note the change in Dr. Lifsey’s
office hours 7to 12 a. m. ; 1 to J
p. m., instead of 1 to 5 as hereto
fore. tf
Mr. A. L. Kronfeldt, of New
York, a representative of one of
the largest clothing firms of that
city, was registered at the Brown
House Wednesday.
The many friends of Mr. Jim
Stroud are glad to see him able to
he back at home after a two weeks
stay in Atlanta at the hospital. He
is much improved and will be
entirely well again in a short time.
If you stroke a cat’s back proper
ly, she'll come back. Some way
with the custoner that we sell a
SUMMERS buggy he will come
B. B. Carmicheal & Sons.
I can save you money on buggies
and harness. Call and see the mor
write me for prices—cash or'eredit.
Locust Grove, Ga.
Col. W. B. Hollingsworth, of
Fayetteville, judge of City court
of Fayette, and cashier of the Bank
of Fayetteville, one of the most
prominent and influential citizens
of that county, was in McDonough
on professional business on Mon
Mr. J. S. Barnett, one of the
staunch citizens of Liberty Hill
community was in the city Wed
nesday getting up 'a subscription
for a new school house at that
place. They propose to build a
thousand dollar school building for
their community and the subscrip
tions are rapidly being made. The
work is to begin not later than
July Ist.
For alll the county news read the
W. S. Davis, one of Hamilton's
leading citizens was a visitor here
WANTED—Good loans ou ap
proved collateral,
tf. Bank of Stockbridge.
Mr. J. J. Maun, who has been in
the cotton business here during the
past season, has moved back to his
from near Stockbridge.
Mr. J. W. Rape lias been quite
sick at his home here the past
week, but is much improved at this
Easiest to operate—no noise— no
pulling. The “simplicity” is the
Sold by B. B. Carmichael & Sons.
County court was in session here
on Wednesday but no cases of es
pecial imporatanue came up for
Miss Lillian Daniel, one of Mc-
Donough’s most lovely and popular
young ladies left last Thursday for a
2 weeks visit to relatives at Griffin.
Do you want a horse and buggy
at a bargain?—buggy almost new.
if so see
Have two first class Williams
typewriters—each cost $ 100.—
will sell one of them very cheap, j
See me at once. B. D. Kelly, Me-1
Donough, Ga.
Mr. Hard Elliott, who for two
weeks was sick at his home, is able
to be back at his post of duty at
the Welcli-Hunt Supply Company’s
Mr. Joe Phillips, who has been
quite sick for several weeks at his !
brother’s near Salem, is able to be j
on the streets to the delight of his !
many friends.
The New Home Sewing
Hachine for quality and
light running, see me be
fore you buy.
Howard Carmichael.
Sheriff A. C. Sowell has moved
into his handsome new home on
Hampton street, which is one of
the finest and prettiest new cot
tages in the city.
Let everyone be his own lawyer
by getting a copy of E. T. Roe's
and Elihu G. Loomis’, “Business
and Law”. For sale by B. D. ;
Keller, McDonough.
The many friends of Mr. and 1
Mrs. E. M. Copeland are pained to
learn of the serious illness of , their
little fourteen month’s old child,
that has been very sick since last
Buy the “TWO IN ONE” Stand
ard machine from B. B. Carmichael
& Sons and get both the lock and
chain stitch. Absolutely the best i
machine on the market today.
Mr. Z. W. Copeland, of Elherton,
has been here this week the guest
of his brother, Mr. E. M. Copeland ,
and other friends and relatives, be
ing called here by the serious ill-.
ness of his brother’s little child.
If in need of a Dictionary see
B. D. Kelley and let him figure
with you—He handles the Stand- j
ard—the latest and best Dictionary
Hon. J. Q. Nolan’s address at
Winder on memorial day was one j
of the ablest and most magnificent
speeches that he has ever delivered,
and from every out; who heard him
comes the highest and most lauda
tory praise for McDonough's dis
tinguished son. He is a most gift-!
ed and polished orator on any and ,
all occasions, but his loyal patriot- i
ism and love for the land of his !
birth makes him pre-eminently fit- !
ted for an occasion that calls for a
tribute to the valor and bravery
c f the S j u!hexn soldier. 1
McDonough, Georgia, Friday MAY 3, 1907.
Just received a nice line of Sun
day School Bibles ; also Red Letter
Bibles and Testaments. I can save
you money—see me. B. D. Kelley.
STANDARD—the only machine
which combines capacity and ab
solute reliability in quality. Sold
by B. B. Carmichael & Sons.
Mrs. W. A. Hooten, of New Hope,
who was called here by the critical
illness of her daughter, Mrs. W. B.
J. Ingram, has been quite sick since
first of the week.
Miss Ermena Well house, of Atlanta
was the attractive and interesting
guest of Miss Corrie Bridges for
several days, returning to her home
on Tvmsday.
A. V. McVicker, of Lovejoy, for
many years a citizen of west Henry
but now one of the leading mer
chants of Lovejoy, was a visitor
here on Wednesday.
Just tight enough to stand firm,
and run easy, that's the beauty of
it. So simple so easy to adjust.
No binding points. The acme of
perfection. Guaranteed ten years
—tnat's the STANDARD MA
B. B. Carmichael & Sons.
The New Home is the
lightest running machine
on the market besides
having other qualities
that are far superior to
cheap one s.
Howard Carmichael
The Inman public school in Fay
ette county will close Friday and
on Sunday Dr. Joel T. Daves, of
Griffin, will deliver the commence
ment sermon. There will bean en
tertainment Monday night by the
primary department and on Tues
day night the advanced pupils will
close the exercises of the term.
Cheap machines are
dear at any price,
when you buy a “New
Home” you only pay a few
dollars more and get dou
ble in value.
Howard Carmichael.
Prof. C. P. Aiken, Ihe able and
efficient teacher of Pleasant Grove
school, was a welcomed visitor in
the city Monday. One of the most
successful terms of tne school
closed last Friday night which was
the second night of a most success
ful and highly creditable com
mencement. With such teachers
as Prof. Aiken and his able corps
of teachers, the rural sections will
soon lead in education and mental
advancement and a 11a i n rne nt.
Quite a number from this city at
tended these exercises.
Victor .Junior SIO.OO
Victor “Z” 17.00
Victor One gg.OO
Victor Two no.OO
Victor Three 40.00
Others on up to 100.00
Victor ltecords H in.
tO in. OOc; l‘-i in. 1.00
Needles OOc per 100.
Jno. R. Smith,
HcDonough, Ga.
I will sell you a famous
New Home Sewing Ma=
chine on sixty days trial
and after this time if the
machine is not what I
claim for it you can re
turn it without any
cost whatever to you. See
them before buying aly
Howard Carmieba:!,
Mr, Irb Norman, of Covington,
was in the city Sunday.
Miss Alice Johnson, of Atlanta
was the guest of her mother, Mrs
M. A. Johnson Sunday.
Mrs. J. C. Fargason is visiting
friends and relatives in Jackson
this week.
Miss Selma Beilenberg and Miss
Nell Brown, of Atlanta, were the
guests of Misses Johnson Sunday.
Mr- Joe Combs and daughter,
Miss Anice were the guests of Mr.
J. S. Rodgers and family Thursday.
Messrs. R. L. Johnson and B. I).
Kelly spent Sunday with friends
in Jonesboro.
Mr. Homer Herring, who is now
|on the mechanical work of The
i Weekly, spent Sunday in Atlanta.
Mr. Will Campbell, the efficient
1 and accommodating assistant post
master here, spent Sunday in At
We now have 2‘JOO May Mauton
patterns to select from. Call or
send and save ordering one, all the
new ones coming in daily, fashion
sheets free.
Walker-Turner Co.
Mr. J. C. Hanes, of Jonesboro,
j one of the most popular “Knights
j of the Grip” in the state, was here
on Monday.
j Conyers, McDonough and Jack
son, as well as Forsyth, are mov
ing toward the erection of a Con
federate monument.—Griffin News.
“Diverse Cultivators”
Norman-Turner Co.,
Ola, Ga.
Miss Ethel Gray, of the Locust
Grove Institute, is spending a few
days with Per parents, Dr. and
Mrs. J. T. Gray, on Broadway.—
Griffin News.
For millinery, dress goods, trim
| mings, belts, colored and fancy
; goods. Call and let us show you
and we will please.
Walker-Turner Co.
Hon. Robert L. Berner, of Atlan
ta, and Hon. J. F. Redding, of
I Barnesville, were in the city yes
terday on their way to McDonough
j to attend Henry superior court.—
I Griffin News.
! New line of men’s shirts, Hosiery,
i low cut shoes and clothing coming
in daily also the largest selection
i in McDonough,
Walker-Turner Co.
Miss Berth.a Bunn has returned
from Greensboro. She wishes all j
the Juveniles to be present as she i
has something interesting to tell !
! them concerning the work in the I
foreign fields, Sunday afternoon at
| J o'clock at the Methodist church.
Miss Maggie Manley was the
lovely hostess at social for the
younger set on last Friday evening.
Games and many other pleasant
features enlivened the pleasures of
the evening, and at a late hour the
happy guests all reluctantly bade ;
“good night” to this bright and
charming little hostess.
An accidental discharge of a par
lor rife in the hands of Mr. W. L.
King, of Jonesboro, very seriously :
it not fatally, wounded his young
est sister, Miss Jessie King, a beau
tiful ftnd popular young lady about
twenty years old, on last Saturday
morning at her borne at that place.
He was working on the rifle and
didn t know it was loaded, when it j
suddenly fired, the bullet stricking !
his sister in the abdomen. Miss
King is the yotmgest daughter of 1
Mr. J. L. King, county treasurer of
Clayton. Dr. Floyd Mcßae, of At
lanta, found that the bullet had!
made sixteen perforations of the j
int tiu.'S.
\r r si ■ ST
The McDonough Sunday 's!ixis
will hold their annual pioct * it,
W arm Springs, Ga., on ’.or.
May 10, 1007.
file merchants of McDmi vvajx
have agreed to close their pm.< y off
business on that date to attend tivt
picnic. Reduced rates will h*
en by the railroad. EveryLoSy .1*
invited to attend and enjoy dto A,ijyr
of recreation.
We, the undersigned Morc.baoifw
of McDonough, agree to clos- . re
stores on Friday, May 10, 19C5, !U»
attend the annual Sunday Sribi ;M
picnic at Warm Springs.
First National Bank.
The Bank of Henry County
T, A. Sloan & Co.
W. D. Knight.
D. P. Cook & ('o.
Walker-Turner Co.
B. B. Carmichael & Sons
C. Engber.
J. H. Varner.
Welcli-Hunt Supply Co.
H. C. Turner.
H. L. (’armiohael.
H. J. Copeland Mercantile C 5.
J. S. Rodgers.
T. J. Patterson.
The McDonough Drug Co.
Ed Goodwin.
Sowell & Russell Co.
W. B. J. Ingram.
The Hetry County Weekly
On Tuesday a t three o'clock, yj?**..
Tom Brown gave a pretty jjv.V’t:
compliment to the Inter Se fit*.
Many bowls of beautiful jadiinaf
white roses adorned the parlor mul
dining room, while graceful
rendered the hallway most wit—
ing. Master Harry Brown asH.wvrti
Mrs. Brown in receiving her
"hih) little Miss Louise Ifeown.
handed dainty little heart sfafusl
score cards.
After playing progressive or/A
noes, refreshments were
consisiting of a delicious ,‘vhot
course, followed with cake {orat
cream. It was an afternoon of rnv.r
pleasure and each was relucts ro r<y
Mrs. Adams will entertain fla*
club at its next meeting, Mar r<‘h_
The Resistless Reaper has ygasti*
speed through this little citv **il
left vacant another mother's pkv 4
in the home. Mrs. Annie Aliev £*-
gram, wife of Mr. W. B. J. Ingram,
passing to the great beyond <uti.
Tuesday afternoon about 5 oYkeis.
after an illness of about ten
at her home here.
She was a most excellent aztii
highly esteemed lady, and r A~-
vout consistent Christian and ovsv
ber of the Baptist church from
ly life. She was about 27
old. She was married twenty shsuw
ago first of January ai d was a Ksa
Hooten befori her marriage.
She is survived by her huihvul
and seven children, the vonTigrsir
an infant a little more than a
old. She is also survived by iaejr
parents, Mr. and Mrs. XV. A. 'list
en and three sisters. The furoyal
and interment was at New
church on Wednesday afternoc*. ur
2:JO o clock, Rev. E. S. Atkir.* nt
A very large concourse of fri r«as
followed the remains to the iflgft'
resting place, testifying the
and esteem in which she was
by all wbo knew her. Anion** —*
relative's from a distance whs tv *-
tended the funeral were: Mr. 'astff
>:rs. E. J. Ingram, of Mulena ; J. Jfc.
Ingram, of Gr ttin, and Mrs. ,x, j_