Newspaper Page Text
Several Were Wounded, Some Fatally, in
Battle Between Troops and Wine-
Growers in Southern France.
Owing to the fact that the censor
ship is in operation in the south of
France, only brief items of news from
the scenes of the wine-growers’ dem
onstrations had reached Paris up to
early Thursday afternoon. These, how-
showed that the conflicts which,
have taken place between the troops
and mobs were more sanguinary than
at first supposed.
At Narbonne three persons were
killed and fully a hundred soldiers
and civilians, including a score cf
women, are said to have been wound
ed, several of them sustaining fatal in
juries. The troops, who were to fire
in the air, sho: straight at the mob.
A whole army corps has been put
in motion to deal with the rebellious
wine-growers, but the government
claims that the forces now are so dis
tributed as to isolate different sections
and render it practicably impossible
to effect a general mobilisation of the
dissatisfied people.
It was announced that the state ban
quet, which was to have been given
in Paris Thursday evening in honor
the king of Siam, had been counter
manded, owing to the bloodshed in the
south of France.
The president’s decision created
some excitement, as it emphasized the
gravity of the situation.
The newspapers report an attempt
bo burn the subprefecture at Nar
bonne. A mob piled stray/ at the gates
and set fire to it. Gendarmes fired
from the upper stories and the at
tackers fled.
It is also announced that there has
been further shooting in the streets
■of Narbonne and many persons have
been wounded.
Narbonne is described as presenting
a remarkable spectacle after the
night’s battle. The paving s.ones used
in the assault on the troops encumber
the streets, the walls are marked with
bullets, windows are broken and the
cafes are wrecked, the furniture hav
ing been used for building baricades.
Broken bottles, used as clubs, litter
the strets everywhere. Many of the
wounded are suffering from shot
wounds, and saber gashes or from
fractured skulls or limbs.
There are no signs of danger abat
ing, but the overpowering military
keeps the people from assembling in
large numbers.
Many wine-growers continue to pour
into Narbonne from the country dis
tricts, and threaten to set fire to the
hotels occupied by the army officers.
In the chamber of deputies Thurs
day morning, after a tumultuous scene
during which Premier Clemenceau
was addressed in insulting terms, an
interpellation of the government on
its repressive measures towards the
wine-growers was postponed until Fri
day, when the fate of the cabinet may
be decided.
Angered Roosevelt by Demanding Indem
nity for ’Frico Mob’s Work.
A dispatch to the Record-Herald,
Chicago, from Washington, says:
Viscount Aoki, the Japanese ambas
sador, has incurred President Roose
velt’s strong displeasure because of
bis Jack of delicacy and discretion in
conducting the negotiations relating to
the San Francisco attacks on Japan
ese. Acki’s recall is due to three
Being out of favo-r with President
Roosevelt. Marrying a German woman
(which mads him unpopular in his
own country) and not getting full so
cial recognition from the members of
the diplomatic corps in Washington.
Before the president left for Oyster
Bay the Japanese ambassador i.iikTd
with him about the attacks on Japan
ese in California and about the de
struction of their property. Acki dip
lomatioaiiy hinted that the United
States should pay indemnity to Japan
for the San Francisco mob cut rag s.
President Kcosevelt remained si
lent, anJ raintaking this s.ience for
acquiescence in the suggestion, the
ambassador made a definite proposi
tion tha: the United States pay an
indemnity. •
’iherc was no mistaking the presi
dent’s attitude then. He farc.bly ex
pressed dis..p.troval of the proposition
and dlsmi£_ed the ambassador wits
advice* to conduct his negotiations in
future with the, state dep-ar mint.
Secretary Root was informed of the
incident and immediately changed his
demeanor toward the Japanese am
" A Bold Step.
To overcome the weii-gTounded and
reasonable objections of the more intel
ligent to the use of secret, medicinal com
pounds. Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo. N.
Y., some time ago. decided to make a bold
departure from the usual course pursned
by the makers of put-up medicines for do
taestic use, has published broad
cast and optnfiy to the whole world, a full
and compete list of all the ingredients
entering inWthe composition of his widely
celebrated Thus he has taken
his and patients into
his full radefence. Thus too he has re
move<yuis/mcdicines from among, secret
ijostr/mrf'of doubtful merits, and made
I'minLucmalits of Known Composition.
By this bohLstop I)r. Pierce has shown
tMOnFJurnmlas arcLki .suqtLJACUIkffCP
that, he is not atrnm to subject them to
N’ot only does the wrapper of every bottle
of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Motooal Discovery, the
famous medicine for weak stomach, torpid
liver or biliousness ajid all catarrhal diseases
wherever located, have printed upon it, in
plain English* a full and complete Pst of all
the ingredients composing it. but a small
book has been compiled from numerous
standard medical works, of all the different
schools of practice, containing very numer
ous extracts from the writings of leading
practitioners of medicine, endorsing in the
strongest possible terms, each and every ingre
dient contained in Dr. Pierce's medicines.
One of these little books will be mailed free
to any one sending address on postal card or
by letter, to Dr. It. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y..
and requesting the same. From this little
book it will be learned that Dr. Pierce’s med
icines contain no alcohol, narcotics, mineral
agents or other poisonous or Injurious agents
and that they are made from native, medici
nal roots of great value; also that some of
the most valuable ingredients contained in
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for weak,
nervous, over-worked, ''run-down." nervous
and debilitated women, were employed, long
years ago, by the Indians for similar aliments
affecting their squaws. In fact, one of the
most valuable medicinal plants entering into
the composition of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre
scription was known to the Indians as
"Squaw-Weed.” Our knowledge of the uses
of not a few of our most valuable native, me
dicinal planks was gained from the Indians.
As made up by improved and exact pro
cesses, the "Favorite Prescription ” is a most
efficient remedy for regulating all tiie wom
anly functions, correcting displacements, as
prolapsus, anteversion and rctorversion,
overcoming painful periods, toning up the
nerves and bringing about a perfect state of
health. Sold by all dealers in medicines.
JC -i-A-SS—' •*—» JOHN It. DICKEY’S
Old Reliable BYE WATER
It curcß6ore eyes and granulated lids.
It strengthens weak eyes.
It cools and soothe* a sore eye.
It refreshes and strengthens a tired eye.
It don’t hurt when applied.
It feels good—children don’t drend it.
The genuine always enclosed in a red folding box.
Avoid imitations or something recommended just as
good. For chronic sore eye lids, sties and diseased
condition of roots of eye lashes, use Dickey’s Old
Reliable Eye Salve. At all stores or by mail 25cts.
DICKEY DRUG CO , lioxSO, Bristol*Tcnn.
7HE DAISY FLY KILLER destroys nil the
Tiit-s ana affords comfort to every noma —in dining room,
|i.,ili (urKc,
II AKOI.D NO Mints. If a l):Kn!l> Ate., Brooklyn. Bi. Y.
« . 4 Side and Centre
AtlaS Engines
Fssndry, Machine and Boiler Works and Supply Store,
A gg&k HICKS*
fr* Arenas«pCOLDS
Bottle 10c. At Or itifcot*
Father —Young Smollet is studying
“Watts on the Intellect.” He is go
ing to be a preacher.
Robby—l am going to be a doctor,
father. Will I have to study what'a
on the stomach? —May Lippincott’s.'
Over-Worked Eyes
Are relieved of blood-shot and inflamation I
without pain in one day by Leonardi’s Gold- j
en Eye Lotion. Cools, heals and strength- 1
ens. insist on having “.Leonardi’s.” It makes
strong eyes. Guaranteed or money refund
ed. nruggists sell it at 25 cts. or forward- !
ed prej aid on receipt of price by S. li. Le- I
onardi &. Co., J>,npa, 1 la.
A Mistake.
It is a mistake tj* think that the
bachelor has trouble about getting
the holes in his stockings darned.
When the holes begin to come in
them, he throws them away and buys
a r.ew pa : r.—Somerville Journal.
Ask your grocer for Argo Red Sal
mon, and do not accept any substi
tute. There is no finer Salmon packed.
A Deceiving Soldier.
Sergeant Cay was as regimental as
a button stick. “’Shun!” he cri a d
to his squad. “CViick march! Left ‘
wheel! Halt! Take Murphy’s name
for talking in the ranks.”
“But he wam't talking.” protested
a corporal who was standing near.
“Wasn’t he,” roared Sergeant Day. I
“Don't matter, then. Cross it out, and !
put him in the aunrd room for deceiv
ing me!” —Tit-Bits.
“Do you over play bridge whist?*
“No,” answered young Mrs. Tor
kins, “I can manage the cards all
right, but it will take me another
year or two to understand Bow* t>h«
score is kept.”—Washington Star.
FITS,St, Vittts’Danre .Nervous Diseases per
manently cured by Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve
Restorer. *2 trial bottle and treatise free.
Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch St., Pliila., Pa.
“Fapa, what year was mamma born
i in?”
“In ISGO, Willie. Her birthday’s in
“That would make her forty-seven
years old, wouldn’t it?”
“Ahem! Not necessarily.”—Denver
Argo Red Salmon is caught in Ber
ing Sea among the Icebergs. That is
why the flesh is so firm and the flavor
so delicious.
Don’t “keep” any cow. Make
pay her own board. If she is not
doing that she isn’t worth having
j around. A real good cow will pay
for her keep, and beside shew a pro*
; fit. —Indiana Farmer.
The hands of the housewife will
be kept soft and white and free from
| ail chap, redness or roughness if
borax is used.
Polly—Cholly is in love with Molly.
Dolly—Why what on earth attract
j ed him to her?
Polly—She was the first one to no-
I tice his new mustache, I believe.—•
San Francisco Bulletin.
Whole Body Covered With Cuban
Itch—Cuticura Remedies Cure
at Cost of 75c.
“My little boy. when only an infant of
three months, caught the Cuban Itch.
Sores broke out from Ins head to the bot
tom of his feet. He would itch and claw
himself and cry all the time. He-could not
sleep day or night, and a light dress is all
he could wear. I called one of our best
doctors to treat him, and his treatment did
not do any good, but he seemed to get
worse. He suffered so terribly that my
husband said he believed he would have to
die. I had almost given up hope when a
lady friend told me to. try the Cuticura
Remedies. I used the Cuticura Soap and
applied the Cuticura Ointment and he at
once fell into a sleep, anil he slept with
ease for the first time lor two months.
After three applications the sores began to
dry up, and in just two weeks from the
day 1 commenced to use the Cuticura Rem
edies my baby was entirely well. The treat
ment only cost me 75c., and 1 would have
gladi.v paid SIOO if 1 could not have got it
any cheaper. 1 feel safe in saying that the
Cuticura Remedies saved his life. He is
now a boy of five years. Mrs. Zana Miller,
Union f^ity, R. F. D., No. 1, Dir it ah CV,
M‘ch May 17, 1906.”
Remorse is the pain incident to Dr.
Experience colling and injecting a lit
lle common sense.
Argo Red Salmon is not only Pure
Food, but it is the cheapest and most
nutritious food in the country.
Lots of men seem to think the
wrong side of a saloon is the out
Manufactures cf and Dealers in ill Kinds tf
Portable. Stationary and Traction Enijiuw. Boilers,
Saw Mills and Grist Mills. Wood-working and Shin
gle Mill Machinery. Complete line carried In stock.
Writ# £cr i-ataiogne prices. Address all communica
tions to Atlanta. Ga. We have uo connections in
Ja A k»ODvills. Fla.
\From school
(to position.
( Write tor
i summer rate*
5 The Southern
Business College
> And School of
> Telegraphy,
&ec<;u«e of those ugly, grizzly, gray hairs. Use “LA CREOLE’ HAIR RESTORER. Prico, ti.OO. retail.
# LARD •
a more potent remedy in the roots
and herbs of the field than was ever
produced from drugs.
In the good old-fashioned days of
our grandmothers few drugs were
used in medicines and Lydia E.
Pinkham, of Lynn. Mass., in her
study of roots and herbs and their
power over disense discovered and
gave to the women of the world a
remedy for their peculiar ills more
potent, and efficacious than any
combination of drugs.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
is an honest, tried and true remedy of unquestionable therapeutic value.
During its record of more than thirty years, its long list of actual
cures of those serious ills peculiar to women, entitles Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound to the respect and confidence of every fair minded
person and every thinking woman.
When women are troubled with irregular or painful functions,
weakness, displacements, ulceration or inflammation, backache,
flatulency, general debility, indigestion or nervous prostration, they
should remember there is one tried and true remedy, Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound.
No other remedy in the country has such a record of cures of
female ills, and thousands of women residing in every part of the United
States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable compound and what it has done for them.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to wrße her for advice. She has
guided thousands to health. For twenty-five years she has been advising
sick women free of charge. She is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E Pink
ham and as her assistant for years before her decease advised under her
immediate direction. Address, Lynn, .Mass. 9
Wick line Flame Oil Cook-Stove
Tine different i <——jfl f
oa Stove Sffl/W Qifo
The improved f
Oil Stove
Gives best results, j )[ \ I \
Reduces fuel ex- )) U \f \
pense. A working II
flame at the touch of the U
match. “Blue Flame” means the hottest flame
produced by any stove. The New Perfection
will make your work lighter. Will not over
heat the kitchen. Made in three sizes, with
one, two, and three burners. Every stove war
ranted. If not at your dealer’s, write to our
nearest agency.
t The Lamp■
gives a clear, steady light. Fitted with
latest improved burner. Made of brass
throughout and beautifully nickeled.
Every lamp warranted. Suitable for library,
dining-room, parlor or bedroom. If not at
your dealer’s, write to our nearest agency.
20 Mule Team
will oleanne every article In your kltshsn or dlntn(r
room—make them bright—and for mlver or reiver
giro ah gh pollKh, All. Dealer*. 5-UMSO, Booklet
Tr< e. Sample, do.
B Now being put on every WHITS STAR
BUGGY. Ikey are a fitting clima* io
M the building of a perfect vehicle. j£f
vgL Aak us all about it.
Atlanta Bucgy Co.. jdv A
Atlanta, Ga.
8 / Vi) » ffiiwAA Standard lor 46 years: leaves no b?.d effects
g V** UtifCS Ihie quinine; pleasant to take; children like it,
ift A . Ju ssldcoi fail* to make permanent cure.
vot'H 4? a, i • ir- (ijarrnteed under Food and Drug* Act ol Jane
xK. cmii r Malarial Fevers 1908. At your druggists; or sent prepsld
on -cceipt of price.
Non Poisonous, Non Irritating. Allays Inflammation and stop*
pain from any cause. A a strong sa carbolic acid and as harmless a»
1.4 sweet milk, l ures burns instantly; cures old and chronic sores;,
.5/ cures sores and inflammation from any cause on man or beast, roe'
Mjr fowls—cures cholera, sore head and roup. Satisfaction positively
” guaranteed.
*or Sale by el; Firrt-C.j.*. Dealer*. Mf(rd. by CRESCENT OHKWICAt. t’O.. Kl. V*s ri b, Tmm
££IP& BSIfKSI io convince any
$5 |U fW woman that Pa x-
Baa iff/Tt Ra tine Antiseptic will
ST HtTSt W improve her health
El H B BailL «na do all we claim
“ “ «*for it. We will
s *na her absolutely free a huge trial
box of Faxtine with book of instruc
tions and genuine testimonials. Head*
your name and address tyt a postal card.
fectioris, such as nasal catarrh pelvic
catarrh and Inflammation caused hy femi
uinv ills; sore eyes, sore throat and
mouth, by direct local treatment. Its cur
ative power over these troubles is extra
ordinary and gives Immediate relief.
Thousands of women are using and rec
ommending It every day. 6o cents at
druggists or by mail. Remember, however,
THU U. PAXTON CO., Heston, JVla«s.
Tiiompson’s Eye Water