Newspaper Page Text
.1. V. I'orCHN. I'nbllsher.
K.lfc JOHNSON Kditor.
at the pdstofflca at McDon
u second-clase mall matter.
Rataa: 1100 per lack
H*r Bsonth. Reduction on etaadinf
iMKtracta by apecial agreement.
McDonough, Ga , .Tune 28, 1907.
It's to be a regular military inau-
Iferal in Atlanta Saturday—more
j/omp and display than ever seen
"before in Georgia.
Blackberries are here and mighty
*ooj» the watermelon. Its great to
be* Goorgian with a good healthy
ajrpciite these times.
The upi>er branch of the General
Assembly did themselves much
rrerlit and the state a distinct hon
or on Wednesday when they elect
ed Judge John Aiken president of
the Georgia senate.
Asa G. Candler has broke out in
the Rockefeller liqn^light.—lts an
easy matter to make large dona
tions if one has a product that all
the dear people use. Yes the people
furnish the money and these men
donate it and get much credit for
their philanthropy.
The first cotton bloom of the
season in this county to reach the
Weekly was brought in by Mr
Stewart from Mr. Rich Holland’s
farm, 2 miles west of McDohongh,
as vre go to press Thursday.
Wc arc having some dry weath
er showers, and winds this week.
A crowd of six enjoyed a singing
at Miss Rosa Sandifer’s Sunday
Miss Myrtle Crumbier, of Locust
Grove, is the guest of Miss Anna
MeKibben this week.
Our Sunday School was very
small last Sunday on account of
Bcorhcba’s singing. /
We, the Pliillippi, young folks,
*ve anticipating a jolly time at
High Fulls the 4th, )f July.
We are glad to know Miss Sevep
rm English was able to visit her
brother, Janies English Sunday.
Mr. W. J, Melvihben is able to
visit his friends and help them to
eat fried chicken, we are glad to
know he is so much better.
Miss Mabel MeKibben, one of
rnssahaw’s fairest young ladies,
who has been in the Telephone Ex
chang in Atlanta, visited her par
ents, Mr. and J. D. MeKibben Sun
We will ring off and wish success
to the Weekly.
SUE and I.
“Music is God's best gift to man, the
only art of heaven given to earth, the only
art of earth we take to heaven. But
music, like all our gifts, is given us in tin
germ. It is for us to unfold and develop
it-by instruction and cultivation.’’-London
“The language of tones belong equally
to all mankind, and that melody is the ab
solute language in which the musician
speaks to every heart.’’—Richard Wagner,
Symptoms. Sour stomach,
nasty taste in mouth, sick
headache, sallow complex
ion, the world your enemy.
Cause. Constipation ; inact
ive liver, overflow cf bile
into the system.
Relief. Treatment for two
nights before retiring with
- RA f K?ta
One a night, don’t worry, sleep
well and Nature’ll do the rest.
Entire Treatment 2J Cts.
Locust Grove Co.
[Last week's letter.]
We are having warm weather,
July will soon he here.
sir. Boh Gilbert Hud little daugh
ter, Sallie, were visitors here Sun
day afternoon.
sirs. Snllie Brown and children,
of Atlanta, are the guests of her
mother, sirs. James Gilbert, of
near Jonesboro this week.
sir. and sirs. Love Carroll, of
near Stockbridge, visited sir. and
Mrs. J. T. Henry, of near Rex last
Saturday and Sunday.
Misses Matt and Lois Gilbert of
Hopewell, were the guests of sirs.
George Gilbert a short while Sun
day morning. .
Miss Nina Carroll, of Stockbridge,
and sir. Hardy Askew, were out
driving Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Burt Cooger, of near Jones
boro, has been visiting his brother,
of near Conley the past week.
Mr. Parker Mitchell, of near
Stockbridge, was the guest of Edd
Lee Sunday last.
Miss Lois Gilbert spent Saturday
night with her younger aunt, siiss
Una Carroll.
Mrs. Cate Lewis, of East McDon
ough, visited home folks Saturday
J. B. Lee, of near Stockbridge,
made a business trip to Jonesboro
Wednesday last.
News is scarce--will ring off,
good by. ONLY TWO GIRLS.
Rev. Tom Brown filled his regu
lar appointment at this place Satur
day and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Andrews, of
Mt. Pleasant, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Barnett Sunday
Mrs. Georgia Stokes, of Fayette
ville, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Hattie Campbell this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Will Wynn, of near
Lovejoy, visited the latter’s par
ent. Mr. and sirs. B. C. Bright Sun
day last.
Any one in want want of a fine
Jersey cow would do well to call
on Mr. G. C, Campbell McDonough,
Ga., R. F. D. 3, as he has one for
There is a new baby boy stop
ping over over at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. I. Callaway.
We are sorry to note the ifiness
of Mrs (’ N. Dorsey—her many
friends hope for her a speedy re
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barnett visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Lon Barnett last
There will he an all-day singing
at this place the 4th of July,—
there are some fine singers expect
ed to he present from Atlanta and
other places. Every body is cordial
ly invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Sant Mitchell were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Mitchell last Sunday.
For all kind of nice cool drinks
the 4tli of July, at Liberty Hill,
call on Mr. Hampton Moore and
Yankee Boy.
Mrs. Forest, of Albany, is visit
ing relati vt s hi re.
Mrs. (). T. Hennesse spent Sat
urday in Barnesville.
Mr. Raymond Harris has return
ed to his home from the Tech.
Miss Susie Capps, of Griffin, spent
Sunday with her father, Mr. J. W.
Prof, and Mrs. L. T. F. Arnold
has returned from the Jamestown
Mrs. J. L. Tnrnipseed, of Vine
yard, spent Sunday with her fath
er, Mr. W. P. Wilson.
Messrs. Ryley and William Sum
n ers, of Barnesville, spent Sunday
with Mr. Jim Henderson.
Quite a crowd of the Hampton
iars attended tne exercises Wed
nesday evening, and all report a
si i cess, which was held at Mc-
Donough last week.
School Girl.
[Last week’s letter ]
Wheat threshing at B. C. Bright's
Tuesday, wheat crops throughout
the section better than expected.
Mrs. Lion Dorse v visited Miss
Flossie Penley Sunday.
D. C. MoClelon, of Stockbridge,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Guss
John Smith, of Griffin, Mr. and
Mrs Henry Barnette, were pleas
ant visitors at Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Moore Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Guss Mitchell visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Zack Mitchell Sat
urday afternoon.
Mrs S. E. Campbell and little
daughters, Forest and Gladys, vis
ited Mrs. W. I. Callaway last Thurs
Mrs. Lion Moore and daughter, of
Hampton, Were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Bright last week.
Little Eva Barnette was one
among the fairest at Liberty Hill
Sunday night.
Mr. Dickson Andrews, of Griffin,
visited his parents here Sunday.
Yours for the Weekly.
Kvery Man His Own Doctor.
The average man cannot afford
to employ a doctor for every slight
ailment or injury that may occur
in his family, nor can he afford to
neglect them, as so light an injury
as the scratch of a pin has been
known to cause the loss of a limb.
Hence every man must from nec
essity he his own doctor for this
class of ailments. Success often
depends upon prompt treatment,
which can <>nlv be had when suit
able medicines are kept at hand.
Chamberlain’ Remedies have been
in the market for many years and
enjoy a good reputation.
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diorrhoea Remedy for bowel com
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for
coughs, colds, croup, and whooping
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm (an an
tiseptic liniment) for cuts, bruises,
burns, sprains, swellings, lame
hack and rheumatic pains.
Chamberlain’s Stomach and
Liver Tablets for constipation, bil
iousness and stomaclie troubles
Chamberlain ’p for diseases of
the skin.
One bottle of each of these five
preparations cost but $1.23. For
sale by The McDonough Drug Co.
[Last week’s letter.]
Allen Rape and wife visited W.
E. Copeland Sunday last
Miss Nannie Upchurch is spend
ing the week with John Copeland
and family.
Len Greer and sister, Miss Jettie
and Miss Myrtice Carr went up to
McDonough Saturday.
Roseo Morris and mother visited
Felix Morris and family Sunday.
Miss Lizzie Pendley visited Mrs.
Elbert Copeland last Friday after
noon .
Mrs. Butler Steel and Mrs. Din
gier visited her mother last Wed
Mr. Henderson, of this place, has
moved to Griffin.
W. A. Copeland and wife visited
his son Elbert Copeland last Sun
day afternoon.
The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. E Rape has been real sick
for some time.
Litle Ethel Copeland, who has
been sick for some time is slowly
Mrs. Jim Lester and son, visited
Mrs. Elbert Copelanu last. Wednes
Mr. P. W. Pullen went up to At
lanta last Saturday on business.
Do Not Xrgleot The Children.
At this season of the year the
first unnatural looseness of a child’s
bowels should have immediate at
tention. The best thing that can
he given is Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy fol
lowed by castor oil as directed with
each bottle of the remedy. For
sale by McDonough Drug Co.
A nice new six room house on
large lot it is a bargain was built
for a homo price $1,400. If not
sold within a few days will he
taken off market. R. C. Brown,
tf. Locust Grove, Ga.
Office at Hack Goodwin’s stables below county jail.
Office hours: 1.30 to 2 30 p. m., Friday, Saturday and
Sunday. All calls promptly attended to. Office Phone 44]
* •
Residence Phone 131, Jackson, Ga.
Tax Receiver’s Notice.
Locust Grove Friday, 14
Lowes Monday, 17
Hampton Tuesday. June, 18
Stockbridge Friday, 21
Locust Grove Friday, 28
McDonough Court Week, First Tuesdays, and
Saturdays until Books are closed June k29th.
Account Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition
Southern Railway
Season, 60 day and 15 day tickets on sale daily commen
cing April 19th, to and including November 30th, 1907.
Very low rates will also be made fo Military and Brass
Bands in uniform attending the exposition.
Stop Overs will be allowed on Season, Sixty-day and
fifteen-day tickets, same as on Summer Tourist Tickets.
For full and complete information call on Ticket Agents Southern
Railway, or write :
Ferrates, routes and schedules or any infor
mation, address,
C. R. PETST, Trav. Pass. Agent
Macon. Ga.
Remarkable Rescue.
That truth is stranger than fic
tion, has once more been demon
strated in the little town of Fedo
ra, Tenn., the residence of C. V.
Pepper. He writes : “I was in bed,
entirely disabled with hemorrhages
of the lungs and throat. Doctors
failed to help me and all hope had
fled when I began taking Dr. King’s
New Discovery. Then instant re
lief came. The coughing soon ceas
ed ; the bleeding diminished rapid
ly, and in three weeks I was able
to go to work.” Guaranteed cure
for conghsand colds. 50c and SI.OO
at. all druggists’ and A. H. Price,
Locust Grove.' Trial bottle free.
[Last week's Letter.]
Fine growing weather.
Good deal of sickness down here just
Mrs. Betty Stroud is very sick,and Mar
ion Strawn’s little boy but is some better;
W. H. Wilkinson's little child, and others.
B. H. Welch’s family from McDonough
was visiting relatives near here Sunday.
Several of the boys have bought new
buggies, among whom is Ira Denham who
was hauling two of the fariest Sunday.
Some people can strain at a gnat, and
swallow a camel, think it is wrong to take
their hoe and go in the field on the Sab
bath, but do take their razor and shears,
and cut hair and shave, and charge for it.
“Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.”
Farmers raise your food supply at
home, that is the way I do it, then we
wont feet about the price of cotton.
1 have some corn on hand which I will
dispose of now, come and get it, its a good
price now.
W. W. Hooten has charge of the sing
ing at this place. He is not any novice
either. q j'
Diarrhoea Remedy
-i l —-" 7 - : - ■ ■ 1 ■j: .rg
Is 'a reli'ble, pleasant End sate
remedy for bowel complaints
both m children and adults. Buy
it now: it may save life.
Machinery is digging the Panama Canal
a thousand times quicker than the shove
dug the Erie.
Machinery produces L. & M. Paint at
50 times less cost for labor, than if made
by hand.
The L. & >l. gives the best job in the
world, because L. and M Zinc hardens L.
M. White Lead and makes L. & M
Paint wear like iron for 10 or 15 years.
It only requites 4 gallons of this celebra
ted paint and 5 gallons of Linseed Oil at
boots, per gallon-, to paint a moderate size
If any defect exists in L. & M. Paint,
will repaint house for nothing.
Sold by 11. J. Copeland Mercantile Co.,
Hampton Buggy Co., Hampton.
Women as We!! as Men fire Blade
Miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind,
discourages and lessens ambition; beauty,
f vigor and clieerful
ness soon disappear
when the kidneys are
out ° r<^er ° r
Kidney trouble has
1/ ecoine so prevalent
no *- Lincom
(7 * %TVAnr"T 111011 or a to be
born afflicted with
- -weak kidneys. If the
child urinatestoooften, if the urine scalds
tlie flesh, or if, when the child reaches an a
age when it should be able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet
ting, depend upon it, tlie cause of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidney and bladder troHble,
and both need tlie same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sokl
by druggists, in fifty- fr
cent and one-dollar
size bottles. You may
have a sample bottle
by mail free, also a Home of Swamp-Root,
pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention
this paper. Don’t make any mistake,
but remember tlie name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, X. Y., on every
bottle. J