The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 28, 1907, Image 5

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Peace in the home, your orders for the best
On the market promptly filled by us. We carry a full stock, your
neighbors use it, why not You?
Give us a trial and be pleased yourself.
Full Line of Paints, Leads, Oils and Furnishings.
Come and see us. Yours respectfully,
Phone No. 25. McDonongh, Georgia.
Tlie annual reunion of Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Barnett took place on
June 19th and was one of the most
pleasant and enjoyable occasions,
and sui’passes all former occasions
of this happy family reunion. The
day was very pleasantly spent in
social and pleasant conversations,
while the trend of conversation,
was along the line of pleasure and
the happy incidents that had hap
pened since they met on this for
mer occasion, yet in the hearts of
these dear parents and grandpar
ents, some days of sorrow and sad
ness would creap in, yet when
they realized the fact that the
Lord had so wonderfully blessed
them, their hearts were made to
rejoice and thank the Lord for all
his benefits, and that they had
been spared and let live to see so
many of their offspring gathered
around their hearth stone once
Refreshments were bountifully
served during the forenoon and
finally after patiently waitingly
that welcome call for dinner, was
heard and such a feast was seldom
enjoved. Every thing that heart
could wish, someting to suit every
body's appetite, even to the most
delicate. Every thing was served
in that good old fashion way, from
a long table spread under nice
shade trees in the yard, where
every body had plenty of room
and free access to all parts of the
heavy ladened table ; one only had
to see and partake of the viands to
know that good mother had given
her daughters a thorough and
careful training in the dining room.
Mr. Barnett, has always made
farming his profession, and has
raised a fine lot of sons to be good
upright, honest, and good men,
and are all good and prosperous
farmers, except one who chose
railroading, as his profession and
is now a successful railroad man.
There were present on this oc
casion ten children, and thirty one
grand children, just imagine the
joy and gladness that filled the
hearts of these parents when they
looked upon that happy group of
children and grand children; all
enjoying good health and pros
In the afternoon the time was
spent in singing songs of praise
and expounding of the scriptures,
bv Rev. Dan Henderson, which
was greatly enjoyed by all present,
and when the time come for the
seperation it was with reluctence
that they all hid each other good
by. All agreed that it was the
most pleasant and happy gather
ing that they had ever held.
This good father and mother
finds it necessary to always keep
God in thier home—how can they
and how can we all afford not to
keep Him, we need His presence in
times of temptation, we need it in
times of prosperity. We need it
in times of perplexity, for it is not
in man that walketli to order his
steps. We need it in times of sick
ness and in times of health in times
of rejoicing, apd in times of sor
row.” We need it when the death
angel hovers near and we stand by
the open grave side to bury our
loved ones out of sight. “We need
it when we our selves draw near
to the end of life’s pilgrimage.”
We wish for Mr, and Mrs. Bar
nett many days and years of health
and prosperity, and that they may
meet their dear children in many
more happy reunions. H. H. G.
Crops are looking fine since the ,
refreshing showers.
Mr. DeLouch, the popular drum- j
mer of Jonesboro, made his regu- j
lar trip here Monday.
Mr. W. T. Nottingham made a |
business trip to Atlanta Saturday.
Mrs. West and Miss Finnie Alls,
of Dutch Town, spent Thursday
with the Misses Hoods.
Mrs. T. D. Urquhart, of Atlanta,
visited her sister, Mrs. R. L. John
son, Saturday night and returning
Sunday accompanied by her moth
er, Mrs. L. A. Porter, who has
been spending several weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Edwards, of At
lanta, visited borne folks here last
Mrs. J. D. Dupree and children,
of McDonough, are visiting rela
tives at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rowland
spent Saturday and Sunday in
Marietta with friends.
Mr. Claud Jenkins, of Macon,
spent the day here Sunday with
Mr. R. W. Moore.
Mrs. J. D. Rowan is visiting rel
atives in Atlanta this week.
Mr. B. J. Brannan made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta Monday.
Mrs. N. A. Nash and children, of
Locust Grove, are visiting home
folks here this week.
Boh Crumblev and Grady Mad
dox, of Whitehouse, attended Sun
day School at this place Sunday.
Wonder if our friend Hickory
Bill is dead—if not would like to
hear from him next week.
J. C. Ellis, Train master of the
Southern Railway, Macon Division,
spent last Friday here with T. Not
Will close with best wishes to
the Henry County Weekly and its
many readers.
[Last week’s letter.]
J. W. Rawls made a business trip to At
lanta one day lust week.
Farmers are about through planting
cotton in the parts for the third time this
Mrs. L. H. Purs ley. of Lo?ust Grove,
spent several days with her flftughter, Mrs.
It. W. Boynton last week.
Little .Sable Nutt returned home with
her cousin Miss Lynch, of Grifiin.
On last, Tuesday evening the death an
gel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S-
Goodman, and took home one of their lit
tle twin girls, Lucile. It is so hard to give
them up but we must !>e submissive.
The Lord gave and the Lord taketh
away. The family chain at last is broken,
the golden link now waitsabove.
W eep not dear father, mother, brothers
and sisters, little Lucile is waiting and
watching for you. live dear ones so as
to meet little Lucile again and make the
family chain complete in Heaven Her re
mains were laid to rest in the cemetery at
Teainon church Wednesday afternoon,
Rev. R. F. Smith, of Locust .Grove, at
tended the services.
“Writing is not literature unless it
gives to the reader a pleasure which arises
not only from the things said, but from
the way in which they are said.” —Brooks.
[Last week’s letter.]
News very scarce this week,
every body so busy if they know
anything they would not take time
to tell you.
The condition of cotton is im
proving some, but it is yet any
thing bnt promising, on the ac
count of bad stands, and late plant
Farmers are well up with their
farm work, though crops of all
kinds are very backward, and the
seasons will have to be very favor
able if it comes around on time.
Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Martin, of
Rocky Creek, visited Mr. and Mrs,
J. H. Carr, of Luella last Sunday.
Messrs. J. P. & J. D. Welch, of
Rocky Ci’eek, visited Luella last
Wheat about all been threshed
in this section, and the yield was
very short, but the farmers have
sown all the land in peas and if we
have a favorable season will reap
a fine crop pf hay.
Mrs. J. Welch, who has been
quite sick for some time past we
are glad to note he is about well
Our prospects for water melons
are very bright and we hereby in
vite the Editor of the Weekly in
advance to come out and eat mel
ons with us for we are not at all
selfish when it comes to water
melons. (Thanks brother Abram
Mrs. H. H. Greer visited Mrs. G.
| W. Hand last Sunday.
We are glad to hear from all
parts of the county that the Far
mers Union is growing more and
more in strength and interest and
we hope to see it succeed in all its
undertakings. We think it is a
very necessary organization.
I have for sale both pine and oak
lumber, also 115 acres of land in
two tracts near Bethany church
very cheap. m. A. Norman.
[Last week’s letter.]
The Farmers of this section are
glad to see summer time oneo more
as the cotton is looking much bet
ter after a few days of beautiful
summer weather and cotton squares
are making their appearance.
W. B. J. Ingram and family, of
McDonouogh, spent Sunday with
J. M. Ingrain and family.
The singing given by Miss Ozella
Shaw Saturday night was enjoyed
by all present.
Mr Eddie Duffey, of Flippen was
in Tnssahaw Sunday.
Quite a number of young people
enjoyed an ice cream festival Sat
urday night, given by Miss Allio
A little lady is stopping with Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Laney.
Mrs. Tom Rawls is quite sick at
this writing, we hope for her a
speedy recovery.
Prof. Lane, of Monticello, will
teach a twelve days’ singing school
at Philippi beginning the last week
in July. Everybody come and
help make it a success.
Miss'Willie Mao Elking returned
to her home near Locust Grove
Saturday after a week’s stay with
her sister, Mrs. Laney.
Phin Woodward was in Atlanta
The wedding bells will be heard
in this community soon.
Miss Fannie Belle Whitaker, of
near McDonough, visited relatives
here Sunday.
Miss Florrie Ingram, of McDon
ough. and Mr. Emerson Rogers, of
Bethany, visited Miss Bessie In
gram near Phillippi Sunday.
Prayer meeting at Philadelphia
every Sunday night, everybody
come and help out in this good
Brother Wilson Culpepper filled
his appointment at Philadelphia
Sunday and preached an interest
ing sermon to a largecongiegation.