Newspaper Page Text
Leading Undertaker.
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night.
Phone 80.
McDonough, ga.
J£)r. 71- ZJ* Thompson,
OFFICE HOURS: 7.80 a. m. to 5 p. m.,
Every Day Except Monday.
Dr. Austin,
at Hampton, Ga.,
From 18 to 25 ot each month.
July tlio Fourth!
Singings everywhere !
Good old summertime.
3C> Light weight odd coats to go
at cost at Ingram Co.
Mr. Fred Kelley, of East Point,
was the guest of home folks on
New line of odd pants just re
ceived at Ingram Co.
Miss Spence, of Atlanta, arrived
on Tuesday to be the guest of Mrs.
H. B. Neal for several days.
Mr. Jim Hubbard and Miss Lil
lian Price, of Locust Grove, were
ihe guest® of Misses Bunn Sunday.
’Phone No. 11—If they haven’t
it, they will he delighted to get it
for you.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Walker, of
Locust Grove, were the guests of
Mr. I). T. Carmichael and family
Note tlio change in Dr. Lifsoy’s
office hours 7to 12 a. in.; 1 to II
p. m., instead of 1 to 5 as hereto
fore. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Coker, ac
companied by Master Frank Dick
son are spending several days this
■week at Brunswick.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Veal, of
Newton county, spent Saturday
and Sunday with the latter’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Dickson.
LOST: —Somewhere on or near
the public square a scarf pin—cres
cent shape—with froget-me-not in
center. Finder will return to this
office and receive reward.
Dr. George S. Tigner, of Atlanta,
who for many years was a citizen
of McDonough, was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Nolan on last
I can save you money on buggies
and harness. Call and see them or
write me for prices—cash or credit.
Locust Grove, Ga.
Miss Jonie Berry, one of this
city’s most lovely and attractive
young ladies, has gone for an ex
tended visit to her aunt, Mrs. Car
lisle, of Union Springs, Ala.
Summer Shoes reduced,
they must go, see us.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Miss Raleigh V. Glass, who has
been critically ill for sometime, is
thought to be slightly convalescent
Thursday at noon. Dr. Hightow
er, of Wliitehouse, and Dr. High
tower, of Stockbridge, are attend
ing her with Dr. Horton, this week
The world's greatest Grand Op
era singers, Nellie Melba, Adlina
Patti, Caruso, Calve, Scotti, Schu
mann-Heiuk, and a score of others
sings Exclusively for the
Victor Talking Machine Co
Hear some of these on the Victor
Machine. For sale by
McDonough, Ga.
14 Pieces 36 in. percal/ to go at
7c per yard at Ingram Co.
Mr. J. H. Beckham and Misses
Margaret and Leila Talley spent
Sunday afternoon at Indian Springs
Quite a crowd from this place
and section of the county attended
the singing at Beerslieha church
near Locust Grove on Sunday.
Mr. W. D. Tarpley, who for
sometime has been confined at
his home by sickness, is now able
to he out again.
Miss Kate Reagan, who has been
in Atlanta for several months,
has returned to her homo here to
spend the summer vacation.
Miss Eileen Neal left on Wednes
day for Hartwell, where she will
be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jack
Craft, for sometime.-
The many friends of Miss Eunice
Tarpley will be be glad to know
that she is now almost entirely re
covered from her recent severe ill
Miss Lollie V. Martin, one of the
effiieient and popular teachers of
the McDonough school, has return
ed to her home at Arnoldville to
spend the summer vacation.
Prof. Lawrence Dnffey, Henry’s
efficient, and popular county school
commissioner, has been quite in
disposed for several days this week
hut he is better and will soon be
hack in his office again.
Mr. E. W. Bigham, of Griffin,
Division Manager of the Mutual
Life and Industrial association of
Georgia, was the guest of the pop
ular local agent, Mr. C. A. Mc-
Kibben, on Tuesday.
Miss Zaidee Garr, the gifted and
talented teacher of expression in
the McDonough school the past
term, has returned to home at
High Falls for the summer vaca
Miss Margaret Talley, who was
ono of the popular and efficient
teachers in the city school the past
year, and her sister, Miss Leila
Talley, who was her charming
guest during commencement week,
loft on Monday for their home near
Dr. Frank Nolan, who recently
graduated from the medical school
in Atlanta, will leave in a few clays
for a tour through South Georgia,
where he goes on a prospective
trip to select a location where he
will enter upon his chosen profes
Mr. D. B. Morgan, one of Beer
shaba’s staunch and prominent
citizens, was in the city Tuesday.
He says that the rain and hail
storm on Monday afternoon in his
section of the county greatly dam
aged all the crops and in some in
stances whole farms were stripped
of all crops. The rain was very
heavy throughout the eastern part
of county and the wind and rain
and hail extended over quite a sec
tion, too.
Mr. Will Campbell, tlio crack 10.
cal catcher for the McDonough
baseball team, won a bright laurel
in this American sport game on
last Friday. An accident befell the
catcher of the Greenville team and
jnst a few hours before the game
was scheduled to play, the mana
ger of the team telephoned him to
come and catch the game. In bat
ting, he won all six of the scores
for the Greenville team by a score
of six to two in favor of Greenville.
He knocked one home run and
twice a throe bagger, each time
in men who were on bases.
Hon. and Mrs. J. Q. Nolan will
leave first of next week for Clay
ton, where Mr. Nolan goes to deliv
er an address iq this gem mountain
town of North Georgia on July 4th.
Mr. Nolan always pleases his au
diences at any occasion hut on
these occasions where bravery and
gallantry calls for a brilliant and
patriotic tribute ho is always at
ills best The Weekly congratu
lates the people of Clryton on se
curing our highly esteemed fellow
citizen to deliver an address for
them on Independanee Day. It
will be earnest, patriotic, brilliant
and fitting for the occasion.
7 Pieces madias 10c quality to
go at 7c yd Ingatram Co.
Mrs. H. C. Bridges and Miss Cor
rie Bridges spent .Monday in At
Mr. C. V. Weathers, Jr., of Grif
fin, was the guest of friends here
Misses Cathleene and Olive Wal
ker, of Griffin, are the guests of
their sister, Mrs. D. T. Carmichael.
Mr. Stewart Combs, of Locust
Grove, was the guest of friends
her Sunday.
.Mrs. Zon Ward, of Stockbridge,
was the guest of Mrs. L. A. Tur
ner several days the past week.
Mrs. B. G. Horton left on Satur
day for a week’s stay at Indian
Mr. R. L. Turner went down to
Indian Springs on Saturday and
stayed until Sunday night.
Col. Y. A. Wright, of Jackson,
was a visitor in McDonough on
last Saturday.
Building lots for sale $2.00 down
and S.IOO per week, see me at once
before they are all gone.
T. A. Lifsey.
Miss Florence Carmichael left on
Monday for Woodbury where she
went to attend a camping party
several days this week.
Miss Hagden McKnight, return
ed to her home in Atlanta on Mon
day after a week’s visit to Miss
Eileen Neal.
Miss Mollie Hammock, of Locust
Grove, has returned home after a
very pleasant visit to Miss Bessie
Huckaby.—Griffin News.
The efforts of The McDonough
Drug Co. to improve the environ
ments of their store has met with
the approval of every one, and pro
ven very successful.
Misses Estelle and Beulah High
tower were the charming guests of
Miss Ethel Sowell during com
Misses Ethel Coan, Madilene
Matthews, and Ruth Rape were the
guests of Miss Ethel Sowell at din
ner Thursday.
Mr. Hamp Stroud and Miss Les
sie Moore, of Henry county, were
guests of Mrs. Ida Copeland Fri
day.—Jackson Argus.
Miss Mary Cook returned to her
home at College Park on Monday
after a week’s visit to her sister.
Mrs. B. G. Horton.
Miss Tommie Raven, who was
the charming guest of Miss Bertha
Dickson for a week, left for her
home at Hampton Monday morn
Ladies ! Visit onr fount, if yon
do not find everything all right, let
us know’ and we will use onr ut
most endeavor to correct any irreg
ularity. Yours for service,
The McDonough Drug Co.
Miss Rose Brownlee and her
guests, Misses Henderson and Gil
liard, have been guests this week
of Miss Annis Combs, of Locust
Grove.—Jackson Argus.
Mr. Hamp Stroud, one of the
popular clerks at Copeland Mercan
tile Co., who was on the sick list
for a week, is again able to be back
at his place of business to the de
light of his friends.
The very decided manner in
which all have responded to our
struggle for higher class trade, and
the remarkable increase in lady
patronage, under the new manage
ment, is very gratifying to the
McDonough Drug Co.
Mr. Z. W Copeland, of Elberton,
came over Saturday and remained
over until Monday w T ith home folks.
He has gone for a week’s stay at
Indian Springs before he returns to
his home at Elberton.
There will be an all day Sacred
Harp singing at Lebanon church in
Hampton on the fifth Sunday in
this month, to which everybody is
invited. Some prominent singers
from Atlanta are expected and the
ninsic will have the old time ring.
—Griffin News.
stockbridge:, ga.
Pay you interest on time deposits
> Prompt and appreciative, with all
In a Reserve Fund of $200,000.00.
“The safest is best.” Why?
L. G. FORTSOX, Cashier.
Mr. David McKibben, of Atlan
ta, was the guest of home people
Just received car choice
Timothy hay.
Copeland Mer. Co.
It is reported that John Beck,
an industrious negro residing in
Sandyridge district, had two mules
killed by lightning on Monday du
ring the rain and hail storm in
that section of the county.
Prof, and Mrs. G. W. Camp, left
on Wednesday to visit his father
at Villa Rica. They will leave
about July 10th, for an extended
trip through the North and East.
We want your nice well
cured country hams.
Copeland Her. Co.
Mr. J. C. Culpepper, who resides
in the eastern part of the county,
and one of the county's popular
and energetic young farmers, was
a pleasant caller on the Weekly
on Tuesday.
Reduced prices in Sum
mer Shoes and Slippers.
Come quick,
Copeland Mer. Co.
Rev. Z. N. Leverett, formerly of
Locust Grove, but now of Macon,
has been in the county this week.
He has been recently appointed
county organizer of the Farmers
Union of Henry county and any
one wishing to correspond with him
can address him at McDonough,
care G. W. Cathy.
Miss Lena White, who for a
number of years was in charge of
the Copeland Mercantile Co’s, mil
linery department, but for the past
two seasons has been at Cleveland,
Tenn., was the guest of friends
here for a few days this week as
she was enroute to her home at
Worthville to spend the summer
Mr. B. D. Kelley, who for sever
al months has made his headquar
ters, at McDonough, left on Mon
day for Forsyth, where he will be
for about three months. He will
be assisted in his new field by Mr.
Simpson, of Locust Grove, who for
sometime carried mail on Route
four from that place, but which
was recently discontinued and the
people he served will be served by
the other three routes, with a few
exceptions, who could not be reach
ed by changes in these routes.
Colic and Diarrhoe.
Pains in the stomach, colic and
diarrhoea are quickly relieved by
the use of Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
For sale by McDonough-Drug Co.
Farm For Sale.
I offer for sale until first of Aug
ust my entire farm and residence
near Flippen, containing 332 acres
of land, 8 room house, land in good
state cultivation. Terms to suit
purchaser, and fine opportunity to
secure an all round desirable farm.
Also house and lot of Mrs. Nash at
Flippen. Write or call on J. D.
Rowan, Flippen, Ga. 3m
He Fired the Stick.
“I have fired the walking-stick
I’ve carried over 40 years, on ac
count of a sore that resisted every
kind of treatment, until I tried
Bncklen's Arnica Salve ; that has
healed the sore and made me a
happy man,” writes John Garrett,
of North Mills, N. C., Guaranteed
for Piles, Burns etc., by all drug
gist and A. H. Price, Locust Grove,
Ga., price 25 cents.
For Administration.
GEORGIA. Henry County.
To whom it may concern: W. M. Alexan
der having made application to me in due
form to be appointed permanent adminis
trator upon estate of Enoch M..Jackson,late
of said county, Notice is hereby given that
said application will be heard at the regu
lar term of the Court of Ordinary for said
county, to be held on the first Monday in
July, 1807.
Witness my hand and official signature,
This June 3, 1807.
G. G. WEEMS. Ordinary.
For Year’s Support.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
Mrs. N. C. Fields having made appli
cation for twelve (12) months su’.p rtout
of the estate of Thomas Fields and apprai
sers duly appointed to set apart the same,
having filed their return
All persons concerned are hereby required
to show cause before the Court of Ordina
ry of said county on the first Mondav in
July, 1807, why said application should
not be granted. June 3rd, 1807.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary.
For Year’s Support.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
Mrs. M. V. Patillo having made appli
cation for 12 months' support out of the
estate of S. C. Patillo and appraisers duly
appointed to set apart the same having
filed their r turn, all persons concerned
are hereby required to show cause before
the court of Ordinary of said county on
the first Monday in July 1907 why saill ap
plication should not be granted! This
J une 3rd, 1907.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary
GPIORGIA, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
E. Cowan and Mrs. Annie Cowan hav
ing made application to me in due form
to be appointed permannet administrators
upon the estate of J. W. Cowan, late of
said Co, notice is hereby given that said
application will be heard at the regular
term of the court of Ordinary for said
county to he held On first Monday in July
1907. Witness my hand and official signa
ture, June 3rd, 1907.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary.
For Year’s Support,
GEORGIA, Henry County.
Mrs. Annie Cowan having made applica
tion for 12 months’ support out of the es
tate of J. W. Cowan and appraisers duly
appointed to set apart the same having
filed their return, all persons concerned
are hereby required to show cause before
the court of Ordinary of said county on
the first Monday in July 1907 why said ap
plication should not be granted. This
June 3rd, 1807.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
To whom it may concern: M. A. Bai
ley having made application to me. in
due form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon estate of Nancy
Bailey, late of said county, deceased, No
tice is hereby given that said application
will be heard at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary for said county to bo
held on the first Monday in July, 1807.
Witness my hand and official signature.
This June 3, 1907.
fc G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA. Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
J. F. M. Fields having made application
to me in due form to be appointed perma
nent administrator upon the estate of
Thomas Fields, late of said county, notice
is hereby given that said application will
be heard at the regular term of the court
of Ordinary for said county to be held on
the first Monday in July * 1807. Witness
my hand and official signature, this June
3rd, 1907. G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary
For Dismission.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
J. O. Adams, Guardian of R. C. Adams,
having applied to me to be discharged
from such guardianship, let all persons
concerned show cause before me at the
courthouse in said county on the first
Monday in J uly next, 1907, why such ap
plication for discharge Should not be
granted. \\ itness my official signature,
June 3rd, 1807.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary
GEORGIA. Henry County.
Mrs. Lizzie Mosley, Adm'x upon the es
tate of A. A. Mosley, late of said county
deceased, having filed her petition for dis
charge this is to cite all persons concerned
to show cause against the granting of this
discharge at the regular term of the court
of Ordinary for said countv to he held on
the first Monday in July 1907. This June
3rd, 190 i. G. G. \\ EIEMS, Ordinary..
The Magic No. :i.
Number three is a wonderful
mascot for Geo. H. Parris, of Cedar
Grove, Me., according to a letter
which reads: “After suffering
much with liver and kidney trouble
and becoming greatly discouraged
by the failure to find relief, I tried
Electric Bitters, and as a result I
am a well man today. The first
bottle relieved and three bottles
completed the cure. “Guaranteed
best on earth for stomach, liver
and kidney trouble, bv all druggist
and A. H. Price, Locust Grove, Ga.,
price 50 cents.