Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Under a new postoffice rnle
which became effected Monday
morning, duly 1, it is no longer
necessary to place a special delivery
stamp on a letter to insure immed
iate delivery. Ten cents in stamps
of any denomination in addition to
regular postage will accomplish the
same result as the “special stamp
provided instructions for immed
iate delivery are written plainly
across the envelope,
The new regulation will prove a
great convenience to the public. It
has often been the case heretofore
that persons wishing to get off an
important letter save being hinder
ed from doing so.because the par
ticular department of the post
office which sold special delivery
stamps happened not to be open.
On Sundays this was epecially so.
Realizing this the government has
changed the requirements. In the
future ten cents in stamps will be
equivolent to a special delivery
For Stockbridge circuit, Sunday
and Monday, July 7tb, and Bth, at
Bethel. Dinner at church on Mon
day. '
The public is cordially, invited
to attend. J. M. Sewell, P. C.
The second rally of the McDon
ough, Locust Drove and Stock
bridge charges in the interest of
missions, will be held with the
church at McDonough, beginning
Friday night before sth Sunday
in June. Inasmuch is revival ser
ves will be in progress at McDon
ough at the time, we have decided
to arrange no formal program for
the occasions; trusting the Holy
Ghost to guide us when we shall
have come together.
We give to all that can do so, and
especially those whose hearts are
thirsting for better things and
whose souls are on tire for the re
vival of the church and the salva
tion the lost, to meet with us.
Come, my brethren from the
churches composing the above nam
ed charges, come animated with the
Holy Spirit, praying that God may
give to us a rich feast of divine
things, and as will fit us better for
the work of life, and finally for our
places in the great temple above.
J. E. England,
Pastor Methodist Church
at McDonough.
I have had to move my pressing
club from the Thrasher building
on account of making repairs there,
and I am now located in the Tolle
son building in front of the new
barber shop. lam now better pre
pared than ever to give you first
class work in my line. Phone 208
—all work called for and delivered.
John P. Powell.
| %
Mrs. J. A. Simpson will have a
bevy of beautiful young ladies ar
rive on Wednesday, July 10th, for
a two weeks’ visit. They are:
Miss May Simpson, of Toccoa ; Miss
Edyth and e! M. White, of Daniels
ville : and Miss Eloise Long, of Ab
beville, S. C.
Mr. John B. Rowan, of Flippen,
was in the city Monday.
The annual singing on July 4th,
will be held at Liberty Hill. A
most delightful program has been
arranged and every one js cordially
invited to attend. A hand from
Atlanta, w : ll be there to assist with
the music program. A good time
is assured all! Come !
LOCUST GROVE. GA,. June, 28.
—The summer session of Locust
Grove institute has begun here and
will continue until August 10th.
The school has just finished the
best year in its history, and in con
sideration of its rapid growth the
summer school has been instituted.
Two former graduates, Messrs. J.
C. Dukes and A. A. Lummus, who
have since been at Mercer, have
been selected to teach the present
A number of students from dif
ferent parts of the state have al
ready registered for the course,
and new students are arriving
In the double-header between
kcDonough and Royal Insurance
Company, of Atlanta, last Satur
day, the McDonotfgh boys won both
games easily, taking the first by a
score of 11 to 2 and the second by a
score of 9 to 2.
It was not the weakness of the
visiting team, that lost them the
game but the strong team and tine
playing of the home boys that gave
them such a complete and decisive
victory over these visiting boys.
The game was well attended and
much enthusiam manifested
throughout the two games.
The McDonough boys have not
suffered hut one defeat this season,
and that was a close contest be
tween Barnesville and the home
The Henry County Confederate
Veteran Association will hold their
annual reunion at Shingle Roof
Campgruond Thursday, Aug. 8,1907
We have already secured one or
two excellent speakers and others
will be selected later. A grand time
is being anticipated by all the old
soldiers and their friends on this
occasion, which they intend making
one of the most pleasant of these
annual reunions.
Best Medicine in the World for Colie
and Diarrhoea.
“I find Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol
err and Diarrhoea Remedy to he
the best remedy in the world," says
Mr. C. L. Carter, of Skirum, Ala.
“I am subject to colic and diarrh
oea. Last spring it seemed as
though I would die, and I think I
hadn't taken Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I
haven’t been troubed with it since
until this week, when I had a very
severe attack and took half a bot
tle of the twenty-five cent size
Chamberlain’s Coiic, Cholera find
Diarrhoea Remedy, and this morn
ing I feel like a new man.” For
sale by McDonough Drug Co.
I have for sale both pine and oak
lumber, also 115 acres of land in
two tracts near Bethany church
. very cheap. M. A. Norman.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday july .s. 1907.
Not for a long time has such a
sad wave of sorrow passed over Mc-
Donough and each heart bowed
down with such intense and poig
nant grief as on Sunday morning
when it was announced the Resist
less Rrapey had passed over the
town and claimed one of the bright
est and most loved jewels of the
entire community, the Death An
gel hearing the sweet and noble
spirit ot Miss Raleigh A'. Glass to
the Great Beyond early Sunday
morning after an illness of five
weeks with typhoid fever.
While all realized that she was
very sick yet just the day before it
seemed that probably the crises in
her illness had been passed and
that she would soon be on the road
to a complete recovery but late Sat
urday afternoon a change for the
worse came and she gradually grew
worse until about 2 :B0 o'clock Sun
day morning when her pure and
gentle spirit p issed the spirit land
of the blessed.
She was one of the brightest,
noblest and sweetest young ladies
of the town, and lacked only four
days of being seventeen years old.
When she was about twelve
years old she joined the church and
since that time she has lived a no
ble and devoted Christian life, her
zeal and work for the blessed
Christ being suoh linit people of
much older and nmturer lives
would do well to follow her exam
ple as a pure and sincere follower
of the lowly Christ.
She was one of seven girls in the
graduating class this year at the
AlcDonough public school, and up
to the time of her sickness she was
the leader in her class of bright and
beautiful young ladies, and it was
the source of much disappointment
to her class and every pupil and
teacher of the school that she was
not able to be present during the
closing days of the school. When
quite young she was adopted by
her uncle, Mr. and Mis. N. A.
Glass, were as fondly attached to
her as if she had been tl eir own
daughter. She was the daughter
of Mr. and Airs. AV. L. Glass, of
near Flippen. She is survived by
her parents, one brother and live
The funeral was held from the
Methodist church Monday aftej
noon at one o'clock, Rev. J E.
England officiated assisted by Revs
C. Y. Weathers and J. M. Sewell.
The interment was in the McDon
ough cemetery.
A very large concourse of friends
and relatives followed the remains
to their last resting place, attest
ing the high esteem and love in
which she was held by all who
knew her.
The Weekly extends sincere and
deepest sympathy to Sheriff and
Mrs. Glass, her father and mother
and all the sorely bereaved frriends
and relatives.
A nice new six room house on
large lot it is a bargain was built
for a home price $1,400. If not
sold within a few days will be
taken off market. • R. C. Brown,
tf. Locust Grove, Ga.
It U the quality of goods
and the prices that p'easu
You get it all at
C o:eland Her. Co.
Dear Brethern,
Our annual celebration of Hen
ry county Sunday School associ
ation will be held as heretofore at
Sliingleroof campground on Fri
day, July 26th, let as many Schools
as can be ready and on time say
at 9 :30 o’clock a. m. so as to have
a song service.
We want to make the day one
of great interest, in the forward
movement of the Sunday School
work in onr dear old county won’t
you come to help ns, we need you,
it is your work, you should he in
terested. We think the Sunday
School one of the best agencies for !
pointing the child’s hope upward, !
as its chief aim is to teadh the ;
word of God to learn more of the
way and to help each other in I
studying the Book, and singing
praises to our God.
Allow me to say, we would be
glad if each school that has not
given any thing for the Orphans, !
would bring or send something, !
you certainly are in favor of help- j
ing the Orphans’ home.
Pleasant Hill gave $21.00, Libor
•ty Hill $5.25, Bethany $4 57, Me !
Donough Presbyterian SIO.OO, col
lection at Alt. Carmel $5.25. It bus
been decided to divide equally all j
we can raise between the Aletho-,
dist, Baptist and Presbyterian Or
phan Homes.
Tdo not think there is a school
in the county but what can help us
in this cause, remember what Je
sus said. He that givetli a cup of
cold water to one of these little
etc not only do I believe you can
give but that God will bless the
gift. AVe have invited the Govern
or Elect, to bo with us on that day.
So we expecting a fine address we
will try to secure Judges outside
of the county, for the schools that
contest for the banner, come, let
him that readeth say come and
bring well filled baskets, come. ,
11. W. Carmichael.
Henry county has a very fine cit
izenry of energetic and progressive
farmers, several of whom were
vying with each other as to who
would be first to bring the Weekly
the first cotton bloom.
A. P. Simpson, of east Henry
sent in a bloom on the 28th Jane,
from bis farm in Beerslieba dis
On July Ist the R. F. D. carrier
on route five was given a bloom by
Mr. AV. T. Rape and sons, who
have the banner crop in Lowe’s
There are number of energetic and
thi’ifty colored farmers in the coun
ty who were among the first with
cotton blooms. Pink Davis, who
resides on Squire H. 11. Greer's
farm, sent in a bloom on July Ist.
Perry Dnfiey, another thrifty
colored farmer who lives on Air.
Gns Thrasher’s place, sent in a
bloom by Sheriff Glass on July 2nd.
Farm For Sale.
I offer for sale until first of Aug
ust my entire farm and residence
near Flippen, containing 332 acres
1 of land, 8 room house, land in good
state cultivation. Terms to suit
purchaser, and fine opportunity to
secure an all round desirable farm.
Also bouse and lot of Mrs Nash at
Flippen. Write or call on J. D.
, Rowun, Flippen, Gu. 3m
Big S. S. Cei
e b rat i on
Snapping Shoals, Ga., July
The Henry County Weekly,
AlcDonough, Ga.
Owing to the lateness of vjfa
seasons, etc., the annual S. S VVle--
bration will be postponed her.- un
til July 31st, at which tfme ot. - of
the largest and most enthusiwetii:
crowds that ever attended a, cele
bration is expected here.
Many schools will contest 'u
Banner by singing.
One. of the grandest and mo-i no
ble of men,- Rev. Alex AV. Bealor.
together with ollu.r promutvjot
men, will speak.
Everybody cordially invited t\
attend and la ing well fill*, d book >
Very truly,
H. A. Iff; Low’«
Gin Stand For Sale
Will be sold to tin- highest \ A
del* Saturday, Aug. 10th, 1. 7 Oil
Outfit belonging to the estate ■/
James AV. Cowan, deceased. •;
sisting of two 60 and one 50 • v
gins, press, suction elevator, 30 Js.
]). boiler and 25 h. p. Eclipse Eng?*/
and sawmill, all comparatively ne r.
and also I have about 75 cords <dt
wood to go with it this fall.
E. COWAN, Rex, Vm.
Rev. J. E. England, who or. ' in,
23rd of June begun a seriu- «V
meeting at the Methodist cluir iv
which he continued through i-s-t
week, and who on Saturday
Sunday was assisted by Dr. Dkvh
the presiding elder, and for >rrr«.
days this week has been assist**a nj
Rev. C. V. Weathers, of Licust
Grove, and Rev. J. M. Srwel>, i
Stockbridge, has steadily increu--»- , 4i
in interest each day.
On Monday morning tlic f
quarterly conference was lie-id.
which was well attended, consider
ing 'the very busy season, and L »
business part of the session wai
most excellent for the mid-summer
session. The reports aff-ng all lima
of church work wen- very encour
aging to all, and shows that a vei j
active and live interest is lK‘ia«
taken in church affairs in tbi> < u
cuit. The meeting will continue
through the week until Sunday
night's service.
All stock holders in the Farmer*
Union Warehouse an requested
meet at the conrthous - in Moi th
ough on next Wednesday. July WtA
at ten o’clock, for the purpose <i
accepting the charter.
Mr. L. R Ricks, of Bethany
tlement. was in the city AA’edaeft
pay and reports one of the heavier
rain storms in the history of
part of the county. For two h> ;• v
the rain fell in a perfect d own pour.
Besides the heavy rain a very
vere electric storm accompanied Hi
the lightning stricking two of r
Rick's yearlings and killing the*.
Mr. Joe Brown, of AViyg.jix
Miss., brother of Mr. J. B. Brows,
of this county, is hero for an oj
tended stay in this state.