The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 26, 1907, Image 1
The Henry County Weekly VOL. XXXII 8 MRS. WOODS ENTERTAINS MOST DELIGHTFULLY. Mrs. James E. Woods most de lightfully entertained her class and the teachers of Fairview Sunday School, Saturday evening. The guests were entertained on the lawn which was a secne of love liness. festoned with Japanese lan terns. The spacious lawn was cool and attractive with its rustic chairs, rockers, benches and swings. A “Dude contest” —the object being to pin his tie in the proper place while blind folded —gave rise to amusing interest. Another amusing feature .was a “Shadow Circus,” this afforded much inter esting fun to the young people. On the flower-decked tables un der the trees delicate cakes and creams were served. Here the entire party made a charming picture with the tableau lights. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bosworth Jr., of Atlanta, in their pleasing, gen ial ways, assisted in entertaining the guests. Mrs. Woods was most happy in her hospitality. DELTA GROVE. Our farmers are very much, in need of rain. Messrs. H. H. and T. C. Kelley are on the sick list again. Mr. R. R. Crumbley is rejoicing at the arrival of a new emigrant at his home—another girl. Mrs. Florence Green visited rela tives in the Gate city last week. Our church has been given a new coat of white, which adds much to • its appearance. Messrs. J. H., J. A. and H. J. Phil lips and their families visited rela tives in our community last Sun day. Mrs Emma Love, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mr. J. W. Love this week. Mrs. Carry Mayfield and her son, Claud, and family were the guests of Mrs. Lizzie Crumbley Saturday night. Miss Virgie Love and Mr. Will Burch visited Mrs. G. W. Crumb ley Sunday evening. Mrs. Jas. Milam is quite ill—we hope for her a speedy recovery. Miss Hilda Gx-een is spending the week with her brother, Mr. W. K. Green. Mr. Wade Harper was visiting in our town last Saturday. Mrs. George Love is some better at this writing. Mrs. Baulknight, of Atlanta, spent last week with her father, Mr. J. R. Fincher. Rev. J. A. Simpson Will begin a protracted meeting at this place Sunday. Mr. Simpson is an inter esting preacher and we hope he will have large congregations to greet him at every service. Our people are wondering if Mr. W. E. Owen can ever feel right again when he descends to earth from the extreme heights to which Col. J. T. O. puffed him in last week’s issue of The Weekly, grant ing that the gifted Col. exaggerat ed somewhat, Mr. Owens does de serve much credit for the impor tant truths he is demonstrated to our farmers, many of whom are coming every day to see the beau tiful corn. BUD NEY. Want to Buy ioo flules. B. C. WARD, 3t Stockbridge, Ga. SIXTH DIST. MA SONIC CONVEN TIONCONVENES HERE AUG. ISTH. The Masonic convention of the 6th Congressional district convenes with the McDonough Fraternal Lodge No. 37 on Thursday, Aug. 15th. In this convention there will be 37 Lodges entitled to representa tion and it is expected that every one of them will have a represen tive as well as a number of other prominent Masons of the state. The convention will be called to order at 10 a. m. in the court house, where a. public meeting will be held, and everyone is cordially invited to attend this session. At the noon hour there will be a bas ket dinner at the Big Sping where everyone is cordially invited to at tend . At 2:30 o’clock P. M. the conven tion will be called to order at the Lodge room of Fraternal Lodge No. 37, where, after the regular busi ness of the convention has been transacted, work in the first de gree will be exemplified. At 7 :30 o'clock p. m. the meet ing will again be called to order for the purpose of conferring the third degree and attending to other business that may come up before the convention. There will be several prominent speakers present whose names will be announced later. It is hoped that a full attendance of the local lodges of the county will be pres ent, and the entire public is cor dially invited to the public meet ings. MRS, GEORGE WOOLLEY DIED IN ATLANTA. Mrs. George McCulley, who un til a few years resided in this coun ty, died at her home in Atlanta af ter a very short illness on last Fri day afternoon. She is survived by her husband, ft :q children and one daughter, all of whom are grown She was about 51 years old. She was a sis ter of Mr. U. Askew, of Stock bridge. The funeral and interment was at Flat Rock on Sunday at ten o’clock, Rev. George Owens, offi ciating. MISS HATTIE SUE LOWE ENTERTAINS. On last Friday evening Mjss Hat tie Sue Lowe was the charming hostess at a most delightful social affairs for the younger set. Delightful refreshments were served, punch, water melon, and ice cream and cake being the re freshments Those present were : Misses Ellene Neal, Ruth Rape, Irwin McDonald, Azel Maxwell. Lucile Tolleson, and Miss Lemmie Sims, of Atlanta ; Messrs. Carl and Adam Sloan, Paul Turner, Tal madge Thompson, Alex Brown, Munroe and Malcome Hutton. Alf Fouche, Ray and Cecil McGill, Doz ier Fields and Johh Varner. FOR SALLE. 155 acres of land 1% miles south east of McDonough ; also one honse and large lot in the town of Mc- Donough belonging to the estate of Wm, N, Nelson. For further in formation see J. F. M. Fieks or W. D. Nelson, Ess. 4t. McDonough, Georgia, Friday july 26, 1907. TO THE CONFEDERATE VERERANS AND CITIZENS Or HENRY CO, There will be a reunion of the Confederate Veterans’ Associations at Shingle Roof Camp Ground on August the 9th. Prominent speakers have been secured for the occasion. The pro gram of the day will be full and en tertaining. Hon. O. P. LeVert, of Atlanta, a gallant Confederate soldier, who fought in that bloody struggle from ’6l to ’65, will be one of the princi ple speakers. Mr. LeVert’s eulogy of the private Confederate soldier is said by such men as General Ev ans, ex-Governor Terrell and others to be one of the best speeches that was ever delivered on the Confed erate soldier. The name of an other prominent speaker will be an nounced next week. The Daughters of the Confedera cy of Henry county will take an active part in the exercises of the day and will do all in their power to entertain the large crowd that will be present. Col. Tip Harrison, of Atlanta, will be present and will entertain every one in his happy style with songs and recitations. The people of Henry county are earnestly requested to turn out in full force and do honor to the old Confederate soldier and the cause he represents. It is earnestly de sired that every Confederate soldier and also the widows of Confederate soldiers he present on this occasion Come with well flit d baskets and let tls all join in making it an en joyable occasion. S. M. OGLESBY, President TURNER-HARRIS. HAMPTON, GA., July 22—On Sunday evening at 7.30 o’clook oc curred a beautiful and lovely home wedding at this place, the contract ing parties being two of the most prominent and popular young peo ple in the town, Miss Lessie Tur ner and Mr. Roy Harris being uni ted in the holy bonds of matrimony at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Turner, Rev. F. J. Mashbnrn, officiating. The bride is one of Hampton’s most lovely and attractive young ladies. The groom is a prominent and energetic young man and son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Harris, The wedding was a very quiet at'-' fair, only a few close friends of the contracting parties being present. They will make their future home m Hampton. NORMAL MUSIC SCHOOL CLOSES AT LOCUST GROVE. The normal rausC school that had been in session \c Locust Grove for three weeks closed on Tuesday evening v .th a brilliant concert. The pupils of the class showed splendid and painstaking training by Prof. Bowman, the normal di rector of the school, and so highly pleased are the people of Locust Grove with bis work that they have made arrangements to secure Mr. Bowman to teach a school there again next July, beginning about the 6th. A very large audience was pre sent at the concert all of whom are enthusiastic in their praises of the work accomplished in such a short time in a music education. FOR SALE. One new 5 room house and about % acres of land in 225 steps of pub lic square, to take effect Sept. Ist. J W. D. NELSON. SCHOOL OFENS SEPT. 2NF. At a recent meeting of the board of education of McDonough city school, Mrs. E. A. Stallings, of A mericus, was elected to the depart ment of expression and oratory. This selection makes the corps of teachers complete for the ensuing 1 year. Every teacher in the new faculty is thoroughly trained and experi enced in their lines of work and it is sangninely predicted by all that this will be one of the best years in the history of the school. Kept. 2nd is the day on which the 1907-08 term will open. ♦ MISS M’DONALD AN ELEGANT AND GRACIOUS HOSTESS, One of the mid-summer social af fairs that was especially elegant and extremely pleasing and gra cions in every way, was the recep tion gi von by Miss Eddie Claude McDonald on last Friday evening, in honor of the visiting young la dies in McDonough. The arrangement of every feat ture of the evening was most fitting and attractive. A number of games and other features enlivened the evening, the “memory contest” proving the most interesting. A number of household articles were passed around a darkened room for the guests to name from a touch of them. , Delightful refreshments were served. Those present were : Misses Edith White, Eloise Long, Florence Carmichael, Jettie Bunn, Lillian Daniel, Lucy Brown, Nina j Wall, Annie Lon Copeland, Blake ! Bunn, Annie Varner, Annie G. Thompson, Lucy Reagan, Ruby Walker, May Simpson. Messrs. R. L. Johnson, W. Elbert Parr, Charlie Coan, Marvin Turnei, Otis Tolleson, Jamie Hoot on, Oscar Jackson, Wade Turner, Eugene McMichael, Benton Thomp son, Fred Walker, John Hightower Roy Turner, Q. R. Nolan, Toni 1 Wall, Hiram Cook, Reuben Berry, Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Simpson, STOCKBRIDGE. What about the weather? The meeting at the M. P. church closed Tuesday night. Miss Bertha spent Mon day in Atlanta. Mr. John Walden went to Atlan ta on business Monday. Mr. Z W. Ward went to Atlanta the latter part of last week and re- j turned Monday. Mr. W. F. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eden and children spent Sunday at Indian Spring. Mr. Stevp Allen, of Atlanta, is visiting relatives here. Misses Alice Turner, May Terry, 'Annie Lee. and others went to Noah’s Ark one night last week. Mrs. Rosa Ellison went to Atlan ta Tuesday. The Blue Front boys and the Stockbridge boys crossed bats on the Stockbridge grounds Tuesday afternoon. The home team win ning by a score of 12 to 8. Stockbridge team played a game with Morris Grove Saturday on the Morris Grove grounds. Stockbridge won by a score of 19 to 6. Mr. Willie Crowell has a fine hound dog for sale. Everybody get ready for the cel ebration at Shingle Roof today (Friday.) let’s go and have a good time. ccpid. PAGES FUTURE EVENT CALENDER. DATES AND PLACES OF SOME OF THE MEETINGS AND CONVENTIONS TO BE HELD IN HENRY COUNTY IN THE NEAR FUTURE, Tin* Henry County Sunday School Ob brutlon ;it Shingle Hoof Camp ground, Friday. July .(ith. Sunday School Celebration at Snapping Shoal*, Wednesday, July Hist. The Henry County Confederate Veter tins Association will hold their unmiai reunion at Shingle Hoof Camp ground on i Intraday, August nth. The Farmer**’ Union of Henry County will hold an KduvaHanoi Rally tit. Shingio Roof Comp ground on Saturday, Aug. 10 Sixth District Masonic Convention will moot at McDonough by August 15th, tin* dote to be announced later. 'The Comp Meeting tit Shingle Roof, I e gins on Friday night before 4th Sunday in Aug.—gird, and continue* one week. i AH Day Singing to lie held at the Court house in MeDonoug! , Sunday, Sept..gJth .. / f" * I ** If .. ■F’ a » I’Ll!' PEN. Watch Flippen grow ! Mr. A. G. Harris, of McDonough has started the work on his hand some new store Building here 'which will take the place of the oint that was burned down a few months ago, and in addition to the new store building, we understand that the Southern railway will soon start the work on tt hand some depot, to be placed where tlie one was that was burned down' tt few months ago, we ft 11 are glad t»». see old Flippen coming out again. Miss Josie Stevens, of Atlanta, is spending a few days here the guest of Miss Estell Rowan. Mr. J. A. Rountree, of Bruns wick, is spending a few days with home folks this week. Mr. (). B. Dailey made a business trip to Atlanta last Thursday. Miss Bird Glass, of Tunis, spent Sunday here with friends. Miss Clara Rowland, of Lowry, is spending a few days this week with Mrs. W. E. R nvland. Unple Henry Rowan made a busi ness trip to Griffin Thursday. Mr Louis Dailey spent Saturday and Sunday in Atlanta with friends. Mr. W. E. Rowland returned Sunday night from Lowry where he had been on a fishing frolic, for a few days. * Miss Virgie Love spent Saturday in Atlanta the guest of friends whi’e there. Miss Mattie Johnson, of McDon ough, is spending tins week with home folks here. Miss Estell Rowan returned Sun day from Atlanta where she lias been visiting friends for tlie past week. We regret to note that Miss Lu cile Burch is no better at this writ ing. Will ring off fur this time, us*, ever. SILAS AN'I) DINA. JOB WORK % $i A YEAR