Newspaper Page Text
«■ ,
j. A. l-Ot i’HK. I'ubllhlier.
H. L. JOHNHON I ilitor.
Entered at the postofflca at McDon
#u(b, aa second-class mall matter.
Advertising Rate*: fl.oo per lack
|mt raontb. Reduction on steading
©extracts by special agreement.
wrm , | ——— “.u
McDonongli, Ga . •! uly 2<>, 190 (
It you don't believe in this town,
why do you live here? There are
plenty of other places you can pro.
If you do believe in it. why don’t
you boom it? Every new family
means money in your pocket if yon
are in business here or own proper
ty here. If yon make your living
by working here, every increase of
population tends to increase your
wages ; every new industry brought
to town tends to enlarge yonr op
portunities for making a good liv
Hon. E. J. Reagan, the able pre
siding officer of the Flint circuit, is
being mentioned in connection with
the vacancy that will occur on the
supreme court bench, caused by the
resignation of Justice Andrew J.
Cobb, which is effective January 1.
-Judge Reagan was an anient snp
porter of Governor Hoke Smith
during the recent heated campaign
notwithstanding that at that time
he was a candidate for the office he
now' occupies. The judge has many
friends throughout the state who
would be glad to see him on the su
preme court bench. —Griffin News.
Miss Maggie Manley has gone for
an extended visit to friends and
relatives at Jackson and Indian
The summer campaign of meet
ings is about to open. A great deal
is.involved in this special work. It
should be a time of liar verst. There
are many who are “diamonds in
the rough.” The meetings to be
held will intervene between at least
lx?tween some and eternity. Some
are to be saved, if saved at all, du
ring this campaign. Recognizing
this, let all who love God be ready
for this great work. There are
enough good people in the charge
who if they will unite their prayers
and efforts at each church can be
come instrumental in a great work.
And let me say, my brethren, that
no greater task can be done bv you
than saving s mis under God. The
Lord Ims gicat need of your work
of love and prayers of faith. On
Friday night next, July '.’IT, the
meetings at Mr. Betncl will begin.
Let every member of the church be
in his place at the opening service.
We shall expect those of other com
munities to assist in these meet
On the, Ist Sunday morning in
August the will begin at
Philadelphia. Rev. Wilson Cul
pepper will preach the opening ser
mon, joined by the pastor will be
at Locust Grove that mornig.
Now, brethren, let us come L
the help of the Lord against tl e
mighty. Shall we not expect u
great meeting at Philadelphia?
With united effort and faith ir
our Lord we shall see “the salva
tion of God."
On 3d Sunday morning in August
we will op* n a m *eting at Locus
Grove. Let us at this place also
marshal our forces. Lot us enter
'this field with the full expectancy
of a gracious victory.” And now
unto Him that is able to do ex
ceeding abundantly above all that
we ask or think, according the
power that worketh in us, unto
Him he glory in the church by
Christ Jesus throughout all ages
world without end. Amen.
C. V. Weathers.
Locust Grove, July 15, 1907.
»ndgetyoui money back if not satisfied.
Sample tube and Booklet by mail ioc.
St. Louis, Mo. Grecneville.Tenn.
KILDARE, TEX., July 14, 1907
This week Ave give you a few
items of a social nature concerning
the Henry county contingent, who
were mneh in evidence at the an
nual Picnic given at Kildare under
the auspices of the masonic fra
ternity which was as usual an en
joyable affair, qnaint old Kildare
spreads a bounteous feast on such
occasions, its people are royal en
tertainers, plenty toeatand amuse
ment for all, trap shooting which
appealed to thoso who enjoy such
sport. A matched shot between
Linden and Atlanta gun clubs, re
sulting in tlie defeat of the former.
Music and dancing until a late hour
to the delight of the young people.
John Carmichael is on the road
early and late as eager for trade as
the wolves of the forest for the
young lambs.
Miss Hoyt Fields, daughter of
the genial “Phin,” is in Dallas tak
ing a course in telegraphy, fitting
herself for the future usefulness.
Mrs. Barrett, whose health has been
unusually bad for a number of
years, we are glad to learn is great
ly improved.
Hiram Goodman, Roy Fields, and
others are contemplating a visit to
yonr county in the near future.
The writer hereof is paying the
penalty of advanced civilation. Has
for a month been suffering the
pangs of that painfully prevalent
disease “appendicitis” am apparent
ly improving, though it is such an
insidious and deceptive disease that
we are never sure.
We are thankful to Jack in ad
vance for the effort he promises to
make a sketch of our old home, the
mention of which awakens a flood
of fond receollections of childhood,
the only period of unalloyed happi
ness we ever enjoy.
Where under our mother’s kindly
ministration and watchful care Ave
imbibe, as it were, each good im
pulse and each noble trait is devel
Yes, the old home is enshrined
in our hearts and no condition in
after life can possibly efface it, pov
erty or affinence, sickness or health
or in the depths of depravity, a
touch of pathos may invariably bi
observed when childhood and the
old home are mentioned. It mat
ters not what trouble may arise
childhood only sees the brighter
side, is incapble of comprehending
the gravity of the situation and all
is soom forgotten in the‘exuberance
of childish joy. Again we say
thrice hallowed be the memory of
My former letter should have
read recipts of cotton at Galveston
for the first five m< ntlis and elevc n
days 3,300,000, instead of 330,000.
Owing to ill health this is prob
ably my last communication to the
Weekly or at least for some time.
W. H. Goodman.
(Glad to hear from you -Mr. Good
man. and hope you will soon re
gain yonr former health, as well as
to contribute other unices, which
are very interesting and greatly ap
preciated by your old Henry coun
ty friends.—Ed.)
Vake ibe Postmaster's Wont for it.
Mr. F M. Hamilton, postmaster
at Clievryvale, Ind., keeps also a
stock of general merchandise and
patent medicines. He says : “Cham
berlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrh
oea Remedy is standard herein its
lino. It never anils to give satis
faction and we could hardly afford
to be without it.” For sale by Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
Stimulate the TORPID LIN PR.
strengthen the digestive organs,
regulate the bowels, and are un
equaled as an
In malarial districts their virtues are
widely recognized, as they possess
peculiar properties in freeing the
system from that poison. Elegantly
sugar coated.
Take No Substitute.
It was with deep and profound sorrow
that I learned on Sunday morning, June
30th, of the untimely death of my young
friend, Raleigh V. Glass. She held a
warm place in the depths of my heart, and
inasmuch as it was so I could not lx; with
her in her slcknsss nor attend her funeral
thus paying her the loving tribute, any
heart feels would have but poorly express
ed my love for her. 1 fee! it a duty to
write a few lines sacred to her memory.
She was a true loving friend, warm
hearted, noble, genial, and clever. She
was loyal to every trust reposed in her,
and had the happy faculty of making
friends of all with whom she came in con
It was my good pleasure to know her,
and despite the difference in our years, she
was a loving friend of mine. I shall never
forget the charm of her pleasant, affable
manner and sweet memories of her I loved
will linger with me as the essence of the
rose remains even after the rose is shat
I have watched her bright young life un
fold from childhood to the borderland of
young womanhood, and little dreamed
that her bright young life so full of hope
and promise, would so soon end in the
deep dark chambers of the tomb
For seventeen years she had lived to
bless her home-and friends. Five years
ago she united herself with the Methodist
church, and has from childhood been a
faithful member of the Sabbath School,
the ‘'Golden Links'’ Missionary Society,
KpworthLeague and was faithful to her
prayer meeting and was always ready for
anything in her power to advance the cause
j she so much loved.
Her life was so full of deeds, of love and
kindness that those who saw her constant
ly will miss her in every path. But al
though we grieve for tiie loss of one we
loved, and whom we have lost, for a brief
time, still where we recall to memory the
blessed hopes and promises held out revt -
hit ion we can say with the poet.
“There is no death; what seems so is
This life of mortal breath—ls but sub
urb of the life elys*ian whose portal we
cult death.”
While we mourn her loss we feel that
her influence will remain with us, an
incentive to discharge well, our duties to
our family, friends, neighbors, church and
Sunday Schdol. And let me say if hu
man s, lualhy can ever avail to alleviate
the pangs of irreparable bereavment may
her mourning family feel that they are
encircled with the true heart felt loving
sympathy of our entire class and Sunday
School, and we beg the sweet ministries
of grace for each one of the bereaved fam
ily, accompany these in the further jour
ney through life, and in Thine own good
time may they be permitted to rejoice
again in the company of her who hits,
preceded them into the region of tliebleSs
ed —the land of tip: hereafter.
And as Sunday School teacher and class
mates we bear testimony to her faithful
loving influence as she met and mingled
with us and lifted her sweet voice in songs
or talkedthe lessons and helped to find
deeper and sweeter meanings to the texts
given for our study.
Be it resolved, First. That as our
Heavenly Father in his infinite wisdom,
has seen lit to call our loved friend and
class-mate, and devoted member of our
Sunday School from our ranks on earth,
to be with the angels around His throne.
We humbly bow in meek submission to
His holy will, knowing that He doeth all
tilings well.
Resolved second. That we will ever
cherish hertnemory and strive to emulate
her exalted virtues and noble Christian
Resolved third. That we extend our
heartfelt sympathy to her sorrowing fam
ily and bid them remember that our loss
is her eternal gain. May the great physi
cian. our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
draw near unto them, and comfort them
in this dark hour.
Resolved fourth. That a copy of these
resolutions he spread upon the minutes of
our Sunday School and sent for publica
to the Henry County Weekly.
Mus. Makuarkt Johnson & Class.
l'he Doctor Away from Home when
Most Needed.
People are often very much dis
appointed to find that their family
physician is away from home when
they most need liis services. Dis
eases like cramp colic and cholera
morbus require proper treatment,
and have in many instances proven
fatal before medicine could he pro
cured or a physician summoned.
The right way is to at hand a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy. No
physician can prescribe a better
medicine for these diseases. By
having it in the house yon escape
much pain and suffering and all
risk. Bnv it now :it may save life.
For sale by McDonough Drug Co.
I have for sale both pine and oak
lumber, also 115 acres of land in
two tracts near Eethany church
very cheap. m. A. Norman.
Ol the par value of S|QO EACH ol the capital stock ol
the North Alabama Coal and Mineral Company
of my holding of 380 Shares at
Further information cheerfully given on application.
JOHN S. CLEATON, 408-9 Peters Bldg, Atlanta
Office at Hack Goodwin’s stables below county jail.
Office hours: 1.30 to 2 30 p. m., Friday, Saturday and
Sunday. All calls promptly attended to. Office Phone 44;
Residence Phone 131, Jackson, Ga.
Account Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition
Southern Railway
Season, 60 day and 15 day tickets on sale daily commen
cing April 19th, to and including November 30th, 1907.
Stop Overs will be allowed on Season, Sixty-day and
fifteen-day tickets, same as on Summer Tourist Tickets.
For full and complete information call on Ticket Agents Southern
Railway, or write:
For rates, routes and schedules or ary infor
mation, address,
G. R. PETIT, Trav. Pass. Agent
IV! a con. Ca.
B tuna MKftiH) on» ■
i win Efyyyi %
’ Mean $ $ made to all who I
buy or wear them. In style, \
ease and durability, “Shield Brand Shoes”
toe the mark of perfection.
M. C. KISER CO., Manufacturers./
Subscri be for The Weekly.
Iffifl Quality Shops for Men
fl First of all a man wants a sensible, comfortable shoe, and a shoe that 1
will wear well, and these words exactly describe the King Quality Shoe,
*1 Look at the solid, common-sense heel, elegant in outline, perfect in l
symmetry, and yet a heel built tor all day walking or standing.
®JNote the stylish toe and the graceful instep supporting arch! Do you
see how r style combines with comfort every time ?
•*' Alt.on' nAM*
la every point which makes a
good shoe, hung Quality excels
Wji>n *iie loop pull and inside the
tne top you will timl tiu: name of
the best shoe in America for
American im»n. It's iust as well
to look for it vheu you ouy.
No. Abington, Mass.