Newspaper Page Text
On Friday night of February 17,
our beloved friend and classmate,
Erie Fouehe, passed on angel's
wings, from this world of sorrow
and disappointment to ever be with
his Lord and Savior.
Erie gave his heart to Christ and
united with the church in child
hood, and was ever after loyal to
the Master’s cause, always in his
place at Sunday School, prayer
meetings and church, always ready
in his quiet way, to do what his
hands found to do. It was a bless
ing to his associates and the pride
of his parents.
But now, that God has seen fit to
call him home, we can live in the
sweet hope, that when we sweep
through the pearly gates, we shall
behold him, in his garments of
white, at the right hand of oui*
blessed Lord
Be it resolved, first. That as our
Heavenly Father has deemed it best
to call on our loved friend and as
sociate from among us on earth to be
with him and his angels around the
throne, that we be submissive to his
will, knowing that He doeth all
things well.
2nd, That we will ever cherish
his memory and strive to emulate
his virtues and noble Christian
3rd, That we extend to his Sun
day School teacher and classmates
our heartfelt sympathy, and though
you miss him in the class, yet you
know that Heaven is made brighter
by his presence, that he is being
taught at the feet of Jesus. .
4th, That we extend our deepest
sympathy to his father, mother, sis
ter, and brother and bid them to re
member that loss is his eter
nal gain.
May our Heavenly Father bind
up their broken hearts with his
love and draw them nearer to him.
sth, That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent the bereaved family,
the Henry County Weekly and the
Wesleyan Christian Advocate.
Mtss Bertha Bunn,
Mr. J. B. Uhbhaw,
Mr. D. H. Wall,
Whereas the hand of Divine Prov
idence has removed from our midst
Annie Laurie, one of pur brightest
little sunbeams, the Sunday School
so often brightened by the presence
of this dear little one, is desirous
expressing its earnest and affection
ate sympathy with the household
deprived of so bright a jewel.
Therefore be it. Resolved, that
the Sunday School has given one
of its most earnest little pupils to
make up the jewels of His Kingdom
who guides and guards us all.
Resolved. That we tenderly con
dole with the family in the loss sus
tained and commend them for con
solation to him who does all things
for the best.
Resolved. That these resolutions
lie entered upon the records of the
Sunday School, a copy transmitted
to the bereaved family and to the
Henry County Weekly for publi
H. B. Neal,
Mrs. S. S. Speer.
The Death Angel has again come
and taken from a happy father, a
fond mother, their precious baby
girl. It seems hard for them to
give her up so early in life, but
’twas not too early to make heaven
fairer and sweeter with her immor
tal presence to the eye uf Faith,
nothing is fairer,than the death of
We are stricken with sore an
guish when we find the flower,
which filled the home and hearts
with so much sunshine and delight,
broken from its stern and the blos
som gone, but unto Faith even this
is lovely. Lila’s earthly ministry
w T as done. She has helped to sanc
tify and lift heavenward the Very
hearts that broke at her farewell
and has gone from this trouble
some sphere.
She has gone to the house of
many mansions where she will
have no experience of a wearied
mind and chilled affections but
will be raptured as a blessed babe
through the gates of Paradise. Ah !
this is tetter than to live to a ripe
old age and inherit all the riches of
tarth. You have given Leila
■ back to Him who lent her, but
think a moment dear mother and
father. t
Have you given back all? No,
you cannot give back to God those
springs of new and deeper affection
which were awakened at her com
ing. Yon cannot give back to Him
all the pleasures yon have had in
dwelling with your darling. You
are better, riper, richer in this hour
of bereavement than before God
has only taken the outward form
jof your baby. He has taken her
: only to keep, to watch, to love, and
he will give her back some sweet
day when you too have crossed over
and can enjoy the heavenly rest
! with her. Her presence in the spirit
land will lead you to enjoy daily
the peace and pleasure of that blest
| above. Such thoughts make you
1 better, purer, and gentler.
1 We cannot keep society with our
’ sainted dead and with the great
God with whom they dwell with
out feeling a nobler life throbbing
through ns.
Oh ! if we could only walk always
in the light of celestial companion
ship. Loved ones, weep not for
Leila. Through your tears you
; saw her gently cradled in the arms
of the radiant spirit throng, and
pass triumphantly through the
shining gates and hear the sweet
echoes. “Suffer them to come,”
almost caught a glimpse of that
fair dwelling to which she was
going. Knowing this, how can we
May God help these afflicted ones
to bear this trial and when they
meet at His right hand, ’twill be
their heaven to find that—she is
Dear parents remember, “Tis a
blessing to live, but a greater to
die ; And the best of the world is
its path to the sky.”
It wont be long perhaps till you
will wend your way along this nar
row path to Leila’s home, but the
way will be bright, made so by her
guiding spirit. Oh, how glad she
will bo to see “papa and mamma”
coining. The pure white lily God
has plucked from your garden on
earth he has placed in a mansion
on high to beautify and shed its per
fume there to make it ready and
more welcome for your home—
“She may not return, but to her thou
shall go,
When thy days are numbered and fin
ished below;
And it may to thy angel child be given.
First to meet and welcome “mamma” to
And there, reunited to part never more;
One song shall ye sing, and one Savior
adore.” A. L. P.
Whereas. God has found growing in
our midst a flower fit for his gardens of
the good, and has transplanted from the
earth to the fair fields of heaven, the life
of our loved friend and class mate, Raleigh
V. Glass.
Therefore he it resolved by the members
of Mrs. Julia McDonald’s class of the Pres
byterian Sunday School. That we are
grateful to God for the beautiful life that
he allowed and helped to live in our friend
who has just left us, and we thank Him
that to Him she gave the glory for it all.
That though we miss her here in our
class and daily walks; though her bright
smile and happy laugh no longer cheer
our ways, she has left us in the memory of
her sweet Christian character a deeper
sense of the grace that brightens every
countenance and hightens every labor of
“God’s children here below;” and in her
going away we know she makes those
mansions of the blest seem to us more
home-like and nearer to us than before.
That we remember with joy the beauty
am} sweetnt ss of her companionship and
the still lingering fragrance of Christ’s
love that filled her life and often wafted
into our own.
That we pray to him that gives and
takes away and whose name is ever ♦ glor.
ious, that we shall ever have such strength
of grace divine that, as she now dwells in
Christ we may ever be in Him and He in
us, as llis word promises, and thus eve”*
now our friend and \\y shall still dwell to
gether in the Spirit.
That we enter into heart-felt sympathy
with those of her dear ones who yet linger
with us, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Glass, her
uncle and aunt, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Glass, her mother, father, sisters, and
brother, and pray God’s blessing upon
them always.
That copies of these resolutions be fur
nished the family of Mr. and Mrs. X. A.'
Glass and Mr. and Mrs J. L. Glass.
Miss Lucy Reagan.
AH the county and legal news as in
the past; and a sermon, International
Sunday School School Lesson, general
state news and a serial story, in addition
to our regular service in the past.
How sad our home seems now,
since “Nell has been taken from us.
She was a little boardar in onr
home, but oh! how we did love
She was the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown. She
was born May 23, 1906, died July
15,1907. Her stay with us on earth
was short, but oh ! liovv sweet and
beautiful. How we did enjoy hav
ing her with us.
Each one trying to he first to
minister to her little wishes, as she
made signs by pointing her little
fingers, being able to utter only a
few baby words, such “bye-bye”
and “pie” (peep eye.)
She was just learning to walk,
and when I would coax her to walk
she would come with little arms
outstretched until she was near
enough to put them about my neck
and want me to take her up and
carry her.
It seems that I can almost feel
the little arms aronnd me now.
There is nothing about the home
that does not remind us of her, she
was so bright and plavfnl.
How I wish we could get a
glimpse of her in heaven, for if she
was so beautiful and sweet here oft
earth, how much more beautiful
she must be in heaven, where all
is joy and love. She was too pure
and good for this world, so I think
God was good to us in letting us
have her for a while. And then
He was good to Nell in taking her
to heaven, where she will never
know sorrow and suffering. But
will be a shining light to lead ns on
our way. I know she is happy
playing with the children, for she
seemed to enjoy it so much here.
And the streets of the city shall
be full of bovs and girls plaving in
the streets thereof.—Zacli. 8-5.
How we miss you, precious baby,
. Is more than tongue or pen can tell,
Yet we can try to ls‘ submissive
To him who (loeth all things well.
Hew we long to have you with us,
But this we know can never be,
You would not come back if you could.
Only beckon us to go to thee.
\Ye will try to meet you, darling,
On that bright and happy shore,
There we will live with Jesus,
And we will have to part no more.
Carrie Knott.
Mrs H. E. Horton returned Wed
nesday from a visit to her parents
at College Park.
Mrs. Wyatt Rowan visited Mrs.
Green Mitchell Friday afternoon.
Misses Minnie and Nell Wise
spent Friday with Mrs. Green
Mr. Eugene Wise, of near Cordel,
is spending some time with rela
tives here.
Misses Otelie and Bess Wallace
of Hampton, are spending this
week at home. t
Mr. Malone Fields and sister, Miss
Bertha, attended the singing at
Damascus Sunday.
Mrs. E. Foster and daughter,
Miss Lizzie, spent Sunday p. m.
with Mrs. Green Mitchell.
Misses Ella and Sallie Mitchell
visited Misses Nannie and Lizzie
one afternoon last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Dorsey were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grover
Campbell Saturday night.
P. M. Martin and ye scribe were
the guests of Mrs. P. N. Martin, of
Hampton, Saturday night.
Mr. Tom Foster and sister, Miss
Nannie, spent Sunday in Hampton,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
There was a heavy wind Satui
day afternoon which damaged the
bottom land corn and some cotton
and gardens.
Misses Ella, Bird, James, and
Emerson Mitchell were the guests’
of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. West, of Flip
lien, Saturday night.
A. Z Mitchell and P. M. Martin
attended the singing at ‘Damascus
Sunday afternoon. They report a
fine time and a good singing.
Mrs. J. A. Simpson left on Mon
day for a month’s visit to her par
ents at Danielsville.
Machinery is digging the Panama Canal
a thousand times nicker than the shove
dug the Erie.
Machinery produces L. & M. Paint at
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The Ij. & M. gives the best job in the
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& M. White Lead and makes L. & M
Paint wear like iron for 10 or 16 years.
It only requites 4 gallons of this celebra
ted paint and :i gallons of Linseed Oil at
OOcts. per gallon, to paint a moderate size
If any defect exists in L. <& M. Paint,
will repaint house for nothing.
Sold by H. J. Copeland Mercantile Co.,
Hampton Buggy Co., Hampton.
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