Newspaper Page Text
Leading Undertaker.
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day atid night.
Phone 80.
J)r. 72- 2- Thompson,
McDONOttiH, <1 HO KG IA.
OFFICE HOI7RH: 7.80 a. m. to 6 p. m.,
Every Day Except Monday.
Dr. Austin,
at Hampton, Ga.,
From 18 to 25 ot each month.
Whew ! 100 in the shade.
14 pieces 36 in. Percal to go at 7c
per yard at Ingram Co.
Mr. Earl Brannan, of Flippen,
was in the city Saturday.
New line of Odd Pants just re
ceived at Ingram Co.
Mr. R. L Johnson spent Sunday
with home folks at Jonesboro.
Miss Emmie Clements is visiting
relatives in the country this week.
Mr. Charlie Coan was the guest
friends at Hampton Sunday.
36 light weight Odd Pants to go
at cost at Tngmm Co.
Mr. Ray Brown, one of the popu
lar clerks of the Copeland Co., left
on Thursday for a month’s vacation
Miss Florence Oglesby visited
relatives near Whitehouse last
7 pieces Madras, 10c, quality, to
go at 7c yard at Ingram Co.
Miss Myrtle Clements lias return
ed from a visit to friends in Bir
Mrs. G. F. Spinks left on Wod
nespay morning for a week i stay
at Indian Spring.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Smith are
visiting tho former’s parents of
this city,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Green went
down to Indian Spring on Tuesday
for a stay of several (lavs.
Miss Rut h Walker's many friends
are pained to to note her contin
ued illness. It is feared that she
has typhoid fever.
Judge W. T. Dickon went np to
Atlanta last Friday where he went
to attend the United States court
on legal business.
Miss May Simpson, avlio avuk the
guest of her brother, Rev. J. A.
Simpson and family for a AA'eek, re
turned to her home at Toccoa last
1 can save you money on buggies
and harness. Call and see them or
write me for prices—cash or credit.
Locust GroA T e, Ga.
Miss Annie G. Thompson Avas
hostess to a delightful and pleasant
informal party on Monday evening
at Avliicli a few were pres
■ Did you ever hear Collins and
Harlan sing “Bake dat chicken
pie” or “Crazy about it” on the
Victor Talking Machine, if not yon
“auto” hear it.
Mrs. Hugh Hutton and two
daughters, Misses La Frelle and
Cornelia, of Savannah, arrived on
Tuesday for an extended visit to
her father, Col. G. W. Bryan.
Mrs, Essie Baker. Misses Ruby
and Lilly Brown, of Atlanta, and
Miss Carrie McDonald, of Griflin,
arrived Tuesday to be the charm
ing anil attractive guests of Miss
Luella McKibben for a fortnight.
Col. E. M. Smith returned home
Tuesday night from a trip to the
North and East of ten days.
Miss Lucy Brown Avas the guest
ot friends and relatives at Hamp
ton for several days, returning
home on Monday.
Capt. J. A. J. Tidwell, of Spald
ing county, was in the city Sunday
as he was en route to Indian
Messrs. Jim Cook and Joe Sel
fridge, two of Whitehouse com
munity’s staunch citizens, were in
the city on Tuesday.
Miss Lemmie Sims, who has been
the lovely guest of Miss Hattie Sue
Lowe for sometime returned to her
home in Atlanta on last Saturday.
Mrs. E. C. Adams had as her
guests on Monday Misses Edna
Dickerson and Nellie Swann, of
Covington, and Miss Annie Adams,
of Luella.
Mrs. E. E. Taniplin has gone for
an extended visit to her son at
Chattanooga, Tenn., and several
points in north Georgia to other
Beginning August Ist, I will re
turn back to old office hours, 7 :30
to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m.
T. A. Lipsey.
Miss Eloise Long, of Daniels
ville and Miss Edyth White, of Ab
beville, S. C., returned home on
Monday after a ten days’ visit to
Mrs. J. A. Simpson.
Miss Agnes Dunn left on last
Friday for an extended trip to In
dian Spring, Avheje she will be the
guest of her brother, who is clerk
at the Wigwam hotel.
Mrs. H. M. Tolleson and family
and Miss Nettie Bess Fouche, who
spent ten days at Indian Spring, re
turned to their homes in McDon
ough on Monday to the delight of
their many home friends.
An occasion of a rare and pleas
ing nature to all present was the
informal party givxm by Mr. Q. R.
Nolan on last Saturday eA’ening
where a few friends and visitors in
the town Avero most deligutf ally en
tertained by him at his lovely and
hospitable home.
Go to The Henry County
Weekly for all kinds of
Justice Court Blanks, and
deeds, notes, etc. and all
kinds of Job Printing,
Mr. L. J. Hand, formerly an old
Henry county boy, hut who has
been in Griffin for sometime, was
in to see ns on Tuesday. He has
been at His father’s on the sick list
for sometime hut is now much im
proved and will soon he entirely
Avell again.
Mr. Leo Leshinsky, an expert pi
ano and organ tuner and repairer,
of the firm of Philips & Crews, At
lanta, is in McDonough for a few
days only. If jour instrument is
out of order have him put it in first
class condition, at a nominal price,
out of town engagements accepted
when conveyance is sent. Phone 23
He has done considefable A\ T ork here
for prominent people all of whom
are highly pleased with his work,
The Middle Ga., Lumber
& Tlfg. Co. at Jackson, Ga.
will fill promptly all or
ders at Lowest Prices—
Big stock of all kinds
Building Material on
hand. 3t
Misses Annie Lou Copeland,
Florence Carmichael, Jettie Bunn
and Lucy Brown went down to Lo
cust Grove on Tuesday to attend
the concert on Tuesday evening and
to he the guests of friends OA*er
Why go to Atlanta or
Macon for Sash, Doors,
Blinds, Mouldings, Lime,
Cement or other Building
Material when you can
buy cheaper from the
niddle Ga. Lumber &
.Ifg. Co. at Jackson. Ga. 3t
Since Wednesday Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Copeland have been enter
taining a lusty voiced youngster at
their homo.
t 1
Mr. Dave Wall’s many friends
are pained to know that he is quite
sick and it’s feared he is threaten
ed with an attack of typhoid fever.
Mrs. J. A. Fouche has been quite
sick for several days this week.
Her many friends hope for her a
speedy and complete recovery.
Messrs. Charlie Culpepper, W.
C. Woods and G. L. Thrasher re
turned Wednesday from Atlanta,
where they had been as delegates
to attend the meeting of the state
Farmers’ Uniun meeting. A num
ber of Union men in the county
have been in attendance there this
Mr. Luni Ingram, one of the
town’s bright and energetic young
men, who has been in attendahee
of the normal music school at Lo
cust Grove, lias returned home.
It is gratifying to liis many friends
to know lie has made a most splen
did record at this school.
Why you should buy the Stude
haker wagons.
1. It is the strongest Avagon on
2. It has passed the experiment
al stage.
3. It lias the best selected ma
terial throughout.
4. It lias the lightest drop of all
5. It has the heavest tire of any
6. It lias the strongest wheels
of any A\ r agon made.
7. It has a reputation that no
other wagon has.
8. It is fullest guaranteed and
sold by, B. B. Carmichael &Sons.
Mr. G. W. Cox, one of the coun
ty’s bright young men who re
sides near Oakland, who has been
attending the normal school at Lo
cust Grove, will go to Delta, Ala.,
where he will continue liis course
of study under Prof. Bowman for
another month.
For the lowest prices on
Mouldings, Doors, Sash,
Blinds, Building Materials
of all kinds, including
Lime, Cement, Brick etc.,
write for estimates and
figures to Middle Georgia
Lumber & Mfg. Co., Jack
son, Ga. Successors to
H. F. Gilmore. 3*
Mr. L. D. Rutledge and Avife, of
Dubach, La., arrived 'on last Fri
day for an extended visit to friends
and relatives. The former will
stay about three A\ - eeks while the
latter will probably stay until Oct.
They are both former citizens of
the county and been away for seA'-
en years. Mr. Rutledge says that
crons are better in Henry county
than any place lie saAV in his traA*-
eling a distance of nearly 800 miles.
Especially fine is corn, he says. He
says that rhe boll weevil has made
its appearance in his part of the
state, hut as yet no serious dam
age has been done. He says all
the other Georgians and Henry
countians in his section are doing
well hut that all of them cherish
with fondest memory this grand
old county, of Henry.
We have installed an ice
cream manufacturing out
fit in our creamery and
are prepared to furnish
ice cream and sherberts
of any flavor or design in
quanities from one quart
up. Our ice cream will be
made of pure cream and
will comply with all the
requirements of the Pure
Food Law. We would re=
quest all orders for Sun
day delivery be given on
Pearl Spring Creamery.
Pay you interest on time deposits
Prompt and appreciative, with all
In a Reserve Fund of $200,000.00.
“The safest is best.” Why?
Ij. (1. FOKTSOX, Cashier.
McDonough will play hall Satur
day on the grounds of the locals’
against a picked team of Atlanta
including players picked from West
End, Roval Insurance Co., and two
or three other teams, every one
who enjoys the National sport
should see this game and the home
boys have lost only one game this
season and this game should be in
Mr. Isom Pritchett died at the
home of his daughter in South At
lanta Wednesday morning at. the
advanced age of about 80 years old.
Until about three years ago he
was for a number years coroner of
Henry county. He aauis a brave and
gallant Confederate soldier.
r Mr. John Pritchett, of this coun
ty, is one of his sons.
The fnneral and interment was
at Stockbridge on Thursday after
noon at 3 o’clock.
Latest news from At
lanta is that the prohibi
tion fight in the House
will be resumed on Friday
Gin Stand For Sale.
Will he sold in Brushy Knob Dist,
at the gin house to the highest bid
der Saturday, Aug. 10, ’O7, 9 a. m.,
Gin Outfit belonging to the estate of
James W. Cowan, deceased, con
sisting of two 60 and one 50 saAV
gins, press, suction elevator, 30 h.
p. boiler and 25 h. p. Eclipse Engine
and sawmill, aH’comparatively new,
and also I haA*e about 75 cords of
wood to go with it this fall.
E. COWAN, Rex, Ga.
A Wonderful Happening.
Port. Byron, N. Y., has witnessed
one of the most remarkable cases
of healing ever recorded. Amos F.
King, of that place says: “Buck
len's Arnica Salve cured a sore leg
Avitli Avhich 1 had suffered over 80
years. I am now eight five.” Guar
anteed to cure all sores, by all drug
gist and A. H. Price, Locust Grove,
price 25c.
Mr. C. C. Gleaton, Avho resides
in Pleasant Grove community, avhs
a visitor in the city on Wednesday.
He says eA-ery tiling is moving
along A’ery smoothly in'his part of
the county and that crops are very
fine— in fact some of the best corps
he has ever seen any where, es
pecially upland corn.
A Memorable Day.
One of the days Ave remember
with pleasure, as well as with pfit
fit to our health, is the one on
which we became acquainted with
Dr. King's New Life Pills, the pain
less purifiers that cure headache
and biliousness, and keep vhe bow
els right." 25c at all druggist and A.
H. Price, Locust Gro\'e, Ga.
For Administration.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
H. G. Fields having made application
to me in due form to be appointed perma
nent administrator upon the estate of
J. W. Fields, late of said county, notice
is hereby given that said application will
be heard at the regular term of the court
of Ordinary for said county to be held on
the first Monday in Aug. 11)07. Witness
my hand and official signature, this July
Ist, 1907.. G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary
Long Live The King:
Is the popular cry throughout.
European countries : while in Amer
ica, the cry of the present day is
“Long live Dr. King’s New Discov
ery, King of Throat and Lung Rem
edies!” of which Mrs Julia Ryder
Paine, Truro, Mass., says : “It nev
er fails to give immediate relief and
to quickly cure a cough or cold.”
Mrs. Paine’s opinion is shared by a
majority of the inhaditants of this
country. New Discovery cures
weak lungs and sore throats after
all other remedies have failed ; and
for coughs arid colds it’s the only
sure cure. Guaranteed by all drug
gist and A. H. Price, Locust Grove,
50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles free.
The Charming Woman.
Is not necessarily one of perfect
from and features. Many a plain
woman who could ne\’er serve as
artist’s model, possesses those rare
qualities that all the world ad
mires : neatness, clear eyes, clean
smooth skin and that sprightliness
of step and action that accompany
good health. A physically weak
woman is ne%*er attractive, not
even to herself. Electric Bitters
restore A\ T eak women, giA r e strong
nerves, bright eyes, smooth, vel
vety skin, beautiful complexion.
Guaranteed at all druggist' and A.
H. Price, Locust Grove, price 50c.
Best Medicine in the World for Colic
and Diarrhoea.
“I find Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol
err and Diarrhoea Remedy to be
the best remedy in rhe Avorld,” says
Mr. C. L. Carter, of Skirum, Ala.
“I am subject to colic and diarrh
oea. Last spring it seemed as
though I would die, and I think I
hadn’t taken Chamberlain’s Colie,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I
haven’t been troubed with it since
until this AA-oek, when I had a very
severe attack and took lnilf a bot
tle of the twenty-five cent size
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, and this morn
ing I feel like a new man.” For
sale by McDonough Drug Co.
A nice new six room house on
large lot it is a bargaiji Avas built
for a homo price $1,400. If not
sold within a few days will be
taken off'market. R. C. Brown,
tf. Locust Cro e, Ga.
Diarrhoea Remedy
Is a reliable, pleasant and safe
remedy for bow-el complaints
both in children and adults. Buy
it now: it may save life.
Hi 3 work in the Horn**. Church. Society.
Business. Politics and every walk of life. A
b ok port ray me the grave dangers found in all
conditions of life. Pitfalls, and methods of
escaping them. A warning note to save young
men and women from wreck and ruin.
This book is having an immense sale.
AVe w ant a -.eits to seH the above book with
a full line of Standard Suhscri tion Books,
Red Letter Family a d Teacher’s Bibles. Cata
logue will be sent free.
This is your opportunity to make money and
worth your investigation. AVe have agents
who have been with, us years. Write today.
D. E. Lutiier Publishing Co.
12-14-16 T r n if Ave. Atlanta, £a.