The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 02, 1907, Image 8

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Leading Undertaker.
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night.
Phone 80.
McDonough, ga.
£)r. 71- 73- Thompson,
McDonough, geokgia.
OFFICE HOURS: 7.80 a. in. to sp. in.,
Every Day Except Monday.
Dr. Austin,
at Hampton, Ga.,
From 18 to ot each month.
11 pieces 36 in Percal to go at 7c
per yard at Ingram Co.
Mr. J. M. Archer, of Jonesboro,
was in the city on Tuesday.
New line of Odd Pants just re
ceived at Ingram Co.
Mrs. A. C. Smith, of Forsyth, is
tin* guest of her son, Col E. M.
36 light weight Odd Pants to go
at cost at Ingram Co.
Mrs. Asa Smith, of Jackson, was
the guest of Col. E. M. Smith and
family last Saturday.
. 7 pieces Madras, 10c, quality, to
go at 7c yard at Ingram Co.
Miss Bertha Bunn left on Tues
day for a fortnight’s visit to Miss
Ava Leo Daniel, of Atlanta.
See me for lumber and shingles.
R. C. Brown,
Locust Grove, Ga.
Miss Agnes Dunn has returned
from a week's visit to her brother
at Indian Spring.
Miss Ella Berry, of near Stock
bridge, came last Friday for a
week's visit to Mrs. Howard L.
Miss Bertha Dickson, who has
been on a two week’s visit to Miss
Annie Sullivan at Concord, return
ed home on Thursday.
The Woman’s Foreign Mission
ary Society will hold a meeting at
the Methodist church on next Wed
nesday afternoon at 4 o’clock.
Mr. W. T. Allen, of Worthville,
\>ne of the staunch citizens of east
Butts, was a visitor in the city on
Beginning August Ist. I will re
turn back to old office hours, 7 :30
to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m.
T. A. Lipsey.
Miss Florence Carmichael left on
Wednesday for an extended visit
to friends and relatives at Jones
boro and Atlanta.
Mr. J. J. Murphy, of Atlanta,
representing Guarantee Trust Co.,
of Georgia, was in the city on Mon
day in the interest of his company.
I can save you money on buggies
and harness. Call and see them or
write me for prices—cash or credit.
Locust Grove, Ga.
Messrs. Otis and Dee Tolleson
went to Jackson on Sunday. The
latter returned on Monday hut the
former will remain over for sever
al days this week with friends.
Mr. W. G. Callaway, of Ellen
wood, one of Clayton county’s
prominent and distinguished sons,
was a visitor in the city on Tues
day and while here made the
Weekly a pleasant call.
Miss Lillian Daniel, one of Me-
Donongli’s most chaaming and love
ly young ladies, left on Monday
for Jackson, where she goes to be
the guest of honor at a house party
given by Miss Dolly McKihben.
Just received a new line of tin
and Enameled ware. Ingram Co.
Miss Jettie Bunn has gone for a
visit to Miss Clara Nolan, of Jack
son, this week.
Miss Grace Golden, of Atlanta,
arrived last Friday fora two weeks’
visit to Miss Ethel Sowell,
Mr. Corey Bone, of Atlanta, was
the guest of friends in McDonough
on Tuesday.
Misses Ruby Setzer and Julia
May Sowell, of Bethany, were the
guests of Miss Ethel Sowell on
Miss Nettie McDowell, of Atlan
ta, was the guest of Mrs. H. B.
Neal for several days first of the
Misses Nina Wall and Blake
Bunn have gone for a week’s visit
to Miss Pearl Nash, of near Love
Remember the phice to
buy goods cheap—
Copeland Mer. Co.
Mr. J. T. Sowell, one of the pop
ular members of the Star Store
firm, and Mr. Levi Bledsoe, of Brox
i ton, will leave on next Sunday for
a two weeks’ trip to New York.
Fresh Graham Flour,
pure and good.
Copeland Her. Co.
Mr. J. T. Allen, one of the prom
inent and substantial citizens of
Locust Grove, was in the city on
Monday, greeting his many Mc-
Donough friends.
The Parsonage’ Adi Society of
the Methodist church will hold their
regular meeting at the parsonage
on next Wednesday afternoon Aug.
7th, at 4 o’clock.
Good time to figure on
your fences. We handle
full line wire.
Copeland Her. Co.
Mrs. J. Q. Nolan will leave on
Saturday for Eaton ton where she
goes to spend a month with home
folks. Mr. Nolan will spend part
of the time with her during her
month’s absence from McDonough.
Paint your house with
I our paint, it looks new a
long time.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Mr. R. B. Sand’iford, who has
been with the McDonough Buggy
Co., for sometime, has gone for a
month’s vacation to friends and
relatives at Oxford.
New Calico, Percales
land Ginghams just open
Copeland Her. Co.
Miss Alio Johnson, of Atlanta, is
at home for a week’s vacation. She
has as her guest Miss Nell Brown,
of Atlanta, a most lovely and at
tractive young lady.
New Cuba Molasses,
just imported from the
Copeland Mer. Co.
Judge and Mrs. E. J. Reagan,
and their daughter, Miss Lucy
Reagan, will leave on next Fri
day, Aug. 9th, for an extended
trip to the North and East, visiting
Washington, New York and many
other places of interest on their
Old floors made new by
our celebrated “Stain
F 1 o o r.”
Copeland Mer. Co.
The Ladies Parsonage Aid So
ciety, of the McDonough Methodist
church, will meet at the parsonage
on Wednesday afternoon, August
7th, at four o’clock. Not only the
members of the society hut all the
ladies of the church are urged to
be present as business matters of
importance are to be discussed.
The time for the regular monthly
meeting is Wednesday afternoon
after the first Sunday in each
MU). H. L. Carmichael, Pres.
If its stoneware that you want
go to Ingram Co.
Mr. Hugh Hutton came up from
Savannah last Friday to spend sev
eral days with his family.
All of our figured lawns and mus
lins to go at cost. Ingram Co.
Col. J. F. Wall spent Wednesday
in Atlanta, making a call on Gov.
Hoke Smith while in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Laing of Daw
son are guests of Mrs. Fouche at
the Brown House a day or two.
Messrs. J. L. Moore and H. G.
Fields, two of Hampton’s promi
nent citizens, were in the city yes
Mr. H. W. Carmichael spent
Thursday in Jonesboro, going over
to carry his daughter, Miss Flor
ence, who will he the guest of Miss
Julia Harper for a week.
Mr. Scip Speer, one of our well
known citizens and a printer of
many years experience and fine
ability, has opened a job office at
his home here. He is turning out
some nice work ana his friends
wish him abundant success.
Sam Merritt, a demented negro
man from the upper part of the
county, died in jail here Wednes
day night, having been confined
about a week before, awaiting
transportation to the asylum.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Carmichael,
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bridges and
party, have returned home from
their trip to Jamestown and north
ern cities, terminating at Niagara
Falls, and report a most delightful
round of sight-seeing.
Mr. J. B. Newman has let the
contract for an elegant new resi
dence to he erected on the hill just
over the railroad, south side Jones
boro road, work on which begins
next Monday. It is in charge of
Contractor H. C. Stephens, who
states that it will he ahead of any
thing yet.
One of the largest and most in
teresting Sunday School gatherings
in the history of the county, was
the Annual Celebration at Shingle
Roof camp ground on last Friday.
Gov. Hoke Smith delivered the ad
dress which was a most interesting
and timely one. Locust Grove won
the large banner and Flat Rock the
one for the children for most ex
cellent singing.
Why you should buy the Stude
baker wagons.
1. It is tlie strongest wagon on
2. It lias passed the experiment
al stage.
3. It has the best selected ma
terial throughout.
4. It lias the lightest drop of all
5. It lias the lieayest tire of any
6. It lias the strongest wheels
of any wagon made.
7. It has a reputation that no
other wagon has.
8. It is fullest guaranteed and
sold by, B. B. Carmichael &Sons.
We have installed an ice
cream manufacturing out
fit in our creamery and
are prepared to furnish
ice cream and sherberts
of any flavor or design in
quanities from one quart
up. Our ice cream will be
made of pure cream and
will comply with all the
requirements of the Pure
Food Law. We would re=
quest all orders for Sun
day delivery be given on
Pearl Spring Creamery.
Pay you interest on time deposits
Prompt and appreciative, wifliall
In a Reserve Fund of &200,C00.00.
“The safest is best.” Why?
U. G. FOItTSOX, Cashier.
I have for sale both pine and oak
lumber, also 115 acres of land in
two tracts near Bethany church
very cheap. m. A. Norman.
155 acres of land 1% miles south
east of McDonough ; also one house
and largo* lot in the town of Mc-
Donough belonging to the estate of
Win. N. Nelson. For further in
formation see J. F. M. Fields or
W. D. Nelson, Exs. 4t.
Ope new 5 room house and about.
% acres of land in 225 steps of pub
lic square, to take effect Sept. Ist.
4t W. D. NELSON.
From Thomaston Times.
I desire to announce that begin
ning with the first of August the
Rev. L. G. Bowden will have
charge of the Thomaston Mission
of the Methodist church. This
work consists of Bethel, Mt. Zion,
Rocky Mt. and Green's Chapel
churches. It has been served by
the Rev. W. A. J. Noles of Griffin,
but owing to his continued illness,
making it impossible for him to he
in the field, it has seemed wise to
put some one else in charge at least
temporarily. Mr. Noles is improv
ing in health hut will hardly he
able to do any aclive work until af
ter the Annual Conference session
in November.
Mr. Bowden is a competent
preacher, who will he faithful and
efficient in his new field of labor.
He has been preaching for [lO years
and is now 45 years of age. His
home is in McDonough. He will
be at. Bethel the first Sunday in
August and the Saturday before ;
at Mt. Zion the second Saturday;
at Rocky Mount the third Saturday
and Sunday ; at Green's Chapel the
fourth Saturday and Sundey. Pro
tracted meetings will probably be
held at each of these churches be
ginning on the Sundays specified,
from which it is hoped great good
will result.
The Third quarterly conference
for the Thomaston Mission will he
held at Bethel church, Friday, Aug
16th, at which time I will he pre-1
sent. Preaching at 11 o,clock, fol
lowed by dinner on the grounds,
and Conference in the afternoon.
Joel T. Daves, presiding elder,
Griffin, Ga., July 22rd.
beautifully illustrated, good stories C—
and article* about California and 5
all the Far West. » >“ r
devoted each month to the ar- _
tistic reproduction of the best .00
work of amateur and professional a y ear
a book of 75 pages, containing
120 colored photographs of $0.75
picturesque spot* m California
and Oregon. _
Total ... $3.25
All for . . . . $1.50
Address a!! orders to
Hood Building Ban Francisco
For Administration.
1 GEORGIA, Henry County.
To whom it n ay concern :
H. G. Fields having made application
I to me in due form to be appointed perma
nent administrator upon the estate of
J. W. Fields, late of said county, notice
is hereby given that said application will
be heard at the regular term of the court
of Ordinary for raid county to be held on
the first Monday in Aug. 11)07. Witness
my hand and nhieial signature, this July
Ist, 1907. G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary
is your best friend or your worst
enemy. Active it’s your friend.
Torpid it’s your enemy, and its
army is Constipation, Biliousness,
Sick Headache, etc.
make active, strong and healthy|
livers, preventing and relieving
liver troubles.
Complete Treatment 250.
Diarrhoea Remedy
Is a reliable, pleasant and safe
remedy for bowel complaints
both in children and adult 3. Buy
it new: it may save life.
is a soothing, healing balm containing
no drugs having a narcotic effect. It
quickly and soothes the congested
membranes and thoroughly heals and
cleanses. Valuable not only for
but relieves colds, throat troubles,
hay fever, “stopped-up” nose, etc. ,
W*i Guarantee Satisfaction. <
Buy a 50 cent tube of Nosena from
and get you, money back if not satisfied.
Sample tube and Booklet by mail 10c.
s>t. Louis, Mo. Gre<snevillo.Tt nn.
,4, jrW’
..... si_
FACTORY \ j O, F ,vrr-.-7
YOUR fa V'' hot
.v .v s ' w “
HOME W; bsauas
nßnea Mnws^j
Write for our large illustrated Furniture |
Catalog showing Hat Racks, China Closets, I
Iron Beds, Mattresses. Bed Springs, Dining 9
and Bed room Furniture, etc. Goods ship- I
ped on approval, to be returned at our ex- I
F'ense if not satisfactory. We can save you £j
rom, one-third to one-half. All our furni
ture is being made in the South, which gives |
you an immense saving of freights and long j
delays. Catalogue free.
1 265-271 Decatur Street. Cor Moore,
His work in tin Home, Church. Society.
Business. Politic? end every walk of life. A
b ok portraying the grave dancers found in all
conditions of life. Pitfalls, and methods of
escap-ic them. A warning sote to save young
men and women front wreck and ruin.
This book is faring an immense sale.
Tie want a e-t? to s-11 the above book with
a fuli line of Standard Suhscri- tjon Books.
R-d Lett I'a-dlj- •» d Teacher’s Bibles. Cuta
logu * v/.!l r - sc t free.
This yui upper; mi yto make money a- d
worth your inv -stigation. T. r e have agents
who have beer with nr "0 years. Write today.
D. E. Luther Publishing Co.
12-14-16 Trin.ty Ave. Atlanta, Ga.