Newspaper Page Text
The Henry .County Weekly
Many Prominent Speakers to be
Present—Hon. W. B. Merritt,
State School Commissioner,
to make Address—State
Union Men to De
liver Addresses.
On tomorrow, Saturday, August
10th. will be a great day in the his
tory of the Farmers’ Union of
Henry county.
On that day a grand rally will be
held at Shingle Roof Camp Ground
A number of prominent speakers
Avill be present.
Mr. Allen Crumbley, the presi
dent of the Henry county Union,
has arranged for a number of fine
speakers to be there.
Hon. W. B. Merritt, State School
Commissioner, will deliver an ad
dress in the morning. Hon. R. F.
Duckworth, of Barnesville, State
President of the Union, will be
present if other engagements du
not interfere. Mr. J. L. Lee, state
organizer is also expected to be
Besides these there will -be sev
eral other prominent speakers
Everyone is invited to go out
and enjoy the day, especially all
members of the Farmer’s Union.
It will be a day that will be well
worth anyone’s time.
Education and many other sub
jects will be discussed by the men
selected by President Crumbly.
Another Old Citizen
Passes Away.
Mr. John Elliott, one of the
county's old and highly respected
citizens, passed quietly away at
his home near Salem church on
Friday, July 26th, after a linger
ing illness of several months from
the infirmities of old age.
Mr. Elliott had almost reached
his four score years and bad been
a man* who had been one of the
leading men in his community ard
from early life had been a consist
ent member of Salem Baptist
He was married twice, his first
wife being Miss May Bledsoe be
fore her marriage, she passed to
the great Beyond 22 years ago. He
married Miss Mary Nix the second
time, who still survives him. He
is survived by two sons, Mr. A. C.
Elliott and Mr. C. T. Elliott, and
three daughters, Mrs. Eleanor
Brannan, Mrs. Julia Elliott and
Mrs. Shirley Kelley.
The funeral was held at his late
residence and the interment was
in the family burying ground near
his home on Saturday.
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12-14-iG Trin tf Ave. Atlanta. Ga.
Messrs. G. G. LeGnin and Will
Cowan, trustees of the New Hope
School District, were here Monday
I to get a list of all tax payers in
I their district so as to Arrange for
' the tax levy for this year of the
New Hope taxable school district.
They always have a fine school at
this place and when they got this
local tax added to the funds from
the state they will he enabled to
have ft longer term for their school.
This is one of the best schools in
the southeastern part of the coun
ty now and it is safe to say it will
be much better with the additional
fund added to the free school fund.
Mr. S. B. Kimbell, trustee of
Philipi, was here for the same
purpose for Philipi taxable school
Philipi is another fine school and
will be a much* better school com
munity when this local tax is ad
ded to the school fund.
I These two communities of east
Henry county are to be congratu
lated on their progressive spirit
along educational lines.
Hampton school district is an
other one that has adon te d
this up-to-date system of supple
l menting the state’s funds by a lo
cal taxation for the school district.
The Hampton district voted on
this taxation last fall and while
the local taxation does not go into
effect until this year’s taxes are
collected,vet by agreement among
all the tax payers they have been
enjoying this local tax for the
school district this year.
Mrs. Harris Dead.
.Mrs. Harris one of the old and
highly respected ladies of the north
ern part of the county, died on last
Friday after a lingering illness
fromthe infirinaties of old age.
j She was about 80 years old and
i was one of the oldest and most
highly esteemed women of the
The funeral and interment was
at Bethel on Saturday morning at
11 o’clock, Revs. Sewell and Di
mon, officiating.
Messrs. W. P. Wilson and W.
M. Ha rri s, two of Hampton's
prominent and influential citizens,
were in McDonough on Wednes
McDonough, Georgia, Friday august i, 1907.
$91,805 INCREASE
Tax Receiver Paterson lias made
a final consolidation of all the tax
returns for this year.
It makes a splendid showing for
Henry, too, in the increase of the
taxable property for this year. The
total taxes as shown by the receiv
er's bucks is $3,281,517; *3,133,475
being assessed against white peo
ple and $125,042 against the ne
The increase, of the white's prop
ert.y is 187,945 and that of the ne
groes $2,860, making a total gain
of $91,805.
Locust Grove Methodist
To Lay Corner Stone
Wednesday, August 21.
At 2 o’clock on Wednesday af
ternoon, Aug., 21st, the corner
stone of the New M -thodist church
at Loenst Grove will be laid, Dr. .T.
T. Daves, of Griffin, presiding el
der of the Griffin district, will pre
side over the cere months.
The corner stone.laying will oc
cur during the prut acted meeting
of the Locust GroVc church. Ryv.
C. V. Weathers, tin pastor of the
Locust Grove circuit, held a very
tine meeting at Bethel church last
week, and is conducting a very
fine meeting at Philadelphia
church this we k, .icing assisted
by Rev. Will Hill of Inman. This
meeting will continue through
Mrs. Thurman Dies
Under Operation
In Atlanta.
Mr. Howard Carmichael receivod
a telephone message from Atlanta,
late Wednesday afternoon, an
nouncing the death of Mrs. Thur
man, wife of Mr. Will Thurman,
who resides near Rethel in the
northern part of the county.
She had been carried to Atlanta
a few days ago for an operation to
be made and she died under the
She was a most estimable wo
man and the announcement of her
passing away will be the source of
much sorrow’ to her many friends.
Mr. Carmichael went to Atlanta
on Wednesday night to arrange
for the funeral.
The arrangements have not
been completed but the funeral
will occur either on Thursday af
ternoon or Friday morning at
Bethel church in this county.
Hampton Cotton Mill
Resumes Operations.
The Hampton Cotton Mills that
have been shut down for a month
while a new engine and other ma
chinery was being installed has
been started again and will run on
full time so as to till the orders
contracted for.
The work on the new annex
mill of the Henderson Manufactur
ing Co., at Hampton is being rap
idly pushed to completion and by
Sept., Ist it is expected that the
woik of installing the machinery
will be finished and the mill will
be ready to begin operation.
sixth Dist. Ma=
sons to Gather
Here August 15.
Much Enthusiasm Being
Manifested by the Local
Members-All Plans
Completed for
The Masonic convention of the
6th Congressional district convenes
with tho McDonough Fraternal
Lodge No. 27 on Thursday, Aug.
15th. In this convention there will
be 27 Lodges entitled to representa
tion and it is expected that every
ono of them will have a represen
tive as well as a number of other
prominent Masons of the state.
The convention will be called to
order at 10 a. m. in the court
■ house, where a public meeting will
ibe held, and everyone is cordially
j invited to attend this session.
Hon. Max Meyerhardt, of Rome,
Grand Master of Georgia, will de
liver an, address, to be followed by
Hon. John W. Aiken, of Carters
ville, after which there will be a
general basket dinner at the Big
j Spring.
Everybody is cordially invited to
j attend the court house meeting and
! join in the basket dinner. Please
I bring well filled baskets.
We earnestly request all breth
ren and friends of the order to co
operate with ns in making this
j Convetion a success. It is the first
time tho Sixth District Convention
has been held in this county, and
we are especially anxious that all
visitors shall receive every possi
ble attention and courtesy.
At 2 :20 o’clock P. M. the conven
tion will be called to order at the
Lodge room of Fraternal Lodge No.
27, where, after the regular busi
ness of the convention has been
transacted, work in the first de
gree will be exemplified.
At 7 :20 o’clock p. m. the meet
j ing will again be called to order
! for the purpose of conferring the
third degree and attending to other
business that may come up before
I the convention.
S. M. Coker, J. T. Pendley. G. W.
' Cathy, J. H. Rape, G. W. Nait. R.
| L. Turner, J. M, Carmichael, J. D.
: Rowan, E. F. Adams, J. W. Pat
terson, W. A. Simpson, J. S. Rod
! gers, E. C. Adams.
J. C. Harris, H. T. Rape, H. M.
i Arnis.W. A. Campbell, J. G. Smith,
it. L. Johnson, G. G. Weems, Paul
Turner. T. J. Brown, W. M.
Miss Emma Crumbley
Miss Emma Crumbley died at
the homo bf her father, Mr. Wm.
H. Crumbley, near White House
on Wednesday night from paraly
She was a most estimable lady.
She was abont 45 years old.
The funeral and interment will
occur at Ozias chnrcli about 10 ■
o'clock Friday morning. 1
The Henry County Confederate Veter
ans Association will hold their annual
I reunion at shingle Roof Camp ground on
) Thursday, August Bth.
The Farmers’ Union of Henry County
will hold an Educational Rally at Shingle
Roof Camp ground on Saturday, Aug. 10.
Sixth District Masonic Convention will
' meet at McDonough by August loth, the
date to be announced later.
The Camp Meeting at Shingle Roof, be
gins on Friday night before 4th Sunday
in Aug.—2Brd, and continues one week,
All Day Singing to be held at the Court
house in MeD >n » ugh, Sunday, Sept. 29th
On last Friday evening Miss Eva
Harris delightfully entertained in
honor of her guests, Misses Mc-
Curry and Burns.
Many delightful and pleasing
features were enjoyed by the hap
py guests until a late honr-
Those present and sharing in the
pleasures of the evening were:
Misses Bertha Dickson, Agnes
Dunn, Lucy Reagan, Corrie Bridg
es, Janie Berry, Eddie Claud Mc-
Donald, Latrelle Hutton, Annie
Varner, Annie Lou Copeland, Lucy
Brown, Carrie Lee Lifsey, Mary
McCurry, Lillian Burns, Eva Har
ris. Messrs. Jamie Hooten, Hor
ace Hooten, Eugene MeMichael,
Ralph Turner, Otis Tolleson, Roy
Turner, Charley Coun, Elbert
Parr, John Hightower, Benton
Thompson, Fred Walker, Lum In
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