Newspaper Page Text
In Memory of Little
Mary Neil Brown.
There is nothing that leaves a
more aching void in one’s heart
and life than the taking away from
the family circle, of a little child.
This dear baby-girl whom we
are called upon to mourn today,
lingered only a few brief months
in the home f her devoted parents
but long enough to twine her baby
fingers close about their heart
strings, and with her infantile
charm and graces to render herself
so precious that, when the grim
reaper came to gather the delicate
little bud, their hearts crid out in
The tiny form lies very still to
day under tbs greening sods and
the sweet cut flowers.
The prattling lips are hushed, the
sweet eyes closed, the baby hands
are folded and the mother's heart
is very desolate as she puts away
the little dainty garments and the
hot tears fall. But Mary Nell is
not dead; look up, fond mother,
through your tears; look away
from the lonely, little grave, away
from the griefs and mysteries of
this uncertain life to where beyond
the shadows there is peace.
.Think of the little one, not as a
pulseless marble image, but as a
white spirit of perfect spiritual
beauty, playing with the other
Heavenly children around the
great “Father’s Knee.”
Is it not a blessed assurance to
know that we will meet our loved
ones again ; and that there will be
no sorrow or crying or parting in
that “beautiful city” above the
Our hearts go out in sympathy
to the bereaved and loved ones
who weep for this precious baby.
May God temper the wind to the
shorn and give their hearts the
peace that passeth unuerstaning.
Whereas, God in his inscrutable
wisdom has removed this “tender
little flower’’from our midst, there
fore, Be it resolued
1 st. That the Woman’s Home
Mission Society tender their heart
felt sympathy and commend the
broken heat ted to the Holy Com
2nd. That a copy of these reso
lutions be extended the bereaved
parents and a copy of same be
printed in the county paper.
Clyde Streater Standifer.
15tit Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrlioe Kemedy Cured Him
It is with pleasure that I give
you this unsolicited testimonial.
About a year ago when I had a se
vere case of measles I got caught
out in a hard rain and the measles
settled in my stomach and bowels.
I had an awful time and bad it not
been for tlie us of Chamberlain s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea rem
edy I could not have possibly lived
but a few hours longer, but thanks
to this remedy I am now strong
and well. I have written the above
through simple gratitude and I
shall always speak a good word for
this remedv. —Bam H. Gwin, Con
cord Ga. For sale by McDonough
Drug Co.
Miss Florence Oglesby, of Mc-
Donough, visited Miss Kate Brown
. /Miss Belle Dupree, of Rocky
Creek, was the guest of Miss Juli
ett Payne Sunday.
Mr. Clarence Beard lias been
spending a few days with liis sis
ter, Mrs. Lottie Oglesby.
Mrs. Avery is visiting her sister
in-law, Mrs. X. M. Hammonds.
Quite a number of visitors at
tended Sunday school at this place
Mr. Frank Oglesby, of Atlanta,
visited home folks here Saturday
night and Sunday.
Messrs. Walter Brown and Will
Shut ties worth were looking .spry
We are having a flourishing
Sundavschool at this place. Let
everybody come forward and help
in the good work.
Johnny Reb.
The Past and Present.
In ISSS T was called to Bliaron
Baptist church, four miles from
my home, to serve them as pastor.
I accepted the call and served
them thirteen consecutive years.
Then I was away for a short while
and was called back to the church
and remained with them one year,
making fourteen years that I
served the church as pastor.
If a pastor does his duty to his
church, the work is arduous, even
wit li . the co-operation of the
church. I cherish the many kind
nesses shown me by the church,
during my stay with them. The
older brethren of the church when
I began to work with them ms pas
tor, consisting of Moses Hootes,
I. B. Bryant, A. J. Ammons, Wiley
Wright, Patterson brothers, Jas
per Upchurch, T. H. Stallsworth,
Washington Welch, with others
that space forbids their name be
ing mentioned, were always my
close stand-bys in the work. The
younger members were as cour
teous to me as I could have asked
them to be.
To add to my pleasure in the
work at Sharon church, I always
had a hearty welcome to the homes
of maijy of the members of Tur
ner’s church, who were always
ready to bid me God Speed in the
work. Never shall I forget some
words said to me as a man young
in the ministry, by “Aunt Beckie”
Grier and “Aunt Francis” Turner,
as we called them. These with
some of the others mentioned have
passed into the greater Palmy
Leaving off many things of the
past, we come to the; present.
It is ii pleasure to me that Rev.
I. G. Walker, of Lithonia, Ga., is
my successor as pastor of the
church, and in his zealous, faith
fuly work he is bringing things to
pass. During the revival meeting
last week, • Wednesday was the
time appointed, for the ordination
of four deacons. I was requested
to assist in the service, but owing
to my feeble health and the ex
ceeding heat I was fearful to take
the risk, but it is a great pleasure
to me that in my absence I was
not forgotten, as I learned some of
the young brethren, J. B Cathy,
of Jenkinsburg, and others, sug
gested that they manifest their re.
membrance of me by sending me a
contribution in token of their ap
preciation of my work with them
in the past. Many of the deacons
and the laity of other churches,
that were present joined in. I had
formerly worked with them as
pastor, so to my surprise, but hap
pily so, they sent me twenty dol
lars and eighty-four cents.
J. T Cannon not being present
at the church when the offering
was made, later sent me one dollar
stating that he wanted to take a
part in the contribution. 1 am
pleased, being c mfident that all of
the new deacons took a part in
this offering. W. N. Gilmore sent
a check for five dollars.
While Bro. A. C. Norman was
considering the matter as to
whether he would serve as deacon.
I met with him and he asked me to
help him in advising him as to his
duty. I did as best I could and
when I left him he gave me five
dollars. I accepted with pleasure
stating that it would help to keep
the buttons sewed on. An old
minister said to me when I first be
gan to serve a church, that when
the members saw the cloth wear
ing off the buttons on mv coat
they would want to change pas
tors. But I will say to each con
tributor that the new buttons can
be pnt on and highly appreciated
by myself and family, and if my
health improves snffeiently I am
coming. This is among some
of the present.
J. A. Jackson.
Mr. W. H. Wilerson has decid
ed that the Weeklv is worth read
ing, He confessed, and had his
name entered.
P>l ■ 1J p'" 't l p'jC *; |' y |
All the county and legal news as in
the past; and a sermon, International
Sunday School School Lesson, general
state news and a serial story, in addition
to our regular service in the past.
The farmers of this community
are through work and are feasting
on watermelons and dragging the
creeks for the finny tribe.
The Children’s day services at
Philadelphia church Sunday were
well attended and was a success.
We are glad to know that Sam
Whitaker is better at this writing.
Misses Fannie Belle Whitaker,
Allie Laney, Josie Duft'ey, Lueile
Whitaker and Messrs. Chas, Bry
ant, Howard Rape, and Mr. Crow- j
ell, enjoyed a delightful trip to
Indian Springs Thursday!
Protracted services are in prog
ress at Philadelphia this w< ok.
Rev. Will Hill is assisting Bro.
Mr. Hamlinson, of Atlanta, is
visiting Mr. Bryan Mayo this
Msss Xaney Lou Wood is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Rivers on Sandy- .
We are sorry to state the illness
of Mrs. Annie Sowell. We hope
for her a speedy recovery.
Mr. Lem Dnffev and family, of
near Jonesboro, visited relatives
here Thursday.
John Laney has invested in a
new buggy—watch out girls.
Mrs. Alice Denson and daughter,
Miss Mary, of Atlanta, are visit
ing Mr. Davis and family this
The singing school at Philippi
will close Thursday with an all
day singing.
Mrs. R. J. Culpepper, of McDon
ough, is visiting relatives and
friends here this week and attend
ing protracted services at Phila
delphia. Butterfly.
Go to The Henry County
Weekly for a’! kinds of
Justice Court Blanks, and
deeds, notes, etc. and ail
kinds of Job Printing.
I Mr and Mrs. Henry Owen and
Mr. and Mrs .loe Nix entertained
last Wednesday afternoon in hon
or of their cousins, Misses Ophelia
and Nettie Crnmbley, of Atlanta,
it being the birthday of Miss Net
tie Crnmbley. The
guests began to arrive about four
'o’clock. Some time was spent in
games, telling jokes and the young
people having a good time gener
ally. Then ice cream and cake
was served out in the yard and
enjoyed very much by all present.
Just as (lit* sun went down tin*
guests departed to go to church at
Stockbridge praising very highly
the hospitality of their charming
hostess. It was ah afternoon that
will he long remembered bv those
present as one of pleasant social
events of their lives.
Those present were, Misses
Ophelia Crnmbley, Nettie Crumb
le.-, Lula Hinton, Ethel Hinton,
Donald Owen, Lois Owen. Zada
Sims, Ruth Henry, Mr. and Mrs
George- Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Nix, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Owens.
Messrs. Ward Crnmbley, John
Sims, Walter Hightower, Grady
Morris, Roy Owen, Otis Love,
Charley Wilson, Lee Hinton, Wal
ter Henry.
beautifully illustrated,good stories p,-.
and article* about California and
all the Far West. 6 > car
devoted eich month to the ar
tistic reproduction of the best
work of amateur and professional a yrni
a book of 75 pages, containing
120 colored photograph* of So. 75
picturesque spots w California
and Oregon.
Total . . . $3.25
All Tor . . . . $1.50
Address all orders to
Flood Building San Francisco
Machinery is <1 iirfii (lie Panama Cuu ?
a thousand times uieker than the *h«m>
dug the Erie.
j Machinery produces L. M. Paint »a!
50 times less cost for labor, than if reuath*
j by hand.
j The L. &M. gives the best job in tie
' world, because L. and M. /arte hardens L .
& /M. White Lead and makes L. ,‘l: At
Paint wear like iron for ill or (5 years
It only requites 1 gallons of this celehnv
' ted paint and :f gallons of Linseed Oil «i
i 00cts. per gallon, to paint a moderate
; house.
If any defect exists In L. <fc M. Paint.
I will repaint house fornothing.
Sold by H. .J. Copeland Mereantib <\> ,
McDonough. ,
Hampton Iluggy Co., Hampton.
The Cause of .Many
Sudden Deaths,
There is a disease prevailing in tin's
country most dangerous because so decep
rU 111 I IjhCj.A tivc. Many sudd* (i
%rt | a 3 gfy - deaths are caused
!i y it - heart dir-
I mQ/ ty-'y-'J- ease, pneumonia,
'll /Tjn 'w-g-Z heart failure or
J! CP r apoplexy arc often
\'y ' r( ' fl 'dt <>f kid
/, jgpijjl/ I \ L|j nev disease. ff
vT \ ft kidney trouble is
•i*-, |] y _ al lowed to advance
'v\L ' thekidney-poisori
ed blood will at
tack the vital organs, < -uising catanli of.
the bladder, or the kidneys themselves
break dywn and waste awav cell by ceil.
Bladder troubles almost
from a derangement of the kidneys and
a cure is obtained quickest' by a proper
treatment of the kidneys. If you are fuel
ing badly you can make no mistake Ip
taking Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the
great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
It corrects inability to hold mine auil
scalding pain in passing it, and over
comes that unpleasant necessityof l>eing
compelled to go often through the day,
and to get up many times during the
night. The mild and the extraordinary
effect of Swamp-Root is toon realised.
It stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most di dressing cases.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is
sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and
< ne-dollar size bottles. You may have a
sample bottle of this wonderful new dis
covery and a book that tells all about it,
both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Binghamton, X. Y. When
writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper. Don't make any
mistake, but remember the name, Swam p-
Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the
add’-o-s, Binghamton. Xb Y , on every