The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 09, 1907, Image 8
HOWARD CARMICHAEL Leading Undertaker. Complete line of Caskets all styles and price#. Can ful and polite attention given all funerals entrusted to me. Fmlsilming done according to latest *".td most improved methods. Newest anil most up to date equipment. Call answered promptly day and night. PbllSV: •*). M(lH)NOl«H, GA. £»r. 72- 2- Thompson, DENTIST MvIM>NOI Gil, (iKOIMJIA. OKFIOK HOURS: 7.30 a. m. to sp. m., Jivery Day Except Mondays and Saturdays Dr. Austin, Dentist at Hampton, Ga., From 18 to 25*01 each month. J^ccals. The “Dog Days’’ are here. All of our figured lawns and mus lins to go at cost. Ingram Co. J. M. Johnson, of Flippen, was ,'n the city Monday. 1 1 pieces 3d in Percal to go at ?c j rr yard at Ingram Co. Ms.\ Ben.j. Blanton, of Griffin, •teas in the city on Monday. .New line of Odd Pants .just re ceived at Ingram Co. Miss Jettie Bunn left Wednesday fora visit to friends in Atlanta. •>f) light weight Odd Pants to go at cost at Ingram Co. Miss Buoy Brown returned. Mon day from a short visit to Austell. ~ pieces Madras, 10c, quality, to go at 7c yard at Ingram Co. Mr. <>. K. Slifer, of Atlanta, was C.: ■ guest of friends at the Brown I.loir-■! Saturday and Sunday. Sec me for lumber and shingles. H. C. Bitowx, Coeust Grove, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. J. B Dickson, and ohildren have gone fora ten days’ •stay nt Lookout Mountain. Miss Elon Tolleson has gone for ’> week’s visit to Mrs. Essie Lester sat Macon. Miss Zaidee Garr, of Iligli Falls, was the guest of friends in Mc- Donough during the past week. Airs. B. E. Horton has gone for an extended trip to Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain. Miss Ezzell Shields has returned home from a week's visit to Miss •Jennie Branan, of Stockbridge. Miss Jessie Shields, of Stock bridge, is visiting her uncle and mmt. Air. and Mrs. C. M. Shields of this place. Beginning August Ist. I will re turn back to old office hours, 7 :3(> to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. T. A. Lifsev. Aliss Carrie Lee Lifsey, of Car rolton, was the charming guest of her brother, Dr. T. A. Lifsey, sev eral days this week. Air. and Airs. Ah Harris, of Fay etteville, have been the guests of friends and relatives in McDon ough this week. Aliss Lillian Daniel, who was a guest of honor at Miss Dollie Ale. Kibben’s house partv at Jackson, returned home on Monday. Master Cecil Magill, who was the gm st of hi:- cousin. Master Alf touche for three months, left last for his home at Dawson. Miss Fannie Cheatham, of Daw son, arrived last Saturday for an ox tended visit to friends at the Brown House. I can save you money on buggies vind harness. Call and see them or write me for prices—cash or credit. JOHN'S. BROWN, To >eust Grove, Ga. .Tn«t received a new line of tin and Enameled ware. Ingram Co. Mrs. L. A. Turner is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Jack Craft, at Hartwell. If its stoneware that von want go to Ingram Co. Mr. E. T. Peek, of Locust Grove, was in the citty on Tuesday after noon. Mr. D. K. McKibben, of Atlanta, is the guest of home folks here this week. Miss Zoar Smith, who was on an extended visit to friends and rel atives in this county, has returned to her home near Jonesboro. Miss Edna Oberry, of Willacoo chee, arrived Monday afternoon to he the guest of Miss Lucy Brown for several days. Aliss Mattie Johnson, who has been on a two weeks’ vacation with home folks at Flippen, is again back at tHe Star Store. Miss Virginia Chamberlain, of Atlanta, is the lovely and attrac five guest of Aliss Ethel Sowell, this week. Aliss Grace Golden, of Atlanta, who lias been the guest of Miss Ethel Sowell for sometime, will re turn to her home today. Aliss Alary AlcCurry, of Fairburn, and Aliss Lillian Barns of Clarks tun, two bright and attractive young ladies, were the guests of Aliss Eva Harris for several days. Airs. E. L. Sullivan, of Locust Grove, and Airs. J. M. Foster, of East Point, are the guests of Miss Bertha Dickson while her parents are at Lookout Alonntain. Alessrs. A. I). and .T. F. Tingle, two of the county’s highly esteem ed citizens who reside near Locust Grove, were in the city Monday and while here gave tlie Weekly a pleasant call Aliss Nena Turner, one of the brightes members of the younger set, left on Alonday for Alacon, where she goes for a two weeks’ visit to her an n t, Airs. D. A. Wright. Mr. Wade Turner, the popular and efficient clerk for B. B. Car michael & Sons, is again back at his post of duty after a ten days’ vacation spent with home people in the country. Mr. L. R. Wynn, of Selma, Ala., who has been on a trip to the Jamestown Exposition, New York and other northern points, stopped oil’ here a few days as he was en route home with old friends. Air. J. W. South, of Litlionia, was a visitor in AlcDonough, on Monday, being here to arrange for winding np the estate of the lute, Newton M South, of the northern part of this county. Miss Maidee Lee, of Warren ton, was the lovely guest of .Miss Bertha Dickson on last Friday. Aliss Lee had been on an extended visit to friends at Concord and stopped here for a day as she was enronte home. t Rev. Sam H. Campbell, of Pine Bluff, Ark., has been the guest of his father, Dr. C. P. Campbell, and other friends and relatives here this week. He was given a warm and cordial welcome by his hosts of old friends during his stay in McDonough. . Dr. C. I. Bryans, of Augusta, an old Henry county boy who has al ready won many laurels in his chosen profession, arrived Monday for a week’s visit to home folks and friends in McDonough,. He has been accorded a- cordial and hearty Welcome by his numerous home friends. He is one of tin citv physicians of Augusta, and al so holds a chair in the medical col lege at that place. It is gratifying to his many home friends to know of his splendid success in his cho sen profession. FOR SALF.. 55 acres land one mile north of Ola good dwelling, barn and out houses, for terms write to AY. W. Ammons, Covington, Ga. A party of McDonoughites spent several days this week at Flat Shoals, near Neal. Gu., on a fish ing and outing trip. Those com posing the party were, H. B. Neal, H. M. Turner, C. W. Walker, C. C. Tye, W. D. Upshaw, C. W. Coan, J. Al. Carmichael and J. D. Dupree. Why you should buy the Stude baker wagons. 1. It is tne strongest wagon on earth. m 2. It has passed the experiment al stage. 3. It has the best selected ma terial throughout. 4. It Ims the lightest drop of all wagons. 5. It has the heavest tire of any wagon. 6. It has the strongest wheels of any wagon made. 7. It has a reputation that no other wagon lias. 8. It is fullest guaranteed and sold by, B. B. Carmichael & Sons. We have installed an Ice cream manufacturing out fit in our creamery and are prepared to furnish ice cream and sherberts of any flavor or design in quanities from one quart up. Our ice cream will be made of pure cream and will comply with all the requirements of the Pure Food Law. We would re= quest all orders for Sun day delivery be given on Saturday. Pearl Spring Creamery. FOR SALE, One new 5 room house and about % acres of land in 225 steps of pub lic square, to take effect Sept. Ist. 4t AY. D. NELSON. MISSES TURNER ENTER TAIN YOUNGER SET. Alisses Ruth and Nena Turner delightfully entertained number of friends at their lovely home on last Friday evening. Those present and sharing in the delightful pleasures of the evening were : Alisses Irwin AlcDonald, Clara Bright, Ethel Sowell, Grace Golden of Atlanta, Elene Neal, Hattie Sue Lowe, Helen Dunn, Alla B. Carmi chael ; Messrs. Talmadge Thomp son, Ray AlcGill, of Dawson ; Mun roe and Malcolm Huttun, of Sa vannah ; Alf Fouclie, Alex Brown, Ben Bankston, John Varner, Ben ton Neal, Gordon Dickson, Air. Green, of Atlanta ; Carl Sloan, Ad am Sloan, Pierce Stewart Hugliie Turner. * WALLACE-McLENDON. On Wednesday afternoon, just after the Sun had passed over the western hills. Air. .T. C. Daniel met Air. I). L. AlcLendon, of Flippen, and All’s. Alary Jane AA T allace, of Hampton, in the road near Mr. \Y. E. Alexander’s home and there Mr. Daniel performed the ceremo ny that united them in the holy bonds of matrimony. The bride is a most excellent woman, and the groom is a sub stantial farmer of near Flippen. Their many friends join the Weekly in best wishes for a long and happy life. stimulate the TORPID. LIVE': strengthen the digestive organ: regulate the bowels, and are ur> equaled as an ANTI-BiLiQUS MEDSCINE, In malarial districts their virtues ar w*delv recognized, as they posses peculiar properties in freeing t h system from that poison. Elegantr sugar coated. Take No Take no thought for yesterday. BANK OF STOCKBRIDGE STOCKBRIDGE, GA. WILL Pay you interest on time deposits Prompt and appreciative, with all “DEPOSITS INSURED” In a Reserve Fund of $200,000.00. “The safest is best.” Why? li. G. FOKTSON, Cashier. FOR SALE. 155 aci'es of land 1% miles south east of AlcDonougli ; also one house and large lot in the town of Mc- Donough belonging to the estate of Wm, N. Nelson. For further in formation see J. F. M. Fields or W. D. Nelson, Exs. 4t. For heave to Sell. GEORGIA, Henry County. To whom it may concern: J. A. Fouche administrator upon the estate Enoch M. Jackson, late of said county, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned? Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell all the land of said estate. Said applica tion will he heard on the first Monday in September 1907, Henry court of Ordinary for said county. Aug. 5, 1907. G. G. Weems, Ordinary. For heave to Sell. GEORGIA, Henry County: To whom it may concern: J. W. and J. B. South, administrators upon the es tate of Newton M. South, late of said county, deceased, has in due form ap plied to the undersigned, Ordinary of said county, fer leave to sell the following par cels of land, to-wit: 50 acres of land in southeast corner of lot No. 104. Also 50 acres in southeast corner of lot No. 189. Also fifty acres in southeast of lot 104. Also 50 acres in southwest corner of lot of land No. 104. Also 50 acres in north east corner of lot No. 157. Also 50 acres in northwest corner of lot No. 157. Also 26 acres on of southwest corner of the north hull of lot of land. No.' 183; lying and in 11th Dist. of said county. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Alonday in September 1907. Aug. 5, 1907. , G. G. Weems. Ordinary. <'oinjuiissinners’ Male. GEORGIA, Henry County: By virture of an order granted by Hon. E. J. Reagan, Judge of the Superior courts of the Flint circuit, in the case of R. L. Price, guardian of Allie Al. Laney, vs Lucy B. Price and G. E. Sowell, peti tion for partition in Henry Superior court, said order granted on August 2nd 1907, tlie undersigned as Commissioners, will sell before the court house door in the town of McDonough, said county, be tween the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in September 1907. to the high est bidder for cash, the following real es tate to-wit: “Fifty acres of land, more cr less, in the 7th land district of Henry county, Georgia, bounded north by T. H. Stalls wortli, east by estate J. T. Laney, south by Mrs. Parry L. Laney and west by W. P. Woodward. Being the land deeded Lucy B. Laney, Mary F. Laney and Allie M. Laney by L. L. Laney, Nov, 4th 1901, recorded in Book (i, page 64, office of Clerk Henry Superior court. Also, Forty-five acres of land, more or less, in the seventh land district of Henry county, Georgia, bounded north and east by W. A. Craig, south by John S. Elkins and west by W. P. Hopkins. Said land more fully described in a deed from J. S. Elkins to L. L. Laney, guardian of Lucy 8., Alary F. and Allie M. Laney, dated Nov. 4th 1901 and recorded in Book 6, page 65, Clerk's office Henry Superior court. Also, One hundred and eleven acres of land, more or less, in the 7th land district of Henry county, county, Ga., bounded north by Joel B. Watkins, east by C. A. McKibben, south by Roe Crumbier and west by Airs. Parry L. Laney and other lands of Allie AL, Lucy B. and Mary F. Laney, more fully described in a deed front J. S. Elkins administrator to L. L. Laney, guardian of Lucy 8., Mary F. and Allie Al. Laney, dated Nov. 4th 1901 and recorded in Book 4 page 555 Clerk’s office Henry Superiour court. Each of the above described tracts will |he sold separately and warranty title made purchasers by the owners thereof, ' to-wit: Lucy B. Price, G. E. Sowell and ! Allie Al. Laney. The above described lands sold under order of the court in ac cordance with section 4793 of the Code of 1895. This August 3rd 1967. J. Al. Ingram, S. B. Kimball, H. A. Crumbier. Commissioners. E. M. Smith, Attorney. Budget you i money back if net satisfied. Sample'tube and Booklet by mail ioc. BROWN MF'G CO.. St. Louis, Mo. Creenevillo.Tenn. For Leave to Sell. GEORGIA, Henry County. To whom it may concern: W. B. J. In gram, G. G. LeGuinn, and J. O. Wynn, executors of estate of J. A. Wynn, dec’d. late of said county, have in due form ap plied to the undersigned, Ordinary of said couty, for leave to sell all the land be longing to said estate, situated, lying and being ip 7th district said county. Sold for distribution among of said estate, etc. Said application will be heard at the regular term of of the court or Or dinary for said county on first Alonday in September, 1907. Aug. 5, 1907. G. G. Weems, Ordinary. For Leave to Sell. GEORGIA. Henry County. H. G. Fields, administrator of the es tate of Janies W. Fields, late of said coun ty, deceased, with will annexed has in due form applied to the undersigned; Or dinary of said county, for leave to sell fol lowing parcels of land, to-wit: 20L acres of land lot No 170. Also 101 V acres south side of lot No. 169. Also 101% acres of land north side of lot No 169. Also 65 acres on south side of west half of lot No. 151. Also 45 acres on north side of west half of lot No. 151. Also 25 acres in south east corner of lot No. 138; and also 25 acres in north east corner of lot No. 184, situated, lying and being in 6t h district said state and county. Sold for distribu tion among heirs, etc. Snid application will be heard on first Alonday in Septem ber, next, at regular term Henry court of Ordinary for said county, 1907. Aug. 5 G. G. Weems, Ordinary. For Leave to Sell. G KORGIA, Henro .County. To whom it may concern: ALA. Bai ley, administrator of estate of Airs. Nan cy Bailey, late of said county, deceased, has in due form applied to the under signed, Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the following land, to-wit: 137% acres of land, more or less, situated, ly ing and being on' the east side of lot of land No. 158 in 11th Dist. said countv. Said application will be heard on first Alonday in September next 1967, at regu lar term Henry court of Ordinary for said county, 1907. Aug. sth 1907. G. G. Weems, Ordinary. For Dismission. GEORGIA, Henry County. Airs. N. J. Harper, administratrix of the estate of A. F. Harper, late of saiil county, deceased, having filed her peti tion for discharge; this is to cite all per sons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Alonday in September, 1907. This Aug. 5, 1907. G. G. Weems, Ordinary. For I .cave to Sell. GEORGIA, Henry County. To whom it may concern: B. H. Welch, executor of the estate of Mrs. Susana Welch, late of said county, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned, Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the following parcels of land of said estate to-wit: 103% acres of land, more or less, lying and being the west half of lot No. 203. Also 60 acres lying in northeast corner of lot 203. All situated, lying and being in Bth., Dist. of said state and coun ty, sold for distribution. Said applica tion will be heard on the first Alonday in September next at regular term Henry court of Ordinary for said county 1907. Aug. 5. 1907. G. G. Weems, Ordinary. For Leave to Fell. * Notice to Debtors anti Creditors. GEORGIA. Henry County. All persons having claims against the estate of J. B. Price, Sr., late of Henry county, Georgia, deceased, are hereby no tified to present them ;ls prescribed by law; and all persons indebted to said de ceased are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This Aug. 6, 1907. J. B. and S. S. Price. Executors. >.otioe to Debtors anil Creditors. GEORGIA, Henry County. All creditors of the estate Newton M. South, late of Henry, county, Ga., de ceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned ac cording to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make imme diate payment. This Aug. 5, 19t£. J. W. and J. B. South, Administrators.