The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 06, 1907, Image 4
HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. ,1. A. FOL'CHK, Publtoher. K. n JOHNSON Kditor. Entered at the postofflce at McDon vugh, aa second-class mall matter. Advertising Rates: SI.OO per Inch per month. Reduction on sta*4in* enptracts by special agreement. McDonough, Ga , Sept. 6, 1907. JACK, The Kimbell Baptist Associntion hold its annual session at Phillippi church this week, beginning Tues day. The annual session of the High Falls Musical Convention will he held at Stark, Butts county, on Friday and Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in this month. The convention is composed of the counties of Jasper, Butts and Hen ry and comes to this county next year. Rev. G. S. Walker, of Lithonia, who is editor of the “Lithonia De- Kalb Service,” has purchased the “DeKalb New Era” and will con solidate both papers, the first issue to appear Sept. 6th. He is the present pastor of Sharon church and his many Henry county friends wish him success in his new undertaking. Mrs. J. S. Duke is visiting rela tives in Atlanta. Harvey Jackson has treated his new residence to a nice coat of paint. Oliver Thompson visited rela tives in Atlanta this week. •T. C. Craig has recently added several nice improvements to his residence. A. J. Upchurch and Arthur Bowden attended the all day sing ing at Griffin on the 4tli Sunday. J. Bion Mayo, one of Bethany’s best young men, has accepted a good position with the Union Warehouse in McDonough. Madam Rumor says there is go ing to be wedding bells ringing be fore 111 OS is ushered in. M. A. Norman will have charge of the H. J. Copeland Co’s. Din ner y this fall, en tering upon his duties on the Ist inst. ii \i> ax \ w i ri- mu;. Hut Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoe Kemetly Cured Him It is with pleasure that I jtive yon this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago when I had a se vere ease of measles I got caught out in a hard rain and the measles settled in my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time and had it not been for the us of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea rem edy I could not have possibly lived but a few hours longer, but thanks to this remedy I am now strong and well. I have written the above through simple gratitude and I shall always speak a good word for this remedy.—Sam H. Gwin, Con cord Ga. For sale by McDonough Drug Co. It’s amusing to note the number of probable candidates for the dif ferent offices of the state, who come out flat-footed for prohibi tion. What’s the use of using this plank now, when we have that matter settled. Remedy for lMarrhnea. Never Known to Fall. “I want to say a few words for Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used this preparation in my family for the past live years and have recom mended it to a number of people in York county and have never known it to fail to effect a cure in any instance. I feel that I can not say too much for the best remedy of the kind in the world."—S. Jem ison, Spring Grove, York county, Pa. This remedy is for sale by Mc- Donough Drug Co. We believe in reform, but not too d—n much of it.—Fairbnrn News. Now, brother Toney, don't get naughty. For Woman’s Eye ** J-18 STQCKBRIDGE. [Last week’s Letter.] Cotton is opening and there will soon he work for the farmers. Miss Ruby Holdbrooks, of At lanta, is visiting relatives near this place this week. We regret to note the death of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Masliburn. It was taken to Adairs ville and buried Sunday. Miss Maud Ellis, one- of Stock bridge’s most popular young la dies died at her home last Wed nesday. The interment was in Burks’ graveyard, Rev. Rowden officiating. For Sale—The residence of Mrs. W. H. Gilbert, SIOOO cash. It is located on Jonesboro St. near the hotel. It is a nice 8 room house with garden and large orchard. Apply at her residence. Cupid. DO YOU GET UP WITH A TAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful ■1 j. cures made by Dr. * * H Kilmer’s Swamp g ji Root, the great kid- UJ . j iA nev, iiver and blad- J jpv c/ lr- d er remedy. v J( ]s/ It is the great med |\M_\ r ’ Kal triumph of the i nineteenth century , /jU'"';, [] t discovered after years In fT” — o f scientific research fj UrJ- by Dr. Kilmer, the ■ eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Bright’s Disease, wh i ~ v ' is the worst form of kidney troubl. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp* (•wot is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It lias been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every ease that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer JGY’L.-t-., & Co., Binghamton, SSjjiliS N. V- i ■ • •y ~ fiftv-cent and one dollar size bottles are Home of Swamp-Root, sold by all good druggists. Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N- Y., on every bottle. Its dollars to doughnuts if Andy Roddenberg defeats .Tim Grigps next year it will be by a “scratch,” and when the race is over lie'll feel that be has won over one of the swiftest and best runners in the state. is a soothing, healing balm containing no drugs having a narcotic effect. It RELIEVES quickly and soothes the congested membranes and thoroughly heals and cleanses. Valuable not only for ■ CATARRH but relieves colds, throat troubles, hay fever, “stopped-up” nose, etc. W<* Guarantee Satisfaction. Buy a so cent tube of Nosen A from IjOCI'ST GKOVI-; DIM o CO and get your money back if not satisfied. Sampie tube and Booklet by mail ioc. BROWN MFC CO . St Louis Mo. Grcenevillt Tonn. The cold, gray dawn of the mornin' al ter—.Tan’y Ist, is fast drawin ; night. Women’s troubles very often occur regularly at a certain time every month. Be cause this may have been so all your life, is no reason why it should continue. Many thousands of women, who had previously suffered from troubles similar to yours, due to disorder of the womanly organs, have found welcome relief or cure in that wonderfully successful medicine for women, Wine of Cardui Mrs. Leota Forte, of Toledo, 111., writes: “I am well pleased with the results of using Cardui. I havo taken three bottles and am now perfectly well, free from pain and have gained 25 pounds in weight. lie A ! EVTCn Write today for a free copy of valuable 64-page illustrated Book for Women, if you need Medical Ad- WKI I r 11 ■A I I I I I IC vice, describe your symptoms, stating age, and reply will be sent in plain sealed envelope. Address: l a —* • • Ladies Advisory Dept.. The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, .enn. * ____ FUTURE EVENT CALENDER. DATES AND PLAGES OF SOME OF THE MEETINGS AND CONVENTIONS TO BE HELD IN HENRY COUNTY IN THE NEAR FUTURE. All Day Singing to be held at the Court house in McDonough, Sunday, Sept. 29th At Hampton on Thursday November 28, an all-day singing at the school audi torium. THE GREATEST SUBSCRIPTION AND EDUCATIONAL OFFER EVER MADE The Tri- Weekly Atlanta Constitution , r ■ ' AMD - 1 1 =s The Henry County Weekly Together with New Home Library Wall Chart Showing a (\f\ Splendid New Map of Georgia and its Governors; all for only v/w The Tri-Weekly Constitution Monday, Wednesday, Friday, three r~; , ', , times a week. The newsiest, best, brightest, and biggest Great Southern Nev/spa- Tin sir si Vnsir per. Almost a Daily, yet the price of a Weekly UUe Dollar a 1 ear or The Weekly Constitution— twelve pages once a week, with each of the above (except that The Weekly Constitution is substituted for the Tri-Weekly)—all for one year for only The Tri-Weekly Constitution presents at one sweeping view the whole area of events. The news of the country state, nation, and the world is given in each complete issue. Each week the departments of Farm and Farmers, Woman’s Kingdom, Great Agricultural South Farmers’ I nion, Rural Free Delivery, Poultry, and others of wide interest, edited by experts anneal directly to those addressed. > - 1 > appeal The \\ eekly Constitution contains all these special features and the difference between it and the 1 ri-W eekly is that the one is issued once a week (on Monday only) and the other three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. * ] l you want The Constitution alone, without any clubbing offers, you can net the Tri-Weekly Constitution at SI.OO per year, or the Weekly at' soc pef year by addressing The Constitution, Atlanta, Ga. One sample copy sent free on request! THE CONSTITUTION IS THE PAPER FOR RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTES A dub of 40 or 50 or more will keep an R. F. D. route above the minimum average required for daily mail service. It is the great news purvey rof the whole Southland, as good m the Gulf and Mississippi States as on the Atlantic Seaboard Clubbed with The Constitution we have the New Home Library Wall Chart The Constitution has had”engraved, at heavy cost, a splendid map of the state of „ portraits that could be secured of the governors of the state, in an almost unbroken linear™™ surro^ nded by the James Edward Oglethorpe, in 1732, to the last of the distinguished gentlemen vhn . i OUr first Governor, to Hon. Hoke Smith, whose term will expire in 1909. The map is upon a larg p scale vULml.u h!g:h office, aown giving the congressional districts in clear outline, bringing out the county sitvs nmn,iLn,i ng . the °° unues in colors, water system in our state, as well as the railnoad lines. A splendid featur e of the itnrJoi° Set i ier with the whole distanep between stations shown in plain figures in every case. railroad system is given in the The nine new counties recently established are properly given, with every detail correctlv shown I]Tl t , , Besides the splendid Georgia map, which is but faintly outlined above, the second Ywt'ToV P ™ Chart gives nuips of all the insular possessions of the United States, together with a \wly States map surrounded by portraits of the presidents of the United States. Another page shows th. ?, “ , our country in the population of all towns of 3,000 and over for the last three census periods The gives Mercator’s Projection of the World, together with a United States map showing the various Loi'i . . territory up to date. This page is surrounded by flags of all nations in proper colors and abo hv +h? IO T of the rulers of the world correctly given to date. The last page gives a topographical relief m ., n A 6l P ol Uyits Canal and surrounding territory, together with a profile, or cross section, of the countrv to be eve“ Vvith this feature is a historical sketch and map of the Isthmian Canal that is quite complete. area. OUR GREAT PROPOSITION Remember, our paper one year, and the Tri-Weekly Constitution, Monday \\ ednesday and Friday, three times a week, for one year and all of the above splendid maps for SJ . 00; or the whole combination, (except that the WreklvVnrT stitution is substituted for the Tri-Weekly) for only $1 65 Send at once. Get right on. Don’t miss a copy. ’ Address all* orders for above combination to THE HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDonough, Ga. FOR SALE-LOTS IN LOCUST GROVE, GA. i Acre, $l5O. Dieken Street 165 ft iront, 500 feet irom Southern Railway depot. <l4 Acres, SSOO. Clevelrnd Street 100 ft front, facing Railway Crossing. 4oo A feet from Southern Railway depot. JOHN S. CLEATON, 408-9 Peters Oldg, Atlanta WEEKLY SI.OO PER YEAR.