Newspaper Page Text
Leading Undertaker.
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night.
Phone 30. *
McDONOt (iH, GA.
JD r - 7£- 'B- Thompson,
OFFICE HOURS: 7.30 a. m. to 5 p. m.,
Every Day Except Mondays and Saturdays
Dr. Austin,
at Hampton, Ga.,
I H rom 18 to 25 oi each month.
All of our figured lawns and mus
lins to go at- cost. Ingram Co. '
Mr. Henry Hudson was the gnest
of Troy Smith the past week.
Just received a new line of tin
and Enameled ware. Ingram Co.
Mr. Ware IMcConnell of River
dale spent a few days last week
v.ith Mr. .1, A'. Upchurch.
Early tall line of percales and
ginghams, and ladies skirts in all
the popular colors.
Walker, Turner Co."
Misses Mattye Mayo, and Mr.
Eugene Mayo of Riverdale spent
Monday and Tuesday with their
sister, Mrs. .1. A’. Upchurch.
Mr. Ji m England has returned
to Roc km art where he goes to re
sume his studies in Piedmont In
See me for lumber and shingles.
R. C. Brown,
Locust Grove, Ga.
Enlarged Portraits and Picture
Frames of all kinds.
■P Walter Thompson, Agent.
Beginning August Ist, I will re
turn hack to old office hours, 7:30
to 12 a. m. 1 to 3 j). m.
T. A. Lifsey.
family horse for sale or will trade
tor a good mule For further in
formation call on J. O. Kimbell,
Ht. 3, McDonough, Ga.
Miss Lillian Daniel, who spent
two weeks with her sisters at Grif
tin, returned horn 1 ast Saturday
to the delight of her hosts of home
T ean save you money on buggies
and harness. Call and see them or
wiite me for prices—cash or credit.
Locust Grove, Ga.
LOST—One pair Gold-mounted
rimless, nose Glasses, near public
square on Monday afternoon. Find
er please return to The Weekly of
fice and get reward.
ALss Jettie Bunn has gone to
Locust Greve where she will teach
in the Grammar School the ensu
ing term. She is a most excellen
young woman and a fine teacher.
We are also showing new *vb-~
in fail clothing we '"irrv every
thing that a well-dr* »sod man
wants, come and I t show y«>u
our stock and be pb-a-.d
Walker. Turner Co,
Miss Bertha Bunn has gon< u>
Rockmart, where she will butch ;ri
Piedmont Institute the present
school year. She is a teacher of
experience and ability and this
school is fortunate in securing h■ :
New lines Ladies and Gents
Misses and Boys shoes and re
number we are agents for the cel
ebrated Queen Quality and Cuos
sett lines the best advertised line
in the whole country.
AValker Turner Co. ;
Just received a full line of
Lamps at Ingram Co’s.
Mr. Joe Smith is wearing a
smile—a bright little boy.
Miss Ethel Johnson is visiting
•relatives in Rockdale.
A new lino of Clocks, just re
ceived. Ingram Co.
Mr. T. H. Haralson, of Sherfield,
visited friends and relatives here
last week.
.Mr. J. H. Haralson and family of
Conyers were the guests of Mrs.
j M. A. Johnson and family recently.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rogers and
family visited the latter’s parents
last week.
Mr. T. J. Horton, of Oxford," has
been the guest of his brother, Dr.
B. E. Horton, this week.
Little Miss Nell Norman has re
turned to her home after an ex
tended visit to friends and rela
tives in Covington.
Air. Marvin Smith, of Batson,
Texas, was the guest of his cousins
.Misses Janie and Richie Johnson,
several days last week.
Aliss Fannie Cheatham, of Daw
son, who spent several weeks at
the Brown House, left on Alonday
for her home.
Miss Aline Moon, of Kissemmee,
Fla., arrived Thursday for a visit
to Airs. E. AI. Smith and other
McDonough friends.
FOR SALE—One vacant lot
next to my home on the north side
of the street.
Mrs. R. C. Manley,
McDonough, Ga.
The many friends of Airs. S. E.
Stewart are pained to know that
he is critically ill with gastritis at
his home in McDonough. It is
■thought that he* is slightly im
proved at noon Thursday.
Alcssrs. H. A. Do Loach and J. A.
Prcsson, of Snrtpping Shoals, were
visitors in the city on Tuesday and
were heartily welcomed by their
hosts of friends.
The many friends of Air. C. AM.
South, of north Henrv, will he
glad to learn that he is rapidly
improving from a severe and tedi
ous attack of fever at Dr. Arm
strong’s Sanitarium at Morrow.
LOST—Scpt\ 2nd between Up
church’s stable by Patterson’s
store and Star corner an old gold
seal ring of Civil War Pattern,
with “M. S. D.” on inside. Proper
reward to finder calling at The
Weekly office.
Mr. J. T. Bond, who recently
had his barn burned at his home
near Stockbridge, was paid S3OO
insurance on it by the He n r y
County Fire Insurance Company
on Tuesday.
Miss Corrie Bridges went to
Griffin on last Tnt sday afternoon
where she went to attend a recep
tion given by Miss-Travis Tuesday
evening and to visit Mrs. C. L.
Tucker, returning home yesterday
.Mr. H. L. Thompson, an employ
ee of the Southern Railway, and
Miss Lottie Hay, of Jasper county,
came here on Wednesday after
noon and secured license from Or
dinary Weems and Rev. A. S. At
kinson was called in and joined
them together in the holy bonds
of wedlock at the court house.
Th<* h<-ts of friends of Miss Ber
t . j Dickson were pained on Vnn
‘ to ]< arn of the painful and sc- ;
r u. - accident that had befallen
? on Saturday night near Loeost• i
Grove Site was attendinga house
jar tv at Miss Carrie Lee Combs
and on Saturday evening the partv
was on a "straw ride,” and for
some reason Miss Dickson rose to a
s'anding position in the wagon
and as she did so the team made a
sudden jerk forward and she was
thrown from the wagon and her
left arm was broken near the
shoulder, besides she received a
number of bruises. She is still at
Locust Grove und is doing nicely.
She will be able, to return home
about Sunday.
House and lot for sale. Apply at
once. x. AV. Woodward.
Aliss Frances Turner, of Eaton
ton, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
J. Q. Nolan.
Mr. and Airs. J. Q. Nolan have
returned from a month’s visit to
her old home at Eatonton.
The little two year old child of
Mr. and Mrs. Harper Floyd died at
their home near Alt. Carmel on last
Alonday and was buried on Tues
day at Alt. Carmel.
Mr. L. J. Davis, of Atlanta,
formerly an old Henry conntian
and one of Locust Grove’s former
prominent and popular citizens,
was a pleasant caller on The Week
ly, Monday.
Air. and Airs. D. P. Cook and
daughter, Aliss Clare, of College
Park, have been here this week at
the bedside of their daughter,
Airs. B. E. Horton.
Air. Otis (). Tollesoo, one of Me-
Donough’s bright and energetic
young teachers, left on Monday
for Locust Grove where he went
to take charge of thh departments
of mathematics and science in the
Locust Grove Institute.
Air. J. L. Atkinson, of Thomp
son, anti his son, have been liei’e
this week arranging to move here
and make McDonough their future
home. Air. Atkinson is a genial
and affable gentleman and has won
many friends already. He will re
side in the house recently vacated
by Air. H. J. Copeland. He will
go into the mercantile business
here, and will open up a staple and
fancy grocery business in the old
T. AI. Bright store on the corner,
about tlie 15th of this month.
Miss Mary AI. Woods, who has
been teaching in the State Normal
School,jat Greenville, W-Va., is
visiting her sister, Mrs, A, L. Col
vin, at Locust Grove.
Aliss Bessie Turnbull, Alonticello,
Fla., is visiting friends at Locust
Airs. Bet tie Woods Reynolds
is spending the summer with-her
parents in Virginia.
Miss Trella Castellaw has re
turned from a visit to friends in
Rockdale Co.
For I ioave to Sell.
GEORGIA. Henry County:—
To whom it may concern: J. H. Var
ner and J. C. Daniel, administrators with
will annexed of J. F. Varner, late of said
county, deceased, has in due form applied
to the undersigned Ordinary of said coun
ty for leave to sell the following parcels of
land to-wit: 202 L acres of land lot No.
132; also eight acres of land off of lot No.
124; also eighteen acres off of lot No. 131,
all lying and being in 7th Dist. said coun
ty. Sold as the property of J. F. Varner,
late of said county, and for distribution
among the heirs of said deceased. Said
application will he heard on first Monday
in October next 1907 at the regular term
of said court of Ordinary of said county.
Sept. 2, 1907. G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
For Proba'e of Will.
GEORGIA —Henry Gouty.
Mrs. Com C. Fears, as nominated exec
utrix, having made application for pro
bate in solemn form of the last will and
testament of N.C,Fears, late of said coun
ty deceased, You as heirs at law of said N.
C. Fears, to-wit: Cora C. Fears, Thomas
F. Fears, Delia Mosely, Sallie Fears, Gra
dy Fears, Whitsell Fears, Mary Fears,
Alice Fears, Laura Fears, Hellen Fears,
Nathan C. Fears, resident heirs at law of
said N.C. Fears; and Walter A Fears, a
non-resident heir at law, and a resident of
the State of Louisiana, are hereby requir
ed to be and appear at the Court of Ordi
nary for said county on the first Monday
in October next, 1907, when said applica
tion for Probate will be heard.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
Executors Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
By virtue of an order from the court of
Ordinary of said county, " ill l>e sold at
public outcry on tirst Tuesday in October,
next,(l9o7) at the court house door in said
county between the usual hours of sale,
the following real estate, situated, lying
and being in Henry county, to wit: 110
acres of land, except one acre heretofore
deeded for school building in north cor
ner of said parcel, in lot No. 241 first land
Bist. said county in north side of said lot.
•Mso 75 acres of land being parts of lots
Nos. 241 and 242. Also 125 acres of land
being parts of lots 241 and 242 in lot not
known. Also 130 acres of land lying in
lots not known. Also 75 acres of land ex
( apt 1-2 acre for Burial ground about the
center of lot No. 242, known as home
pluc ■, and mill site and mill stone and
fixtures of mill.
Sold as the property of Dr. J. A. C.
Wynn, late of soid county, for distribu
tion between heirs of said deceased.
Terms one tenth cash and balance pay
able Deceitilmr Ist. l'A)7.
Parties desiring to inspect property call
on J. O. Wynn, W. B. .1 Ingram and G.
G. Leguinn. Sept. 2, 1907.
W. B. .1. Ingram /
J. O. Wynn Executors
G. G. Lgeuinn )
Pay you interest on time deposits
Prompt and appreciative, with all
In a Reserve Fund of $200,000.00.
“The safest is best.” Why?
L. G. EOItTSON, Cashier.
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
To whom it may concern: .J. C. Daniel,
executors of the will of Mrs Martha A.
Varner, late of said county, deceased, has
in due form applied to the undersigned,
j Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell
I the following real estate, to-wit: One
j house and lot in the city of McDonough,
j said county situated lying and being on
! the western part of said city and Jones
boro street and know r n as the Callaway
place, and bounded on North by Jones
boro street, west by lands of Mrs. A. F.
| Varner, south by lands of W. I). Nelson,
! and on cost hv lands of H. B. Carmichael,
containing about one undone half acres,
more or less. Said application
| will be heard on the first Monday in
I October next at regular term Henry
i court of Ordinary for said county 1907.
I Sept. 2. 1907.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.*
For Lea ve to Sell.
I GEORGIA, Henry County.
To whom it may concern: E. Cowan,
administrator of estate of J. W. Cowan,
late of said county, dec e a std,
has in due form applied to the under
signed, Ordinary of said county, for leave
to sell the following real' estate, to-witi
125 acres of land more or less, lots 194 and
195, 11th Dist. Henry county, Ga.; also 100
acres of land more or less’ south half of
lot No. 163, 11th Dist,. Henry county Ga.;
also 100 acres of land more or less, east
half of lot No. 192, 12th Dist Henry county
Ga.; also 100 acres of land more or less of
laud of originally Henry Co. now Rock
daleNo. 168. east half of said lot; also 100
acres of land more or less west half of lot
No. 169, Rockdale Co. Ga.; also 100 acres
of land more or less, being east half of lot
No. 169, originally Henry now Rockdale
Co. Said application will he heard on first
Monday in October, next, 1907, at the reg
ular term of said court of Ordinary of said
county. Said land sold for distribution
among the heirs of said deceased, J. W.
Cowan. Sept. 2, 1907.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
To whom it may concern: Emma G.
Herndon having made application to me
in due form to he appointed permanent
administratrix upon the estate of T. M.
Herndon, late of said county. Notice is
hereby given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of* the court of
Ordinary for said county to be held on
first Monday in October 1907. Witness my
hand and official signature, Sept. 2, 1907.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
To Whom it may concern: J. C. Jinks
having made application to me in due
form to be appointed permanent adminis
trator upon the estate of J. C. Jinks, late
of said county, deceased. Notice is hereby
given that said application will lie heard
at the regular term of the court of Ordi
nary for said county to be held on first
Monday in October !SK)7. Witness my
hand and official signature. Sept 2, 1907.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
To whom it may concern: W. A. Smith
and W. J. Smith, executors of the estate
of W. H. Smith, late of said county, de
ceased. have in due form applied to the
undersigned Ordinary of said county for
leave to sell the following land to-wit:
ninety acres of land more or less situated
lying and being in 3rd Dist. of said coun
ty, number not know*n. Bounded
as follows: on north by lands of Claude
Gray and high school lot, south by lands
of W. J. Smith, east by corp rate limits
at present of the town of Locust Grove,
and west by lands of R. F Smith. Said
application will lie heard on first Monday
in October next. 1907, at the regular Term
of said Court of Ordinary for said county.
Sept. 2, 1907 G. G. WEEMS, Ord'y.
Executors’ Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
Agreeable to an order of the court of
Ordinary of Henry county. Ga. will be
soldyit auetion-at the court-house door of
said county on the first Tuesday in Octo
ber 1907, within the legal hours of sale,
the following land, to-wit: Ail of lots of
land Nos. forty-six and eighteen, and east
half of lot of land number nineteen, and
north half of lot of land number forty
seven. All in the sixth district of Henry
county. Sold .as the property of J. B.
Price, late of said county, deceased. Terms
of sale, cash. Sept. 2nd 1907.
?' i> rice ’ [ Executors.
S. S. Price, 1
Ail mi aist rater's Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
By virtue of au order granted by court
of Ordinary for said county, will be sold
before the court house door in the town
of McDonough, Ga., on the Ist Tuesday
in October 1907, between the legal hours
of sale, the following real estate, towit:
One hundred sixty-one and one-fourth
acres of land lot No. 203 in Bth land dis
trict of Henry county Ga., being all the
west half of said lot. and 60 acres in the
north-east corner of same. Sold as the
property of Mrs. Lureney W elcch, dec d.
to pay debts and for distribution among
the legatees under her will. Terms cash.
This Sept. Ith 1907.
B. H. Welch, Executor Estate
Mrs. Lureney Welch.
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
Te whom it may concern: Mrs. T. F.
Gut ter, administratrix of the estate of A.
C. Canter, late of said county, deceased,
hay 'n due form applied to the undersign
ed Ordinary of said county for leave to sell
tht following real estate of deceased, con
sisting <y one hundred and forty-five (145)
acr-s of land more or lesslying and being
in tre seventh land Dist., "commencing at
comer cr New otherwise known as Gol-
U'tre street in the tow’n of McDonough in
fron of ,J. W. Rape's residence and run
mug south to a rock corner in pasture
i iirin •- west to a rock corner between J. H.
Copeland, A. W. Turner and said place,
thence in southernly direction to rock por
neron line between' W. W. Amis, W. D.
Knight and said place, thence east until it
strikes fish pond branch, thence down said
I branch to Bridge, thence north along road
back to New street, thence west along
New street to commencing corner and
hounded as follows: west, by binds of A.
W. Turner, H. J. <& J. H. Copeland, J. F.
M. Fields and W. W. Amis; south by W.
D. Knight; east by W. J). Knight, 11. J.
Copeland, C. J. Turner and Mark Knott,
and on north by New street. Also one
hundred acres more or less m Ilth Dist. of
I Henry county and bounded as follows:
j east by Atlanta road, north by lands of
Mrs. Glance Farrar and Ed Jackson, west
by George Crumbley and center of Cotton
Indian river and scuth by lands of Joe J.
Smith. And that for the purpose of dis
tribution it is necessary to sell said land,
said application will be heard on first Mon
day in October 1907 at the regular term of
Court of Ordinary of said county. Sept.
2, 1907.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County:—
By virtue of an order of the court of Or
dinary of said county will be sold at pub
lic outcry on the first Tuesday in October
1907 at the courthouse in said county be
tween the usual hours of sale the follow
ing real estate situated in Henry county,
Ga., to-wit: Fifty (50) acres of land in
north east corner of lot No. 104; also 5 ac
res in south east corner of lot No. 189; also
fifty (50) acres of land south cast corner of
lot 104; also fifty (su; aensof land in south
west corner of lot No. 164; also fifty (50)
acres in north east corner of lot No. 157;
also fifty (50) acres in the north west cor
ner of lot No. 157; also 20 acres off of south
west corner of the north half of lot No.
163, all situated lying and being in 12th
land Dist. said county. Sold as the pro
perty of Newton M. South, late of said Co.
dec’d and for distribution among heirs of
said deceased. Terms cash. Sept. 2, 1907.
J. W. South, Adm’r.
Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
By virtue of an older of the court of Or
dinary of said county will be sold at pub
lic outcry on first Tuesday in October 1907
at the courthouse in said county between
the usual hours of sale the following real
estate situated lying and being in Henry
county. Git., to-wit: One hundred and
thirty-seven and one half adres of land
more or less situated lying and being on
the east side of lot of lantf No. 158 in 11th
land District of said county. Sold as the
property of Mrs. Nancy Bailey, late of
mid county, demised, for purposes of dis
tribution. Terms Cash. Sept. 2, 1907.
M. A. Bailey, Adm'r.
Not ice to Debtors and Creditors.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
All persons having claims against the
estate of J. B. Price, Sr., late of Henry
county, Georgia, deceased, lire hereby no
tified to present them its prescribed by
law; and all persons indebted to said de
ceased are requested to make immediate
payment to the undersigned.
This Aug. 6, 1907.
J. B. and S. S. Price, Executors.
Notice to Debtors ancl Creditors.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
All creditors of the estate Newton M.
South, late of Henry, county, Ga., de
ceased, are hereby notified to render in
their demands to the undersigned ac
cording to law, and all persons indebted
to said estate are required to make imme
diate payment. This Aug. 5, 1907.
J. W. and J. B. South,
fit Administrators.
A dministrator's Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
By virtue of an order of the court of Or
dinary for said county granted at the Sep
tember term of said court 1907, the under
signed as administrator with the will an
nexed upon the i state of J. W. Fields, late
of Henry county, deceased, will sell at the
courthouse in Henry county, Ga., on the
first Monday in October next, between the
usual hours of sale at public outcry to the
highest bidder for cash The following real
estate, to-wit: 258 acres of lard lots Nos.
170 ami isl, 202 H lot No. 170 and 55 acres
south side of West half of lot No. 151, mak
ing 256 acres, more or lew; also 45 acres of
land north side of west half of lot No. 251
and 25 acres of land in south east corner of
lot No. 138, making 70acres of land more
or less; also 25 aerosol* land in X.E. corner
of lot No. 184; also lol>p acres of land
more or less on south side of of lot No. 169
Also 101 Vi acres of land more or less on
north suie of lot of land Number 169,
6th land Dist. Sold as the property of J.
i W. Fields. Sate of >aid county, deceased,
j Terms Cash. Sept. 3d, 1907.
H. G. Fields, Adm’r with the will annexed