Newspaper Page Text
j. A. FOI'CHK, I’ulilldher.
K. li. .JOHNSON Kdilor.
Entered at the postofflc* at McDon
ough, a» second-class mail matter.
Advertising Rate*: SI.OO per Inch
§«r month. Reduction on standing
M«tracta by apeclal agreement.
McDonough, Ga , Sept. 20, 1907
Col. Ernest Smith, a prominent
young attorney of McDonough,
was a visitor in Jonesboro Monday
and was cordially greeted by his
many friends in this city. Colo
nel Smith is a candidate for the
Solicitor-Generalship of the Flint
circuit and seems to be waging a
very vigorous campaign even this
early. It may be that the clever
McDonough attorney realizes that
lie will have to fight early and late
to win over that able and popular
opponent lie has in Col. Walter
Wise, of the adjoining county of
Fayette, who is said to be setting
an exceedingly lively \mce in the
Both gentlemen have m any
friends in Jonesboro Who will
watch their race with much gen
uine interest.—Jonesboro Enter
Miss Daniel Entertains in
Honor of Visitors,
One. of the most delightful social
affairs of Jhe fall season was t-lie
reception given by Miss Lillian
Daniel on Tuesday evening in hon
or of her guest, Miss Dollie McKib
ben, of Jacksbn.
Miss Daniel is a charming and in
teresting hostess uii all occasions,
but on this occasion her rare and
pledsing hospitality was most
charming and highly enjoyed by
all present.
Those present and enjoying her
hospitality were :
Misses Dollie McKibben, Annie
Lou Copeland,- Leila Scott, Lucy
Brown, Cora Betts, Zetta Clontz,
FloreneeCarmichael, Agnes Dunn,
May Smoak, .lulia Earnest, Dora
Brigg, and Mayme Nee so.
Messrs. Marvin Turner, R. L.
Turner, R. L. Johnson, Dee Tolle
son, Elbert Burr, Charlie Coan, R.
O. Jackson, Jamie Hooten, Jim
Stroud, Will Walker, and Aldine
First National Has New
Mr. A. M. Stewart, who since the
organization of the First National
Bank has been its popular cashier,
has given up his position to attend
the law department of Mercer Uni
Ho is succeeded by Mr. Homer
Turner one of McDonough's promi
nent and well known young busi
ness men. Mr. Turner is too well
known to need an introduction to
the people of Henry county, and it
is safe to predict for him much suc
cess in liis*new field of labors.
The McG urity RvUiion.
On next Monday. Sept. 23rd
there will be a family reunion of
the McGarrity hoys at the old home
place where Mr. A. W. McGarrity
now resides.
Everybody cordially invited to
attend and bring well Allied bas
The reunion is in honor of the
birthday of Mrs. A. W. McGarrity
and it is hoped that their numer
ous friends will attend.
The manv friends of Mr. Robt.
L. Bcrrv, the popular cotton buy
er of Henry county who has spent
several s< ms in Jonesboro, wel
come his return to this city for
ttie coining fall and winter. Mr.
Beiry will buy cotton for the well
known firm, J. B. Holst Co., of
Cole.:ubus.—Jonesboro Enterprise.
A New Drug St >re
To be known as the Horton Drug
Co., is now being opened up in the
the room formerly occupied by the
McDonough Drug Co. in .McDon
The general management will be
in the hands of Dr. Horton, who
has acted in that capacity for about
seven years.
The prescription and sales de
partment will he managed by Mr.
A. G. Harris. While Mr, Harris
has not been engaged in this line
of work for the past few years, he
is no stranger in the field. He at
one time took a medical course in
the old Atlanta Medical College.
Later deciding not to practice, he
then turned his attention to the
study of pharmacy. Aftor taking
that degree, he worked as prescrip
tion clerk in a drug store in Griflin
for a few years, then went to
Jonesboro, where lie opened a drug
store of his own and conducted it
there for about eight years. Since
then he has kept in touch with the
medical world.
We are opening a nice new line
of goods, and will keep in stock ev
erything that belongs to a drug
*Wo will endeavor to show our
appreciation to the public for the
patronage we receive, by rendering
prompt and efficient service.
The Horton Drug Co.
Copeland Company Put in
New Line.
The 11. J. Copeland Co. have put
in a very large stock of fine cloth
ing for men and boys, and have in
stalled one of the latest and most
modern systems of handling this
large stock of goods.
They have a line that will ap
peal to all who are interested in a
first class line of clothing and
gents’ furnishing goods.
Lame J>ac4*..
This is an ailment for which
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has
proven especially valuable. In al
most every instance it affords
prompt and permanent relief. Mr.
Luke LaGrange, of Orange, Mich.,
says of it: -'Afterjusing a plaster
and other remedies for three
weeks for a had lame hack, I pur
chased a bottle of Chamberlain’s
Pain Balm, and two applications
effected a cure. For sale by Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
Aged Lady Dies.
Mrs. Coker, a highly esteemed
lady of Flat Rock community,
died at her home there on last Sat
urday, after a lingering illness
from the infirmities of old age.
She was about 80 years old. The
funeral occurred at her late resi
dence and the interment was at
the family burying ground at her
former home.
Machinery is digging the Panama
a thousand times uicker than the shove
dug the Erie.
Machinery produces L. & M. Paint at
.'>o times less cost for labor, than if made
by hand.
The L. & M. gives tin* best job in the
world, because L. and M. Zinc hardens L.
& M. White I.ead and makes L. & M
Paint wear like iron for ll> or 15 years.
It only requites 4 gallons of this celebra
ted j>ailit and il gallons of Linseed Oil at
liOets. per gallon, to paint a moderate size
If any defect exists in L. M. Paint,
will repaint house for nothing.
Sold by H. J. Copeland Mercantile Co.,
Hampton Buggy Co., Hampton.
Tutfs Pills
will save the dyspeptic from many
days of misery, and enable him to eat
whatever he wishes. They prevent
cause the foqd to assimilate and nour
ish the body, give keen appetite,
and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar
Take (\o Substitute.
t, v ■
Read the sth chapter of Mat
thew : “Behold, for the bill collec
tor drawetli nigh.”
Grady Maddox was a visitor to
Bethany again Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hooten spent
Sunday with the latter’s parents.
Uncle Billie Jenkins attended
the singing convention at Stark
last week.
J. B. Rodgers has invested in a
handsome new buggy.
Uncle “Si” McKibben gave Tus
saliaw a pop call Sunday after
The road machines have recent
ly put the public roads of Tussa
haw in fine condition.
Bethany Snndayschool re-or
ganized last Sunday and elected M.
A. Norman as Superintendant for
the ensuing year.
From the present prospects there
is going to be an over production
of office seekers in Georgia by the
time the election rolls around.
Next Saturday is regular con
ference clay at Bethany church,
and a full attendance is expected,
it being the time to call a pastor
for the ensuing year.
The annual session of the South
River Baptist Association was held
at Tanner’s church, eight miles
from Atlanta this week and M. A.
Norman, J. P. Rodgers, I. P. Ros
ser, J. H. Rape, and W. E. Jenk
ins, were the messengers to repre
sent Bethany church at this ses
A meeting of the patrons and
friends of Union Graded School
was held last Saturday night .look
ing towards the school interest at
that place. A movement is on
foot to erect a nice residence near
the school building, for the princi
pal to reside in, and it is to be
hoped that the movement will
meet with success.
A very unusual scene occurred
in Rockdale county a few days ago
when Rev. J. J. Stevenson, a Bap
tist minister, administered the or
dinance of Baptism to Mr. Tom J.
King who is paralized, and had to
he baptized sitting in his chair.
Tltis is the first instance we ever
knew, where baptism by immer
sion was administered to a person
sitting in a chair.
Say, we forgot last week to
mention a very important matter
in regard to the singing at the
court house on the sth Sunday and
that is that everybody is invited
to come, and also everybody that
comes is expected to bring well
filled baskets in order to accomo
date the large crowd that will be
there. All should bear in mind
that it's everybody’s singing, and
everybody is expected to help en
The High Falls Musical Conven
tion held its annual session at Ma
cedonia church in Butts county
last Friday and Saturday, and it
was one of the best conventions
ever yet held. Prof. Allen Crumb
lev of this county was elected
President of the body and W, J.
Kimbell of Butts. I. P. Rosser of
Henry, and Mr. Chaffin of Jasper
were the committee on arrange
ments. The convention is com
posed of Henry, Jasper, and Butts
counties, and the next annual ses
sion will be held with Bethany
church 4 miles east of McDonough,
on Friday and Saturday before the
3rd Sunday in Sept. 1908.
Chamberlain's Cougli ltenietly One of
the Best on ilie Market.
For many years Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy has constantly
gained in favor and popularity un
til it is now one of the most staple 1
medicines in use and lias an enor
mous sale. It is intended especi
ally for acute throat and lung dis
eases, such as coughs, colds, and
croup, and can always be depend
ed upon. It is pleasant and safe
to take and is undoubtedly the
best in the market for the purpos
es for which it is intended. Sold
by McDonough Drug.
Tax Collector’s Notice.
I will he at the different precincts on the days mentioned for the
purpose of collecting the State and County Taxes for the year 1907.
Hampton 2 4 and 22 . 13
Sixth 5 6 “ 25
Flippen 4 7 “ 2ft
Stockbridge 7 8 “ 27 16
Shakerag 8 11“ 28
Brushy Knob 9 12“ 29
Loves 10 13 2
McMullens 10 14 4
Beersheeba 14 15 5
Sandy Ridge 15 18 9
Tussahaw 16 19 10
Locust Grove 17 20 11 and 17
Lowes _ 18 21 12
Snapping Shoals 10 o’clock a. m. 6
Island Shoals 1 “ p. M. 6
Woodstown 2 “ “ 6
Hampton Friday December 13
Stockbridge Monday ‘ ‘ 16
Locust Grove Tuesday “ 17
McDonough, Court Week, First Tuesdays and Satur
day until books are closed, Dec. 20th.
Henry Co., Ga.
Women as We!! as Men Are Made
Miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon tlie mind,
discourages and lessens ambition; beauty,
t- -V,, — | vigor and cheerful
ness soon disappear
when the kidneys are
— out °f order or dis
: j— ' Kidney trouble has
/7P%. )/ (I become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
// mp-f 5 mon for a child to lie
born afflicted with
-- rT**-’ JF ~ weak kidneys. If the
child urinates too often, if the urine scalds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
age when it should be able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet
ting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards tli; treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp=Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty
cent and one-dollar
size bottles. You mav si^HiaSSs!
have a sample bottle
by mail free, also a Home of Swamp-Root,
pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention
this* paper. Don’t make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer’s Sw'amp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every
Qualify Shoes ForMenj
!1 » ma ? yasfs a sensib’e, comfortable shoe, and a shoe that I
l , tIiCSO ' vords czactly describe the King Quality Shoe. 8
the solid common-sense heel, ejegant i:i outline, perfect in |
md yet a heel built for all day walking cr standing
stylish toe and the graceful instep supporting amhi Do you I
is comh’-'ps with comfort every time •' m
2. ki. C i )r. ■ i,(. i.myi pui .n ; (] the*
I-/AP, B , ‘ IP 1 ""' »" Alneri. af. r 3 J&j)
y—fj w
j A «J°iskS?®s-» ca fe&g '"'lhiJi
§Dr. Ellison, Spiciaiist, CURES MEN
My best reference and :rua ran tee is PAY WHEV room n
DH. W. T. ELLISON, Call on or Write me to confidence?® Office |
to 2p. m. Rooms 205 6 Aurt-V B' first floor B■ l" nh* ’ ? unciay 9 a ”*• I
N l *. 10*. FOHSYTPE STREEf ’ ATI ANt" 1 ' Entrance I
1 prepare and .0r... h a.i medicines to rry patients rflh I
a : j| Our machines are handsome in appearance strong
in construction, and perfect in detail; and we guarantee
TKfej pHc™ Ma^hin% good aS m ny ™ achine on the market at any
, P *5 , ach . mfS are sold under 10 year guarantee but will
laot a lifetime.'* CATALOGUE FREE. “, out will
1 Jno. Foster Co., 265-7 Decatur St., Cor. Moore, Atlanta. 9a.
LOST—One small Ladies’ breast
pin with small diamonds set in
gold leaves. Finder please
return to, and be suitably reward
ed by M. C. Low, McDonough
LOST—Cotton Book. A small
Cotton Book about memorandum
size, red leather hack. Name on
inside, “J. B. Holst Co.” Finder
return to J. C. Harris, McDonough
Ga. and receive liberal reward.
Dr. Austin,
at Hampton, Ga.,
From 18 to 25 of each month.
Diarrhoea Remedy
Is a reliable, pleasant and safe
remedy for bowel complaints
both in children and adults. Buy
it now; it may save life.