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«► ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦<-«•
Another highly prosperous year is drawing to a close with
every sign promising a continuance of future favor.
And we hereby call special attention to our stock of merchan
dise for the FALL SEASON, which is now complete in all its De
partments and if you will only come and let us show you we can
prove it.
Some People think that success is a mere advertising matter. However, we know better. Our success
lies in the Goods, in the splendid values which we offe?, and deliver to our customers. Below we call your at
tention to the following Lines:
! Our nillinery Department is now
> complete with Fall hats, in style
[ and novelty they are the perfect re=
i production of the best imported ideas
| They’ve been the foundation of our
! booming millinery sales.
| Miss Blanche Wentzell is in charge,
[ assisted by Miss Anna Johnson.
| Ready=to=wear Hats 50c. to $2.50.
$ Trimmed Hats from $2.00 to $lO.OO
Among high grade shoes Crossett and Queen Quality
► are Monarchs. Their names on the shoe strap signifies
the courage of its maker’s convictions. We have built
a large trade with these lines and we persistly give all
the value possible at the price, content to earn a fair
5 r"""""V" If there are good things
T* rrTt'>■ ; i!i! irrrnir jiitttj®
TtIvNI-'il i ; to be had we invariably
V ■ 'MI manage to get them. We
!:j ; I are exclusive agents in this
Ji 1 1 1! 'I h 1 j town for the celebrated
\ | VI I ! if Fecheimer-Fishel and Per
\ \ 1 i \jjj fection brands of clothing.
Mi ! Jl'iJW Also Duchess trousers, and
remember that these lines
are like Uncle Sam’s gold
$ to cent, a Button si.oo»Rip. coins; they are all made up
| to a certain standard.
We have them in all sizes. >
i We are loaded with the newest pat=
@ terns; all styish and nobby, and
more serviceable than any other
5 make. The prices are surprisingly
1 low..
Men’s Suits SB.OO to $25.00
9 . Youth’s Suits $5 00 to $16.50
* Boys’Suits $1.50t058.00
i Odd Pants 51.00t057.00
- ’-y il ■
JofjjJ? s
Dress Goods.
You will appreciate the novelties in Woolen and
Cotton Dress Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Hosiery;
Underwear, Gloves.
We are surpassing any previous record, and the
several departments of our house vie with each other
in a generous rivalry for the first rank in attractiveness
Below we quote you a few prices, all at old prices :
50C. 75C. $l.”
!>lnos, I’rowiis, i’.lacks Blues, Browns, Blacks Blues, Browns, Black
Panamas, Panamas, Panarnis.
Whipcords, Whipcords, Whipcords.
Serges, Serges, Serges.
Brillianteen, Brillianteen, Brillianteen.
Sicilians, Sicilians, Sicilians.
Mohairs, Mohairs, Mohairs.
Broadcloths, Broadcloths, Broadcloths.
Cashmere, Cashmere, Cashmere.
1000 yards best Calicos f>o WOOL FLA^S^ELS
3 yard Sheeting 7%c
Cotton Flannel 8, 10, 12, 15, 17%c WwilltC
15c 15c
t Flannelettes 10c 20( , 200
’Double Fleeced Outings 10c
, 25c 25c
Percales 10, 12%c
1 ' * i(* t )(*
Toil de Noids Ginghams 12%
Job Lot Gingham a 10c Fancy Plaids, 15,25,50 c
10x4 Sheeting Brown 22%, 25, 32%c Novelties, 20, 25, 50c
Bleached Sheeting 32% Tricot, all colors, 25c
We keep 2000 May Han ton patterns on hand all
the time:
We are showing new fall lines of Ladies’ Skirts,
in Blues, Browns, and Blacks from
$4.00 TO $lO.OO.
Look at these before you buy, as these are great
We carry complete line of RUGS and ART
We are agents for American Beauty Corsets; new
Fa!! Styles just received.
Wool Blankets from $3.00 to $7.00
Mixed “ from. $2.00 to $5.00
Cotton “ from st.ootos3.oo
Comforts $l.OO to $2.00